Thursday, January 17, 2013

[WoT] Do You Love Tanks?

based on 8.3 release on EU and NA

Do you love tanks as much as we do?

Don't bother to reply, that's rhetorical. The main reason for World of Tanks becoming a great game (apart from millions of great players all around the world) is our passion for tanks and engineering.

True that we are not aiming to reach the highest level of historical authenticity, we simplify a lot, but on the other hand, this gives us an opportunity to tell our story to many, not few. 

USSR - Germany - USA

Those are undoubtedly the "big 3". The major tank nations of the era. You can have your own favorites and the hated ones, but one can't argue that those tank schools affected modern tank development most.

France and Great Britain

That's how it all began. Back in WWI days with British Mark I that laid down the foundation of armoured motor vehicles and up to French Renault FT-17, one of the the most revolutionary and influential tank designs in the entire history of engineering.

Those two deserved their spots regardless any further contributions or lack of them.


I must admit that initially we did share the common opinion that China had never had its own, even partially independent and unique, tank development. To our great surprise and astonishment, when our Chinese partners brought up the idea of doing some research to prove that we were wrong - we just couldn't refuse.

The documents we got eventually are a true terra incognita even in China, not speaking of the rest of the world. Generally speaking, China is a closed (?) country, extremely reluctant when it comes to sharing its defence projects with others. The fact that we were able to obtain the information that allowed us to make up medium and heavy branches - is a great deal. It's rewarding to see how results of your hard work become "alive" in game. When our Chinese partners finish their research on SPGs and TDs, we will eagerly add those two missing branches as well. 

That's how the Chinese tree was planted. True thing that initially it was intended for Chinese server only, however when we realized it all looked great, we had no other option, but to share our results with the rest of the world.

Our next stop...

Japan, rest of Europe? ....

By the way the new poll is up.


  1. our next stop...? Easy: Complete the old tech trees and stop putting in more nations...atleast until the "big 3" are complete with all their tds and heavys and stuff ;)

    1. Heh, I believe they are never complete :)

    2. I'm guessing that by "complete" he meant that rebalance EVERY SINGLE TANK you have introduced to this game, there is some balance left in lower tier battles, but tier 5+ are too unbalanced. Also fix the armor in game, thanks to all the new tanks and over-the-top pen there is no use of armor anymore, only few tanks can effectively use sidescraper now (german top tiers, and only against 1 tank)

  2. europe tree!! italian tanks are a must :Q__ p26/40, semovente 75/18 :Q__

  3. This. Italia was not a minor nation here in (western ?) europe, we all know Mussolini. Not having an italian tree would be an error i think. I say Japan first, then Europe/Italia. But even if you can not get to T10 with Italia, you have to do something about it ! And no, im not italian. Im french and i think italian tanks would have made more sense than the french projects we have (even if they are mostly fun to play).

    And as it is my first comment here : Good Job WG for this game.

  4. The second German TD line really should be next, plus the assault gun sub-line for the Sturmtiger & Sturmpanzer IV 'Brummbär', since the USSR and USA already have their second TD lines in place; closely followed by fleshing out the British line with its first line of TDs.

  5. We waited over a year for the British tanks - Chinese tanks popped up over night.
    Not much enthusiasm for em...all about da $$. Give us more British tanks before you add more replicas please :-)

    1. At least we added the initial Brits, right?

    2. Eventually, and many of those are a massive disappointment - especially the later heavies.

      Finish the British FIRST, before you start adding extra German TD's or anything else. How can you even consider adding extra German TD's when the Brits don't have ANY?!

    3. Plain and simple...the german extra td's were planned before the british td's. My job here is done.

  6. There is no mass produced Chinese vehicle in that tree (Type 59/WZ-120 is copy) and their own designs are from 1960's. Still no place in WoT for them IMO. The only reason that we have them are money from Chinese server, where most played tank was Type 59. It is the only server were most played tank is a premium one. So money decided, not Chinese tanks history.

    And your initial idea to keep them only on China server was great. For me you spoiled a little WoT giving those artificial tree. And the more so, you added event, which aim is to attract people to play those tanks. There was no such event for British tanks.

    So far I was giving that game best note. Chinese tanks and their promotion caused that I lowered that note by one grade (in 5 grades scale). For me they are by far the worst change since I play (May 2011). And today was first day since May 2011, when I had time and possibility to play and chose other game then WoT.

  7. really? you plan to add more SPGs?

    1. Each tree should have them. Plus there will be tier 9 and 10 SPGs.

    2. could you please provide some ETA for thise, like 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 ?

  8. I would like the "Other European" tree first and adding some of the developmental Commonwealth vehicals to the British tree( the Australian sentinal range for example ), then the Japanese and finally the "Other's" tree including Isreal etc.
    Also, have you considered the wheeled armoued fighting vehicals?


  9. So many questions what new will 2013 bring to WoT ,but i know you will probably give us some cookie cutter answers :(

    So Overlord can you please say if the 0.8.4 patch will only contain british TDs or will the SPGs also be included in it ?

    and please don't give us cookie cutter answer.......Pretty Please

    1. On Russian Q&A was said that UK SPG's will wait for times, when SPG lines will be spread to 10 tiers (probably summer).

    2. masterof kiteflying,

      no, 8.4 won't contain British TDs, tho there will be some other British tanks.

    3. ... what the hell :< than what tanks will be main addition of 8.4?

    4. Well this is surprising... any chance of us recieving any info on what British tanks and what else will there be in 8.4?

    5. Correction. I have checked with Storm - he says 8.4 will bring British TDs.

    6. Well played, well played... you gave a few guys nearly a heart attack :)

    7. Overtroll >.< that was very bad and you should feel bad -.-

  10. While I do feel the Chinese tree had a lot of copy & paste going on, at the very least I get a free tank slot out of it. And I will count the Chi-Ha as a first taste of the Japanese tree, so it's not all bad.

    But some sneak peaks at the British TD line would be nice, I assume they must have the British TD line locked down by now at least?

  11. While the addition of more obscure tanks and tank nations don't bother me in and of itself, the constant delaying of much more iconic tanks and relevant tank nations does.

    At the same time as I recognise the B1 and FT-17 as iconic tanks, I would never have guessed that you'd add a massive tech-tree for French tanks, much like you now are adding Chinese who never had any iconic tank designs of their own.
    For an entire year, tanks have been added in completely the wrong order. Only the British tanks were deserving of a spot really.
    Starting with the second German heavy line and the French tree, the tank priorities have been completely messed up.
    For the entirety of 2012 the highest priority should have been on: British tree, second German TD line, the Japanese tree and the joint European tree (where the few iconic French tanks happen to belong). Why add prototype and blueprint German heavies, an entire massive tree for a nation that was tank relevant during WWI and only the very beginning of WWII, a second TD line (US) for a nation which could easily fit all their actual GMCs in one line, a second TD line (USSR) that gets added for god knows what reason out of nowhere and then never gets any balancing, a second heavy line with even more "never used" tanks and the list goes on.

    Don't get me wrong here, most tanks added deserve to be in the game... EVENTUALLY.

    Sorry about the rant, I really enjoy playing the game, but the content updates have really irritated me over the last year.
    Thank god for the British, physics and new renderer or 2012 would have been a total waste of development.

    1. Here you are talking about your personal priorities, while on our side we have got multiple regions to account for. Each has its own unique priority set.

    2. Yep, I would also prefer one line of US TD's ful of historical mass produced GMC's. And historical tanks before lines of prototypes and blueprints (like French SPG and TD - those 2 lines could wait 1 or even 2 years). I also think that British tanks should be before French. But OK, I wasn't whining about that. Was patiently waiting 20 month for British tanks. But tree without any mass produced original tank (Chinese of course) is for me too much.

    3. So, it's all about balancing interests.

    4. Putting aside personal preference, there are some tanks that are objectively more relevant, historically, than others.
      I'll concede that the second German TD line is a personal thing for me since it has been announced for so long (not having Nashorn while obscure tanks and tank designs get added).

      I'm sure you could construct a tank tree for virtually any nation if you dug deep enough and took creative freedom to its limit. That doesn't mean you should, just because it's a nation with many players.

      I'm from Sweden and I don't think my country deserves a tank tree even if we had a bunch of unique tanks. Strv m/42, Strv L-60, Strv 74, Strv 103 and Ikv 91 fit in well even if the last two are pretty late designs (they both had rifled guns though).
      Strv 81, 101, 102 and 104 are all Centurion based and would serve no real purpose in the game.

      Not a fan of filler tanks really.

  12. Overlord, what about Polish branches? Is there any? Are you going to implement it into the game? As far as I know Polish players are the biggest community in European server. They will love to see Polish flag on battlefield!!!

    1. Polish and German communities on EU are approx equal in numbers. We will definitely include Polish tanks - however at this stage it hasn't been decided how exactly. It can either be a separate, rather tiny tree, or some substantial part of common EU tree. The same as Italy btw

    2. Maybe you will consider POL-ITA combined tree. After all Italy plays very big role in polish history: has place in national anthem, Bona Sforza - Quenn of Poland etc.

  13. There is a more important issue like zero damage, broken visibility system, crashing to desktop after exploring trees in research window, broken ammunition-damage system on T54, long waited second german TD & medium line, really new maps, finally support for multicores systems, even new game modes or proper weather system like fog, rain, snow, etc. After 2 year of playing im beginning to strongly think to unistall it. Even such normal things like change email address for login or simly deactivate or delete account are not in places yet. my patience and im thinking not only my is near end, unfortunately for wargaming.

    1. Good point Lagardere. Zero damage is nightmare.

      I had big amount of zero shots playing IS3 and fireing i.e. to Grille for a ZERO damage! What the hell??? So powerfull tank cant destroy so weak armored viehicle? It is madness!

      Small ammount of maps is another bothering me issue. The game is so recurrent at this moment. It needs new maps ASAP! Watching same maps alle the time is sad.

    2. Good point, but irrelevant to the discussion. Content and features are worked on in parallel.

  14. I'm also angry. At all the whining from all sides.
    Yes, I can't wait to get my hands on the Leopard 1 and eventually and hopefully the AMX 30 but I'm not going to whine about chinese tanks. IMO the obscure tanks like the chinese and french give the game some unique feel. What really annoys me are games that only have your standard WW2 tanks like the Panzer IV, Panther, Sherman, T-34 and so on. I find it wonderful that you give the prototypes and the less known tanks a prominent place in the game because IK find it interesting to "explore" these vehicles instead of always playing with the same old stuff.
    And people need to understand that 3D model artists wouldn't even know how to fix the zero-damage problems or whatever so new tanks do not really delay other progress except maybe balancing, which is not that bad anyway.
    As for zero damage, could someone please tell me what exactly this refers to? I get to do zero damage myself quite often but it's usually because I hit the tracks or spaced armor, so the voice says we hit them but the shot never ended up inside the tank. Cases where I can't tell why no damage was done are extremely rare. So are people upset about the misleading voice message? Is that it? And how is visibility broken? I can see other tanks just fine. :p

    1. You came with interesting notice. What if notification system is broken?
      in situation where you hit tracks and all damage is dealed into it than maybe notification should be "we hit their tracks" instead "we hit them hard" which definetely mean that we did huge damage. Maybe this is the cause of zero shots? Because sometimes you are too far to see if you hit tracks or armour.

    2. That's correct and actually long known, the voice feedback is very unreliable. Also if you hit for example the spaced armor on the front of the SuperPershing and penetrate just the outer plates but not the tank itself, you will hear "we peneetrated them" but will do no damage. The outer plate will even have a penetration mark on it but the projectile never made it into the tank.

  15. have you already research the material for japan or rest of EU tanks? ...
    As we are more european players i guess rest of EU should be first, but on the other hand i guess Japanese will be more different and more funny to play.

    1. For Japanese - yes, for EU tree - partially. Japanese will likely come first, the way we initially announced it.

  16. OK, I focused on Chinese in my previous post, so now some thoughts about other trees.

    I have no problems with Japanese coming before EU tree. We have currently only one axis tree so Japan is quite desired. And there are mass produced WWII tanks in Japan tree so I will be happy to see them. IMO Japan tanks should be released now, instead of Chinese :).

    According to Polish tree, as a Pole, I am afraid that it will be similar artifical terrible thing like Chinese tree. But here it will be top tiers with imported tanks (Soviet ones) or some more tanks that were only drawn by some engineer making his diploma or dreaming about building tanks and no one ever considered to build them. There are only 2 mass produced Polish tanks (both strongly influenced by British designs). Rest are prototypes, blueprints and imports.

    Also, there are some European nations that have - due to their tank development history - bigger rights to their own trees, specially Italians, but also Swedes and Czechs. They made more real mass produced tanks then Poles, more prototypes and probably also more blueprints. Also their mass produced vehicles are more original then Polish ones.

    So if there is any nation from Europe not included in game that should have own tree it is - as number one - Italy. Others I would prefer to see in EU tree to limit number of imports and blueprints.

  17. Hi Overlord!

    It was stated in the past, that you guys arnt sure how to handle the "EU tech tree", when it comes to crews and their nationality. I have the perfect solution:


    That way you avoid all hassle related to nationalities, because they live all around europe. So you can put polish, czech and tanks from other nations in one tech tree and avoid the problems of missing tanks for certain tiers. That way you arnt forced to introduce things like the drawings from Stanisław Lem you posted in your Blog a while ago.

    best regards


    1. This is a bit I don't know ... racist.. :)

    2. explain pls - what is racist about this proposal?

    3. USA sent a new spy to Soviet Union. He was trained very well... he had very strong head and stomach.
      So, he is trying to get some spy information from KGB so he drink with KGB employees... but they keep saying:
      - You are like our, but like not ours.
      - Why? I drink like you!
      - Well... you drink like we, but you like not ours.
      - But I speak like you!
      - Well... you speak like we, but you like not ours.
      - So what is wrong!
      - You are black!

    4. A brilliant idea! Introduce names such as "Dežo Lakatoš", "Armando Červeňák" or "Armani Žiga" into the Czechoslovak name pool... and watch the rage. I'd actually pay to see that :)

    5. it is racist, because they are called "sinti and roma" now ;)

    6. Folterknecht,

      it's like saying there should be at least one Chinese tanker in each crew because China accounts for 1/5 of the world population.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The next thing to do is to remove the China copy of USSR from the pure European server , And maybe also NA server . Then finish the German , British , French trees all one after one as it planned in the full release tech trees . Then the development should be focused about the Map rotation , and Also give somehow for the player the option to vote against some maps in his rotation , Or even let him pick 3 - 4 maps to play only on them . MMing can wait for more 1 minute the give the players the maps they want .

  20. "when our Chinese partners brought up the idea of doing some research to prove that we were wrong"

    Let me translate this line for everyone: When our Chinese partners pushed in the shitloads of money and promises of the gold mine called China, we couldn't resist...

    1. Cmon, you are smearing our pure love to tanks and engineering!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Please...if it would be about love of tanks and engineering you wouldn't have prioritized this copycut tree (because no mather how WG tries to tell othewise 85% of the tanks are still simple copies) over the other two (japan, all EU) that where know to come before we ever heard of the Chinese...

      I know that these things and WoT are not your call, its nothing personal, but WG as a company is getting on a level of greedyness even Apple couldn't reach...

    4. Have to account of interests of varios servers and regions - RU is the largest, China is second largest, EU - 3rd, US - 4th. We also have SEA and Korea, both are growing fast. Thus most of the decisions are dictated by global vision.

    5. Still there is no reason to put this China tree in European and NA servers ...

      And i'm happy to see my words coming now from another people about WG's greediness .

    6. No reason withhold any content. Those who are not interested can miss out on Chinese and finish other trees they have been doing.

    7. The problem is that I drive Tiger or Easy Eight or Crusader and I meet Chinese tanks, while there was no Chinese armored forces in WWII and the tank is from late 1950's or even 1960's and in most cases was never used in any army. The problem is that you added nation which played no role in tanks development till late 1950's.

      For me Chinese tanks in every battle make WoT much less attractive. It is like adding US troops to some medieval strategy/war game cause US is now big market, where you can earn lot of money.

      You made Chinese players happy, but not European players, who love tanks from their golden age and now see in every battle Chinese copies of T-54.

      And the more so on EU site you (I mean WG) wrote that Chinese tanks were long awaited! Surely not in Europe. Surely not by people interested with real tanks. It was UK tanks that were long awaited. And suddenly just after British tanks we get Chinese ones...

      And the effects are that I decided not to buy more gold till there will come EU tree tanks (so till 2014). And even then it is not sure that I will buy gold, cause maybe someone else make tank game slightly more focused on real tanks and giving better WWII feel.

      So far I was great fan of WoT, Chinese tanks made me moderate fan.

    8. @Overlord , No reason to withhold any content ?
      Of course there is a reason . Some content that would/may make the game less attractive or mean for big groups of players should not be added to the game , Is it not so clear ? Just read what Dead_Skin_Mask said , Totally the truth , I agree with every word in his post .

      @Dead_Skin_Mask , "World of Western-Tanks" would make a good sense ! A game which would be developed by enlightened western developers and not by greedy ones :)

  21. Overlord,

    just a quick set questions if I may, because there might be bit of a confusion on some subjects and people keep asking about it... no need to tell us secrets/specifics of course, just generally:

    a) Japanese tanks - earlier in 2012 (nov/dec) there was an info by SerB and Storm that they managed to secure some new Japanese archive and that they still missed the plans for top tier heavies at that point. Does WG have enough data to implement top tier Japanese heavies now?

    b) Polish tanks - there was an info (by SerB I believe) that he had enough data to implement tier 7,8,9 Polish tanks, is that so, or was it just the rumor?

    c) Is there a candidate considered for tier 10 Polish tank (of any class, something else than the funny Lem tank), or are they still looking?

    d) Is there some other candidate for tier 10 Italian tank than the M47 Patton (with the 105mm L7)?

    e) Are there any hightier (7,8,9,10) Hungarian tanks available WG found about or are they still looking?

    I hope the questions are vague enough to avoid the "KTTC" and "wait for patchnotes" hammer :) Thank you for your time either way, your posts are much appreciated

    1. a) As far as I'm aware there is still not enough reference material to make up the whole tree, however our guys do know where to dig and whom to approach.

      b) In my opinion, up to tier 7-8.

      c) Nope, there is no such candiadate. That tank was more of a joke.

      d) We are not considering Patton at this stage.

      e) As far as I'm aware guys haven't found those yet, however they haven't been working a lot on EU tree.

    2. Because Chinese give Wargaming more money than other country to make their line tree, thus Chinese Copies tree come the others without info until after patch 8.2 .

  22. I think that if you want your game to be succesfull in the future you should think about adding new features to it so that game evolves. For now, you didn't make much.. hard work on physics can't be called game evolution but a little design/mechanic improvment (it is nice and works good but doesn't improve game much). New modes (assault and the other i can't remember the name) is a poor attempt to make something different. New tanks are just here for you to get more $ (this already noobs know) but it will not help you with the fact that game is becoming boring. So in my opinion, if you want to keep old players and make the game interesting do some hard core improvments - add infantry, add mines, add fuckin dinosaurus but add something. Adding new maps and tanks is just the easy way to prolong players boredom for a couple of weeks. Just an opinion.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yeah, i want Godzilla on Port, smashing those two bridges in a way that suicide scouts can't fly using them and spot all movement on the first five seconds of play.

      On topic: in this game every tank has it place, if well balanced and well tiered, tank and system.

    3. Pero Peric,

      not going to argue here New content is not enough to keep players involved in the long run. We are working on adding really new features to the game.

  23. Hello Overlord!

    Are the British TD's going to be heavy armored, slow & heavyhitting like speculated?

    Is there any changes planned for Jpz E-100? I'm still very disappointed with this tank.

    Is there going to be changes regarding derp guns + gold ammo and when if so?

    I think Chinese tanks fit this game well (especially light ones tier 6-8) and bring some variety.

  24. Chinese Tanks, Copypasta Tanks. Don't care for them
    American tanks, Love em. Very Comfortable, First nation I played in WoT.
    Russian Tanks, Feel My Soviet Might!
    German Tanks, Respect em, don't play em.
    French tanks... Seriously? Damn the french and all their frenchyness (Brits and French have an... unstable relationship)
    British Tanks, As a brit myself, it is undoubtable That I must play this nation. Feel the Patriotism run through my blood!

    1. Only good thing about the Chinese tanks is that it gives me more time to complete my current grind projects until the Japanese tanks arrive.


    2. Aux armes citoyens
      Formez vos bataillons
      Marchons, marchons
      Qu'un sang impur
      Abreuve nos sillons !


  25. U can told when Polish tank tree come? (1/2/3/4 part of 2013-2014)

    1. Not in 2013. And we havent decided on a separate Polish tree as of now.

  26. overlord what will be the strong point of the new German medium line in 8.5, ?

    and thanks fora taking your time answering our questions, much appreciated

    1. I think that is not hard to figure out, mate - even without asking. Basically, the new vehicles you got are two Leopards and the Indienpanzer. Storm or SerB stated that the Leopard will be a crossbreed between the Batchat and the T-62A and the Indienpanzer seems a lot like it too when you look at its real life data: powerful engine, potentially powerful gun, sort of "meh" armor. So the name of the game will be mobility and rapid and accurate (if low-alpha) firepower at the expense of armor.

    2. Basically confirm what Frank Davis said.

  27. Dear overlord


    A) when u bring in t9 and t10 arty ( and if i understood it right the t8-now arty will become t10), will we get the t10 and the new t8 arty? (with a free garage-slot of course) =)

    B) i guess t2 -t7 arty (now) will get nerfed and the max. +- 2tier limit will kick in for them as well, or not?? (shooting with a nerfed grille on t8-tanks would be less funny) ;)

    C) i can understand ure point to make the game more attractive to the SEA-players ;) so u will have to complete the tech trees of china ( but brits first pls). But after that (in 8.7 or 8.8) is ure focus is more on developing Clanwars (and adding new features; like goldtransactionbooks for the treasurer and the directlink from garage to cw-map 4 fieldcommanders and of course the mercenary function) befor starting with japanese and europe trees (maybe for 2014), or not??

    D) is it possible to reinvent the 2-NEW-maps-per-update - system?? ( i know u reworked the old ones in the last updates, but thats why some people have the impression there was no change ) =)

    E) i'm missing a bit the maps Komarin and Swamp in randome battles ( maybe just me =P) is it possible to rework them and reintroduce them into randome battles???

    thx 4 reading and keep up the effort with this blog =)

    1. A) In case of such substitution, we will follow our regular compensation procedure, ie players won't lose anything :)

      B) Sure thing, some balancing adjustments will be required. As for caps: having 10 tiers of SPGs is likely to lead to more balanced matches with less SPGs per team, plus harder caps will theoretically be possible

      C)We are working on CWs in parallel with client development. Hopefully, the features I've announced in last 2 posts will become reality in near future.

      D) We are currently improving and streamlining our level design production. Once we are done, hoping to come back on 2-new-maps-per-update track.

      E) It is possible.

  28. I have a question.  'll Ever changing textures, from cannons. Should not go through buildings and tanks?

    1. I am not Overlord but I think the answer to this is so clear I can risk answering myself: no. They tried it, didn't work - guns got stuck all over the place, was frustrating. It's simply a game compromise.

    2. Yes, it is.

      We tried things the other way and it was a complete mess with turret traverse and guns getting stuck everywhere.

  29. Hi Overlord,

    is it possible, that we will get the AMX Canon d'assaut 105, AMX Canon d'assaut 120 and the Canon d'assaut Lorraine?

    Maybe the Lorraine TD as tier7, the amx canon d'assaut 105 as tier8 with the 105mm gun of the batcat and the amx canon d'assaut 120 as tier 9 with the 120mm gun and at tier 10 maybe a prototype version of the amx canon d'assaut 120 with an improved 120mm gun and an autoloader because its french ;)!

  30. Hey OL,

    I asked this in the EU Q/A thread some month ago, now checking back if you changed your mind, or maybe you could put it up as a suggestion to serb/storm.

    So, its about the module damage and repair. Currently, if you get an important critical damage, your only option is to use up the repair kit.
    If you get an another critical after this, you are, well, f*ckd. Repair skill does not help either, since its only used for non-important modules and tracks.
    My suggestion is to make repair skill able to fully repair all damaged modules over time. You can set a long enough to make it still important scoring critical hits. This way you could make repair skill more usefull, more use of the toolbox/gold repair kit, and an ammo rack / gun hit wouldnt cripple a tank for the rest of the battle. ppl could make a decision, if they want it repaired immediately via repair kit, or they wait for the long time while the crew does the repair. Here are some ideas: damaged ammo rack repair: 3-4mins. damaged gun repair: 3-4mins. damaged turret repair: 5 mins. damaged radio/optics: 2-3 mins. damaged engine repair. 3-4mins. etc

    not sure about the dead crew. you could make them heal over time too, but i think they should just stay dead.

    please put this over the table

  31. When we geth the EU tree wil be separated tier 1 vehicles or youst one from wath all begins

  32. Is that true that British FV215b will be moved to TD line as their top tank (the same way as it was with T30 <> T110E5), and as substitute we will get what tank ?

  33. Hello OL! I have a question for you regarding tank balancing (Not a whine about how one tank is UP and other one is OP, but the method you use to balance things).

    So on to my question: I remember reading/watching a video where the method you use for tank balancing was explained. In short it went like, that you take a sample of players (Who's global winrate is 48-49% for example), and then look at the average tank winrate of those players. If it's too high, tank gets nerfed, if it's too low, it gets buffed. This was the basic consept, I think it also included some other stats, but that winrate thing was the most important one. This way neither very good or very bad players wont affect the balancing of the tank too much. Am I right or wrong? If I'm wrong, could you explain the method you're using shortly?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I now it's a bit of Post necromancy, but here goes. Some time ago it was announced that the SPG Sexton is suppose to be a Premium in AMERICAN tree. Recently (according to forum translations) SerB confirmed it. How the developers came to that decision? It is widely known that American engineers failed at attempts to produce British gun armed mobile Artillery for U.K. forces and that Canadians, being part of the Commonwealth succeeded, by using RAM and Grizzly chassis. I am aware of the fact that those designs were American based, but American army itself never used the Sexton. Also why include another, pretty much mirror image, design in a tree that already has a Priest, while the British tree, in which Sexton would fit naturally, is already released.

  36. Chinese arty and TD?
    70% import tank? hmm? the problem is with the Chinese tech tree, we havent got new gamestyle tank. (like the french with autoloader, or the english fast guns heavy armor) Chinese, albeit have got own tanks up to t6-7, but the gamestyle is same us Russians tanks.

  37. Chinese tank destroyer? I say Type 82 as the tier IX and the Type 82 prototype as the IX?

  38. icrosoft has been working closely with OEMs office 2010 professional plus key to ensure Windows Telephone incorporates the hardware support expected. Microsoft revealed on Thursday that together with Nokia it "shared early builds of software program and hardware" to ready the Lumia 1020.
