Tuesday, March 26, 2013

[WoTB] Going Mobile


  1. A little excited and some questions:
    Im assuming this will be F2P too?
    Will tanks be shared with WoT? Credits? Gold? free xp?
    how on earth will the controls work?
    will the mechanics be the same as wot?
    and ofc: Release date?

    1. also, does it have cartoonstyle graphics or is it just an early version, or are the mobile devices simply too weak for any better graphics?

    2. F2P, approx 7vs7 battles. Mechanics will be a bit different.

      Graphics on the screenies is fairly representative.

  2. awesome.

    that blitz logo might cause some trouble in germany though.
    i promise there will be some people seeing an "SS" there

    1. Have thought of that and change the lightning to having more segments that it initially had.

    2. Yep. This could be a problem. Some people (which have mostly no clue about gaming or anything else) in my country are a bit overreacting on stuff like this.
      Not only the lightning could be a problem. The word 'Blitz' could be too. As you all know there was a tactic called Blitzkrieg, which was based on tank units and are a well known part of Wehrmachts warfare. This game is about tanks and carries the word 'Blitz' with it. Already enough for some people.
      Just remember all the trouble with the game Blitzkieg...

      Anyway I would be glad if Wargaming just ignores such people.

    3. Know that. Blitz - because battles are shorter and more dynamic.

  3. Nice Idea... already thought about why you would ask about our mobile usage! ;)

  4. Of course i am excited, altough my xcover probably wont run it...

  5. can you make it available for web browder also? I think you would have clients fo that

    1. Prolly sometime. This is for mobiles only.

    2. I know WOT PC built base on Flash
      First, in browser, people can easy change some cache files or site's code, do you plan for that?
      Second, will you allow people to change UI or anything like mods in PC version?
      Third, which base this game will build on and also for browser version, HTML5 or Java because both are good for mobile?

  6. Will this be coming to Windows Phone in the foreseeable future? Windows Phone often gets left in the dust, but World of Tanks Assistant has a Windows Phone variant, and that's the type of smart phone that I use because it's the only type I know of to sometimes include built-in keyboards.

    1. Currently we are focusing on ios and android. These are primary platforms.

    2. Yeah I also have Windows Phone, no mobile fun for me!

  7. Hm, April Fool's Joke? I am skeptical, as the graphic is looking too good for a mobile device. But if its real, good job! :)

    1. That kind of graphics is rather easily achievable on todays modern smartphones and tablets. The mobile devices lack in the processing power to add lots of shader effects etc, but they can easily handle plain polygons and textures.

  8. I will play it right-away...only if the credits and xp i make there are transferred to the pc game. So this is my question: will it be like that?

    1. i will too get it right away if the silviu mention came true. even it cost 1 buck i will buy it too hehe

      that will be a really good idea to be able to transfer the credit earn to PC and maybe the XP convernt to free xp with gold just like the PC

    2. I would highly advise that You go with it ;)

      Just shared free exp and gold would make ppl grind on their mobile devices while they will still be playing he "main WoT" ;)

    3. @lim terry

      With credit transfer that would ruin the "premium" part of PC game, so I do not think we want WG to cut off their income, because when they stop earning anything on WoT, they will shut it down. Free Exp and Gold should be good enough, and credits ... maybe with some sort of penalties like for every 5 credits setn 1 is received or someting like that.

      I know that we would all want that, but we as players have to have a little bit more immagination, and consider what WG needs as a compay to still be willing to support and develop WoT :)

    4. Credits are definitely a no-go for any transfer.

    5. @ Przemysław Majkowski

      yea i do consider about that but come to think of this if they make that mobile app a $1 to download.... count the player base WG have in total in all server. that will enough to give them a big earning just by the mobile app itself if most of them do download it. (i bet so)

      and i think the credits earn will not be that much compare to the % u earn in PC. the penalties seem a good idea tho


      Credits are definitely a no-go for any transfer.

      that is bad =( i do personally find no point of playing the mobile version if the credits is no-go even if only xp can convert to PC.

      what needed most is the credits to maintain my Tier 10 and xp is of no use to most us with enough tier 10 onboard.

      the only point i will play is just like all other mobile game that is for time killing only haha

    6. Making credits and exp our tanks from"normal" is most important for me. If this will be not included into blitz then I do not care about this game.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. So this is your new job, Overlord?

    1. Including this, Im producer of mobile at this stage.

    2. +1 to congratulations here ! :)

      Your CV most likely is looking very inpressive at the moment, so it's nice to hear that You get better and better! :)

    3. Let's screw up another game, right ;)

  11. OMG, i knew it, i knew it, i`m so overexited now, can`t wait for it. Any clues about the release date?

  12. one word, actually they're 3 but U get the picture: LOL

  13. This isn't the Gas Powered Games title?

    Also you do realise the effect this will have on the economies of Europe and Russia? Now that you can play tanks during working hours too?

    I predict another recession...

    1. No, it's not.

      Yeah, me too. And some malnutrition as well.

  14. I am more looking forward to World of Warships!
    Mainly because i don't have an Android.

    1. That's ok, WoWS is a PC title only. For now :)

    2. So how about WOWP, will it have an smartphone/tablet version?

  15. Any SuperTesters wanted, and where do I apply?


    1. Alpha-tester are wanted, but a bit later.

    2. Count me in too... i can beg for it if needed.

    3. And where we will be able to join? As WoWp?

    4. I think You could just get all original WoT Alpha and Beta testers an invite that are playing untill now. These ppl are surely dedicated enough to just go for it, since they stayed all the way since launch of WoT ;)

    5. Overlord, how much time will pass till you start looking for alpha testers? It is question of 2 months or rather half a year?

    6. Can't speak on dates at this stage, you won't miss the announcement - that's for sure.

    7. I know that I will not miss announcement :) , but I can be still user of only a "dumb" phone, if alpha starts soon (ie less then 6 months). I would like to help in making another tank game, but I am not going to advance buying of new - this time "smart" - phone :)

      And btw, will it be playable on smartphones, or only tablets make sense due to screen size?

    8. On both tablets and smartphones. Though primary focus is on tablets. Not speaking of dates, don't rush. :) My advice would be grab smth top of the current gen or wait for next gen (eg ipad5).

  16. Interesting! I work nights, with a internet connection and lots of down time...

    So questions!

    In the light of my recent rants about controls, how are you planning on controlling the tanks?
    Will there be support for Keyboard docks and USB mice?

    Will the maps be straight copy/pastes of WOT maps?

    How will this tie in with the main WOT account? Will progress be shared?

    (PS: I'm game to help out with the testing as well)

    1. 1. That's secret for now.
      2. Thinking of that, don't want to allow unfair competition of touch vs gadgets.
      3. Maps will be different.
      4. Login credentials will be the same, ie game will utilize single WG account. Deeper integration is to be decided.

    2. Thanks.

      1: So with the integrated login, will progress carry over?

      For example day 1, first minute of WOTBlitz being live, I'll have all my tanks unlocked from my WOT account? If I grind up a tank on WOTB will that carry over to my PC game?

      2: How will the maps be different? I was kinda looking forward to being able to do what Mediums and lights should be able to do on the normal maps, but with lower populations. More sneaky sneaky, less head butting.

      3: Finally, that release announcement only covers the USSR, US and Germany. Will the other nations such as the UK be included? the description leaves both as a possibility.

      Oh, I hope you're aware of the advertising lines you can come up with, such as:
      "Is that a tank in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?"


    3. 1. With different progression speed and possible different tech trees - most likely it wont. So, you will need to start over. But we treat this as a totally new experience not as extension to WoT PC.

      2. They will be smaller and prolly more even - these are mobile requirements.

      3. The nations we have announced are a basic set, ofc we will utilize WoT PC content. That's for sure.

    4. Ok thanks Overlord. Still very interested in how the controls will work. But I guess I'll have to wait.

    5. 1. Maybe a bonus to free XP or credits? For example your PC WoT account could receive 30% of the credits you earn in a match you played in WoTB? I understand that this is a different game but I'm sure many players would like it if they felt they could help their WoT account by playing a few games on the bus.

  17. No way that game is going to run on my LG P500 :/

  18. Well I don't own a tablet as of now (may get one in the future) so this isn't of huge importance for me.

    I think my questions are the same as everyone else's; how does this tie in with the desktop version?

    Also, I like the look of that desert map with the railway bridge, could it or something similar to it make an appearance in the 'main game'?

    Finally, how similar to the main game will this be; will the tech tree's be the same? Will it basically be a downscaled version of the main game?

    1. Also, am I right in assuming that there will be no arty in this game? I didn't see any in the screenshots or the description. Not that I really care about arty in this game.

      Oh, and will we have to start at Tier I all over again?

    2. It's not a downscaled version of PC title. It's a unique mobile game with different content, ie trees not going to be identical to PC. Same for maps and progression speed.

      Currently we are announcing 3 classes or 3.5 light/med, heavies, tds.

    3. OK, so will the progression trees be more 'streamlined' for want of a better word?

      The light/med category sounds interesting, any word on how the MM will work? Will there be ten tiers like in the regular game?

    4. Yup, "streamlined" fits here.

      Can't share more now.

  19. Hi Overlord!

    A while back you wrote:

    "I will be heading for GDC 2013 to San Francisco later this week and prior to the event I will be talking to our EU and NA offices regarding (in)formal community relations, blogs, information policy and relevant stuff."

    Any results regarding those meetings with the "WG underlings" from WG-EU/NA???

    1. Yes, I think we have done a great job here. Hopefully, the results will appear in the near future. At least initial results.

  20. Sounds interesting. Especially the controls will decide if this can be treated as a tier 1 mobile game.
    If you are searching for testers, count me in :)

    1. Will be searching some time later. Thanks, anyway!

  21. How about re balancing a KV 5 in real WOT a bit on gun department? Going against tier 8 with crap gun is a challenge against tier 9 is waste of time!!!

  22. I am very exicted....
    Small question. With android's "kernel" being developed from a cut down Linux kernel will there be a possability of Linux version? or even a Linux version of your other titles?
    I have all 4 platforms at home so will put my hand up for testing again.

    Keep up the great work

    1. There is always a chance. Btw, ipad/iphone version brings as closer to mac as well. So..

    2. now all we need is a rts - Hammers Slammers game in the mix and I will sated for a while.

    3. Heh I want a Panzer in WOT!

      Eat 20Cm hot plasma death IS-7!

  23. Nope, until I will heard that:
    - game got historical tanks with historical configurations (no prototipes and blueprint tanks)
    - there will be hardcore mode (you know, without health bar, to the last standing module)
    - all tanks are properly balanced
    - there is no powerful arty
    - SerB didn't contaminated it with his stupid (moronic, idiotic) ideas

    Until this I don't give a damn.

    1. 1. Hm, why not
      2. On mobile? Cmon. Not gonna happen
      3. Doable
      4. Or no arty at all. Just tanks, right?
      5. SerB is focused on PC projects mostly

    2. @overlord

      Okey, I will admit that hardcore mode on causal platform is too much. historical tanks are doable cause trees could be less branchy and not extended to full ten tiers.
      Sorry about SerB but currently I'm pissed at him for whole maps issue (you know "there will be no adjustment in maps rotation (i.e. ability to choose specified map) cause players are lazy to learn new tricks" - sorry but devs are lazy providing poorly designed maps (El Haluf, Province) and not adjusting mediocre maps (Kampinowka, Murowanka, RedShire)). Wrrrrrrrr I could bite.

    3. In this case the maps are better to be removed, ability choose won't help.

    4. And please do not put artys!!!! Those things already ruined WoT

  24. Where will you get suggestion for this game, on forum like WOWS or blog?

    1. Will get a closed forum for that once beta is on.

  25. WoT without arty? Sounds like a serious improvement.

  26. Can You post some possible system requirements for mobile devices? I guess at least 1ghz single core processor, 512 meg ram, and about 100 meg of install space? Or should that be scaled up a bit, and require at least 2 core processors?

    Also I guess that this will be limited on android to a certain "minimal version" like 4.0+, or will it be not limited in that regard?

    1. For iOS: ipad 2, 3, 4, mini, iphone 4s, 5 (not sure regarding 4). For Android it's a bit trickier, tegra 3+, I would say.

    2. But Tegra isn't a requirement? For example, Adreno 225 or 320 would also work?

  27. Maybe it's a silly question, but are the models/maps somehow compatible with World of Tanks? I mean - that screenie with the desert village and the bridge looks interesting, would like to see that in World of Tanks

    1. Maps are different, but we do use some map content, as for tanks - we are using the same downscaled models from PC.

  28. If progression/tanks/premium do not carry over I can not see myself playing this at all.

    I do not want to grind all over again just to play the tanks I want on a tablet.

  29. BTW, i hope it will be available on phones too, not only tablets ?

    1. Now I'm really curious about the interface. Sure you can't give us something?

    2. Not right now. It's a pre-alpha version

  30. Are these guys in big trouble? http://pt.gamebox.com/
    You would think people would make similar games, but here garage, tech trees, mechanics, controls, UI, all that has been so bluntly copied. I just don't know what to say...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I know WOT PC built base on Flash but mobile do not support it so which language it will built on, HTML 5 or Java, which may have problem in security?

    Second, like you said, you could expand it to browser, so people can easy change some cache files or site's code. Do you want allow players to be able change UI like mods in PC version through this way?

    Third, if you are not allow to touch cache files, will you have options or ways for people to change UI?

    Fourth, for beta, which one will come first, iOS/Mac or Android? I have ipad so I hope iOS come first.

    Curious questions: Which office will handle this title and which country the server will be?

    1. Look like I am in your ignore list...
      Have a nice day, sir.

    2. 1. C++ mostly, security will be good. We are using same server-side BW tech.

      2. No plans for browser version.

      3. Yes, there will a possibility to change control schemes and we are also thinking of controls editor.

      4. iOS version is likely to come first, but we are working on both.

      5. All offices will contribute. Servers should be around the globe to provide nice pings.

  33. Will the iOS and Android versions be playing in the same battles, or will there be separate queues for each platform? In other words, would I be able to use my iOS device and platoon with a friend on an Android device?

    1. For that matter, will there even be platoons?

    2. Same server. Droids and fruits will be play together.

      Sure thing, platoons are a must.

  34. Can you make it available for Kindle Fire HD?

    1. Doubt it will be able to run the game. We want to keep great visuals.

    2. Are you sure? It has comparable hardware to the nexus 7.

    3. As I said, right now - not sure.

  35. If you are still looking for alpha testers I would definitely be interested. Have both an iPhone and iPad.

  36. Any chance this will lead to an Android client of the "old" WoT?

    1. Linux is a must Overlord, especially now that Steam and Valve are porting their games to it. Speaking of Steam, now that you are going Multi-Platform, will you consider allowing Steam to support your game? Also: Will any of the IPod Touch line be able to run Blitz?

  37. These pictures looks like about the same quality I play WoT on PC.

    And I have a good PC but still I have to lower the graphic to this lvl because of no multicore support.

    While PC do don't, I assume wot blitz will support multicores on the smarthphones.

  38. I saw the WOT: General on NA website. Do you also look over this project?

    I think this will in HTML 5 cause you say Java has problem in security, right?

    Will it like Yugi Oh card game play or 3D cards look similar to Atlantica?

    1. 1. At this stage - no. Only when and if and comes to mobile

      2. Afaik, HTML5.

      3. Havent played neither of them. Closer to first I think, but not a close match.

  39. If I wanted to play a game that looks like a cellphone/tablet quality game I would just go play WoT.

    Speaking of, how about those Leopard 1 leaked stats?

    Overlord, I would like you to relay this message to your devs. "Come out and say you hate the German race. It's obvious it's not just a 'Nazi' thing. Come out and say you guys are bigots and that you will never give Germany a competitive tank used in Clan Wars, T10 pubs, and tournaments. I will respect that much of your team then, and leave your biased game on good terms".

    Thank you.

    1. You are right...i expected the poor armour, but giving it such a poor Rof...i mean this is even worse than e50M. Please explain us why german tanks have the worst dpm among all nations

    2. This are not even stats from test server build and you already whine. Leo stats can be changed many times before he will be released.

    3. I really hope so...either way, this will be another fail tank for the germans

    4. Complaining about the Leopard already?

      The E-100, Maus, and the E-50M all have their places in clan wars. It's not a multirole tank like the T110E5's or the IS-7's, but they can difinetely have their specific uses in Clan wars.

      Even at that, who says you are stuck in the German line... If you think the German tanks are so bad, get something else... just the way everyone else does.

      Or... are the Germans... what's that word you guys always call the Russians...

      In all seriousness, try using some stuff from the other nations instead of just complaining that the German tanks can't compete. If nobody uses them, they will get buffed to be used more, but, that hasn't happened yet... because people still use them.

  40. Hi OV,

    you didnt answered about android version. There are some decent multicore models with 2.3.6 on board. Will it run blitz? Will you keep it casual or you plan end-game content (CW?).
    And one Q about WoT Assistant: you have android and iphone ver 1.4.1 and WP - why they are not released simultanously? i see a little bias there.
