Tuesday, April 30, 2013

[WoWP] One Step Closer

With the release of 0.4.2 update controls-related issues have almost been overcome. Now we have got fully functioning game economy, basic equipment, consumables, and ammunition.  Plus there have been many other important changes introduced.

What's your impression of the current state of the game? What does it lack, if any, to go open beta?

Share your thoughts.

PS: removed the poll since it wasn't functioning properly (you'll have to agree that it was awesome)

PPS: If you look into - \res\packages\airplanes_common.pkg\vehicles\airplanes\common\decals\decoration\byPlane\ you will see a small heads-up :)


  1. If you are right (I'm skeptical), then from the standpoint of Wargaming, its ready to go. From my standpoint as a player, you need to go back to Alpha and rebuild it from the ground up. Decide if you want to make an arcade game or a flight sim, because right now you are stuck in a terrible limbo between the two that is not working out very well.

    1. Well, have you played 0.4.x series? Gave up the idea of sim long time ago.

    2. Though to be more precise I hate both terms arcade and sim, first of we are building a good game with enjoyable experience. If that's achieved, we have done our part well.

    3. I still got problems with mouse steering - when i'm aiming at something I'm not getting a smooth constant move of cursor, but something like jumping, very anoyable.

    4. Yes, though not 4.2, I'll try it out this evening.

      It may have been the intention to give up the sim, but you have retained the hardest part of sims - the flight controls. As of 4.1 every new player that starts the game, the first thing they have to do is go to settings and tweak the controls. And then try them out. And then tweak more. What fun is that?

    5. I heard you have to do the controls after every new update.

      Thats annoying too.

    6. Not after every update, but quite frequently. Well, it's a closed beta after all. Definitely won't do this at later stages.

  2. I wish you could take the "fun factor", game play modes, graphics and flight models out of "That other popular war planes game", and put it in WoWPs slick interface for customizing planes and equipment and UI. Also having it under the War Gaming umbrella (shared credits, gold, etc). It really would be the perfect game.

    Because good god, after playing the other game and coming back to WoWP ... i just can't. That other game has many many faults, economy being one right now, but they do have the fun factor and good lord the graphics are pretty.

    Not to mention they capture that feeling of "speed" that WoWP really doesn't seem to get right. I understand you guys are looking and taking into account feedback, that's good! But at this point you have to be getting feedback like this, i just don't see how you can compete in the long run with the "other guy". The Garage battle mode for a planes type game is almost a must. I could go on and on and on ad nausea about what's missing from WoWP that the other game already has. The new mouse controls are a step in the right direction at least! Keep going!

    1. On the spot don't agree on graphics (not going into deep analysis both games have their advantage) and flight models (controversial at least).

    2. Fair point! :) The latest graphics update was a huge boon to WoWP. Plane models i'd tick on the WoWP side, very good. I think the majority of WoT players are rooting for this game to be good because a lot of people really like the idea of the gold/credits/xp sharing. I'd love to be able to grind free xp in the skies and spend it on my tanks :) :)

    3. You will have that opportunity. :)

    4. I prefer WT maps, WoWP still looks very artifical, also plane models (even if they were in Shturmovik) seems to looks more realistic. On graphic terms WoWP got better WEP effect :) (oh that smoke).

    5. Don't agree on the model-side, the level of detail in WoWP is much higher. Agree on maps, though.

  3. 1) The flight modeling just doesn't *feel* right.. it feels less like I'm flying based on modeling of flight dynamics and more like I'm moving though syrup based on preset properties (like plane moves x speed, can turn y deg per second, etc). Hard to articulate.

    2) The BigWorld engine or whatever networking middleware is used is not lag tolerant at all. WT is so far beyond WOWP in this regard it's not even a comparison.

    3) The matchmaking breaks down for small player sizes. Because of the way WoWP's progression mechanic works (higher tier planes have more HP, particularly), lower tier planes are simply not competitive and hence are excluded from the matchmaking. The last time I tried WoWP I literally could not get a match since it was after a wipe and all I had were the starter planes. The only matches going on were tier 4+ and it would not give me a match.. after 15 minutes (I'm really patient) I gave up. WT gets around this allowing lower tier planes to materially harm/kill higher tier planes so it's a nonissue; higher rank planes are usually better but they can still be killed by a better pilot in a better situation--this doesn't happen with any consistency in WoWP.

    4) The fragility of aircraft means using the WoT-style one plane per game system isn't that great imo, especially when you can't reuse the plane until that match is over. Flight sims are, by their nature, faster paced than a tank game will ever be and artificially slowing the action down runs contrary to one of the strengths of the genre. This is probably the greatest design feature of WT, allowing people to quickly get back into the action.

    5) I love the equipment screen, where the model designation changes based on the loadout; it's a nice touch and I assume the designations are historical. This aspect is vastly better than WT's model where you have to rebuy each minor little variant change, which is just silly and punitive.

    1. 2) We are working on that at this stage. Should be a noticeable improvement soon.

      3) Won't be a problem when we have more players around.

      4) Understand your point. However I think (totally from player's perspective) that WoWP system is more predictable and fair, don't like huge unexplainable randomization.

    2. @dogdayz"I love the equipment screen, where the model designation changes based on the loadout; it's a nice touch and I assume the designations are historical. This aspect is vastly better than WT's model where you have to rebuy each minor little variant change, which is just silly and punitive."

      I prefer WT system - you can balance proper each version if you have enough tiers and of course you can stretch it onto specified tier i.e. both Panther variants A and G could be represent in the game at the same tier and both could be played equally, in WoT (despite that only G variant is represented) one variant would be designated as a stock and another as a top and that second would be significally (due balancing reasons) better than that first. But I'm looking on it historicaly I'm uninterested in WG own universum.

    3. The thing is that most of the players don't give a damn about history, especially when it comes to smth deeper than basics. Arcade battles in WT are much more popular than anything else.

    4. "However I think (totally from player's perspective) that WoWP system is more predictable and fair, don't like huge unexplainable randomization."

      There's something of a feedback relationship between the two though. The more limited one's plane selection is within a single match, the more important fairness and predictability become since the player has fewer 'chances'. In WoWP this is taken to an extreme with a single chance, hence fairness and predictability are crucial and there isn't much room for error in balancing or matchmaking.

    5. @overlord "The thing is that most of the players don't give a damn about history, especially when it comes to smth deeper than basics. Arcade battles in WT are much more popular than anything else."

      Yup but they keep historical corectness of various planes merged with tiered battles, twenty tiers allows Gaijin to balance planes by simple moves between tiers, a thing that WoT doesn't have cause in Wot you have to mess with original specs to balance properly vehicles. Sorry WT system is far more better than yours.

    6. dogdayz,

      well, you don't get ricochets in WoWP, so it's not always a problem to shoot down targets of higher tiers than you.

    7. plasot,

      you are missing the major thing - we are not trying to revive RL history or warfare in the game with that.

  4. 500ms input lag with mouse control scheme - I can't call that issue overcome


    1. So they're not in yet? Weren't they promised as the first tech tree to be released.
      Just before the Japanese tech tree was released?

    2. Initially they were said to arrive 4th, ie first after the launch. Right now we are still in closed beta. So neither of the announcements has been broken.

    3. as the old mandarin monks used to say, "when it's done, It's done"... Or was it SerB who said that?... I can't really remember ;)

    4. **chuckle**

      Sorry Overlord, that's a politicians answer. Don't worry, I suspect the WoWS team had most of the data already done and so it was easier to run with that.

      At least locally its a massively important selling point that WT has the RAF, but I am in the UK...

      I'll be honest I've not logged in for several months, as the controls were too horrid, and the frequent account wipes were annoying me, as it was hard to accrue exp to advance anywhere.

      I'll try to DL the patches over the next day or so and have an afternoon playing.

    5. Don't dare to launch the game without the Brits. It would be a capital sin

    6. Ok Overlord I spent an hour downloading the patches, and (oddly) over an hour updating the client. Gave it a nice retro feel, like it was the 1990's again and it took several hours to install.

      I do like the paint and colouration scheme, that's much better than WT, although I get the suspicion you'll be charging for it.
      The Economy seems much user friendly than WT's as well, although I don't know if that's due to Beta bonuses so people can test the game and not grind or not.

      Yup, coming from WOT everything is very user friendly and such forth. Nothing confusing exists, however the fact all the buttons have moved about is annoying. But If you've played and understood WOT you'll slot right in, as long as you can find the buttons.

      I whacked the engine up to maximum, as I can run WT in movie mode with no issues at that setting.
      WoWP looks like I was playing Battlefield Hero's despite being cranked up to 11. But that's not a problem, as they served. Graphics aren't an issue if the game play is good.


      First off let me say you get many, many bonus points for enabling me to zoom right out, so I don't have a huge plane filling my entire view. WT has a giant plane blocking the entire forward view in First person, this can get really annoying if you've got a big plane.

      For those who don't know, when I last played the controls were horrible. Hitting an enemy was like trying to urinate into a thimble at 300m, whilst doing a handstand with 15 Thai ladyboys giving you a back massage. The game made Ace status each game shooting down half the fliers. I remember seeing the following conversation in game:
      "So usual plan?"
      "Whats the usual plan?"
      "everyone fly into the ground in the first 3 minutes."

      It really felt as though it was 20 players Vs the controls.

      Well good news! The ladyboys have gone, the thimble is a bucket and its only at 150m. But its still awful. Part of it might be the flight model. It felt like the plane would only move in a grid, move 1 point up/down or left/right.

      But I persisted, did the sensible usual thing, climbed at game start then dived onto the bandits. At which point the plane was unable to keep its nose pointing at the target and I skimmed past. not even close enough to poke them with a long pole.
      Even when I got on someone's tail, in a tier I biplane I got 3 hits on him.
      So in the games I played I got outscored in air gunnery by my AI controlled tail gunner. By the same point in WT I had gotten a few kills and blown up several ground targets.
      It got to the point I was getting frustrated and annoyed, so I hit exit. I managed to kill an enemy tank or two in the first few games of WOT, I managed to shoot down bandits in the first few games of WT. In the first few games of WoWP I barely managed to get my plane pointing at the target. This doesn't bode well for grabbing people and keeping them interested.

      The in flight UI is also overloaded with information especially when you compare it to WT's minimalistic approach. Yes I know you can alter that in the settings, but in default its a bit messy.

      Sorry to be negative Overlord, but the core game play in WoWP is terrible and you're only hope is customer loyalty.

    7. kblack,

      have got plenty time before the release to fix that :)

    8. Listy,

      thanks for sparing time and giving your thoughts here - not going to argue about gameplay preferences right now. Agree on battle UI / HUD - going to polish it in the upcoming updates.

    9. No worries. I'll do all I can to help, because I want WG to succeed.

      Flight model aside its got allot of potential. Especially the development of the plane, especially the upgrades, that feels more organic than the WT system, where Hurricanes MK I and II (and variants like IID and IIC) are different planes. In WoWP they'd equate to the same plane with varied weapons and engines.

      The RAF thing is still an issue though, but that's only one that effects a small part of WG's market. Shame I am in that market.

      Oooo idea: Release the RAF/FAA on 15th September (Granted its not likely to be this year, but whenever)!

    10. If you ask me, the "gameflow" as we call it, should be enjoyable before you go open beta, since that is todays demo version for most ppl. But as far as i can tell, it looks okay in the recent vids.

      Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O3FjxZ4yHg

      When the game is decent i will play it like there is no tomorrow. :D

      I think something has to be said regarding dogfights.
      If you dont know exactly what you do and where you aim forward calculating the lag right, it should not be easy to shoot someone down. I think it will need a lot of experience and/or knowhow.
      And if there would be 2 equally good players, with equally good planes, it could be that a dogfight lasts a few minutes.

      At least thats my experience with Bf1942, and i dogfighted a few hundred hours as i loved that.

      Another thing is, that the entry to the game will be very different from WoT and i am curious, if the slow and/or not adapting players (which we have loads of in WoT) will stick to it when they try it out, even if its really well done. They cant hide somewhere in the back. Its really a complete different game.

      Last but not least i want to say that i like the WoWP battle concept a lot more than WTs.
      When i understood it right, you can start a few times in WT, and in WoWP you have one life like in WoT.
      For me that is the better concept, because death has a lot more weight. But maybe the concept is hard to compare.

  6. now after reading this post i wanted to give wowp another shot. last time i played it was during the alpha so i guess its only fair to try it out once more and see how the changes are and if it has become fun to play (it really wasn't back then, at least not for me).

    but guess what: worldofwarplanes.eu is under maintenance right now :(

    1. Sry for that. Come back a bit later.

    2. Well, the last post has been a while.

      i played a few matches and i'm actually able to not only keep my plane in the air with mouse and keyboard, i'm also able to shoot 1+ enemies/round. even better, its fun.

      keep up the good work. in its current state, i wouldn't switch entirely to WoWP (i still like tanks more) buti would definitively play a few rounds in between.

  7. I like the ew changes to WoWP and i wish some of em could be implemented into WoT like the voice that tells u where u been hit and what i does to your veicle

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Overlord, my WoT account is on the SEA server, and since WoWP doesn't have a server there yet I had to become a beta tester on NA. When the game goes live and there's a transfer from NA to SEA, will I still be able to unify both accounts, even if my email and username are different?

    Anyway, I think you're doing quite well with WoWP at the moment. Just need more aircraft types like floatplanes, bombers and it shud be good to go for open beta (I hope).

    1. Wolcott,

      uhm, that's a bit tricky. Not sure that such transfer is going to be done once again like it was in WoT. The best way would prolly be to submit a support ticket to NA side.

  10. You have all major features other than pilot skills by my reckoning. I predict two more months of closed beta.

    Unfortunately the ammo system is terrible. Its a clone of the WoT "more expensive is better" setup rather than being something that really adds depth to the game. I'm dissappointed. I had hoped the ammo types would be a real choice rather than a decision about how many credits to spend per match.

  11. Personaly I wait for Battleships.

  12. dear Overlord, regarding WOWp i have 1 message for you : go play War Thunder and you will see everything that your game lacks and even more

    WOWp is just ''shot in the dark''

    hope you will make battleships better, i honestly hope...

    1. I agree completely... Overlord STOP INVEST (OUR) MONEY IN A LOST PROJECT AND PUSH BATTELSHIPS! With Battelships you have the better market (not so many other good projects) AND ITS NOT THAT FAST AND IT WILL WORK WITH YOUR ENGINGE. WoWp WILL NEVER BE SUCESSFULL!

    2. Ah, I like these comments.

    3. Totally awesome guys. Not even going to moderate it.

    4. 1. Sorry but WT has won the competition here :(
      2. Leave the comments xD "Durr hurr we pay u wg we owes u"

    5. 0ritfx,

      it's F2P. Games are never complete until they die. Nothing won, nothing lost so far.

    6. True that.
      A bit of feedback here then:
      10 people in my company play WoT (we have sent to Paris an envelope with 10 b-day cards) and none has enjoyed WoWP even a little - besides me, but WoT still wins here.
      Colleague from the next-door room: "I was turning and turning and turning to hit a guy until somebody took me down". This is where WoWP has lost all 9 of them. I do understand your arcade-over-sim approach, but maybe - just big maybe here - it is a bad direction?
      I openly suport the attitude of WG to minimize the impact of individual players onto the gameplay, so that one pro does not wipe out entire squadrons - amen to that. But since WoWP does not contain so many random factors like - most importantly - map environment vairables and tactics following them, the gameplay will boil down to a battle of pure statistics?
      Everyone loves WoT because some soft tanks can snipe, and toughies can sidescrape etc. In WoWP there is a little that you can do, and since the sim factor is toned down very roughly, the players are left with... what exactly...? This is why people prefet WT I think - because WoWP is ultimately more monotonous.

  13. What is lacking ? Pilot skills. I understand the problems with controls are a big priority, but don't move forward without this alternate grinding mechanic.

    Otherwise situations arise where a player just plays for credits. That's not fun.

    1. Yup, pilot skills are underway.

    2. Unfortunately, the 4.2 update has made the planes react slower. This is with the standard mouse configuration and no tweaking of controls.

  14. Just a quick question regarding WoT (despite I was asking for more ships and planes updates :P):

    WHY is encounter mode based on OLD version of prohorovka without the terrain changes and the bumpy hills in the middle? This map is smooth like a babys ass just like the PRE-remodeled version. That's just stupid to bing a new mode based on the OLD version of a map :/

  15. Just read changelog, will download and try in the morning. With all new UI changes I want to see how long it takes me to get my plane ready for battle.

    I just hope I won't have to plug in my joystick

    1. Just saw NDA was lifted 4th of april, had no idea - no buzz ... sigh

    2. Buzz was put of until open beta :)

  16. As a big WoT fan I am loving the current "feel" of WoWP. The game has come a long way since I first started playing it.

    What it is missing? A Clan Wars or other type of metagame. I think the basic foundation is solid and fun but after learning the controls, what is my motivation to acquire higher tier planes and for long term gameplay?

    1. CWs will be added after the release as it was done in WoT.

  17. Well... now planes react slower than before, turns now makes you constantly "beating" your mouse just to turn 180 degrees. Reargunners are way too powerfull, but everything else is nicely done.

    All in all, its going in the right direction.

    1. Slower? A bit unexpected.

    2. Hmmm... no. I've just finished a session, and they turn perfectly. In fact, in a biplane I turned so fast I got dizzy....

  18. I honestly dont understand why people complain that this game is not WT.. most good games concepts have competitors, it helps drives the evolution ahead. my guess is WoWp will learn from WT but hopefully do things their own way.. WT will proberly learn from WoWp as well.

    looking forward to the day open beta comes so i can play this with my friends.

    just my 2 cents.

  19. Hey overlord do you have any email for me to contact you? or skype?
    I really have a big problem in World of Tanks.
    Or if you can go online in World of Tanks, to chat.

    Really urgent problem, need help. Come to WoT, i Wait you

    1. Is it possible to sort it out via support service?

    2. Already sent it, but no answer yet.

    3. Pls post here if you don't receive it in 24h.

  20. Hi Overlord

    As you are the main English language contact between devs and WOT community, can you give us some comment on this:


    One of the biggest reasons to play WOT is that it is mostly free of cheats, but that is no longer the case so the game loses much appeal.

    Are you able to stop these cheats working, given that they are all client side? Can you easily (ie. automatically rather than manually) detect people using them and ban them?

    Some feedback from you would be greatly appreciated.

    1. jediwomble,

      we are now investigating this.

    2. Well that's great, but please don't take the normal 'Soon/KTTS' approach to this problem.

      I realize that dealing with this is time-consuming and expensive, but you must appreciate that the perception that these cheats exist is just as harmful as the reality. As long as all we know is that your are 'investigating', without knowing that you have a definite solution to the problem, that's a massive disincentive to play & pay.

    3. Sure thing. This is being dealt with right at this time.

    4. Hi Overlord!

      I have my doubts regarding "This is being dealt with right at this time." Why? In the past Wargaming showed no real intention to deal with it. First you disabled the tracers for months but as can be seen now didnt fix the problem, that made that cheat possible.

      An other example is the handling of the security issue regarding replays also recording ingame PMs and clan chat. The guy who made that public got a ban and all threads regarding that topic got deleted at least in the EU-forum - btw he made the devs aware of it before he went public ... .

      Lets see how this plays out. I realy hope you will act this time and I dont mean disabling tracers, but deleting game accounts which use these cheats. Thats the only thing that works, but knowing WG and its policy regarding Bots-Users I have little hope.



    5. Well looks like this is gonna spread like wild fire because it just broke onto the forums. Prepare yourselves for lots of heartache and pain in the next few weeks.

    6. Forum is a relative minority. We are working on the appropriate measures.

    7. Overlord what happened with the mods policy post, I think the better policy is Blizzard solution with WoW and limit this one to the UI of the game.

      They have a lot of experience with this kind of problem, is it possible do request to them for explain why they took this solution ?.

      I know is difficult that Blizzard give you information but if you no try you don't know (quote of my country Spain)

      Best Regards

    8. We have hired a guy who will be responsible (hopefully) for mods and mod policy. As an initial step it would be good to have a list of approved mods indeed, plus we need to ensure that forbidden stuff doesn't do any (major) harm and doesn't spoil the fun for players.

  21. First of all OL, WoWp team did huge amout of job here. The changes are clearly noticable.
    But i have 2 major issues here with the game.
    1. controls - you still need to give them huge amount of love
    2. gameplay & arcadeness: you dont need any skills to pilot the plane in this game. I feel like i'm playing World of Tanks in clouds - and thats not, what i expect from flying games.

  22. For what WoWP is aiming towards, its OK. Players have to realise that flight and damage models and physics are not even vaguely realistic.

    My main problem with its just people turning in circles and for me, a person who's played IL2 through to DCS, it really offers me no experience I want. World of Tanks did it for me because it was a quick fix and a tank game with relatively well done physics and armour models. WoWP just feels like a very dumbed down but pretty facebook game where actual knowledge of dog fighting and flight dynamics really counts for very little. The problem I guess really lies in the fact that in real life a well piloted I-16 could take down say a 190A4, its just a matter of positioning. In WoWP such a similar scenario is impossible.

    All I can say is bring on World of Warships or whatever its called. WoWP is trying to compete in a market with a dominant leader whereas World of Warships will be its own niche.

  23. I feel WoWP is doing it backwards... [jedi mind trick] Pretty graphics! You don't need a working control scheme. I'm fighting the controls way more than any enemy aircrafts.

    Scrap everything and start over from the ground up with focus on the control issues.

    1. Even after 0.4.2? I'm a bit puzzled. Joystick, mouse, keyboard?

    2. I have to agree with Kenny. I have given up on this game because of the flight model. Its just the worst control scheme I have ever played with. Sorry still love tanks but after the latest update to WoWP I just don't ever see myself going back.

    3. Still the same Q. Joystick, mouse, keyboard?

  24. Nice update Overlord finally you bring stuff we know from WOT in game.

  25. For a player that has 2years experience on IL2 and some arcade fligth games too, wowp is just crap ( if not offensive - why? Because it negates any fyling experience ). Old Il2 has no graphics compared to wowp yet it's a much better game because it achived what it set out to achive - make you experience ww2 dogfights. I would fly over 10minutes for less than 60 seconds dogfight and that was still awesome. The rush; all that adrenaline, excitment, fear, concentration.. you were on the edge of your seat, pulling your stick hard, bashing the keyboard, straining your neck as you were yourself in that copkit. I got 4 kolobanov's so I experienced similar rush in wot, but there is no such feeling with wowp.

    All it makes me wanna do is smack on the head people who made algorithms for mouse controls

    You will change controls or you will fly yourself to ground.
    If you still don't know what is the problem it's smart response of flight surfaces ( there isn't any ). When I turn mouse I expect the plane to smarty response, not drag itself. This makes trailing and shooting impossible. Also where is the rudder ? It doesnt move at all. I could give you many examples but take the most trivial one - I move mouse say 100pixels to right
    - what I expect is slight roll to right and full right rudder until you reach your aiming spot, elevator keeping you level. The more you move your mouse to right you apply more roll and elevator.
    - what happens in game is your plane slightly rolls and then glides like jumbo jet

    I think I will deinstall wowp now, shame...

    1. That's exactly how I feel about the controls.

    2. Mouse play can never compete with joystick on those games and never did.

      If you are such a flightgame fan, why dont you use one?

    3. I do use one, but joystick is not the issue here

  26. Warthunder simply wins for me because it has the option to play Historical Battles, which are not only nation-based, but more importantly have more realistic flight models.

    Trying to make an air-to-air combat game accessible for "everyone" is just a total fail. There's a reason why 10% of the pilots shoot down 90% of the planes in real warfare.

  27. After testing last patch in WoWP, and doing a session in WT....

    a) WoWP is on track. Now it is just polish and improve
    b) WoWP will win the mass market vs WT. WT is for IL-2 fans. WoWP trumps when you just want log in, fight, have fun.

    Just MY 0,02 cr opinion.

  28. Hey Overlord, I've been playing WOWP quite frequently and I have to say I like it a lot (unlike WT that doesn't excite me at all) One thing however that spoils my ingame fun a little is the fact that all the missions start in the air already.

    Now my question is, are there any plans to include take-offs and landings pretty please?

    1. Not in the foreseeable future. Right now we are not working on these.

  29. Graphics is very nice with 0.4.2 and it works well on my 5 years old computer. Aircraft models are nice. Controls are finally quite formidable, but if I play I still miss something and I think I finally found what do I miss ... I miss cockpit view. I know you do not want to make flight sim, but the cockpit view gives to player the feeling of flying in the air. It also give you feeling of action.

    1. And for some players its the prefered view to shoot down planes.
      Like me.

      It doesnt need a full designed cockpit.
      A First Person View without anything in your way would be enough.

    2. There is first person look, just zoom with your mouse wheel.

    3. Good to hear. :-)

      How about rear view?

  30. What about CW, surely it can't be at the same time as wot CW ?
    I'm looking forward to wows, but I don't want to abandon wot when it comes out..
    It would be bad if we had to choose only one game to play.

    1. 1. Yes, there will be differences from WoT CWs.

      2. You don't have to choose one :)

  31. Hi Overlord,
    I tested the new update and must say, that much to my surprise,
    the controls made a significant step forward.
    Didn't expect this, that's a big leap ahed, when it comes to
    fun, because that was still my biggest point of critic.

    Also the new upgrade system feels more user friendly.

    Just one question. Will only Gold be shareable with the WoT account, or also free XP, I've heard it both ways, that's why I'm asking.

    Keep up the good work

  32. more planes would be nice. in particular less prototype planes. i dont have any problem with prototypes or export planes being in the game per se, but its a bit of a downer when half of a tech tree only existed on paper (like in the current japanese tree or german heavy fighter line) when there are plenty of other well known planes that aren't in the game right now

  33. WOWP is much more enjoyable since last patch. I can now shoot plane without crashing in the first minutes :) To be honest I am also testing WT. Games are different but at this point I will give a plus to WT for several reasons :
    - you can land and take off
    - Playing Bomber just is great
    - shooting gun tracer look more realistic. I do not like so much WOWP flow of white tracer. I do not feel I am shooting bullets but paint.
    - game garage mode is great. Implementing the same in WOWP and WOT will be a plus that do not cost so much effort. However a damaged plane/tank should not be made available until the end of the battle. Just because that send a wrong message to player : "what ever I do, I can start again in 5 secondes, I do not care about what I did good or bad as a team player as I start a new game with the very same plane/tank right away."

    But WT is also plagged by ennemy crashing in your plane rather than fighting. That is Much annoying and such suicide run should impact XP or credits income somehow in order to retaliate suicide plane. As a rule, the one trying to escape at say 30 meters distance do not get penalty, the one suiciding (not evading collision) would get very little income.

    Keep up the good work. And do not hesitate to "duplicate" what people like in WT to make WOWP a good but different experience. As a long time WOT player, I would really like WG to succeed. As a premium member, I am also looking for one single monthly fee, covering WOT, WOWP and WOB, at the same current price of course. After all, if I play WOWP I abviously do not play WOT at the same time so I am still using one server slot not 3. And to make WOWP profitable we will have as usual some very desirable Premium Planes + Free XP + camo, right :) ?

    Oh yes, a last thing, not in Red, big and bold character but just imagine character 1 meter high:
    Please remove gold ammo from random battle, or limit them (5% max of total ammo rack), or gun over heating (precision lost). It is Pay to Win, Gold or Credits are the same on that perspective. Why learn to play when you can farm Credits with two Premium then point and click... This is killing gamer experience on high tiers and I talk as a guy you just have 2 years experience battling on fields who get alleviate by mister Noob (mister because I do respect everyone in game :)

  34. Hi overlord.
    I played WOWP during earlier patches and found it quite frustrating, however the latest patch has made it very enjoyable, well done. Keen to bring in Crew skills but understand that that is already in the pipeline.

    My question is, when will there be a Wiki? AS a keen user of WOT I enjoy browsing the wiki to read up on any tanks I might be facing.

    Look forward to your reply.
