Friday, February 8, 2013

[WoT] Extra 8.4 Stuff

You must have already seen the updated "in development" section on WoT portal with the announcement of major features and content. I will share some of the details:
  • Pz V Panther: lower front plate slope INCREASED to its HISTORICAL (you see what we did there?) 55deg
  • T-44: lower front plate slope DECREASED to its HISTORICAL 45deg
  • Caernarvon, Conqueror and FV215b: front seam (between lower and upper plates) increased
  • Added support for NVIDIA SLI
  • Exterior button is no longer blocked for tanks with incomplete crews
  • Added chat functionality: autosaving for message recipient  (or without it)
  • For auto-loader tanks: Intuition skill will now reload the entire cassete
  • For some configurations fixed performance drop when using server-side reticle in arty mode
  • FPS in hangar is now limited to 60 
  • Reworked and optimized exhaust effect for vehicle engines
  • Returned option to retrain crew to a vehicle that is missing in player's hangar: there is a separate warning window for it as well 
  • Added full-screen windowed mode (maximize button)
  • Fixed vehicle gun going up along with turret traverse when taking hit on the turret
  • Fixed vehicle gun going up along with turret traverse when aiming at close object
  • Fixed "noise" in left speaker after shooting for some configurations
  • Fixed ammo order when changing turret or gun
That's it for now.


  1. But Swamp and Komarin won't return back?

  2. WTF? Wargaming uses "historical accurate" to buff german tanks, and nerf RUSSIANS?
    What the hell happend with old WG? Afaik Historical accurate = nerf german, buff russians.

    Btw, when "historical accurate will hit Sherman model? Its too small atm.

    1. Historical accuracy magic will strike when and where you expect it the least.

    2. Nobody expects the Historical Accuracy!

    3. Lets not go there, its very silly...

    4. Hey! if you use historical accuracy magic why not fix the t-25 Skoda too? as far as I know it was designed on paper with a drum me crazy but i think it would be fair if it got one!And i knew it had 2 turret models.why not make it a non premium tank for the second row of medium tanks u'll add later? Oh and why not buff a bit panther II. I find worst german medium tank.I mean Panther I was very enjoyable but 2 fully upgraded was a pain in the ass. It felt nothing similar to Panzerkampwagen V.
      And why take out Serene Coast? I find it a great map and only players get it wrong with their META gameplay. I mean it's great for head-on confrontation like the wwII battle of Prokhorovka(hope I've written it right) I mean seriously I love this game but I hate that you model it after players more than modeling it for how you intended it to be played.I mean seriously It's TANK WARFARE not COUNTER-STRIKE.

    5. oh and why don't you fix the multi-core problem?:(

  3. Glad to know the crew retraining thingy is coming back :)

    Didn't ever make sense to me anyway.

  4. I hope one day the russian line both buffed to - minimal - the historical datas...

    1. Simple overlord, becouse the IS-7 and IS-4 feels like a trash now, I am 100% sure the IS-4 doesn't have the historical slope at 61 degress, and the IS-7 is outclassed now, it's weak, slow, low hp, poor manouverability and bad gun, it needs a buff quickly, both of them

    2. "Historical" IS-7 was there during alpha or closed beta test (cant remember really). It was horrible.

    3. @Butcher , You really did not played E100 and Maus i guess ...

      IS4 and IS7 should not be buffed .

    4. Oh come ON. The IS-4 and IS-7 are relatively fine - if you want a gimped tier 10, try the Maus, which is pretty much totally obsolete now especially with this ridiculous premium trollammo making its much-vaunted armour irrelevant. The ONLY strong point of the Maus was its armour - the 128 L/55 is generally recognised as a significantly underpowered gun for a tier 10 tank, but of course no buffs for it even though the IS-7's gun is superior - and now any scrub can just load up their no-skill trollammo and go "LOLZ I WIN". So the Maus is now pointless. I worked for MONTHS to get that tank because it's so iconic, and now an idiotic and indefensible decision by someone at WG has relegated it to the garage.

      Premium ammo has GOT to go. It is RUINING balance and making armour POINTLESS (which is clearly insane in a game about tanks), and seriously pissing off a hell of a lot of players into the bargain. The devs at War Thunder must be rubbing their hands in glee when they see WG devs making mistakes of such magnitude...

    5. Yes i agree David Diamond. When WG buffed IS-7, all other X tier is useless. Now most players use IS-7 in clan wars!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Actually, across all servers the Maus has a higher win rate then the IS-7 and IS-4. The Maus, on average has a 51% win rate where as the Is-7 has a 49% and the IS-4 has a 48% win rate. As for premium ammo, the devs have stated that that they have not had any time to really go over how gold rounds affects game balance since the option to buy them with credits other then the fact that the amount they are used has gone up from 3% to 4%. As for my personal opinion, I feel that they are affecting tanks that rely on armor to help balance them out.
      P.S. sorry for the delete, just fixed some spelling and grammer

    8. And are you looking for all data or data for last 2-4 weeks?

    9. Because on wot-news server statistic there is 51% WR for all time but 48-49% for last weeks.

    10. I just double checked on all servers and made sure that it was from all time and I am still right

    11. But that was data for allmost 2 years without premium ammo for credits.

    12. Only the most recent data is really relevant and applicable here.

    13. As an owner of IS-4, IS-7 and Maus, I can state that played correctly (with proper angling, timings etc) Maus is viable as long as the enemy uses normal shells. While the side armor with good angling bounces prem shells somewhat nicely, the turret cheeks really cannot hide from prem shell penetration unless you angle the turret to the point where the side of the turret becomes vulnerable. This basically ensures that for Maus, there's no way to angle itself to become immune to fire from very high pen guns, such as from tier X TDs or gold shells from tier X mediums. Considering the DPM of a Maus is already the lowest among the tier X tanks and the slowest by far + the requirement of properly knowing angles and weakspots, the IS-7 and IS-4 in my opinion has technical advantage (both turrets and guns are clearly superior to Maus) and they also got mobility/profile advantage. The IS-4 hull is fairly weak at close ranges due to negation of upper plate angles when tanks depress their guns at close range, but other than that, the IS-7 and IS-4 armors are good at their respective angles and ranges. Maus has very good armor at long ranges, but poor gun penetration and not that great accuracy + turret cheek vulnerability when firing renders it less effective than IS-7 at such engagements (strangely enough).
      Simply put, IS-7s and IS-4s are simply easier to play than mice, and IS-4 bad reputation is in my opinion mainly caused by the rush of new players all going for IS-4 as first line a year ago due to it being converted to a tier X, thus IS-4 and IS-7 are usually the first 2 tier X of many players, negatively affecting their overall performance. For the German line, it was different I assume. Tiger and Tiger II being some of the most iconic German tanks of WWII are extremely popular compared to the unknown Vk ausf A and Vk ausf B, this along with the tech tree change from Tiger II leading to E-100 instead of Maus, meant there was a huge crowd of E-100s appearing when it was first released. Of course, back then the armor was bugged and E-100 was immune to HE shells, but with the fix + buff on IS-7, people started to realize E-100 was barely functioning due to its low pen and bad accuracy.

      A lesson learned not too long ago, would be the 50B. I've been criticizing the decision to nerf it a year ago, and it was only recently de-nerfed to its original stats. One cannot simply trust server data blindly, because one has to consider the human psychology. When a tank feels underpowered when you have access to other tanks, you simply do not play it. 50B players almost disappeared because the french line, being one of the younger lines, were mainly fed with experienced players with free exp to spend. This caused a skewage against the other nations, where the high tiers of the french line was driven by players that already had other end game tanks, while the other lines like IS-4 and E-100 had a stream of new players with their first tier X. With the nerf on 50B, the players had a choice, they could either continue to play the grossly underpowered 50B, or switch to one of their old tier X, most likely an IS-7 or IS-4, and thus it disappeared from the battlefield. Today, we see the same phenomena. Maus players are a rarity compared to most other tier X tanks with the sole exception of object 263 due to its unpopular looks + fairly new induction. Honestly speaking, you see more Fvb driving around than mice, another testament to the criticism of other players about gold shells, it renders some tanks useless.

      If you bothered to read this long reply, I thank you for your time, and hope it is possible to consider my analysis.

    14. I praise the game for its combination of simulation with arcade gameplay, and I still support the game (albeit I refuse to use gold for prem shells as it sort of destroys much of the game concept).
      I would rather suggest finding alternative methods of gaining money, such as an expensive alternative prem account with 2x instead of 1.5x, more premium tanks or buying free exp (not convering). Any method that helps people save time by the use of money is completely compatible with game balance, but the moment where powerful in game advantages are bought (pre-credit golds hells) it completely destroys the balance. Even now when the shells can be bought with credits, realistically speaking, only the ones with tier 6+ prem tanks will be able to afford to consistently use those shells, making it rather prem tank exclusive. It also turns high risk high reward tanks into low risk high reward tanks, destroying much of their concept (Hetzer 10.5, SU-152 etc)

      Thank you for your time.

  5. Will that panther LFP change affect even PZ V/M10?

    1. Yes, I believe it affects all Panther hull vehicles (it's a buff, don't worry).

  6. More info about German light tanks D:?

  7. Still no changes in derp ammo planned?

  8. And when do we get to play around with these updates?

  9. "Added support for NVIDIA SLI"

    I wonder if that is linked to all the players screaming for help on the support forums because their game keeps crashing with Nvidia cards. If so, its far and away the best thing about the update.

    1. and they forgot people who own ATi cards
      the took 2years to implement SLI, maybe in the next 2 they'll support CrossFireX too :))))))))))))

  10. hey overlord:
    are you ever thinking of rebalancing the SU-101 and Lorraine?

    1. Need to check stat data, dunno from memory.

    2. I would be really happy if you could do this and thx in advance!

    3. Both are currently under 48% which sucks, thus some kind of buff is possible.

  11. "FPS in hangar is now limited to 60"
    "Fixed vehicle gun going up along with turret traverse when aiming at close object"

  12. "T-44: lower front plate slope DECREASED to its HISTORICAL 45deg"

    Ugh, like that thing wasn't enough like driving around in a warm stick of butter. I suppose on the plus side, nobody aims at the FLP anyway since they can pen it literally anywhere. Must grind faster...

    1. agreed, i wouldn't mind if they were to bump up the frontal armor by 10mm.

    2. umm t-44 never relied on it's armor...I find it a bit OP if you know how to play it:).And it's fun

    3. No, and it used to be a monster, before all these new tier 9s and 10s were put out there. Now I'm getting stuck in games with tanks that are faster, with much better guns, and more armor. It used to be able to rely on it's speed, can't really do that any more so I'm down to agility, since it's not a great sniper. It is agile, but again, being a point and click pen pretty much anywhere, that only works for so long.

  13. "Caernarvon, Conqueror and FV215b: front seam (between lower and upper plates) increased"

    Do you mean that bit of plate that sticks out from the hull?

    Also why is the second turret on the conqueror heavier than the first when it losses 15 - 20mm armour all over? Shouldn't it be lighter?

  14. great! i will play arty again. now i have random drops to 5fps(from 20-35). and auto elevating gun is crazy. i died many times because of it.
    +1 for WG

  15. Still no proper top gun, as promised, for the Panzer IV though?

    We were promised a gun significantly better than the one currently occupying the Panzer IV's turret in the second version of the test server. From GeneralDirection, in this thread:

    "7.5 L48 will be balanced similarly to the 57mm ZiS4, though with slightly higher alpha and slightly slower rate of fire (approximately equal DPM), and at least equal accuracy."

    So, what do we have currently?

    The PaK 40 L/48's stats are:
    14-16.2 RoF
    110 pen
    110 dmg
    0.39 acc

    Giving this gun a total DPM of 1,782

    And yet the ZiS-4 has:
    17.6-26.1 RoF
    112 pen
    85 dmg
    0.34 acc it a vastly superior 2,218.5 DPM. Hardly 'approximately equal' at all, is it? And oh look, the Russian tank somehow gets a far more accurate gun than the German tank despite the fact that we were explicitly promised accuracy that would be 'at least equal'. This is entirely unsatisfactory; the alpha damage of the PaK 40 L/48 needs to be increased to 135 to give roughly equal DPM to the ZiS-4, and its accuracy needs a significant boost too.

    So we currently have a Russian tier 4 medium (T-28) with a considerably better gun than a German tier 5 medium; is that supposed to be balanced? Not to mention how appalling the Panzer III's guns are next to the selection the T-28 gets, which is just a sick joke...

    1. use the 105 with gold, that little S**t just becomes another dead fly on your windshield as you drive to victory.

  16. are the germans still getting their second medium and TD line because when I checked the tech tree in the website, I noticed that you guys removed the second medium line and the second TD line. I also noticed that the french also lost their second medium line along with the AMX 13/105.

    1. Yes nothing has changed, why they removed them, I don't know. The second medium line for the Germans should be out next patch. (8.5)

    2. Correct. TDs will arrive later.

    3. How about the second heavy line for french (tier 10 AMX M4 1949)? was that changed?

    4. thank you very much overlord

  17. No news regarding the financial change of Brittish Centurion Mk.1 in 8.4 (change in credit-factor or cheaper ammo etc) or the problem with very similar gun statistics for Cromwell and Comet (75 mm Vickers HV vs. OQF 77mm Gun Mk.II)?

    Any news regarding what will happen to the Pzkpw.II Luchs when pushed up a tier, faster turret-rotation, 36 instead of 26 degrees maybe to make it more easy to shot-and-drive? Free garage-slot just like when we got the ELC AMX?

  18. "That T-44 has too much armor"
    ~No one ever

    1. I did bounced a round from a T-30's 155mm in my T44 once. Too much swearing from the T-30 (especially when I killed him).

      But otherwise I'd agree with you, I'm working on the principle of they can't kill me if they can't see me!

  19. Finally limited FPS in hangar... This was very serious bug, I know people who lost their VGA cards cus this.

  20. Can it be said what the stock configuration will be for the Pz I? I plan on getting one, and in historically accurate condition (module-wise at least) at that!

    1. More specifically, what is its stock gun(s)?

  21. dear Overlord:
    could you give a little buff for su-101?
    just give it a BL-9S and I will very appreciate

    1. Some kind of buff is possible, since the vehicle is underperforming.

  22. Overlord, perhaps you can clear up something over the British TD tree, concerning the logic behind the descission.

    Note: I'm not complaining, just curious.

    The RAM tank is Canadian, but in the US tech tree.
    The Sexton is Canadian, but in the US tech tree.
    The 2Pdr Universal Carrier at tier 2, is the Canadian desgin, but in the British tree.

    Now the British did develop a 2Pdr armed carrier, but the desgin looks allot different (and way better) than the current version.

    To show you the differnces.
    Here's the Canadian one:

    Here's the British one (I appologise for the poor quality piture. Its a combination of Kindle on a tablet and Camera phone):

    So possible mix up of the two? Or is there a remote chance of a remodel?


    1. There is also an Australian version of it. Dunno why they decided to choose the Canadian here.

    2. Is that realy a problem? Wasnt Canada during WWII part of Britich Commonwealth?

    3. I know of the australian version.

      Nerd time:

      that was am odified LPA carrier (Local pattern: Australia). The Carrier modified by the Candians was a normal MKI universal carrier.

      As I said I was just after a glimpse into the mind of the dev's logic (and bringing a much cooler looking vechile to your attention)

    4. Michal Peterka,

      there is an idea to put all Commonwealth vehicles under GB tree.

  23. I heard that a second french td line exists .

    Is that true ?

  24. Realistic animation of suspension are for soon ?
    Sorry for my poor english.

  25. Will the Luchs get a 5cm L/60 for stepping up a tier? You can see an upgunned one at the login screen with the Tigers (muzzlebrake removed). It is also a possible historical armament since the Grossturm is really the Leopard Turm.

    Also Panther buff? But Russian bias!!!11one! Did you lock the other devs away and take over? *trollface*

  26. they are buffing the angle but reducing the thickness... effective panther armor stays the same p much

    classic wg troll

  27. Overlord, you wrote:

    "Pz V Panther: lower front plate slope INCREASED to its HISTORICAL (you see what we did there?) 55deg"

    You forgot to mention that the armor thickness of the lower front plate will be reduced, too (according to Storm).

    1. WG trolls better and harder than most pro trolls.

    2. damn, you two beat me to it, was just going to write the same

  28. Hi Overlord, is there any chance you could let us know something about the Saxton? It appears to have been sneaked on to the new Brit tech tree as a premium tank but no mention has been made anywhere that I can see. I would appreciate any info you could give

    The brit tech tree

  29. Dear Overlord,

    What is your comment on the over perpetration (overmatch) of the 183mm. Does this confirm that the Fv215b (183) will use HEAT as its gold ammo? The 183 mm gun, if using APCR, would receive this bonus against 17 other tier 10's including arty but not including tier 5-8 light tanks. Here is the list of tanks and which sides they can be over penetrated from:

    Tier 5-8 lights:
    All Tanks: Front, sides and rear of both the hull and the turret

    Tier 8 Artillery:
    GW Type E and Obj. 261: The sides and rear of the hull
    T92: Front, sides and rear of the hull
    Bat Chatillon 155: The front, sides and rear of both the hull and the turret

    Tier 10 Tank Destroyers:
    Obj. 268, Obj. 263, T110E4 and T110E3: The rear of the hull
    AMX-50 Foch: The sides and rear of the hull

    Tier 10 Medium Tanks:
    Bat Chatillon 25 t: The front, sides, rear of both the hull and the turret
    121, T62A and M48A1: The rear of the hull and the turret
    FV4202: The sides and rear of the hull and rear of the turret

    Tier 10 Heavy Tanks:
    AMX 50B: The sides and rear of the hull and the turret
    T57 Heavy: The sides and rear of the hull and rear of the turret
    T110E5: The rear of the hull

    I would also like to ask about how WG plans on balancing the T57 Heavy as it is currently the best performing tank across all servers at 54%. It is also very interesting that the T57 Heavy, being an auto loading tank, has the highest damage per minute out of all tier 10 Heavy's. Along with the highest burst damage (1600 avg damage in 6 seconds)

    1. FV215b would have used HESH shells, not HEAT...

    2. Until HESH rounds are added to the game, they dont matter.

    3. HESH rounds has been added via the Centurion Mk. 7/1 and FV4202's Gold Rounds.

  30. still no sign of the british 20 pounder getting an ammo price decrease. :(

    the excuse wargaming keep giving for it being so high (the penetration) is such a load of crap but exactly what i've come to expect from them.

  31. Will the Pz I have its dual 7.92 mm armament available?

  32. Woohoo SLI support!!! Finnaly my second GTX 260 won't be useless in WoT.

  33. Do you fear of War Thunder on warplane field?

    1. No fears. Competition is good. I respect what they did in WT and do play the game occasionally. Hopefully, the major 4.0 will improve things for us.

  34. Please release more premiums tanks in 8.4, and not just the SU-100Y. France, Britain and China are lacking in premium choices. Soviet tree has enough premiums already so please prioritize the others.

  35. Overlord, would you care to expand a bit on the SLI info? Any comparative performance results? Much obliged in advance.

    1. 20-30% performance boost expected.

    2. Thanks for your reply. On top-end of the spectrum, I would imagine, so my max fps should raise to ca.140. How about the bottom-end? Will it help with problems of odd, and massive, fps drop while destroying buildings? Sometimes they can drop to 5 from 110, and smoothness of picture is not exactly marvelous when a lot of tanks fights (or indeed moves) on the screen.

  36. "...front plate slope INCREASED...." - how it's measured? may you show it as a picture?

  37. Overlord, are there any thoughts in the Wargaming team to decrease the ammocosts of the 20 pounder for the Centurion? It won't affect the performance of the tank ingame, but at the moment just serves as purpose to troll the centurion owners. I sincerely hope the price gets decreased so I can make even the slightest profit in stead of losing every time again and again.


  38. Hey Overlord can you please check, if the skirtarmor of the british tanks works like it should? Because it feels like, that when it gets hit the shot is normalised and flies afterward in the normalised direktion. But if i remember it right, the shot shouldnt fly in the normalised direktion, instead it should fly in the direction it had, befor it penetrated the skirtarmor.
    I hope, you get what i mean!

    1. when i say normalised, it includes the overmatch!

    2. Nice to hear, that it works fine!

      But what have u thought, when u balanced the british tier 8 tank?

      Because the Caernarvon got a weak armor, is slow and got a medium tank gun. For me this is a total fail!

      The same with the Centurion MK I, its slow, the armor is as "good" as the one of a light tank and the gun should be accurate, but the on the move accuracy is as good as the one of a tier2 tank, so u are hitting a shit! So again a total fail!

  39. And what about annoying freeze in every battle - ping 999 for few sec - when WG fix it?

  40. Dear Overlord.
    May I ask you if you or any one in WG know something about "Math"? :D

    Before "Gold ammo patch" about 10% of players take gold ammo(I will use "GA" for gold ammo) to battles. Now it is about 80-90% (These players do not use GA regularly only take it to battle and use it in some special opportunity) Now which occasions is it? It is for encounters with hardly armoured tanks as Maus, T95 or Jumbo.
    Now suppose that 80% of players which take GA to battle will change normal AP or HE for GA and use it against this hardly armoured tanks. That means before patch if you ride Maus then you have chance about 8% that enemy will use GA. Now if you ride Maus then you have chance about 68% that enemy will use GA. It is rise of 60% !!! For soft target which can be penetrated with normal AP shells there is no change but for tanks which mayor advantage (and mostly only one) was theirs armour it is big change.

    I know that these numbers are only my estimation because I do not have detailed statistic data from game but still I think that I'm not to wrong.

    1. These are estimations that has nothing to do with reality. More valid figure would be percentage of prem ammo fired at each particular combat/battle level.

    2. OK thank you for reply. Is there any change for player(as me) to get these real statistical data?

    3. We usually don't share that kind of data.

  41. You said earlier about map changes in 8.4 patch, but non of them was mentioned in official wot page. Are they coming or just another useless post of yours?

  42. Hi Overlord do you increase armor for E-50 ausf.M and E-50? E-50 is by my self too low armoured and E-50 ausf.M... im sorry but that´s joke? 120mm front? It´s too much low. Or better angles of frontal armour?
    And do you add E-15 and E-10 TD´s?

  43. I'm curious about the now "famed" multi-core support, is it going to happen some time soon?? (Tired of listening to my PC working as hard as it can while playing and having a more that capable cpu to carry out such tasks)

    And the 0 dmg shots on vehicles that obviously don't have spaced armor?? (example: I once hit a Hummel in the side above the tracks with a shell from a IS-3 and still 0 dmg) Just not realistic, not even for this game imo.

    Last but no less, Why is British SPG's not in 8.4??

  44. Just of curiosity, does WG have any plans or ideas on how to promote a more skilled gameplay for the bulk of the players?

    I see that a new tutorial is coming with bots, but that is mostly a one time thing just to get started in the game.
    earning more XP and money also doesn't seem to be a good enough motivation, since a player will earn some anyway and not be in a very bad place financially when not shooting prem ammo or not using any consumables.

    What are the ideas, even if they might not be coming to the game at their current state?

    With regards,

  45. lol 50 to 55 degree of 40 mm armor is only increasing the relative armor from 57,72 mm to 63,72 mm (calculated with 4 degree normalization), and for a T7 slow-big-as-a-house-medium-with-no-fire-power-whatsoever it has no impact WHAT SO EVER! ... Sorry, but someone had to say it.

    Its frustrating that WG turned one of the greatest tanks of WWII into to an total piece of rubbish.

    1. Just to elaborate about on what this increase means:

      Panther increased from 57,72 mm to 63.72 mm
      JgPanther increased from 72,15 mm to 79,64 mm
      Panther II & JgPanther II increased from 86.58 mm to 95.57 mm

      But its an irrelevant change, as anything 2 tiers below the respective tanks, easily shoot through this amount of armor. And besides ... most tanks at the respective tiers will shoot through the upper glacis anyway.

  46. Overlord, who hired the guy that's supposed to translate the EU patch notes?

    They are full of spelling, grammatical errors & lots of missing text here and there.

    When I where reading the job description on a while ago, it stated; "Looking for a translator with a bachelors degree or higher to translate stuff from Russian to English."

    What kind of standards does Wargaming have?

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Dear Overlord.
    Isn't there any penetration burf plan for 5cm L/60?
    I think it doesn't have enough penetration for 4 tier tanks.

  49. Wow, the really important stuff in my eyes don't get discussed so much on the forum. Thanks for the heads-up, Overlord.

  50. Hi Overlord, always a pleasure to read your blog.

    I have to ask about the British T10 TD though... What are you guys thinking with it being easily capable of one shotting heavy T9 tanks? It's not like the high tier heavy tanks have taken enormous hits allready with those high penetrating T10 mediums and TD's, but this makes them pretty much irrelevant, particularly that HEAH ammo on the test server, I mean I can only say.. "WTF!?" totally overpowered and unbalanced and then it has a turret, great frontal armour and good mobility aswell? Seriously what is the rationale about this vehicle as it's been put on the test server?

  51. "The FPS rate in hangar is forcibly limited to 60 FPS", nice to know now, after my old graphic card with passive cooling was fried. First game which managed to burn some of my hardware.

    Ive bought the cheapest i found for the first aid since i needed the PC for my study asap, but that's about 100 euros of damage WG.

    Interesting fact, i only have new drivers for the card Ive bought since its obviously new :Smile-angry: . You want to tell me that i need to find older drivers for it? I'm very disappointed.

    1. So it was the first game to "fully" utilize your graphics card, meaning that for every other game your graphics card was too fast for the rest of your system?
      To be honest, it's not really possible to take blame on any software for frying your hardware, since the hardware is supposed to be able to handle any load you could put on it, assuming that you don't specifically put it in a hotter than normal thermal position.
      If it fried in normal conditions, it was a faulty one.
      If it fried being dusty etc, it's your fault.

  52. Leaving the game on garage screen fully utilized my graphic card? Silly me. I should buy another display and monitor all sensors while im playing and even more carefully while im not(piss/coffee breaks)???

  53. Overlord-Super news about SLI. But I think that some game play may be optimized by using the NVIDIA Inspector program, which is a very small program that optimizes your NVIDIA cards settings for WOT. I've used it for years with my NVIDIA GTi 560 superclocked. Can't wait to try SLI as I have three of those puppies just awaiting to be linked. Thats the highlight of the whole update for me.

    As far as gold rounds, the haters don't seem to understand that they can use them also, all they have to do is pay for them like I do. It's the same argument for having a premium account...I get 2X experiance every day for my first battle and don't have to wait for WOT to award it as part of a weekend promotion.

    It's a free game guys, but if you want to upgrade faster, make more experiance points, and kill guys quicker, you may want to shell out the bucks. In the mean time, stop grousing about gold rounds. Your arguments sound pretty weak.

    1. Gold round are for silvers now. No money needed, so your argument is invalid

  54. Hi Overlord.

    Do you guys thinking abouth IS-7 LFP or aimtime buff in the next patches ?

    Thanks for answer :)

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.
