Wednesday, July 31, 2013

[WoWP] Digging Into WoWP Directories

That's what you can find inside, if you are curious what the next major update will bring in terms of new aircraft:




  1. Replies
    1. Those who play WoWP for sure

    2. me neither
      instead of adding things to WoWp, WG should focus on fixing the many broken parts

    3. Content doesn't interfere with those.

  2. Replies
    1. Ah, forget it. L-29 is czech, true?

    2. ?

  3. No Hellcat, No P-47, No British tree ... only rusian airplanes :/
    Wargamming ...

    1. look at the german tech tree, almost 1/2 of it is composed by "fantasy" planes
      He 112, FW 190, Hs 129, Ju 87, Ju 88, Ta 152 where are these planes?

    2. Branches need to be logical. Can't add all the content at once. Brits are to arrive SOOOON.

  4. A jet on tier VIII to stand against Me262.. nice :3

  5. Thanks for the info Overlord. It appears that the American WoWP players are not as numerous as you expected. I'm surprised after announcing that this game was made with a big focus on the American market, that the first update after the British planes is a Russian one. It appears that you rather stay true to your core market ^^ (just an observation, not a judgement of any kind, because I was expecting something American).

    Also I was rather expecting the MIG tree than the Yak, but I have to admit, that the Yak planes were more important in WW2. Waiting impatiently for part two of the Beta and hopefully the British planes all at once, greedy impatient Germans, I know ^^

    1. Agree not many at all playing the beta and it makes wander why that is you??

    2. I'm playing because it's a lot of fun! Basically stopped playing WoT for it after 17k battles, at least till the 2nd German TD tree comes out.
      I know it doesn't feature thrilling things like landing, taking off, refueling your plane, wiping your windscreen and also doesn't have cockpits, you know, the first thing I always turn off, but I still like it a lot ;)

    3. Afaik, the first line of British planes should be added before release. So, we do maintain Western focus with WoWP. Can't ignore Russia/CIS though, this region is native for us/devs.

    4. so, what happened to "we build WoWp for the western audience"
      not really working .. ehh

    5. Combined EU+NA CCU is comparable to RU unlike in WoT, so it's more or less ok.

  6. Will be interesting to see if WG can manage to not make Yak-9T completely OP.
    There's a "I told you so" on the line here.

  7. Will there any chance to bring back Me.P1102 and BK-5 cannon?

    I thought WG will bring MiGs first rather than release Yaks...

    1. MiGs will be added after release.

    2. Any info on those deleted aircrafts?

      Are they gonna be added later with changed class, turn into prem aircraft or deleted forever like T23 med?

  8. My biggest problem with this is that they are adding a third line of aircraft to the Russian tree, while the Japanese still have only one line and NO premium planes.

    Also, I still feel they need to focus on a working barracks, depot, and store. It may very well be that WoT didn't have any of those things at launch either (I didn't start playing WoT till around 7.4, so I don't know what launch was like). But for current WoT players who are used to having all that, the lack of those things in WoWP make the game seem like a HUGE step backwards from what we expect to see in a "World of..." game.

    1. Whoops, made a slight error. I've been playing since 6.7. I think 7.4 was when I first bought premium or something. In any case, working barracks, depot, and store have always been in WoT as far as I am concerned, so their absence in WoWP is really jarring. I suppose for someone who is totally new to any "World of..." game, it isn't as troublesome. But to me, it is like WoWP is trying to put new planes into a game where the basic structure is still missing.

    2. The japanese tree is ok so far. They never really had more planes. They only built large amounts of them.

    3. Nakajima Ki-27 Nate
      Nakajima Ki-43 Oscar
      Nakajima Ki-44 Tōjō
      Kawasaki Ki-45 Kai Nick
      Kawasaki Ki-61 Tony
      Nakajima Ki-84 Frank
      Kawasaki Ki-100
      Mitsubishi Ki-109 Experimental heavy fighter interceptor?)
      Kawanishi N1K-J/N1K2-J (Navy Land based Interceptor Fighter 'Shiden'/'Shiden Kai') George
      Mitsubishi J2M Raiden (Land based fighter) Jack
      Nakajima A6M2-N (Navy Type 2 Interceptor/Fighter-Bomber) Rufe

      Me thinks there are a lot of material to have more Jap lines....

    4. WoT was completely functional even in CBT 2010, barracks, store, depot - everything was there
      for WoWp, they're putting he carriage in front of the horses

      I don't understand how WG can be so cheery when they're loosing players / testers
      even the RU server lost 1/2 of the people registered at the start of OBT and they're back to CBT numbers - and WoWp RU is the most prolific server, with numbers of active player comparable to EU and US severs combined

    5. We will start with the Japs that are already in. Will definitely go for other lines/branches after the release.

    6. I forgot to mention something extremely important for us, testers: where is the ability to record battle?!?!
      for me, at least, figuring out an optimal settings to play the game smoothly is a great challenge - battle recording feature would've been most welcomed since it offers the ability to run the same scenario over multiple settings

  9. Sorry Overlord, but either you work on the flight model and the playstyle or is a no-no for me.
    Yesterday I gave another try to your game and... well, with a F2F I spend half the battle turning and looping, no lose of speed, no lose of altitude, and doing it so fast that I felt in the wash machine.
    It was so silly that I was laughing aloud.... :(

    And dont tell me it is only the F2F because in CB I reached tier X... and all the same.

    1. Nps, just sounds like you want more realism.

  10. Any specific info on the main characteristics of these planes? As in what will be their strongpoint, e.g. firepower, speed or turning?

    Either way looking forward to more russians :)

    1. E.g. Yak-9 which is very similar to Yak-7 relies mostly on its maneuverability, both horizontal and vertical. Yak-9T had powerful 37mm NS-37 gun. And Yak-9 was the most mass-produced Soviet fighter of all time - so it's not just some plane.

      Yak-15 was the first Soviet jet fighter.

  11. Overlord, I am a fan of Oleg K. Antonov and his later design bureau. I know that he worked for the Yakovlev design bureau during World War II or so, so I was wondering if you could answer me this: which of these planes had the strongest design influence from Oleg Antonov?

    1. I believe those would be Yak-3/9. Antonov was chief engineer in Yakovlev desin bureau in 1943-1945. Still his primary focus was on transport/trainer aircraft.

  12. Do we also see the Fokker D.VII (WW1 biplane) which was specifially named in the "terms of armstice in 1918" because they were so powerful?

    Btw. what is the reasoning behind the following:
    (im bringing this up because i see a T8 jetfighter being implemented)
    Have read that in the WOWP forum a few days ago

    I dont have the link anymore (could look it up if you like) but the interesting part is that the poster compared the development-years of the existing t6-8 fighters of the fightertrees.

    I was kinda surprised to find out that the mid-hightier german tree is nearly soley based on pre ww2 planes (as in developed before the war broke out) against a huge pile of 1943 up to designs considered far after the war ended (47-48).

    I cant imagine that 6 years of war-development brought the US and USSR on the same lvl as germany was before the war.
    Was germany SO superior in tech that you need to balance it that way or is there another reasoning behind?

  13. for those that might be interested a new map released by WT just look at the difference.
