Sunday, December 16, 2012

[WoWS] Previously Unknown Designs

Hi everyone,

I told you that my second post would be about ship blueprints and design, so here it is:

As some of you may know, the Yzuru Hiraga is the famous Japanese naval architect of the beginning of the 20th century. Such ships as Yubari, Yamashiro, Nagato are a part of his work.
Moreover, in 1916 he became a chief engineering director of the Eight-eight fleet program, according to which by the 1927 Imperial Japanese Navy must have had 8 top class fast battleships and 8 top class battlecruisers.

I will come back to this program in future posts, but now I want you guys to know, what could be one of the starting point of completely different IJN:

Here you can see one of the preliminary dreadnought designs, based on the famous Mikasa.
This blueprint was found in the Hiraga's archive, and is dated as 1903/1904 design - the time of ironclads sunset, the time where Russian Imperial Fleet was still alive, the time before Russo-Japanese War.

The ship is approximately 18000 tons displacement, has four main caliber turrets with dual 305mm 45 caliber guns, and can probably go as fast as 18-19 knots; it is very similar to South Carolina/Michigan, isn't it?

We all know, that the first dreadnoughts built for IJN were Settsu and Kawachi, but this particular design shows us, that history could have gone another way, and who knows, how could it change the future?..



  1. i definately want to see as many desings as possible for history going another way..probably not...maybe in smaller time scale but theres no way japan could match usa industry

    1. Of course, in the real history Japan industry power was much weaker, than USA. But we are trying to find as many paperships as possible to make balanced tech trees for every nation that will appear in our game.

    2. Does this mean we'll see the Amagi class completed as battlecruisers? And the B-64/B-65 designs?

    3. B64 is actually Amagi class; you will see Amagi battlecruisers and B65, yes, though maybe not in release-tree.

    4. Didn't realize it was the same design but I should have. lol Thanks for the lesson. I'd like to pose the question about the possibility of Battle Carriers like the reconstructed Ise coming into the game later down the line. They're an interesting idea but not necessarily very functional.

  2. hows about those ships, which are from a totally different eras?
    1903-04 cant match ships of even 1916, dont even mention early 40s.

    which era are you trying to focus on? are we going to see pre-1ww and 1ww ships, too?
    even though the armament of some is quite impressive and can be a thread to 2ww ships, their accuracy was just 2-3%, so what role are they going to take?

    Hows about modern era?
    i just hope there no place for rockets and post-ww2 ships.

    1. We will start from the early steam turbine-powered ships with the rare exceptions.
      There also won't be any modern ships wih homing anti-ship missiles.

  3. As I check on:

    There are some really bizarre ships that apparently were designed, but never built. One of those interesting ones is a version of Tillman with 4 turrets with 6x16" guns! Would that be a ballance breaker, or just veeeeery slow in reload times?

    1. A lot of those designs were made by the person who runs the website and were never actually designed.

      Over on the WoWs forums, we like to call that site the warship equivalent of fanfiction.

    2. Ok, but my question remains more or less the same:

      Are there any totaly "cosmic" designs that You have found, that are to ambitious or to extreme to put into the game? Maybe something like Ratte for tanks, that is to bizarre and extreme to fit anyhow to the game?

      A good example would be japanese I-400 class. An aircraft carrier and submarine at the same time. As much as submarines are not consideres at all, aircraft carriers are a bit different from what Sen Toku was. Maybe soem sort of premium vehicle? :P

    3. The most typical "cosmic" design is H44, Tillman battleships, Super Yamato.

    4. So these badicaly are not crazy in "Ratte scale", but more like "T95 scale" or maybe "E-100 scale"? I thought that there would be something more extreme that has never left the drawing board, and was sort of "Stalins wet dream" or "Hitlers ultimate sea weapon".

      The only really absurd thing I can think of now (as that sute appears to be some sort of BS) is that there was an aircraft carrier based on an iceber also considered, but except an idea they never really turned it into a real project, as it was just to wild.

    5. Well, the extreme scale is Kaneda 500.000 tonn battleship, for example, or 1.800.000 Habakkuk CV.

  4. I find these battleships boring to be honest.

    @KGB, you will find out WoT community to be really needy. I think this is one of the hardest communities to manage. I hope you will not loose your will to interact.

    1. I like to communicate with people, so until I'll be told not to post things, I'll stuck to the road I'm currently moving.

  5. Hi, is it that hard to get a dedicated blog to WoWS instead of hijacking this?

    When i come here i want to read about tanks, not planes or boats.

    By the way, if your control system is different from battlestations series you have another problem coming (as in WoWp, with a control system diferent from other games such as combat wings series - at least the last time i tried it, months ago).

    1. The most logical solution is not to read about things you don't want to read about.

    2. I don't mind Overlord giving you an intro but it would be better to have a seperate WoWS dev blog like

    3. We will consider this at a later stage, currently this resource may do well as a platform for several authors.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm Curious about this game. In the game play of inside the game is it possible that your gonna use different kind of war weapons aside from tanks?

    Dragon Nest Blogger.
