Monday, December 31, 2012

[WoWS] Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

2012 was a hard year for World of Warships team.
We changed conceptions and expanded maps couple times, we fought and keep fighting for FPS rate, we tuned ship movement like hundred times; in 2012 WoWS got Hit Location system and great ballistics. We even implemented flooding!

In 2012 we held three gameplay Focus Tests, to ensure that we are moving the right way - and every time people told us "That's a great game!". From 4x4 BB only format we came to 8x8 BB/CA, and the FT3 got 12x12 BB/CA/CV.

There are still many things to do: torpedo bombers, complex HL, upgrades and presets for ships, etc.
But I can tell you that we will do everything and even more to make the great game for you!

Happy New Year!
See you in 2013!



  1. While this is all good and all, when can we expect the beta to start?

    Also, will it be moddable like WoT is out of the gate or will that be implemented later?

    1. I can't tell you when we will start CBT, all I can tell you is that we will start in no sooner than the game is polished enough.

    2. and alpha? I like to use VERY unpolished game :D

  2. Is it even possible at the moment to get into the testing of WoWS?

    1. It will be possible in 2013.

    2. I can't wait. I'm definitely looking forward to the awesomeness you guys have come up with. Also, endless thanks for answering all our questions day in and day out, it's made the waiting simultaneously much more interesting and much harder.

  3. How will we be aiming with big ship guns? Like normal td sight or arty "godview" ?

    And the most important:

    Happy new year!
    to all of you and your families :)

    1. There will be three cameras:
      1) Arty style for long distances
      2) Binocular camera - like sniper mode in WoT for mid distances
      3) 3rd person view for close combat

      Also there will be a special CV camera.

    2. CV as in Aircraft carriers. Im assuming this type of view is like normal Command and conquer style view where you control aircaft units around.

  4. Yesterday I ran into another old NavyField fleetmate in WoT. Turns out there are several of us who have migrated to tanks. I think we're all pretty eager to get back to sea. Make it happen!

    1. You won't believe, but I was an NF hardocore gamer myself ever since NA open beta in 2005.

    2. I started around 2001, before the "move backward" is implemented, when m project is silver in colour like metal, Scharnhorst short and fat like a pocket-battleship/potato.

      Before I touched the game, I heard it was 3D and we have to adjust angle of gun.
      I imagined that kind of '3D' like WOT; angle adjusting have to be done with numbers or slide bar, instead of...well, you know what the 'aimming line' like.
      But still, that game drove me crazy. After a few years, a few more friends joined.

      But today, almost most of us left and waiting for WOWS.
      Please, let us get back to the good old days. The glory days we teamed up in 3 Akizuki and wash the deck of enemy with shells.

      WOT brought us from blitz 1941, and WOWS is even better for naval battle lovers like us. Big boys waiting!

  5. Thank You KGB! :)
    All the best in the new Year, and hpefully a succesfull beta test start!
    I am looking forward to test Your work, and give some constructive criticism on the forums to make it even better! :)

    Oh ... and just by the way:
    Tell Overlord that We want Arizona and Savannah (and hopefully reworked Swamp and refreshed Komarin)back in the game! :) These were announced so long ago, that it would be a perfect New Year gift for all the players not interested in chinese tanks in 8.3 ! :)

    ... and I know Ovi is "listening", so all the pest for You Ovi as well! :D

    1. Yeah, and ... well ... all the "best", not "pest"
      I have no idea how did that get there ! :D

  6. Waiting for the release version !

  7. Any info for a EU portal and forum of WoWs?

    And Happy New Year!


      The forum link is at the bottom of the page.

    2. But EU forum dont have any active moderators. When you have any question, you must go to

  8. Happy new year to all the WG developers, employees, players and all the people of good will!

  9. What can I say...I never cared much for tanks, yet WoT is one of my favorite games and even sparked a small amount of interest in the subject material as well.

    I'm not very interested in the arcadey nature of WoWP, so I haven't played it beyond a few battles during closed beta.

    WoWS, on the other hand...this is the biggest thing on my radar. Ships are something I can get behind as a topic, can't wait for the closed beta. Keep it up with the great games people.

    Happy New Year, and hope you stay motivated to deliver great stuff. Sometimes I fear that all the negativity of the community, especially around event specials, might end up affecting you guys, and I shudder at the thought :)

  10. well, still 30min to go here in Romania, but ... Happy New Year!

  11. Give me a nelson class battleship please. It'd make a good tier 8 premium actually.

    1. But she'll still be in game though? woohoo!

    2. it would be cool to list all of the ships that have been confirmed publicly for the game so far.

  12. I can not wait for this game to come out. I like WoTs very much but I've always like naval combat much more and love the WWI and WWII era of ships.

  13. Hey KGB, Can WOWS Water/Sea graphic animation (or whatever it's called) can be the same quality or much better than Silent Hunter 4?

    1. We will try our best to make even better water and waves animations.

  14. Give me a nelson class battleship please. It'd make a good tier 8 premium actually We found that your company is leading web designing and website Development Company in your city. We appreciate your creativity and portfolio of website designing. We also come to know you are doing well in search engine optimization inSurat. Here we are Ahmedabad based company #1 Vinayak InfoSoft – dealing in website designing in ahmedabad, web development in ahmedabad and search engine optimization in ahmedabad.
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    1. The age of intelligent spambots is near! I bow to our new overlords.

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  16. Overlord; any chance of getting our hands on that golden Type 59 G, the one that only exists on the Chinese servers?

    1. I doubt. Most controversial vehicle that is likely to piss off many players.

    2. I hear if you play it on the Chinese server you get team killed instantly

  17. Sub-Marines are planned for this game ?
    Or Carriers (To confederate with WoWP)

    I Suggest that WoWP and WoWS should be in same client to allow Air support to naval and the opposite .

    In WWII , Naval and Air forces were glued to each other .

    1. Technologies and scale are so much different, not including game design. So it's not even up to discussion.

    2. WoWS without Japanese Kamikaze ? Seriously ?

    3. Never said they would not include aircraft into WoWs. And you could probably break the game mechanic by forcing an aircraft to run out of fuel over a ship :P

      They also said they would never include submarines in Navyfield. Look what happened there.

  18. Overlord; How is the Conqueror (t9 hv british) performing?
    Under,good,over - performing?

    In my eyes its a great balanced tank, but the ammo rack gets hitten very often
    (Like the engine on the vk 4502 P)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Happy new year u two and the rest of WarGaming!

    Could u please answer me some questions overlord!

    1.why does the type 59 still have a reduced matchmaking? Because he no longer needs it! if u dont increase it, maybe reduce the mm for the other meds or give them better guns!
    2.why is a arty allowed to deal 4k-6k damage without having to risk his life but a normal tank has to risk his life to deal some damage? Think about it! long do we have to wait until u buff the lorraine and SU-101? Because both underperf very hard!

    1. Agree with every word !

      I think also that AMX-50-100 needs some serious redesign .

    2. Nice to see, that one person agrees with me!

      Ow and Overlord whats with the KV-1S and its 122mm gun?
      You can clearly see that with the MM change from something like +-3 to +-2 its winrate went up from ~45% to ~49%!

      So how about giving us two versions of the KV-1S?
      One without the 122mm gun at tier6 and the other one with the 122mm gun at tier7!

      I would really love to see a comment to all my questions by you Overlord!

      ps: and not only something like works as intended or something else like this!

    3. I don't really agree with that ...

      1st point may be valid to some degree, as Type59 does not require reduced MM values. On the other hand ... it does not cause him to fight tiers 5-6 all the time, just never really reaches 10s.

      2nd point is a complete bullshit. I am sorry but thats what it really is when You think of it. Arty does never risk its life? Arty is a one hit kill, so detection almost always equals its death, and most of tanks take several hits and are capable of hiding afterwards. The main issue is that most players are just affraid to apply pressure of any sort in the battle, so they are not getting closer to enemy arty, and as an effect it has all the time it needs to aim and shoot. And even after that they still sit in their bushes and behind rocks despite these 30-45 sec. that arty has to reload. NOONE ever thinks of that in random battles, and IF the happen to do so, they never get any support, because there are 14 other players shit**ng their pants and affraid to move anywhere. And that's what is the real issue.

      3rd poiint is only half way valid. Lorraine (as well as AMX 50 100) is inderperforming when You try to play it like any other medium tank. But this is only because this is not supposed to be played as such, and IMO these two tanks are two of the most overpowered machines in the game if used propery. The point is that these are not made for direct combat as any other vehicle of med/heavy class, but people are constantly trying to play them es such anyway!

    4. Przemysław , Then tell me how exactly we should play with AMX 50 100 ? Half year ago i played with this tank as Heavy , and this awesome tank ! But after many patches this tank become so useless !

      @Overlord ? Any suggestions ?

    5. @Przemyslaw

      For ur first point: The Type59 never has to fight against tier10 tanks, u have to fight tier10 only if u team up with other tier8 tanks and that´s ur own fault, that´s way it doesnt need such a good gun! And if u take a look at the other stats of the Type it´s better than most of the others, because its gun is as good as the one of the pershing and the T-44´s, maybe weaker than the one of the Panther2 or the Centurion Mk. I´s! For the armor it has the best of all tier8 meds and it´s even better than some of the tier9 meds! And for the mobility, it´s better than the pershing, panther2 and the british one, only the T-44 is better!

      For ur second point: You are saying, that a arty is mostly a one shot kill, but that is total bullshit, because a T110E5 needs to hit twcie to kill a tier8 or tier7 arty and for a tier6 arty u have to deal more than ur average damage, too! And to kill a arty with an ammorack hit u have to be very lucky!
      For the fact with the reload time of the arty u are wrong too, because there is often more than one arty and if the artys have shot, it doesnt mean, that there are no other tanks like td´s hiding in bushes and so on!

      For ur third point: the lorraine is weaker as tier9 than it was at tier8, because thy nerfed its mobility and it´s missing its good 90mm gun which was for my taste the better gun because of the better accuracy and faster reload and it totally lacks armor and has a very low hp-pool!
      And dont come me with, that i dont know how to play the lorraine, because I played it often when it was tier8 and i got a good winrate with it, but with the change to tier9 thy totally forgot to buff it!
      Because it has no armor, the lowest hp-pool of all tier9 meds and a maybe ok gun but with a to long reload time and aimtime! If thy would give it back its old mobility and the good 90mm gun with a rof of around 10 and give the 100mm gun a rof of 8 paired with a accuracy buff, it would be good again but now its only a tier8,5 tank!

      For the AMX 50 100: David is right, because they overnerfed it, like thy did with AMX50B but thy dont care because its a non clanwars tank! Give this one a better mobility and a higher accuracy on the move and it would be a nice tank with its own way to play!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. А у нас КГБ убивает жж. Так что мы идем к вам, буржуи.

    1. It's always nice to meet you.

    2. אני גם יכול לדבר בשפה עברית בבלוגים בלי שאף אחד יבין אותי .

      Seriously , This is universal blog .
