Monday, February 25, 2013

[WoT] New Mod Policy

We are currently updating our mod (user-created extensions) policy for World of Tanks.

How it looks like so far:
  • Disable everything that gives any kind of advantage in direct form: laser-like pointer, transparent tree crowns, hit-box like skins in-game, etc
  • Also there is an intention to disable mods that are using modified client scripts (automated fire extinguisher, automated repair kit, auto-shooting etc)
  • Mods that are not related to scripts and only modifies visual side of UI will still be tolerable (WR efficiency mods, XVM, etc)
  • Some mods can be integrated into the game client (which ones - under discussion).

What do you think?

PS: also there is an idea to appoint a person who will be dedicated to mod-related  activities, including relations with mod creators and possible subsequent integration of most successful works into the game or other kind of promotion. 


  1. Probably a good thing. Would something like this be illegal in future ?

    1. "hit-box like skins in-game" !

    2. Hopefully they can enforce it, there are a lot if users out there with shrub removal.

  2. What you mean with hitbox ?? you mean the weakspotshower mod ??

    1. Yes, they are commonly refered to as 'hitbox skins'.

    2. Featuring modules and/or armour groups.

    3. How do you recognize standard hitbox ( not 3D ) mod if historical skins can be done same way ?

    4. So are the hit skins that just paint parts of the standard hull a different color to tell you that's a good place to shoot okay?

  3. Replies
    1. No, there is a mod that allows you too zoom-out further but it is not the same as the free camera mod.

    2. It's one that just allows you to zoom out more than the client natively allows, but still keeping the camera fixed on the tank.

    3. Yes I use such zoom, which allows to get view from one step higher point that the one in game, just because it allows to see nicer views of maps. It gives me almost no advantage (sometimes thanks to withdrawing camera I can see slightly better what is behind some buidling, but it gives small profit once for 1000 battles or smth like that)

    4. Like this:
      Definitely an advantage in certain situations.

    5. It sounds like something that should be integrated into the game, rather than banned.

    6. I use zoom out to stop the game camera from bouncing around on city maps like Ensk, especially when you're driving around corners. Once you're lining up and shooting tanks it's no use at all.

    7. The zoom mod allows you to zoom in more than the client's original setting. It could be zoom in up to 128x. But the camera is still fixed on tank.

  4. i think this is a move in the right direction, however, i have yet to see an official statement in english on the official portal. As currently, the only official statement on all this so far is that bots are not allowed.

    1. Of course there will be such an announcement, once we finalize the decision - it's not for 8.4.

    2. Right now some mods are banned on RU and EU but not on NA or SEA so its already a mess and players are already confused.

      Furthermore, given the recent RU mini-patch already contains anti-bot/mod scanning software (see, the process has already begun and an official announcement is desperately overdue.

    3. Mod policy should be unanimous across all regions - at least across those that participate in the same eSports events and potentially can be a part of a single Global Map.

    4. @ Potoroo

      Hard to say that any mods are banned on EU. There was never any official info on our website. Information policy is here very weak. We have currently on EU only chaos and rumors.

    5. i don't really care which mods are allowed and which are banned as long as you minimise the risk that I will install a mod and get permabanned for not knowing that the mod was illegal.

      currently i have no idea where to find list of banned mods and common sense doesn't work in a grey area (like zoom out or skins)

      so after installing inappriopriate game mod I should be informed what I have to remove and be able to remove it and continue playing.

  5. so that what Graf zeppelin linked will be illegal?? no sense :( they will be players who know weakspots ...

  6. what is with jimbos mode ?? will it be illegal ??

  7. Here I am with comments as usual, is there a loyality porgram or sth? :-D

    IMO, what should be adfed is:
    - WoT tweaker lever of effects settings, and with FOV sliders for both sniper and arcade. I would love that.
    - J1MB0's crosshair mod. Probably most popular at the moment. Makes everything much more simple.
    - Since skins will be blocked, make modules and armor thickness just toggleable in garage, so You can just click to make tank semi transparent to reveal modules inside (or glow through tank like when we aim at enemies behind a bush if You know what I mean), or click another icon to replace tank skin with color map that represents armor thickness. Players who do not know weak spots need that tool.

    From other things You could give us is an option to select alternate icon sets for shells/modules/tank, and an option to simply move Your UI around the screen instead of it beeing in fixed position, or disabling some elements (like turret rotation indicator).

    In general, I like the direction You are heading :)

    1. What kind of loyalty program you mean? :)

    2. No idea, it's You blog after all. ;)

      I'm just here giving all the feedback I can, that's all. Of course i'm totaly against some decisions WG makes, but still I try to give feedback anyway.

      On the other hand ... I wish we could rebuy our sold premium tanks for credits if we had them. Even 10 times the price we sold them for in credits (just because I sold my gift for participating in beta :-P) wouldn't be to high at all, but I guess that's not gonna happen any time soon. :-P

    3. Generally speaking, loyalty program is a nice thing. Don't think it should be on a refund side of things, I'm thinking more towards extra bonuses/rewards and such stuff.

    4. I don't need a refund, i'm actually willing to grind that tank back. It's just a matter of no way to get it back despite it beeing the only thing i got for several thousands of battles played in beta. I have much better golden cash machines that I either bought or received, 8 to be precise if we count tetrarch and other low tiers, so that's just a sentiment here.

      If we ate talking about "extra for loyality" i do agree. At the moment You have these medals that have several classes, or expert medals, that do not give anything except an icon in stats. Utilise that, let players see these milestones next to nicknames on battle loading screen, maybe let player choose one tank to use that as a turret decal when he reaches the top class, or sth like that. These are things that will not hurt Your businessmodel at all, and there are tons of achievement hunters out there.

    5. In-game faction based rewards would be nice.

    6. Przemysław Majkowski,

      I get it now, sounds more reasonable.

    7. Gankalicious,

      thanks for the ideas, I do like some.

    8. Przemysław Majkowski has some awesome ideas to be honest. I really really like the part with achievement title nest to the nickname and about turret decals.

    9. TBH that's not entirely my idea, as it's (in a way) inspired by Planetside. They have pretty similar system, where You have to grind exp for weapons and equipment (just like we unlock things like parts and tanks in WoT), but except only having unlocks, the same exp translates to ranks that are represented by rank icons that You can put on Your characters shoulder pads. Since we already have ranks in form of these "classed" medals, it just feels like a natural extension of it ;).

      BTW: in terms of getting back tanks that were gifts, I bet that there are a lot of players that feel this way with their beta gifts, but also preorder tanks, and that alpha tanks that wiki editors got. These are nothing else, but a sourveneir, maybe with an exception if that T8 preorder tank.

    10. I think we could do some research to estimate the number of such players.

    11. I guess that's just a matter of threating gift and other unique tanks as "unlocks of vehicles" instead of putting them in thesame category as "purchased vehicles".

      But reffering to my original post: You still didn't comment more advanced graphical and display options ;). Is there a chance we get FX menu to toggle every effect separately? And FOV sliders ... that's sctualy the only thing I will ask again and again and again, as that's my biggest interest I guess :)

      But I do appreciate the amount of attention You give us all here on the blog, so don' get me wrong on that above :-P

    12. Cheers Overlord- it's nice to get some feedback.

      I also sold my PZ V/IV in a fit of rage and would love the chance to buy it back just for the sake of having it in my garage and crew-training.

    13. I agree with Przemysław Majkowski "...- Since skins will be blocked, make modules and armor thickness just toggleable in garage, so You can just click to make tank semi transparent to reveal modules inside (or glow through tank like when we aim at enemies behind a bush if You know what I mean), or click another icon to replace tank skin with color map that represents armor thickness. Players who do not know weak spots need that tool..."

      People learn in different ways: some are visual and some are conceptual. If there was a hit box utility IN-GARAGE for people to study outside of battle, they could enhance the training their clan gives them or the experiences encountered in-game. Discovery learning is A way, but it is the worst way. For those without a clan, it is extremely difficult to learn. You can teach someone in a training room, but they may or may not understand. Some people need to peruse, at length, information to 'get it.' It would not be cheating, everyone would have hit zones available. Real tankers have been studying schematics of enemy tanks (when available) for a long time.

      So in addition to a hit box skin in-garage, I also believe there should be a solo training room option. I can grab a couple of clanmates and train what I need to train. But those without a clan have a more difficult time finding mates to join a training room. But there have been times when no clanmates have been on, and I wanted to train on a map.

      You'd make everyone happy with these changes: the quality of Pubs would increase dramatically. More Pub Match teammates would be better trained to avoid bad shots. Its not unfair- at the end of the day you'd STILL have to mentally recall info during a match.

  8. What about Mods which modify the crosshair / reticle mod , or remove smoke effects when you fire your gun, or the scopeshadow, tank engine smoke exhaust
    would they be tolerable mods ?
    some of the mods mentioned can in the past been helpful to improve frame rates (FPS) in older builds (version 0.7 to 0.8.1)

    1. Most of "UI only" mods are likely to stay legal.

    2. What about the following:

      * Reload Timer Mods like J1mb0's Crosshair Mod
      * Locastahn's HD Minimap Mod

    3. Those would count as UI mods I think.
      In J1mb0's case it lets you see the reticule easier. Also there is a sort of reload time in the default game crosshairs, J1mbo's and other mods just put a number to that.

  9. What will be the penalties for breaching the rules? Temp ban?

    Will you gift out a program that allow us to scan our computers before we play so we know if we are safe or not?

    I have tons of mods installed (sights, minimap, xvm, OVM, zoom out) and I really dont know anymore what is in there. :)


    1. Not talking about penalties at this stage (tho banning is a way to go) - just finalizing the concept of what is allowed and what not.

    2. Instead of banning players, why not simply prevent them from joining a battle, or at the very least be nice enough to perform a client side scan when starting the game?

      I understand anything client side could be circumvented (which is why the protection would be mirrored by the server), but the point isn't to prevent those who want to cheat with the client side scan, rather it's so those who accidentally install a mod which is no longer allowed aren't punished. It would also be useful if there happen to be any false positives.

    3. Ofc we don't want to go on a banning spree by default. We will think of a proper solution.

    4. It's best to put some scan in launcher and if something illegal is found you can't play game until you remove illegal mode. Ofc, some server side scan is must. And you need to make some list of illegal modes which can be seen easily from game web site.

  10. You may allow all mods in Team Training or Tank Company where players don't get rewards after a match.

    1. The thing is should be either forbidden or allowed with no in-betweens.

  11. what about the crosshairs that give a countdown in sec of how long you take to reload? ex: jimbo's

  12. What about regular custom skins, would I be able to keep a pink panther riddled with silly animated ponies as decals? Also what about audio, will I be able to keep a British voice pack for my crew and custom music pack, say playing Sabaton music instead of the WoT soundtrack? Please respond!?

    1. Anyone? Can anyone verify on custom skins and audio client side?

    2. There is no obvious way to distinguish custom skins. IOW, it would be exceedingly difficult for any scanning software to distinguish between a skin that showed weak spots and one that showed Bronies. That would require highly sophisticated pattern recognition.

      I can see this policy change causing more problems than it solves.

    3. Oh god please no, please don't make this so. I would probably stop playing for a long while until a workaround is created. The ingame skins and tank paints are godawful.

  13. Horrible idea. At a time, at least on the NA server, when WG has been bashed up one side and down the other for the debacle known as Rise of the Americas, and at a time when War Thunder is taking players away, WG decides to piss off the player base even more.

    I can see removing the no-foilage mod, but that's about it. What's the harm in the others. Hit box skins don't really add an advantage in the game. Jimbo's mod doesn't benefit you other than telling you the seconds to your next shot (something WG should be ashamed they didn't put into the game in the first place). Etc etc etc.

  14. this statement creates a lot more confusion than it should
    the banable mods should be clearly described and even named if necessary

    quote: "Most of UI only mods are likely to stay legal"
    the hell does that even mean?

    1. Which word of it you don't understand?

    2. it's not the word, it's the whole sentence
      most of them? meaning what? be more precise please

      as I said .. you create more confusion than settle things

    3. Theoretically UI mods are harmless and can all be allowed. However, there can be exceptions to the rule. Again "white tanks" mod, is it UI of hit-skin or borderline.

      With the post, I'm giving you a heads-up of what to expect, not the exact rule-set that will be implemented.

      Once finalized, the decision will be announced it detail.

    4. ok then, waiting for the official word

    5. In defence of the white tanks mod (assuming you mean the one that change the skin of destroyed tanks to white), i think you need to consider the fact the whole mod have been created to make up for a component of the game (probably engine related?) that doesn't work as it should, in fact, you can't always see the silhouette of a working tank behind a destroyed one.

    6. that's WG for you, instead of fixing it, they ban mods who "fix" it
      although I never used it, I can see it's usefulness

      remember the whole OvTM before WG bough the mod
      or the foliage remover mod who was initially design to help people with under-powered notebooks

    7. Like Wallhack in FPS fix the problem of a player not visible behind walls

      Shame on you WG !

    8. David, what you said doesn't make sense.

      A wallhack in a FPS let you see something you aren't supposed to see.
      White skins for destoyed tanks makes you see something that you should already see thanks to the silhouette, but you don't because the engine can't handle it well.

    9. The thing with the white tanks mod is that it takes out some of the real life elements. In real life you would have pretty much the same thing as it is without the white skin mod.
      It's really really hard to aim at something when you have to look between the othr tanks hull and it's gun in real life aswell.
      I really don't think it's a problem you just have to overcome it or think of a new tactic to use.

    10. in real life? hello!
      real life here - dude, you are playing a game, not even a sim for that matter

    11. So we can add unicorns as well, right?

    12. you already did, it's called E-50M

    13. zMe ul. Just because it's a game (and not even a sim) doesn't mean it can't have real life elements in it.

      Take battlefield for example it's a game, yet they are trying to make it as close to real life as possible (it's not even a sim!).
      Or take call of duty that's also a game and they are also trying to get a real life feel of the game.
      If they are just games then why doesn't battlefield/CoD just make their weapons sound like laserguns? It's the damn logic as you used.

    14. you putting BattleField and CoD in the "as real" as it can be
      good god! ignorance is bliss

    15. Regardless of how precise and intricate controls system or how technologically superior graphic technologies can be most of the successful games have at least to follow rules of logic, eg for WoT: tanks are rather slow, fire several types of ammo, have armour that is able to bounce rounds, real life tanks are present - that's what constitutes for realism for many not hardcore gamers.

    16. zMe Ul taking things out of context is a great way to show ignorance aswell, I only used those 2 example since that is what most people choose to use as games that are as close to real life as possible.

      But I can use pretty much any game that does actually use "real life tools" (for example weapons/cars/tanks/planes/whatever). You will still see that the companies that makes the game tries to have as many real life elements as possible, but it's quite hard to do that since a game also needs to be balanced.

      The white tank mod is just destroying one part of the game that actually imo resembles real life condition. Most tanks in real life would never shoot through another tank period.

  15. I'm in favor of a no-mods policy in principle; zoom-out and no-foliage mods in particular give a tremendous advantage. But how will this policy be enforced? If it's just a paper ban, you'll instantly create a class of 'cheaters' who will continue to mod their client and trusting that they will only be caught accidentally.

  16. so a xvm mod that uses a proxy and steals ur username and passwords is legal but a reload timer is not bad wg bad

    1. Does it? Don't think so. As for reload timer, no one says it is going to be prohibited.

    2. this is the exact thing I was talking about in my earlier post
      you created confusion

    3. I see now. Still some heads-up should do more good than harm.

    4. xvm just "read" information about players, - and it's just basic info like w/r, hit ratio ect.(which you can see by yourself normally by ckecking players WoT profile),

      the most confusion right now is about knowing the difference between zoomout mod and freecamera, people still don't know, if zoomout is forbidden or not(just some general info, but official statement would be more satisfying) i know someone mention it above in comments, so i'm wating for respond,

      btw. about other mods - there should be implemented in game options like moving trees, remove(or reduce) smoke - it causing drop of fps by 50-60%, remove fog(another drastic drop of fps - it should be optional) - video settings in WoT still need big ajdustment, there's not only players who plays wot on i7 with 16gb ram and more - you really should think about the group of players with weaker PCs, so they won't have need to fight for every 2-4 more fps for normal gameplay,

      other thing - more icon options, more crosshairs, maybe new ui options - i know it needs more time, but you really should put priority into this

  17. I play with ~200ms latancy,so i use a mod that allow me to enable both Server reticle and client reticle at the same time(it is the server reticle mode, i think). Is this consider illegal or will it be re-integrate into the game again as in 7.4 ?

  18. This is excellent news, it seems so stupid to me that Mods with such obvious gameplay advantages have been allowed for so long.
    "Players who do not know weak spots need that tool." If players don't know weak spots then they can learn. Plenty of youtube training room material out there to help, or they could use common sense and battle experience to figure it out - that's what makes it a game.
    Perhaps tankopedia could use blueprint style drawings or similar to show the internal layout of the tanks for those willing to invest time in finding out more about the positioning of modules/crew and armour thickness. Military intelligence kind of vibe.

    No problem at all with UI mods, XVM etc. I always find it highly motivating when someone using XVM starts whining that our team is rubbish and we are doomed to certain defeat.... normally ends in our victory of course :)

    This cannot happen soon enough for me, good work :)

    1. All YouTube videos containing weakspots are made voluntarily, and they are usually outdated and unprofessionally made. You actually think WG would like to let players learn from those videos?

      Currently, there is NO reliable way for a new player to learn weakspot. So, until WG release their own in-game weakspot guide, or Youtube videos on their official channel with obvious access for beginners, I believe hitzone skin is a great learning tool.

    2. "NO reliable way..."

      Right. I mean, you can't join a clan and learn from them. Or ask in the Newbie Forum. Or check any of a dozen reliable websites, including some promoted by WG themselves. ::rolls eyes::

    3. James Miao wrote "Currently, there is NO reliable way for a new player to learn weakspot."

      So how I learned weakspots without clown skins? Must be some miracle...

      There were many guides about weakspots even 2 years ago. Now probably finding such guides wouldn't be any problem. Just use google or ask on forum. And to be honest usually weakspots are the same in most tanks.

    4. That's one of the points in favour of showing armour thickness of various parts in garage.

    5. The problem with the garage showing would be that the desired tanks, especially new ones, wont be in our garage, and therefore this feature would be mostly useless.

    6. Dead_Skin_Mask wrote "There were many guides about weakspots even 2 years ago."

      Considering the game's content, there have been weak spot guides for a lot of the in-game tanks for 50+ years now.

      Still, weak spot knowledge is something that separates veterans from the rookies. Not everything needs to be spoon-fed for new players, though I wouldn't mind the WoT wiki having diagrams you could study, so you wouldn't have to dig around the net or a library for the info.

    7. @ Overlord

      Silberfalke is right. Such option in garage has low usefulness. Maybe it would be better to give such armour thickness schemes on official WoT websites. People usually want to know higher tier tanks weakspots, to cope with them and in many cases they do not have them in garage.

      And those schemes in garage will make client even more bigger so more download and so on.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Actually it won't make the client much bigger, because all the data are already in the client - in form of armor group information and collision/physical/armor models or whatever you want to call them (yes they are in the client apart from the visual ones you see in game/garage now)

      The only thing that needs to be put in is interface to interpret these to the players.

    10. Dead_Skin_Mask,

      only about 10-15% of all players visit website regularly, so client is a much better place. Enabling this for all tanks or at least the ones you have met in battle is a possible way to go.

    11. Best thing would be to implement it in the Tech-Tree then.

      But i am sure that feature would take a while.

    12. @Overlord enabling for all tanks seems to me like a better idea, for one this way you don't need to implement tracking of what tanks player met in battle => less work for the server and developers.
      Also people like to explore what's to come ahead and this feature will run solely on client side so no harm there if they explore tier 7 tanks for half an hour when they are still on tier 4 for example.

      I'd say if they are intrested and want to learn about stuff, let them.

      If you decide to limit this feature, enabling it for tanks player CAN meet comes to mind => player can learn about tanks prior to fighting them and unlocking is easily done by taking highest matchmaking value of players vehicles.

    13. @ Overlord

      There can be also a link from client to website, like in case of payments :)

  19. If "show player efficiency" mods would be disabled, we would have much less insulting "weaker" players before/during the battle. (And much less whining about "fail" MM)

    1. you mean fail MM like that?

      why does my platoon get paired against 3 tier 6 plus the reds get one tier 7 more? And that is not the only strange MM I encountered this evening. Seems like sth is broken in the matchmaking system

    2. You do not understand how matchmaker works. No tanks is "paired against" any particular opponent. And tier differences occur according to differing tank weights.

    3. I read the wiki ( ) and according to it, that MM as seen in the picture is still flawed. The combined MM weight of my team is 315,6 and the reds MM weight is 370,8 exceeding the limit of 10% by far and that is not the only battle I was in that had such a appalling difference in MM weight.

  20. You should clarify "hit-box like skins", because what has been previously named illegal is the fully transparent models of tanks with all internal modules showing. Simple skins with painted on areas for weak armor, ammorack, etc. have been acceptable.

    Another area of confusion has been the different camera mods. Free camera (where you can move your viewpoint freely around the map) and increased zoom IN have been called illegal. Zoom out has usually been acceptable with a possible exception being zoom out in artillery view.

    I'd also like to have an official stance on the "white dead tanks" that makes all dead tank textures bright white making aiming past them easier.

  21. I think that XVM should also be banned, as it A. allows a player using it an unfair advantage in knowing which enemy targets are most skilled, thus allowing the player to prioritize their demise, and B. it is the single-most galvanizing in-game factor for griefing and unsportsman-like divisiveness through labeling, e.g. bads & goods.

    1. I grief less now that I have XVM. It lets me know who I shouldn't be yelling at because they are still learning the game.

    2. XVM is eXtended Visualization Mod. It does not show you any stats. For stats there aer XVM Stats. It is good to make difference between this two mods even that they are from same source and second one needs fist one. Banning XVM will be banning UI mod.

  22. Hi Ovi!

    About time - but instead of concentrating on some illegal mods do something about the masses of bots - they are a much bigger problem. Currently even the support doesnt react to reports everytime. 2 months ago I send them a report with replay and link to stats - all I got was some lame excuse and that player is still boting up his way to T92. Last time I checked he had reached M12. Overall account stats were 40% WR with pretty high avg tier (premium t34 for boting purposes) and the rest of those stats were also indicating a bot.

    Regarding WoWP:

    - installed 0.4 a few minutes ago
    - went into battle against bots first and was immediately pissed by the fact that my half way working Joystick-config from 0.3.4 was gone
    - still no option to save, restore or even share a controll-config as far as I can see (on first glance) with other players.

    -> You are trying pretty hard to keep players from playing. I m not sure if I will bother AGAIN to find find a working setting for me. It usually takes me "ages", because I m not a aviation game guru.

    1. Unfortunately, we've messed up joystick in 4.0. Planning to fix it in 4.1. Do you have sideslip compensation on?

    2. no sideslip compensation enabled

      but that still doesnt change the fact, thats its not possible to save or share my settings with others and make profiles/switch between them for testing purposes. I mean how hard can that be?

      So everyone can go into forum and just download there a setting for a specific controll device f.e. Logitech WIngman Digital 3D


    3. Correct, but still try to play with this option enabled.

  23. I run at 10 fps normally, with major fps lag going into sniper mode with trees around. So I use speed tree to clear up the game and bump my fps a bit and reduce lag. Is this considered "transparent tree crowns"?

  24. Currently in game I am running a reload timer mod and a mod that tells me shot travel time as well as a mod that shows me how much further I can traverse my gun to the left or right with artillery before I have to move the hull. Will my artillery mod be affected by this change? I personally don't know the difference between a UI mod and any of the other mods.

  25. First of all it is necessary to give full detailed list of banned things. It should be precise information. And this should be supported with screens showing those mods.

    Current info, appearing somewhere on RU forums, or send by WG employee in PM responses to players only caused big chaos and discussions what is legal and what is illegal.

    For example "hit-box like skins in-game" most people will understand as skins with painted places where to shoot to make critical damage (so called "clown skins" used by some people at least since release if not earlier), while as we know from other sources banned are mods that make tank transparent showing his internal modules. So are clown skins allowed or not? Precise description is crucial here to limit community whining and make things clear.

    Idea of active fight with some mods is good cause in recent months there were appearing more and more sophisticated mods and they started to give some advantage (laser pointer). But from the other side for many people defoliants were good way to improve fps. So they should get some option to make trees crowns and bushes even more simple then currently.

    I hope that nothing bad will happen with skins that change tank into more historical (with decals) and that nothing bad will happen with remodelling tanks (I made many such changes, for example I remade VK3601 into Panther - of course only visually hit box is the same as was. I also changed second turrets in Chafee, Hellcat and done some other changes.

    I think you should implement mods that show during battle what damage player recieved with every shot that hit him and mode showing reload time. And mods that much better show that my tank is burning :) It would be also nice to have option for turning off WG decals. I have decals painted on some skins, so I used mods to remove your decals to elminate double decals effect ;).

  26. XVM mode is helpful for good players you should include include it. Reload time indicator would be nice too.

  27. You do realize that this "ani-cheat" you plan to implement will draw hackers like moths to a fire? They will both see it as a challenge and an excuse to help the 'oppressed' WOT population. They may not even be content with disabling that 'anti-cheat' of yours, they will probably start on the game engine and then mods will be the least of your worries.

    1. Surely, thousand of people will try to hack servers to get some more kills in game. Do you know that WoW has similar anti-cheats policy. And there were more serious cheats then in WoT.

    2. John,

      regardless of such policy, we have our own challenges all the time, so it "hack&cheat" attempts will happen either way. But it's better to be prepared.

    3. I don't think you understand. The advantages mods provide pale by comparison what full access to entity information would allow. You have banned that laser sight model thingy, consider what can be accomplished with a directx hook (direct draw to screen access) and entity information as to where each and every player is aiming - you can not only draw those laser rays but also enhance them by adding warnings if you are being targeted and check for clipping with terrain (many FPS games suffer from this feature in hacks).
      Or consider what a velocity assessment and a drawing of a secondary circle as to where the enemy will be when your shell reaches him calculated from shell velocity and distance to target...

      If you think this is far-stretched there is work from over a year ago available publicly for anyone with the know-how to use for such a hack. Google: " bigworld"

      I can tell you the only reason no such hack exists is because anyone contemplating such a thing observes that mods are allowed of all sorts with no restrictions and consider their effort to be wasted on such an endeavor. In fact, one of the authors of the posts the google search would reveal went on and created a certain smart paid bot for WOT I'm sure you are aware of.

    4. By the way, John, I daresay that most of the World of Warcraft (as an example) "hackers" were the "Chinese farmers", who used hacks to farm more efficiently. There is nothing to farm in World of Tanks, that's why it won't attract any special number of such people I think.

    5. that's why AFKers and bots don't exist in WoT?
      oh wait .. they do

    6. Have you ever played WoW before Blizzard pimpslapped these people? They were EVERYWHERE. Literally, it was a plague. AFKers in WoT are nothing, copared to the WoW crap.

    7. I haven't played WoW; I tried it a few times when they got the trial version released but never catched on me

      saying AFKers and bots are nothing .. hmm, we must be playing different games
      might wanna have a look at snib's old server statistics and see how many players with W/R at 40-45% he found - A LOT!
      that's quire representative to the server population

      don't give me that in WoW thing, play a korean f2p MMO and see how may farming bots / active real player are

    8. your wrong here zmeul, statisticaly, the average win% is 47%, therefore its normal that there will be lot of ppl with win ratio 40-45%, those are just beginners/noobs

      you should be looking for avg damage vs avg tank tier koeficient

      this is the thing that will show you how many afk/bot players there are in real. not win%

    9. @zMe ul

      Frank Davis wrote that AFK-ers are nothing in comparision with things that were happening in WoW. I see you are another person who do not care about context of someone's claims. It's became a plague on every forum. i was recently heavily negrepped by people who do not care to understand context (their responses showed that they do not understand it totally). It is impossible to have any reasonable discussion when people are too lazy to think a little about others words and their meaning.

      And 40-45 win ratio are not only afkers, I have seen people actually playing and having such win ratios and 0,2-0,3 frag per battle. I recognize them in seconds in battles just seeing what they do during battle (and I do not mean here leechers, but people whi were playing, shooting, calling for help). In many cases these are probably very young kids, who has totally no idea how to play and what to do.

    10. again, why are we talking about WoW since the game at hand is WoT??
      I do not care about WoW and what happened to it, and or will happen to it
      but I do care about WoT

      damage dealt is not exactly "proof" since there are bots that do fire on enemy tanks and even score kills
      also morons will try and ram at full speed an AFK tank, guess what happens? the AFK tank will score a kill and also get credited with that ram damage

      back in october last year, 5th of octotber to be more precise, I created a topic called "WoT bot" and discussed the total lack of WG ability to detect such "farming" implements
      what they did .. they deleted the topic like it never existed, just to cover their incompetence

      ps: that bot is still playing and still has a dreadful W/L

    11. I have a strong gut feeling that you take legitimate players as bot-users and afk-goers in some occasions. Sounds like alleged fraud.

    12. I have the same feeling. Yesterday I met guy in VK3001, who was driving, shooting toward enemies, reacting on changes in battle and so on, but he was clearly not aware about many detalis, he was shooting at spotted enemies covered by hills and rocks (hitting those hills and rocks of course) and he had no idea how to position his tank to limit danger of being hit. I checked his stats - almost 8500 battles, 44 win ratio, 0.2 frag per battle and 21 prc accuracy - must be very young kid, who likes driving and shooting, but has no idea how to play.

  28. Good so all these laser pointer, foliage remover, detach camera are forbidden meanwhile the historical sights ,sound mods, reload timer(?), custom crew icons are legal but what about the tanks remodels like the tiger 205?

    1. forgot to ask if the shell travel timer is forbidden or not

    2. It would not be a bad idea for Wargaming to incorporate custom tank models into its client, for example Tiger 205 as a custom model for the in-game Tiger. It could cost gold for example, to change your tank just like camo, and the mod creator could earn some money from that. Of course, it'd have to be curated and if there is too many it would load the server too much.

    3. mow mow add to that a tank name change and i will instant buy it

    4. Solus, projectile travel time is n the xvm mod I think. And based on the above statement, it won't be banned. (I hope)

  29. Instead of giving a list of banned mods, why not implement an equivalent to the Steam Workshop where you would allow approved mods to be activated or not by players as it suits them ?
    With this kind of mechanic and a fast scan of the game before launch, you will only need one or two persons dedicated to this task and will prevent all unauthorized mods to be used ?
    Pre-approved mods with a submission process directly to would be a nice touch and approach. ;-)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. You should add that unrealistic, unfair mod that allows arty to see from the heavens as well..... oh wait.


    1. We should also add that unrealistic mod that allows tanks to magically repair their tracks in 10 seconds as well as the magical invincible invisible eye that's placed 20 feet above and behind your tank as well.


  32. is it considered that the user receives an email showing if the user have illegal mods installed?

    1. That would be counterproductive for the detection process.

  33. What I'd like to see banned is post death chat...not because they can give out any info on positions or anything, but just so I don't have to see the idiots constantly threatening to get whoever killed them banned for hacks. It's like nobody can die peacefully anymore, if they die it was obviously because the other guy was hacking. Like the arty on my team this weekend that got killed by a T18 and PzJgI and then threatened to get them banned, then me too when I asked him to prove it. It's getting silly honestly, but I can't just ignore everyone.

    1. I would like a mod that puts me back in garage the second I die, then I dont have to see the idiocy of the team.

      It will do wonders for my blood pressure!

    2. It exists - called the escape button (talk about appropriately termed :) )

    3. True, but while it works while you're still alive and the dead idiots are talking, using it while still alive would probably be frowned upon by your teammates. :)

  34. How about fixing the problems in the game rather than working on stuff that doesn't need fixing immediately?

    1. Bots and afk players.

    2. Actually doing something about teamkillers. Maybe implement something where at the end of the match everyone on your team is asked if this person was a teamkiller and if 6+ people say yes, then he could be banned. Generally I've seen most tk'ers have a win rate in the low to mid 40s. Where as team killers above 50 did it on accident. It's ludicrous that 1 guy can kill teammates and get away with it repeatedly and screw up the match for everyone else. Or push them off a cliff but not kill the person but now they're stuck and useless.

    3. How about working on making tier 10 matches actually fun? It's a lot of camping and slow playing with the outcome of pretty much losing credits and feeling like you just wasted 10-15minutes. Hardly enjoyable. It's so slow it's like a tier 1 match all over again, except at least in tier 1 matches people are willing to charge in and not afraid to die.

    4. Why aren't some of these things implemented into the game itself? Improvements to the HUD/UI would be much more important to the game than the endless pointless lines of tanks that get added, when other things need fixing first. The reload time would be nice to visually see a number rather than guessing about when it's loaded. Some people don't like hit boxes, some do. Rather than say hey the person can watch videos on youtube, why not incorporate it into the game? A casual player is not going to take hours to watch video of tanks on youtube to find and try and remember weak spots. That's hardly fun and not what I would call enjoyable. If they see a skin in game maybe they'll learn as they play. Maybe the skins would then end at a certain tier, or maybe you could keep using skins but you'd get less free experience or something. Or if there were no hit skins, why not incorporate the ability to view any tank in the game and do a 360 rotation around it, and here you can have the weak points pointed out so then a person would have the opportunity to see the tanks they may be facing and get a general idea of what they'll have to deal with, while removing the hit skins from the actual battle portion of the game. There are lots of ways this could be worked into the game while leaving it open and enjoyable to those that are new or those that are experienced and like customization.

    1. While this is all good, it's unrelated to the issue.

    2. I am sorry but much of what he said is spot on. WoT has many issues that need to be addressed before you go worrying about mods. Mods that in many cases should have been incorporated into the game ages ago. Your dev team is lagging badly.

      More tanks, more about some maps. How about the lag/packet loss issues. How about addressing REAL in game problems and not chasing after some mod.

      I worked at a company that would do RIW (Rapid Improvement Workshops) The idea being to send a team into a department to look for ways to improve safety and efficiency. Without fail at the beginning of these RIWs they would start telling the team to "focus on the quick fix." Not to look for real issues but look for simple things that can be quickly addressed and make it sound like the team had actualy done a lot, when in reality very little was done to improve anything at all. It seems like WG is in the quick fix mode. Not trying to address real issues but chasing simple fixes to make it sound like they are doing something.

  35. This "anti-mod" inititive is because of the move by WG to get serious with E-Sports, right? Have you guys looked at other games at all?

    For example, Counter-strike and CPL/CEVO. All sorts of mods are allowed to be used in that game when playing on public servers. However, for league matches mods get disabled by using the games ability to restrict files which do not match a CRC check.

    Couldn't you guys do the same thing? For clan-wars and tournaments, just disable certain mods using a little bit of script.

    If you guys go ahead with just straight up banning mods for everything, you're going to piss off a lot of people.

    1. if it really is simply to get serious with e-sports, taking the stuff thousands and thousands of people are actually enjoying OUT of the game for a few hundred is a really poor judgement call

    2. @Jesus H. Christ

      So cheating in public battles is OK? Cause laser mode or some defoliants are clear cheats.

    3. Appears my post was not clear, I shall reiterate, with focus on the main point first.

      Disable all modification of the games files for clan wars and tournaments. It's the only fair solution.

      Delay passing judgement on what mods will be disallowed for now, and just focus on the goal, which is the integrity and fairness of World of Tanks' future in esports. What's the point deciding how and what to disallow now? Random battles have been fine for years with mods, a few more months while examining the issue thoroughly, and developing tech to disallow only particular mods, is not going to negatively impact game-play or experience in the slightest.

  36. Dear Overlord!

    Perhaps it is already mentioned, but did not found it. Will the ZOOM OUT mod will be banned as well? This mod enables an 'eagle view', so makes you able to zoom out twice as much in 3rd person from your vehicle.
    Thank you for the answer in advance!


    1. as far i know the only "zoom" mod that is illegal is the detach camera one but maybe overlord can clarify this point

  37. Please allow us to use the old server side crosshair as an option in the client. The new implementation defeats the purpose for those of us playing with 100ms+ ping. The real usefulness with the old capslock+0 style server crosshair was using it as a visual representation of latency by mentally comparing the client crosshair with the server while traversing turret. This allows you to subconsciously lead your target by the perceived amount such that the shot will fire on the server where you want it to.

    Basically, to compensate for lag, you add the distance between your client crosshair and server crosshair to the vector you would normally lead by. The new server-side in game option is useless because it jumps all over the place with ping fluctuation. I made a shitty example image

  38. Hm, dont know what i should think about it.
    After years you might change essential things for a few players,
    that were okay and fine for you (WG) for a few years.
    Personally i dont think thats necessary, just for eSports.
    It can be put in the respective tournament rules instead.
    Many would be pissed off. But lets get into the details.

    The Zoom Out Mod, gives an advantage in artymode when you try to counter the enemy, by showing you more space, but all in all makes the game much more enjoyable, by just giving you a better overview in general.
    I hate it when my view is limited, and i cant scroll out much, like in Witcher 2 for example. I think i am not the only one who just likes to scroll out, so i would prefer the ability to do that ingame, so everybody can use it, and it doesnt give an advantage.

    Same with the bullet timer.
    Its the most important part of the crosshair mods,
    and would be great, to just be an ingame option to show if wanted (i know you wont forbid it, just telling you that it is a wanted thing for MANY players).
    Both cant be that hard to program.

    Regarding the Lemon96 Hitzone Skin Mod, i think its a GREAT learning tool,
    cause there are well over a hundred relevant tanks, and it would take a LOT of both research and battle experience (like 30k games) to get near the same knowledge as with that mod (and even then you wouldnt know a few secret spots).

    Therefore i just would make it disabled in eSport events, and still give the people the opportunity to learn the game faster.
    Keep in mind, that the decision to allow those mods, especially this mod, was made a long time ago, and people use it quite commonly.

    As for other mods, except the xvm stats, which i personally dont use,
    i think the majority does not care much.

    1. I totally agreee with your arguments.

      I also use Crosshair with timer (you can better coordinate an attack when you know you will have reloaded your arty) and you will see improvements when getting a better crew, ventilation and so on.
      Should be implemented in game.

      Zoom-out doenst really help to find tracers, as they are too small in a big zoom out. But it gives you a better feeling and overview whats going on on the battlefield. The ingame zoom is really not enough (maybe the mid could be fine for all).

      Hitzone skins i think are not so common to be a problem and helps newcomers. Most good players i know dont use them (anymore), so it regulates itself i guess.

      XVM is great and just shows player-statistics you gathered, so its not a cheat. BTW you can even lose with 95% win chance or win with 5%, so...

    2. and with zomm out i dont mean the free camera, you may ban it

  39. Very good news. My full support for the new mod policy. Just one comment.

    Transparent tree crowns - my friend use it just because he have problems with FPS in woods, so maybe will be good have something other to help him play...

    I have one more recommendation. Increase repair cost (2x or 3x more then standard) after selfdestroy (fall from the clif, drowning...). In 1 game from 3 somebody do it just to not give their "frag" to an enemy. It really spoils the game... With higher repair cost, if it happends to somebody by mistake, next time he will be more carefull, if it happends to somebody by own will, now he will know, that it cost more then fight until heroic dead ;-)

    1. Yes, it is anoying when you met enemy, that kill yourself and laught at you that he didnt allowed you achieve some medal(s) or better score.

      Especialy when you play your 2x,3x or 5x and 3 enemies kills yourself and you have not enought enemies to make good battle result.

      I think this is quite a unfair play because they are ruining our efforts and we have no possibility to stop them from doing this.

      I would be happy if repair cost for self damage will be bigger (it is price for making "mistake") and propably its lost hp could be divided between living enemy as dmg dealt/spot.

  40. Good idea, I agree with the new policy, it's okay to have mods that improve the game, but everything that gives advantage to the player who does not use it is not positive, otherwise the average user does have to be looking new mods constantly instead of enjoying a fair game.

  41. Best idea so far, couldn't agree more with the new policy. I'm a XVM user myself and have always denounced such as example: weakspot textures, weakspot gives away the (duh!!) weak spots and are in my eyes, an unfair advantage. So my suggestion is why not lock the texture files or is it not possible??

    1. Because thousand of players use skins to make tanks look nicer?

  42. What about WoT Tweaker i cant play without it.

  43. Definitely in favor of the XVM banning. I mean I'd probably be fine with it if players could opt out of their stats being public so XVM wouldn't be able access their stats, but as it is now it just leads to people using it as a tool to call out people and abusing them because of stats.

    On hitbox skins, personally I think a lot less people would use them if there was a bit more done to teach new players about prosecuting Internet tank warfare, with tutorials and what not. An ingame tutorial telling new players about weakspots and how to identify them would go a long way.

    1. Well, I do not like XVM but for different reasons. It shows which players in team are really dangerous and enemy can focus fire on them. Had seen a few times - "kill that AMX first, he has 1600 effi" on battle chat. I once asked arty, why the hell he was shooting at me when there was 2 tiers higher better target close to me, I got answer "He is noob and you have high efficiency". If not XVM I would probably live longer and did more damage in that battle so I would get more XP and creds. XVM gives his users some advantage and can make game harder for better players. In other case when I was left alone in heavily damaged (no driver, damaged engine) vehicle against 2 alive enemies, I made ambush and waited for them close to base. After some time I asked on chat "when will you come?" answer from one of them "we do not attack cause you have too good stats", when I wrote in what condition my tank is answer was "nice joke, we do not believe you". Battle ended with draw. If not XVM they would probably come, as usually one by one, and I would have chance to kill them and win.

  44. What about this:


  45. When would you be ready to forbid XMV mod ?

    1. agree, forbid xvm, it makes my arty play easier (focus fire to purple/green named players) and make my tank play miserable (being focus fired by up to 5 big arties)

      btw, pls bring fog of war to random battles

      seems fun :D

  46. I HAVE TO play on EU / NA servers because of russian assholes with XMV mode !

  47. please REMOVE ALL mods

    if you want to play sci-fi, go play eve or planetside.

    1. ????

      I use modes remodelling tanks to make this game more realistic... Thanks to that I see Chaffees with Chaffee's turrets, I see Hellcats with their turrets not the ones from Slugger, all Panthers I see do not have Schmalturm and their guns are not L100, 8,8 cm but L70. Many of my tanks have historical custom skins. Where is here sci-fi?

  48. One reason why I think players provide mods were simply that wot didn't want to include true historic cameos etc Since mod were created to cheat example arty tracers. Hacks were able to use the mods for their advantage. I for for one would not allow any mods to be placed into the game without approval from the devs. You need to establish a criteria for these mods it has to be authentic and historical. Or maybe the devs will stop being so lazy and offer them for the player base to decide be it money or gold or credits to place these mods onto your tank. There should be nothing that isnt Historic to be allowed into this game. Keep it pure and simple. Just get the friggin MM to work right and make more and better maps!

  49. ovi you should make topic about what world of tanks really needs

    1. Suggestions thread? Why not. We had a hatred thread earlier and it worked out good.

    2. Yeah, sure, a suggestion thread, where 90% of "suggestions" will come from upset and disappointed players. Nobody from WG gives a damn about our suggestions because everything works "fine" in this game. I remember last time when i wrote some ideeas in this blog, one of them was about beeing able to select the shell type before the battle starts, Overlord told me just to change the order of the amo in garage. I guess one of the devs got this ideea a bit later, because it will come in the next patch...

    3. yay for suggestion thread, last time I suggested something some of it got implemented :)

  50. the best cheat mod is WG one's the gold ammo and we need maps tanks will not change the gameplay now

    1. his point about developing maps (and so new gameplay options) is a good one though.
      the major limitation i find in playing is map size/disposition (why must maps always be square?). Instead of struggling to adapt existing maps to assault mode, why not design maps FOR assault mode (for example

    2. i mean the game was better for me before gold ammo with credits but i understand it's a good idea for CW or pro gaming

  51. YES YES YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    OMG I have been waiting since Beta for you to announce this.... FANTASTIIC News... all mods should be banned that give any form of advantage to one player over another... I prefer the vanila game and THANKYOU SO MUCH WG!!!! You have now restored my faith in you!!!!

  52. A couple of suggestions:

    I suggest that a filecheck is carried out before the game and randomly while in the garage (so to not effect play performace that check will perform checksums and file bits and bytes to look for tanpering.

    Close all back doors

    lock the client after launching so all files are locked so scripts cant be used after launch

    Or you could even go as far as locking the desktop while the game is in use.

    Close all player enabled mods and have WG approved mods an option when launching in a dropdown so there are no more user methods of enabling mods.

    I think those will work as a starter for 10 ;-)

  53. I don't really like being limited in what I can and can not do. But I will say that XVM and other "efficiency" type mods should be banned. It'll start the same crap that Gearscore did to WoW to the point where the devs had to include it in-game.

    Gearscore if people are not familiar was a mod that gave you a number based on how good your gear was by item level but did not take into account anything else. So people would do more or less anything to get gearscore up even if it would cause others to fail. Along with that was the trolls and people who abused the mod. Eventually guilds which is comparative to clans in WoT would start using it to pick "bad" people from "good" people and turn into a rich gets richer type scenario.

    I can easily see XVM turning the community into something similar considering how there are already trolls doing such things now.

    Hit-box mods and stuff like that IMO should be allowed because it helps people. Those who installs it can practice with it and learn weak-spots and stuffs like that which is great, unless your gun is really weak or your out matched and can't really do anything.

  54. but you can check other people stats from their service record, nobody wants to pick baddies or terribads for their clan unless its a casual clan.

    its more irritating when in random battle tho,
    - priority kills (love doing it in arty anyway :P)
    - good players making their own wolf pack (lost? blame the baddies/newbs pack)
    - stat bashing instead shooting.
    - low win chance cry/suicide/trolling at the start

    and btw, i'm using xvm too and i want it to be removed
    a good tool for my arty and to counter
    those in game stat bashers~


  55. @ overlord goodluck the only thing your going to do is introduce hackers to the game any f2p game i played in the past that suddenly enabled anti cheat got swarmed by hackers.

    oh and the person suggesting locking the desktop down : if that ever happens i'm throwing the game into the insta delete bin

    and agreed hitzone skins are nice for the newer players to actually learn the game most casual players won't sit through 300 hours of footage before playing the game if they have to do that they'll simply quit

    1. lol.... why not have the game made easy for people like you... 1 shot 1 kill. and luminous tanks etc... all these things give 1 player an unfair advantage over another and should not be allowed... you should learn the game by using the tutorial and training battles... and not to have tanks painted with shoot me here and I will blow up for crying out loud... you peeople want it all and then moan when you have it.

      Lean the game learn the strategies, learn the tanks.... dont cheat or try to make everything so easy that you dont have to try or put in any effort.

    2. i'm against cheaters in any form tony i don't know where you deducted that i condone cheating.

      oh and gold ammo is a bigger cheat than many of the mods in the game.

      What i meant was that now largely hackers leave wot alone due to there being little measures alot of the hackers do it for the challenge on defeating the security measures does that mean we should have cheaters reign free hell no there's other ways of getting rid of mods like they did with the retarded tracer mod...

      oh and 1 shot 1 kill easily achievable in quitte a few t8 tanks if you got a brain and know where to aim

    3. @Cyb3r, could you specify which tier 8 tanks exactly? i pretty much have owned them all (not including brits, got the amx 13-90 and the 50-100) and most the time hit for around 350-500 on standard AP rounds (excluding the ISU which hits for 700-1100 damage on stock AP)

  56. I think this is a really awesome initiative, thank you!

  57. I see that world of tanks is maintaining the website today, kept my eyes open for a statement from WG about the mods as im cautious about zoomout, my crosshairs and my sniper mode lock (stops me scrolling out of sniper mode and sitting outside my task looking down the barrel). Yes i use xvm but thats because i enjoy keeping an eye upon my own stats and as a quick referral to my clan members so i can advise them how to amp it up a touch (not that it helped much when the test server went up.... dropped my eff down 23 digits....) so maybe we shall see in a few hours time whats happen versus this anti cheat/hack mod thats been spread

  58. Am I right in my suspicion that some of the "foliage type remover" and "white skin" mods are on this list due to their being used heavily in the bot systems? I know one player on the forums went into detail about how the bots work (without telling which he was referring to) and suggested that much of the changes listed seemed to target those bots. Just kinda curious if he's right or not? Not that I expect an answer on that, but you know, curious.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I'm curious how you're sort out the 'Hit Skin' mods verses say cosmetic ones?

    I have several I use in my Typ E, 261, Hummel, GW Panther..

    Example from my 261 arty:

  61. Can I have the job? fairness and morality are my strong points :)

  62. I dont think XVM should be banned i think exactly the opposite it should be integrated on wot somehow. why?
    1st Maths dont lie..
    2nd Ppl like to be recognized, and thats exactly what XVM do.
    3rt If u take all the extremely low effy ppl, i mean the ones with like 100, 200 effy u can be sore they all grinded on BOT mode or just joining and quitting battles.
    4rt most seriously clans use XVM and WR efficiency, for theyr recruitment.

    etc... etc...

  63. I think the new policy is mostly correct, but, in my opinion, there is a flaw that should be re-worked.

    The flaw is in regards to the "hit-box like tank skins":
    First of all, the concept of "unfair advantage" here is kinda messed up. Such skins don't provide anything but a visual representation of the tank's design characteristics, which is information freely available through google-search.
    Any player who actively researches about the game's tank's characteristics will learn about it's weak-spots and achieve the same effect as the skin provide.
    The skins are simply a faster, more intuitive way to learn about the tanks, and since they also are freely available to anyone interested, I don't see any valid point in forbidding them.

    Additionally, the game's aiming mechanics are already set in a way in which, beyond 100-200 meters, a player cannot really be sure where exactly he's shot is going to land, and is simply hoping to hit the enemy tank, regardless of where.
    Considering that, except for the scarce urban environments of most maps, the combat happens at ranges between 300 and 550 meters, the skins are completely irrelevant in most situations.

    Thus, as of my opinion, if anything, forbidding such skins would be removing reward from players who actually show interest in learning about the tanks and becoming better players;
    This while potentially leaving the many players who don't really have the spare time necessary to dig-up information about the game's tank's at an unfair disadvantage against those that do.

    (Side note: Also notice that the ones with little spare time are not the 15-years-old kids who leech off their parents, but the ones who have jobs and money, and the ones actually spending on the game.)

  64. Hello Mr Overlord.

    Before going into the mod policy, shouldnt you be fixing the "actual problems you all know about" like the no critical damages hit and all the "annoying bug" listed for YEAH years NOW ( be playing since beta now, seem a loooong time now ) !!!

    Now, if this talk is all about ESL gaming, just release a secure ESL gaming client and HOP, no community uproar, no troll, no nothing.
