Friday, September 7, 2012

[WoT] Public Test of 8.0 is On

Public test of 8.0 started with several known and (unfortunately) noticeable issues that are not critical, but important. Here are they:
  • new post-battle statistics is not displayed after the battle (most likely will be fixed today)
  • penetration holes are hilariously marked with clan logos (for clan members)
  • base capture doesn't work on Cliff and Wide Park maps
Unfortunately, fixes to the aforementioned problems haven't made it to the release version of initial build. Please don't report them, so as not to spam (cause they are so obvious). :)

Apart from that there is a number of smaller and less noticeable issues, feel free to report them as well as post your general feedback on the major update.


  1. Whenever I try to load 'flag' emblems it freezes the game and I have to close it. (Windows 7)

    Everything else is great... you've out done it with the new physics. Although I've seen a few tanks getting bullied off ledges.

    1. I have the same problem with camo, after reboot game new setting are apllyed.

    2. No, when I select the 'Flags & countries' option for emblems (the one after Miscellaneous. It just freezes up and wont load them. Normaly the emblems load and you can choose but it just freezes.

      I want my St. Georges damn it!

  2. So, people are shooting clan logos on each other?

    1. Brings a whole new meaning to "tramp stamp" hahah!

  3. what happend to the premium tanks..? i dont see any of them the new once pziv black prince,SU122-44 etc...

  4. Accelerating still feels a bit strange, I have the feeling Hellcat, T54 and T59 lost speed. Also I find the lighting a bit to bright, it's more like floodlight than sun. Also PzIV needs something to make it at least equal to PzIII/IV, not that its L70 is gone. But great update apart from that.

  5. Dan, the British BP is there... it's kinda fricking awsum as well. Tier 5, meh... maybe better if everyone didn't have gold ammo... but it's still very good. Good accuracy and reload time as well as being rather tough. It's sloooow though... soooo slooooow...

  6. in garage 90% of tha screen is the battle too.....what's wrong?

    1. by the way......the game' working.....the problem is just in test

  7. The new sounds are strange, sometimes you can only hear music, and the low caliber guns sound like water pistols...

    1. Yes, don't like them either. As well as ramming sounds.

    2. I laugh at the sound the T29 tracks make(sounds like popcorn), and furious at the sound I heard from firing the 128mm L/55. "Pshew!"- Damn it 128mm!

  8. I believe the turret values for the T110E4 were changed from 203/203/152 to 152/152/152. I don't know if this was a bug or if it was intended.

  9. Ah, putting "Iosif Stalin" as one of the available tank decals. As there is nothing like the glorification of mass murderers that would make me want to give WG money.

    1. Or one of the several tanks that are currently in-game.

    2. Mass murderers and blah blah blah... read some hystoric facts and not just cold war western propaganda.There is a reason why people love Stalin even years after its death unlike any other dictator. And its the name of the tank give it a rest.

    3. If Stalin's face on a tank is historic and OK, why should Hitler's not be?

      You shouldn't play favourites with bad guys. Stalin was every bit as bad to Eastern-European nations as Hitler was to Western European. I mean, the guys literally made a pact to divide up Europe between them! (Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, 1939, the divide line ran through the middle of Poland)

    4. Actually, if its just the name, I guess it's OK. :P

      Despite all the quiblling aroudn WW2 politics, I really love your game and have already invested more EURos into it than any other single game I've ever played. Keep up the good work!

    5. > If Stalin's face on a tank is historic and OK, why should Hitler's not be?

      Silly question, Stalin won the war and WG is russian so they will happily turn the blind eye to all his wrong doings.

    6. Its not about wrong or good doing, ofc he did wrong things as every leader did in history. Its about historic accuracy, if there was a tank named or pained after hitler it would be wrong not to show it as it is. And what pact to divide up Europe, soviet union game 3 times the warning about nazi germany and a chance to unite against them at 30s and no western country listened. And the ground that actually soviet union anexed was a Russia ground lost to in WW1.

    7. I love how it turns into the main feature of the update. Keep up!

    8. How about a hitler moustache decal we can stick right under the gun mantle on the turret front?

      Also, on a more serious note, i want to be able to stick a "shoot here" on the gun mantle of the t29/32/34/30

      Also a "N0bama" and "i built that" bumper stickers...

    9. sadly yes.. ppl who want to tell us that stalin was no murderer, whould refresh his knowledge. Heck i dont understand how sb can "love" this guys in russia due to how much russians he killed! I think it was no love, it was fear to say anything else.

      BAD move to make his name available ingame for "honourous printings" at least in the EU cluster!! (take this name to RU where it belongs to and leave it there)

    10. I dont think the problem is what the leader have made, but what people made with the symbol.

      I dont think there is a lot of extremist/racist/etc organization that use the Stalin name.

      But, the nazi cross, hitlter stuff, etc is know to be used by these kind of group.

    11. @Gal

      > Mass murderers and blah blah blah... read some hystoric facts and not just cold war western propaganda.

      Don't worry I was fed Soviet propaganda all my childhood so I can tell propaganda from historic facts. Fact is Stalin killed more people than any other dictator.

      > There is a reason why people love Stalin even years after its death unlike any other dictator.

      Yes, because people are stupid. And in this case also brain-washed about this (like you are).

      There are people who worship Hitler and Mao too, that's not a real argument.

      Some are reluctant to admit the crimes of the Stalinist regime because suddenly then WW2 is not the nice Tolkienesque "black&white", "good-vs-evil" struggle like they like to imagine it.

    12. Yes, Stalin did kill alot of people. However, he did also help his country out by industrializing the nation (but at the cost of many more lives, like the Ukrainian genocide). But in my opinion, having this decal is no different as having a George Bush decal (yes I know, different time periods). They're leaders of different countries, that both did good, and both did bad. And who cares if this game glorifies the Russians because it is made in Russia? Most games out there glorify Americans and always have them as being the innocent good guys.

    13. we have neo-nazi and shit like that because hitler killed with a goal, he liked to keep score
      while stalin killed indiscriminately and sometimes for absurd reasons

      as for western propaganda, no need, I live in an ex-comunist country so I have 1st hand knowledge of "father stalin"

    14. Hitler, Stalin blah...

      Here is the proper explanation:

  10. Replies
    1. Black prince refers to an English king who was known as the black prince before he took the throne. Can't remember his name though. May have been one of the Edward's

    2. Actually he died before he took the throne, got sick in Spain.


  11. I hope that you re-adjust the new USSR Tier 7 - Tier 10 tank destroyers. At the moment, they are way too strong for their class.

  12. 1. It seems to me that damage from ramming is very low atm. Rammed with E-50 at Batchat and damage was below 20 hp! (I hit his side with part of my front), had also very low damage when hit AMX 13 with SU-122-54.
    2. Do you changed armor of T110E4's turret from 203 to 152, or is it only change in information and armor is the same?
    3. Camos could be cheaper, more people would buy them then. With such prices I will buy only for some TD's if I ever decide to spend gold on it. And I think that almost no one will use those inscriptions and decals.

  13. Is there any chance to change the sounds untill official release of 8.0 ?? Because this sounds is insane .. Those cannons sound like some stupid pistols, some times you cant even hear cannon cause of music and music is on minimum level, also on official server my screen is normal .. i set evrything as on official but nothing, i mean is to white the screen it hurts my eyes :)
    And why dont you give E-100 some more penetration than HP .. evry single tier X have much more penetration than E-100, maybe would be good increase reload time decrese HP but give some penetration.

    1. Of course, there is such a possiblity. That's why we carry out testing in the first place.

    2. Well, probably I'm alone with that opinion but I really like new guns shots, especially M48, "pfet", "pfet" sounds really badass to me, like high-speed-gun-of-death.

  14. I cant close the grass in scope ? and lag.

  15. I think the main issue people are having are low fps, even in garage, and the bloom. Ovi, the bloom is really too much, it makes my eyes tired, i can't really play much like that.

  16. new render is too bright.
    750 gold per tank for camo. 150 gold for emblem per side :) and 150 gold for inscription per side . 1350 gold per tank. i have 20 tanks.
    My point is WG should price these things cheap enough so everybody would get them, instead a few that can afford it. WG would make more money in the long run.
    New track sounds are good.
    Maps are very unbalanced now with the new physics.

  17. Camouflage IMO should be priced/discounted according to tier or people only buy camouflage for the end tiers and a few selects:

    Tier 1 : 60% of 250g or whatever credits pr camo
    Tier 2 : 65%
    Tier 4 : 70%
    Tier 5 : 75%
    Tier 6 : 80%
    Tier 7 : 85%
    Tier 8 : 90%
    Tier 9 : 95%
    Tier X : 250g or whatever credits pr camo (250/500k pr month?)

    Also people should be able to use 1 camo for all 3 types of maps without paying for it 3 times...

    1. camo is priced per tier, its 25 gold multiplied by whatever tier the tank is.

      so for a tier 1 tank its 25x1=25 gold and for a tier 10 its 25x10=250

    2. Which I should say makes it a really good deal for low tier tanks as its cheap and the 5% bonus on their already high camo values far outstrips the high cost and marginal increase for bigger stuff with much worse camo.

  18. Overlord thanks for ruining the game for graphic card can't support details on MINIMUM on Lakeville and Wide Park and the game crashes...THANK YOU!!!!

    1. And don't tell me the stuff with system requirements 'cause on 0.7.5 i play it with not a single problem..

    2. Have you tried standard graphics?

    3. My system runs at 11fps with the new graphics on minimum settings, if i put it back on standard settings and medium quality it runs at 50-60fps

    4. funny to see some people have worse fps now, while at last i can play the game all on maximum while having great fps(30-50). 7.5 runed on medium settings and stuff and had only 20-35 fps

    5. about fps. at ver. 7.5 i use medium settings with 1920x1080 resolution and getting 15-60fps avg 28fps at Mountain Pass and it keeps changing all the time. Last night i tryed maximum settings with 1920x1080 resolution and got mountain pass to see if it has changed at all. Result for me was a suprise. My avg fps was about 40fps and it stayed in 30-50fps range all the time. No more annoying stuttering when turning fast.

      my machine : Intel Q9400, 8Gb DDR3, Nvidia 680 (with newest beta drivers).

      I still need to try this out with my 2nd machine. witch has lowe cpu and gpu. :)

      btw. V-sync has not been working after beta. if i enable it, i get a horrible mouse lag.

  19. DPM FOR TIER 9 AND 10
    IS-8 2200
    M103 2144 (-56)
    IS-7 2366
    T110 2400 (+34)

    T-54 2342
    M46 2340 (-2)

    T-62A 2908
    M48 2659 (-249!!)

    My question is, when did the Russian tanks become the DPM machines?? + with two Tier 10 TD's they dominate every category except heavy tanks where they are just marginally worse than USA counterparts. Not to mention, M48 lost its aim time and acc on the move advantage over T-62A (acc on the move is <5% better at 10% worse speed)... Basically, gun depression and view range are the only redeeming traits of M48 as of 8.0, quite a big change from pre 7.5 M46, and T-54.

    Im not ranting or anything, but i would like to hear your opinion (not generic comment) on the matter.


    1. The T-62A apparantly has worse armor than the T-54 to make up for it. Thats what they say in the hillarious propaganda movie about tier X medium tanks...

  20. Hi Overlord,
    are you registering the fact that the new lighting is overdone? Everything is too bright. Gamma corrections doesnt help with the problem, because of two reasons:

    1. It isnt really supposed to be correcting this particular error and makes picture even worse-looking
    2. I personally play in window, so I cant really change gamma unless I change my gaming habbits

  21. Hello, i tested on public server:

    1.graphic: too coloful(eye candy),after 10-15min playing with new patch my eyes are red and watery eyes!(I changed settings to standard but the same problems with eyes,and btw in 0.7.5 no problems). whats wrong with new graphic and why is so problematic with people eyes? russian tds:they are so OP,specially last one Obj263,hard to pen frontal even with last gun of any tank!now the slow monsters like Maus,E-100,JPz e-100 are obsolete!with speed, high pen,damage, the new tds are so victorious for Matusca Rossia! physics: there are plenty of bugs,when you fall into a hole you can't go out,because the land have strange can't handle tanks well to push out forward (same in the water). menus and tech tree:well the new tech tree is a real mess,the old tech tree is much better.the old one is more and more useful!
    the color of menus and fonts are worst,much better was old one who look much professional.with this new color and fonts:some green and white are so ugly.put back old one with brown and black fonts please!
    5.nerfs:why you change Pz IV turret?when this tank are so weak.historical accuracy doesnt matter.
    E3-E4 nerf are too much,speacially E4 with 152mm turret armor,and nerf of accuracy,why?

    Thank you for reading this.

    1. ARE YOU CRAZY??????
      I think if you noticed already, historical accuracy is ALL that matters when NERFING german tanks!

  22. Hi Overlord,

    Thank you very much for the fun changes and the chance to beta-test the physics engine. I played the WoT beta too and have been an enthousiatic player since then. WoT was the first MMO that I actually spent money on (I have tried all the others).

    My question is: Will players ever be able to play with their own skins (which will need to be downloaded by others, not through mods)? We now get camo and clan tags already. I'd really love to get my own anime or pony skins on my tanks, or paint them pink, at least. I would love for other people to see them too! It's how I (t)roll! Part of the fun.


    1. But no one else wants to see your pink, ponyfied tanks. I think you need a different game, have you tried Hello Kittie Roller Rescue?

    2. i do undertand what he wants, and altough i like the idia i am afraid of it, one day there will be a genius playing with some colours and starting to show inpropriate stuff. let allone the tanks we will see wich have a advert bord on it to recruit for their clan,..

  23. A tank jumping should have the weight increase x2 for every second it is airborne to simulate 25-100 tons of tank falling... Obviously the small jumps should be exciting and spectacular, however a MAUS falling over the bridge should be closer to an instant SPLAT!! rather than a plastic vehicle hovering down landing on the tracks like a cat!

  24. PLEASE add an option to keep the brightness, for those of us without weak eyes, I enjoy going to a desert map and seeing everything washed out it bright white light, like in real life.

    Also, I can't reiterate what the others have said ENOUGH. The new soviet TDs have high speed, high armor, high DPM, high alpha, high pen, the only downside is the open crew cab and...well there's not much of an "and." The devs gave the JPzE great damage and good pen, but terrible reload, speed, agility, and fairly lacking armor. Why would anybody play a large, clumsy, slow JPzE when they could go up the Soviet TD lines and get a tank 3x as fast with 50mm more armor at a high slope and a great gun with low alpha but high reload speed.

    It seems like the devs said "Okay, I GUESS German tanks need a buff, here have good alpha, but to keep it balanced you need these nerfs!" Whereas for the Soviet TDs, they looked at them and said "WHOA! These tank is SOVIET! Here, have speed, armor, DPM, better accuracy, and-- ahh it might be over powered, here, let's nerf the damage a little bit."

    I've played all the top tiers for hours on the CT server, and the Soviet TDs are overwhelmingly better than the others in nearly every way. While the other nations get one or two strong points and numerous nerfs, while the Soviet TDs have one or two nerfs and numerous strong points.

  25. Thanks for nerfing the Pz IV to hell. The whole tank is now just a joke. Where are the so called buffs to the 75mm L/48 gun?
    Currently we've got:
    -28 penetration
    -25 damage
    -0,04 accuracy
    -20 of view range
    -2 traverse speed
    -110 dpm
    -70 front turret armor
    -30 side turret armor
    -30 rear turret armor
    minor gun elevation/depression buff

    1. Best of both German tank hate and greed.

      1) Find a german tank that is popular and nerf it so hard people no longer want to use it.
      2) Release the old tank (pre nerf) as a premium tank .

  26. Stuff i've seen so far:

    - It's seems like max zoom has been decreased, camera is noticable closer
    - With the new renderer trees and stuff cast shadows. But when they are off screen they don't do it. So turning the camera results in a light show with shadows constantly appearing and disappearing. Suboptimal
    - according to the unofficial statistic thread the JpE100 has a 10 % lower win chance than all the other TDs (47 to 53). Aiming time was changed from 2.9->2.7, turn speed 18->20, no other visible changes. How the hell is supposed to close the gap to other TDs? Well, at least the rate of fire wasn't decreased to compensate for the huge buffs
    - IS4 seems to have been changed, new icon, new turret skin, rest seems to be the same. specific reasons for this?
    - the new tech tree will take some to get used to... In the old tree you could click on a module and mount it to the tank, in the new tree you have to right click and then select the option for this. First you remove the quick demount option for equipment, now this. Why do you want to increase the number of actions it takes to equip your tank?

  27. Hi Overlord,

    Are you aware that the garage has now become an OCCT benchmark machine? the game is really, intensively trying to burn my video card.

    FPS has no cap in garage and so my video card reaches insane FPS and this causes excessive heat!

    1. The new standard graphics is not really an option because it set everything to low or off which makes the game incredible ugly and you cannot raise the visual quality in standard mode to the current levels because he settings are locked.

  28. Hi Overlord, looks like some players and i have lose many fps when looking through a transparent bush
    and why didnt u simply give the amx 50b 5 shells insted of some useless buffs?

    1. oh and why isnt there a full changelog for all the preliminary rebalanceing WG made?
      It really annoys me, that i have to check all the Tank stats by myself just to see, if anything has changed

  29. Overlord. Why did you take away 50-50mm of the T110E4 front turret and turret side armor? 200mm is nothing by tier X standards.

    1. is a td not a uber tank, that tank was totally op, and I am agree with the nerf

    2. It was nerfed by different ways too. And it has poor gun depression to hide its lower hull which can be penetrated by a Tier VII gun.

      You know nothing.

    3. lol come on your godly e4 was better than any tank in game, totally OP with a global winrate of 55%? and I dont know nothing? sure when you at least have over 16k games and maybe under the top 200 of one server you can san I am know nothing again....

  30. Could you explain me why WG decided to make the T7 su100M so very expensive to play...its top guns ammo is much more expensive than the t8 su101 top guns...

  31. T110E4 nerf is to a point of no return, it's slightly OP now, but the turret armor nerf will make the TD useless... only the loading nerf is OK and/or armor at the front and sides remain the same and making the back at 110mm. Ammo is on turret too so it's game over E4....

  32. Here are the things I have noticed:
    1. The graphics hurt my eyes and the tanks look like plastic toys.
    2. The flag poles have weird artifacts coming off of them (Others have not noticed this so it is probably just my system. My system stats are Intel i7, 6GB RAM, ASUS P6X58D-E Motherboard, nVidia GTX570 GPU)
    3. The E4 was nerfed way too much. The frontal armor is a joke now.
    4. The E-100 needs a pen buff. It is otherwise okay.
    5. Acceleration is still a bit slow. It currently feels like my medium tanks are accelerating in a vat of molasses.
    6. Some of the maps are now unbalanced. The entire east side of "Lakeville" for instance. The southside has a nice ridge to hide behind but the northside ridge is gone.
    7. And the biggest issue is that the sighting system seems broken. It has never been perfect but it is a LOT WORSE with 8.0. Driving a tank with a 400 meter view range and having a tank 200 meters away shoot at you, WHILE IN AN OPEN FIELD (no cover or bushes to hide behind), and you cannot see them. Oh yeah, sighting is so broken.

    1. 7. its true more for 263

    2. 4. I would make it 10mm lfp, and a buff to pen, maybe less accurate at long range, so it becomes more a close range brawler. Or they could give it a second turret with the jt gun. :) (maybe with less armor, so you have two destict setups, brawler or sniper)

      6. I would think they are trying to rebalance the walley, because now 9/10 time its the south that attack towards the north. Its more open now, less campy maybe. It will take some adjustment but hopfully make it more fun.

  33. What the hell happened to the PzIII's second turret armour? Down to 30 from 70 frontal??? WTH???

  34. ovi any plan to increase max capacity of the test server?

    1. Some of the new features are expensive performance-wise - that limits the capacity of the test server. This is the reason why it can't handle all players who are willing to test.

  35. Erm not all country flags seem to be here :( will this be updated or is this list final ?

  36. Everything is cool, but the techthree.....
    To Big, illegible, to big, "can't se shit captain", to big, deceptive..... and to big....
    Pls now start creating a third party mod to restore te original design.

    1. 3rd party mod? read the EULA's NOT allowed

    2. _Bruiser_

      that`s why there is a whole big section up in the official forum called "General Creativity" ;)
      But pointer has got a point ;). The new tech tree is too big. I like the change though, where you can click on the newly researched tank without the need to buy it, and it just direct´s you to it :)

  37. I am getting kicked out and i have to re install the testing lol.......Whats going on i want to test out the new tanks badly with physics but i cant while i get kicked out

  38. Overlord, you really need to open at lest one more cluster now even in the morning im waiting 30 min to get in and after 15 min of play client crashes:(
    Sry for my english:)

    1. Some of the new features are expensive performance-wise - that limits the capacity of the test server.

  39. I have a question:
    Why tanks damage by ramming is reduced in 8.0?

  40. Not sure if this is hardly noticed, because platoons are less on test server; but I was platooned and we both had Assault and Encounter battle types NOT selected, and we were still getting them. I didn't have this problem when playing solo, and those battle types were NOT selected. I only got standard then. In a platoon though, with both of us having the options unselected for Assault and Encounter, we got in those battle types pretty frequently. I thought we weren't supposed to get in them AT ALL?
    Is this an unmentioned feature of 8.0, that you can unselect Assault and Encounter battles type, but it only applies to solo playing in pub matches that you don't get those battle types? I hope not. Was REALLY looking forward to no more of those battle types if I chose to avoid them.

    1. Battle mods selection for platoones is not made so far. So it is normal that you have assaults and encounters while in platoon. According to Storm it will appear in future.

    2. Thanks for the reply. I figured it was working as intended on test, but didn't recall seeing a note it would work that way. Hopefully it is not TOO far in the future that platoons are given the option to exclude those battle types. I can't be the only person who mainly platoons for pub matches, and would like the options.

  41. Finally we got options for game types and that is the most important in 8.0 patch. Now we are awaiting for map filter, especially that diffrent maps requires diffrent camo.

  42. Hi Overlord,

    I have a small question regarding possibility of future penetration buff on Maus and E100. I mean the armor buff is nice on E100 and everything, but more and more often the E100 is being rendered useless in CW (not if you are shooting gold of course). I means the derp cannon was good when the HE were dealing more damage, now it is just bad. And after all-in-all buff in the armor after the normalization change it will be even worse. They were not on the competition level with other X tiers before the X-tier MT and TD were introduced, and now it is even worse.

    If we take a look at the average penetration values of standard shells we have:

    IS-7: 260 mm
    IS-4: 268 mm
    T110E5: 269 mm
    AMX-50B: 267 mm
    Maus: 246 mm
    E100: 235-246 mm.

    I mean c´mon guys. I have nothing against taking the 200HP from Maus or E100 and buffing the penetration to at least 260. And let´s not say that E100 has 750 average damage, when the most important thing to deal one is to penetrate the target. Take it from players perspective: you are not the fastest tank, you reload slow, and when you do - you bounce a shoot.

    To the T110E4 nerf, I was suspecting the cannon nerf to even things out (to get the win ratio to around 50%). The frontal armor nerf is a bit too much. The small cupola nerf is ok, so that there is a weak spot, but nerfing the turret front to 152 is a bit too much (don´t mind the side though).

    The AMX50B buffs still do not make that tank good for CW. The biggest change it needs is the ammount of ammo in a clip. A buff to clip capacity to 5 rounds would make more difference than all the buffs that you are introducing right now combined. Batchats will still be used more due to that simple fact of having 5 rounds in a clip.

    The coming 0.8.0 patch is really good, physics works quite well (will be a big game changer with newbies driving from the cliffs ;)), the research menu needs to get used too but is not that bad, new commands are good (reloading :D), o263 a bit too much OP with its sick reload time and frontal armor. I think the biggest patch in therms of effect on the game so far, but not perfect :P
    I would appreciate if you could answer me the E100/Maus (needed) penetration buff. Keep up the good work guys.

    1. And I forgot one thing - the new graphics are nice, just put in the option to turn off the bloom. It gives this low-budget game look to WOT. I know that probably the graphics division were all happy with the new toys, it just does not look good :P It looks like the last Syndicate game ;)

      It just hurts my eyes :D

  43. I have one question and one comment.

    Note Most of the things I have encountered has already been asked. I was just testing server 8.0 not fair. Because if I want to shoot someone from RU server game went quiet for one second. I play EU server so they always had my first chance to shoot. I hope next test server solved become

    Question: I once players gamescom seen during an event with symbol after their name during battle. In future (maybe patch 8.0) can perhaps Senior Technical Engineers a symbol after their name

  44. Hi Overlord,

    Twice this week i started a battle with a T 10 tank, to find in my team another T 10 in a platoon with two T 1 tanks.
    Can you please forbid such stupids platoons to go on battle ?

