Tuesday, October 2, 2012

[WoT] 3.5 Years Before FG 1250

Ok, it's high time I came up with something extremely biased and propagandistic. Some top secret magical Soviet technology piece that could compete with superior German counterpart, for a change. :)

The FG 1250 infrared searchlight and scope - might be useful in terms of background info.

PCT-8 is a Soviet night vision aiming device developed in summer-autumn 1941 by the engineering bureau High command eventually lost contact with during the war. Even though the basic blueprints were still available, based on the document below no other Soviet engineering facility was able to neither start the full-speed production nor even build a prototype of the aforementioned device. It was suggested to focus on further research.

PCT-8 is an infrared searchlight and scope that allowed to engage targets up to 200m.

That's the infrared lighter for PCT-8 device. Blueprint is below, all in all the design is similar to other IR scopes.

Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence, fund 38, inventory 11355, case N644, p.59, 65, 68


  1. Reveals all enemies within view range....should about mak it OP enough ;)

  2. lol germans has it. Russians has it.. The American Tanks will be fighting blind during night battles.

    1. Yeah, will have to take it into account when desigining night battles. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sure IR is not visible to the human eye but not to other IR equipped tanks, keep the search light off and receiver on then open fire on the first dummy that turn his light on. High risk vs low reward if you ask me.

    4. Since my work is related to the tanks (tank commander), I think that this device should be active only in the snip mode

    5. And of cours, if you turn device On, other with same devce can see your position :)

  3. probably stolen from the germans.....just saying

    1. So you're saying the Russians had time machines? I think you're losing the Germans are more advanced argument there. =p

  4. as if soviet tanks arent over powered enough.

    more power to german i say

  5. Too bad the Germans already started making night vision scopes in 1939, the "Vampyr" night vision scope for the STG-44, I can almost guarantee that the soviet version is just stolen tech.

    They also had plans to mount it on tanks and aircraft, but the third reich fell long before then.

    Heres a quick wiki article on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zielger%C3%A4t_1229

    1. That was not supposed to be mounted on vehicles, was it?

    2. the panther tank was planned to have an infared night sights and illuminators.

    3. Alf, I'd like to know where you get the 1939 figure for the ZG1229 from, since the StG44 wasn't even designed until mid-1942 and the scope wasn't produced until '44.

    4. OL: Look up ZG 1221. It's an infrared system produced by AEG. It's in some museum in germany. It was used on Panthers on the Westfront.

      *Maybe you guys shouldn't only rely on russian sources. There's more than Kubinka and russian archives. Besides some original sources prefer using fitting ammo for shelling tests:D*

    5. Dziban303, it was started in 1939 and the final product was to be mounted on the stg-44's

    6. @Bloodmane1987


      There's nothing wrong with russian archives, except they were made during the soviet period. Which means there will be made up things and lies. The people can't be allowed to know the truth, right? :)

  6. i've read somewhere about allies forces also have develop their own infrared device and put into test. hmm...got to check back..

    1. Ofc they had. 1939 brits used some monocular and developed some other stuff. I didn't yet look up if they planned to use it on tanks. But I bet they did. Japan also tested night vision optics.

    2. It was even the first night vision used for military purpose. Even a few months before the Reich tested it's own systems.

      Epic brits are epic:D
      -a german:P

  7. Overlord,
    If You Play ARMA II (sorry for bringing other games in here)
    Well if U know how dark it is when in night time..
    WOT Should be like that..
    If u'll added Night Battles of course

    1. Nps with mentioning ARMA here, it's a decent game indeed.

      Yeah, we all would love to have such battles in WoT as well.

    2. well, if we would at night battles, i believe we need machine guns with tracers and flares to signal

  8. nickname in WoT Rage_Oddball
    It is not that Russian tanks are OP, but the advantages that Germans had in WW2 cant be exploited in the game, range and power of the gun.
    KV2 is a good example how tier should be balanced, that is accurate, but when you put Tiger in his surrounding T29 dose not belong here, amx all so, IS is his counterpart, i dont know the tech tree by heart, but you get my drift ;).
    Tiger could kill any thing between 1,5 and 2km, rest could not and that is the problem (and i cant give you a solution except bigger maps, that i know(or aware better yet) is a problem) or to put all Germans heavy tanks to have max. view/detection range so they would spot much faster and would exploit that first shell advantage.
    Im not complaining, just speaking my mind. I have no problem whit the game, it is what it is after all.
    and after 21k battles and still playing, except some bugs, 0 damage and dings on t50-2 whit E4 and some very bad players in radom battles, i still like to play the game.

  9. I cant wait to see the night battles. Germany and Soviet FTW


  10. you dont need night vision! Just keep lowering the loading and aiming times on those russian tanks of yours like you have been for the last 3 updates and you will catch up to those pesky germans. Good lord, the nerve of some people

  11. Like shooting fish in a barrel...dont even need a hook really :)

  12. "...no other Soviet engineering facility was able to neither start the full-speed production nor even build a prototype of the aforementioned device. It was suggested to focus on further research"
    "...allowed to engage targets up to 200m"

    as opposed to
    "The "Heereswaffenamt" WaPrüf 8, in cooperation with the AEG was dealing with this kind of optical equipment since 1936, but development was discontinued..."
    "Admittedly the searchlight range was not more than 600 metres, limiting the long range advantage of the excellent KwK42 75mm/L70"

    How convenient, that the effective engagement range in WoT is around 200m :)

    1. Yes, just a coincidence though.

    2. Very convenient. Also, notice how they say 600m LIMITS the 75mmL/70s range. In WoT 600m is extreme range :) Why can't we shoot at up to 3km instead? It would make accuracy more imporant. As it is now, any tank that is supposed to have "OMG BAD AKURASY LOLLLLLL" can still hit at a fair bit of range, making accuracy useless. This is a big problem, especially for derp guns such as 152mm. It is even a problem for other tanks with supposed "bad accuracy".

    3. It sounds like he proved you wrong if the germans really did start their development 1936, That is about 5 years prior to the russians.

      You could always prove that you are not biased by adding some information about that.

  13. Overlord, this reminds me. How come the searchlights/headlights on the vehicles that have them (T-62A, T100E5, etc.) are not textured? They're just blank, and look rather ugly.

  14. Hey Overlord, any idea on when the NA Clan Wars server will be back up? Its seems that more and more players are leaving Wot and moving on to other games from lack of clan wars. Theres unrest in the US!

  15. Very interesting.... but when will we see the answers for the questions to Doyele?

  16. Notice how the almost all the people who cry about soviet bias are the bad tankers? And almost all the bad tankers chose to play the German tanks. Look at the stats of almost any tier 10 german tank driver. They are bad, most likely your sub 50% win rate players with low survivability damage and exp. Almost all of the really bad players play the top tier german tanks and the people on the RU server know this. So no wonder there is a cry for balancing. How many of the skilled players,unicums/purple players, actually play any German tank other than the E50m? Not many, but when they do their stats are right on par with almost any other tier 10 they have...

    1. Funny, I found it to be quite different. Even players with other T10 such as IS-7 or T110E# have complained. Some players only play german tier 10s, that's why their stats are bad. The tanks are bad, so are their stats, see the small connection?

  17. @Snipe4Food

    True story. I don't always play my E100 but when I play i bring nothing to team, I can't penetrate anything cause I'm too bad player to hit tiny weakspot on IS4 from 400 m and I can't even act like 'tank' cause I can't angle properly cause everything penetrates my lower hull plate.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks for picking up on the sarcasm there at the end.

    WHY we dont have night battles in WoT?!!!

    1. Because of engine I guess. Now that BW belongs to WG they maybe try night battles after implementing multi core support... who knows:)

    2. I'm guessing multi core support client side is on the very low priority list just below adding goats and chickens to the game for more authentic villages.

  19. Well no wonders, that this piece of equipment has never been produced. 200 meters range is extremely low. Your enemy would also see you at this close distance even in the night, that's why this IR scope has never been used as it was totaly useless.

    1. "From late 1944 to March of 1945, some Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf G (and other variants) mounted with FG 1250, were succesfully tested. From March to April of 1945, approximately 50 Panthers Ausf G (and other variants) mounted with FG 1250, saw combat service on the Eastern Front and Western Front."

      in http://www.achtungpanzer.com/german-infrared-night-vision-devices-infrarot-scheinwerfer.htm

  20. Looks like you,russians,are so so frustrating!after WWII matusca russia claim is great nation in the whole world!but after 20 years west-germany(so half from germany) is most prolific nation in europe at that time because that nation grow up from ashes and revitalizing himself.and now you, as russian or whatever,claim that most prolific tech and research is again russia!are you serious?russians steal all high tech from western country (steal then and now).
    only frustrating nation who claim is biggest( but is most lazy nation) and greatest could praise in this way.
    after war ussr have most advanced mil tech(tanks,rockets,jets) only because they captured german scientist!
    sorry for my comment but this is the reality. and dont blame me,history facts cannot be changed!

    1. Everyone stole the rocket science from the germans (including V1) to make space rockets and such.

  21. All this reminds me of Pavel Chekov's notes in the original Star Trek series, that most great inventions and events ever noted in history came from his homeland.

    1. It's more down-to-earth than that, I have a close link with Pasholok who works with archives directly.

      As promised, I will get some info from Doyle to counterweigh digging through archives posts. That's going to be a nice change.

  22. It's funny when you joke about "bias" then you put something up and brag that "the russians were before the german". Which basically shows that you feel insecure. You could have posted and said you were "before" the US, but you obviously have some deep psychological issue with germany.

    1. My friend, belive me, I have no psycho issues. 2+ years spent with this community is either break or make it. :)

    2. If you have neither a "psychological issue" with germans or are Soviet biased then why dont you start posting posts about something that the germans did better instead of tons of posts about soviet superiority.

  23. BT-7 1937


