Thursday, June 27, 2013

[360] Tanks All Around

Taken from here.

Did you have a chance to try the game in beta on during E3 2013? Any thoughts?

I don't own any console and my first PvP experience with WoT 360 happened about 3 weeks ago - found the controls pretty intuitive. Sure thing, gold Xbox Live sub requirement is a kind of entry barrier, unfortunately there was nothing we could. May be MS will drop this as they did with updating fees just recently. :)

And, which side are you on - Xbox One or PS4? 


  1. PS4 doesn't require subscription for free to play titles
    already announced PS4 versions of free2play games: PlanetSide2, DC Universe OnLine, WarFrame, BlackLight Retribution won't force people to pay a PS+ sub

    WG did horribly wrong going on X360

    1. Comparing Xbox 360 to PS4 is the same as with apples and oranges. You are mixing generations. We were not aiming to yet not established market/area.

    2. did you just asked, and I quote: "And, which side are you on - Xbox One or PS4?"

    3. you said nothing about PS3, current gen

    4. zMe ul

      @WG did horribly wrong going on X360@

      Since you assessed our choice, I do give you explanation that there was no choice between next gen options in the first place. We targeted already existing userbase.

    5. I see nowhere mentioned the PS3
      isn't that in the existing userbase?!

      you were the one complaining about subs, not I
      also, PS3 doesn't require a sub for MP at all

    6. 360 was the right move strategically - since the Mecca of 360 is the US, which we were aiming with this as a market most. Sony's performance there was much lower.

    7. Just found this
      They did things right.

    8. The PS+ paywall only applies to games using sony servers. F2P games with already existing servers will be outside the paywall, so games like PS2, Blacklight, Warframe and Dust 514 will remain to be totally F2P.

      Just a pity WoT threw their lot in with the Xbox 360 / Xbone for a little quick Microsoft cash rather than making plans to appear on both the Sony and Microsoft systems (after all the PS4 and Xbone both have pretty similar hardware setups)

    9. We are not talking about next gen as of now. They both need to establish themselves yet.

    10. XBox, XBone and PS4 are all very PClike hardware. Once they get the controls down porting to next gen consoles should be less work than porting anything to PS3.

    11. quote: "Sony's performance there was much lower"
      you are lying to yourselves and to us
      PS3 sales in the US are quite similar to X360 an not much lower as you say
      globally, PS3 dominates with 1mil more units sold than X360 according to ICD report for the period 2006-2012 and a forecast for 2012-2016:

    12. let's talk numbers
      "The Last of Us" a PS3 exclusive title sold 500000 copies in US, in the 1st week, on top of 380000 pre-orders
      in charts, is still the no1 game globally, also in US and UK sides

      comparatively, "BioShock: Infinite" a multiplatform game, sold 200000 units less in 1st week

      so yeah .. PS3 a weak platform my ass

  2. I'm taking the third option in the console war with my WiiU.

    1. Are you happy with the range of games available for it?

    2. Wii U would be an interesting choice
      the 2nd screen can be used to display the map and to issue orders on the map

    3. The game lineup so far has been sufficiently entertaining, and the games which are confirmed to be incoming are downright thrilling.

      As for Nintendo as the company might pertain to, I feel like the companies could be quite compatible with each other: in addition to Nintendo being a considerable staple in a market that Wargaming is taking interest in, there's also the fact that Nintendo is so interested in free to play as a payment strategy for video games that it's doing some experimentation of its own as we speak: Nintendo is currently developing a multiplayer version of Steel Diver that will be free to play, and doing research on possible payment models.

    4. The difference would be that Nintendo was more into casual / family entertainment so far. If that's about to change, then will see.

    5. That's what their first party studios do for sure (with a possible exception, if you count it, of Super Smash Bros., which has been a T-rated game since the days of the Gamecube), though they definitely allow third parties to make more mature games (the M-rated Bayonetta 2 and ZombiU, both of which are WiiU exclusives, come to mind).

  3. I am truly disappointed with WG's decision to go for the XBOX360, and this is purely just because Microsoft punched out the best deal for WG.
    After all, WG is money hungry, what kind of company with that kind of money they earn and pump out such a average games like World of Tanks and World of WarPlanes. I mean seriously, now you put WoT on an inferior console?

    PlayStation 3 might be harder to develop on but that's truly no excuse when you have that budget and the amount of money rolling in, the engine BigWorld is flaw'd. It's already showing it's age, it's terrible thought out and has many flaws that still aren't fixed yet. The engine has serious limitations unlike Unreal Engine or CryEngine where the possibilities are endless, Unreal Engine is even customizable which could easily be customized for similar conditions as the BigWorld engine and look 50 times better and run 60 times better. Even looking great on the XBOX360 while having the multi platform support for Mobile platforms, Linux and Mac OS.

    WG is pumping to much money into their pockets and to much money into the advertisement and way to little money into their actual product. That or the whole development is badly organized and terrifically insufficiently.

    Several years yet the quality isn't up for the challenge.

    1. Top of the iceberg view.

      Best deal? Sounds like you are the one who knows the details. It's business after all, and every factor counts. PS3 is not only "harder to develop" (and operate), its market share in our target regions is much lower than the one of Xbox.

      Unreal Engine or CryEngine? You are comparing apples to oranges. BW is solid network platform which is scalable and fast-performing. It's not a client-side engine / render, we have changed the default BW render in all World of series already. Getting rid of Python remains in the client will allow to improve performance in future. Plus it would be a good idea to distinguish high- and low-end versions of all games with the respective graphic quality.

    2. blah blah blah, BW does this, does that ...

      you heard of game called MechWarrior OnLine? yeah, no?!
      anyways .. they do server-side calculation based on modified CryEngine 3
      in a battle, the server side of things can track 640 individual ballistic projectiles fired simultaneously over 1Km from the firing location, plus additional lazorz
      when they'll extend the squad size to 12, that number will rise to 960 individual ballistic projectiles

      how many can BW handle? not that many ;)

    3. Remind me of that technology when it supports (decently) 800.000+ simultaneous connections with at least 1/4 of them being to a single server, ok?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. let's see .. EvE OnLine for starters, which is a much older tech than your precious BW

  4. X box One is absolutely terrible.

    1. has weaker hardware
      on top of that, reports say MS has issues with eSRAM low yield

      requires a day one activation, buying and owning a XB1 outside the list of 21 supported countries is useless - U'll have a big black useless brick next to your TV

    2. weaker hardware is to be proven in RL taking into account software side of things. Plus cloud services, even of both.

    3. that magical power of the cloud .. eh :)
      let's not call it dedicated server, which they are, and find a new fancy name .. "cloud"

  5. My opinion: PC > PS4 > Xbox ONE > WiiU. I will not buy consoles, but I would buy a powerful android tablet.

    1. You are our guy anyway - wait for mobile tanks :)

  6. i prefer PC ...but if i'd be "forced" to use a console i'll probably get a PS4 (f**k M$)

    PS: a Linux version of WoT would be awesome :D

    1. Sure, though I would vote for Mac first!

    2. Mac may be the first (better?) choice business wise ..... but still a good thing for Linux users :) Writing an OpenGL/OpenGL ES render for Mac and porting/adapting the rest of the client with portability in mind would be a great advantage for almost all existing (potential) gaming platforms PS4 included (except M$, witch you already addressed). Even trying to develop the Win client a bit more Wine friendly would be a nice start.

      PS: Looking at the big success WG enjoyed lately... would even make sense to licence an already multi-platform 3D engine like UNIGINE . WG should actually consider buying the whole UNIGINE corporation will be a good busines for both WG and UNIGINE ....WG will have in-house cutting edge 3D engine with multi-platform support and UNIGINE products will benefit from free advertising if used in WG`s popular titles (win-win scenario) . It will also made WG a bit more future proof as is 10 years analysts predict M$ will become allot less relevant in the consumer/entertainment market because more and more legacy that keep M$ alive today will be addressed by then.

  7. Honestly, Microsoft laid out their DRM and online plans to a huge wave of rejection - and their changes that came from 'listening to our playerbase' is directly translated to 'we saw the disastrous pre-order figures on the XboxONE'.

    I've always owned both consoles - as well as PC for main gaming. This time - if I buy either, it will be the PS4. M'soft have soured their intentions too much for me to trust them again, plus so many of their features will be US only, like the TV etc. Sony seems to have listened to gamers from the start, and built a console for gaming, rather than becoming some all-encompassing entertainment package.

    1. microsoft just wont make money,so they listen up only the game developers nad they care about their problem (piracy,the trade of used game,cloud gaming,ecc...)

      sony dont care about developers just listen about the consumer and do what the final cosumer want, an all in one station (dvd,blu ray,game,internet) for gaming and entertainment,for him ,for the family, for his friens.

      an example for sony it's the psp...when it come out it's was a compact ps2. absoluty fantastic. now it ****, they are suffering the competion of tablet and smartphone market, 600-800€ for a machine ,four time powerfull than a psp and every years hardare updated (changhe in model s1,s2,s3,s4 for example) and they are an all in one machine (mp3,photo,game,document,mail)

      they will dont make the same error 2 time.

    2. Both of them, Sony and MS, are doing (as they believe) what's best for their businesses. So in this case it's not really important what drove MS to do away with the initial limitations - pre-order performance, consumer feedback, or both. I believe, the competition won't be won at launch (day 1), and everything will boil down to quality and range of games available, quality of service, etc

    3. you are right, MS and sony have bot a huge ammount of fanboy for their exclusive game or console,and they are disposed to pay independently what MS or sony do or think.

      but this is restriced for the "fan boy" the other have a mind for think and watch what MS and sony do or think, so there is a % of people wich will leave the MS console in favor of PS4 if they dont care too much for exclusive MS console game.

      but this "event" it's just for the day 1, for my point of view sont have win a big battle but not the war, we dotn know too much about the servise of bot neitheir their future exclusive games.

      console is like compare pc whit mac they bot do the same things but in differents way, you need just decide what of this way it's good for you and what services you like most.

      fanboy are fanboy they buy that thing just because they belive it's THE BEST,independently if it's a good machine for him or it's work.(whit this sentence im very generaly)

      ah another things, these console will be figh on the price, they are too much similar "on paper",like xbonx 360 and ps3 who bought a ps3 it's for the bluray who bought a xbox one it's for the price in the biggest % (in my point of view,watching my friends and other people)

  8. Im with PS4... No doubt...will play WOT on PC thou.

  9. Very disappointed about the xbox360 choice. I have one but rarely use it. Didnt realize xbox live gold was required and almost didn't even activate my beta key. I did to do my part of testing, but its very unlikely i will keep playing. Bring to ps3/4

  10. Hey overlord, i noticed in the 360 trailer there was new cool looking explosion shockwaves, fires and building damage. Will we get those effects on the PC version as well?
