Monday, February 4, 2013

[ALL] WG DevCon 1

Early February 2013 was marked by first developer conference held by Wargaming - DevCon-1. The conference (not some meeting or tech summit!) took place in Minsk, Belarus.

Two rich and informative days contained ~85 talks divided into 7 main tracks: management, programming, game design & UX, web development, QA, art, and sound. More than 500 participants arrived from WG's dev offices - Minsk (WoT), Kyiv (WoWP, WoTG), Saint-Petersburg (WoWS), Sydney (BW), and Chicago (announced console title). Quite a conference it was, even though with restricted participation.  However it is the format that allowed to make talks much more useful by including some trade secrets and know-hows.

Sure thing, it can be hard to reach GDC-level of presentation and organization, but the event was definitely comparable to any local (hereby I mean Russian-speaking) trade show. And we are definitely interested in doing more shows of the kind. Or even WG-con for players? :)


  1. Overlord, our secret undercover agent inside WG ;)

    By the way, do you remember my post about the fact the obj 268 requires more experience, way more experience than the other TDs lines up to the top tier x?

    Did you pass the word about it? It is going to be reduced a little?

    Thank you.

    1. Yup, sure thing I did. Will find out what Game design guys decided.

    2. Thank you!

      In case you got news about it, let us know :)

  2. In what language was the show held ?,If in russian what were the poor bastards for Australia and Chicago doing there ?

    1. In Russian. "Poor bastards" had simultaneous interpretation services at their disposal.

  3. Replies
    1. World of Tanks Generals ,it's some sort of silly little card collection game.

    2. Right, apart from its not silly

    3. I thought it will be browser game, not printed cards?

    4. Browser version comes first, then we will see.

  4. since you are involved in the WoWp dev team, I see very little on the project - are you still on it, have you moved on to the next project?

    why so little info on WoWp, even the letest ASAP dev video is less informational - what's going on? was WoWp moved to a dead line?

    1. Im currentlynin between projects. As for WoWP, it had its own ups and downs (a lot of downs) and is now slowly recovering. We expect a lot from major 4.0 update that will new controls, HUD, and noticeable render improvements.

    2. I am burning to see how it will do.

      What do you think when it will approximately be released?
      This year?

    3. 4.0? Sure thing, this year. Hopefully this month. :)

    4. Overlord, what curret role do you have in WG at the moment, if I may ask?

      Can you say anything about the thightning of the info stream from wot and wowp, is it to protect the products, or to reduce the noise from the community when 'promiced' stuff dont come at expected time?

    5. why do you call it 4.0 when it will be 0.4.0 ?!?!?
      you did the same thing here in EU and US with WoT versions, it's a god damn lie!

      stop inventing version numbers; just for respect if not for something else

    6. Have a little respect here.
      There are ways to tell such a thing in a respectful way.

    7. I can't do that
      I'm not the company who hides the real truth to the customers

      but overlord is their representative and he should know better

    8. Oh yes. Overlord intentionally wrote 4.0 to fool players that game is so advanced...

      I see that some people have no limits in whining.

    9. Seimen,

      I do a bunch of things, most important of which is prolly making coffee. On a serious note, I'm in between projects at the moment, have a strong desire to try smth new.

    10. zMe ul,

      the entire world is one big conspiracy, isn't it? And everybody lies and cheats. The bottom line, we name versions the way we want.

    11. oh yeah?
      then you claim to be a developer is just that, a claim

      when you alter version numbers to hide a fact that WoT never go pass version 1 at launch is more than a lie
      why didn't you did that exact same thing on the RU server? could it be because the next day you would have a lot of very angry people

    12. Open your eyes and launch the client. You are fooling yourself more than anyone else.

  5. Replies
    1. I would also like to know, as well as which Sydney. The one in Australia or Canada?

    2. BigWorld is based in Sydney, Australia

  6. Is there any new informations about World of Tanks Generals? I would like to know estimated release date or beta test date.

    1. I would also like that however the dates are not be made public yet.

  7. Sooo.... will there(finally) be some info about how the work is going on the BW engine regarding multicore support and better performence? It has been long time since there was any official statement about it in any vid or something so it seems WG dropped it.

    1. Don't have an update from them. Thanks for the heads up.

  8. so, all new info about those games, but how about world of warSHEEPS? ;-)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. and world of infantry, and world of mechs

    3. the site does exist however and very sure the domain is from wg

  9. Show some Pictures of the new Waffentraeger TD line

  10. that would be very interesting how they are !! and what comes in the next update

  11. Some info about 8.4 and 8.5 WOT updates would be nice. I'm thinking about buying e50, but maybe new line will come soon and will be more interesting. ( should we farm XP with vk db, or it auto unlocks next tier?)

    1. 8.4 will bring British TDs. Up to you whether save for it or invest in e50.

    2. Overlord, will be there Achilles among those TD's?

    3. Thanks. Now I know that I can spend my free XP on something else and can use all credits ;)

  12. I heard that a second french td line exists .

    Is that true ?
