Tuesday, June 12, 2012

[WoT] Tier 10 Meds and TDs Announced

Following the announcement of tier 10 TDs and Meds, presenting you the new tier 10 German MT - E-50 Ausf M with rear drive layout.

Unlike Leo 1 (we keep it in mind), it has neither been finished nor seen any kind of action. However its armour fits tier 10 concept better (Leo has got 70mm front hull and 35mm sides which makes him similar to BatChat).

Note that the turret is closer to the front, the overall profile will be a bit lower (-10cm), other minor visual differences from tier 9 E-50 are on the blueprints. 


  1. Nice looking vehicle. I just hope this doesn't turn into World of MBTs where a certain kind of vehicle is good at everything.

    1. There will be the necessary balance adjustments of course. No worries.

    2. You know having MBT's as anything after tier 10 makes sense (Ive heard clans dont use anything but heavy tanks anyway in clan fights). Could have a whole new tier set starting at tier 11, with more modern tanks starting at tier 11 (Treat it a bit like a reset starting at tier 11 is like starting from scratch at tier1 tier 11 being the lowest tier in the modern tanks you only get matches with tier 11's)

    3. I think that having the same class of tanks be the only ones played, which MBTs would be, is something they are trying to change with this update. With tier 10 Mediums and TDs perhaps they will finally have a major role to play in CW instead of only a couple Mediums used as scouts and TDs only even considered for a few special maps.

  2. Well, its a nice looking tank, with a proper rear drive, does it have any armour changes? As in Values? Or is it the same as the regular E50?

    1. What's the point of this tank then? If it has the same armor as the E-50, still has the 10.5cm gun, sounds like all it's only difference will be hit points?

    2. what kind of joke is this? Cruel and sick joke

      PattonIII have better gun and better armour in the front, and i think better armour in the turret.

      T-62 have better armour in the front, i think in turret too, better gun, and i think better speed

      Batchat only need the back to 7.1 before the nerf.

      E-50: no better armour, no better gun, no better speed, no better engine.
      What is this?? really good trolling

    3. Seems like they are nerfing the e50 by moving transmission to the front in 7.4 only so it can seem like a buff when they give it rear drive at tier 10.

      At this point everything is speculation so don't get too excited.

    4. Von this is not a buff is only the same think like i have now, and the same think that E-50 have in their arrived until 7.4. If this is the only buff we will it is a joke.

    5. I agree completely was just saying they are trying to pull the wool over our eyes by moving the transmission around.

    6. i think they are crazy if think someone is going to research a new tank only for rear transmission.

      Plus this one i found a new buff the commander cupula bigger now, how awesome is going to be this tier 10 E-50M


    7. M48 and T-62A both have the same guns as the tier 9s before them, the same as the E-50 Ausf. M and almost all the tier 10 heavies. The JP E-100 is the only one listed in the initial release that is currently planned to have a new gun.

      I was expecting that the E-50M would have more armor like the M48 and T-62A, but perhaps it will get some other increase. Possibly even better mobility?

    8. sure?
      medium tank M48A1 (Patton III), equipped with 90 mm M41 and 105mm M68 guns.
      T-62A. In its top configuration it will be equipped with 100-mm gun D-54TC.
      Bat Chatillon 25t, now raised to Tier 10, will be equipped in stock with 90 mm F3 gun and have 105 mm CN-105-57 as a top gun.
      Object 268” together with its 152 mm M64 gun will become a Tier 10 tank destroyer.

      Oh i see the same gun....

    9. I am thinking the original news post has been edited then, because I'm certain that when I read it the first time it was listing the same guns as currently used on the various tier 9 mediums for most of them. I remember checking that.

      Also, it now shows the E-50 as getting a new gun as well. The 10.5 cm KwK 45 L/52 Ausf. K gun, currently it has the Ausf. B version of that gun. So it looks like that complaint is still moot, even if not the way I originally thought.

    10. @martingalindo
      >>E-50: no better armour, no better gun, no better speed, no better engine.

      It will have better armor OR better maneuverability due to its slightly less weigh (armor or not is not finally decided yet according to Storm).

    11. and why overlord answer was "the same as E-50" when Xyrothryu question if E-50M could have better armour.

    12. And martin, if you didn't know, the T62a actually has 20 LESS armor than T-54 - same armor as Type59

    13. no it will be smaller and the tower will be more in the front
      thats ar epics things i think with that you can win .. ore amour ? nobody need you are smaller ;)
      better engine ? i think he will be a bit faster ... ;) maybe!

  3. Hey Ovi! :)

    Can we get a better pic of the Patton III? Like the front of it?
    Cant really say sth about this tank..I can just see his ass :D

    Will T10 Tds and Mediums have researchable modules?

    1. M48 is a pretty popular one, it's widespread around the web I think.

  4. It would be nice to see a different style for mounting the gun to the turret, similar to the King Tiger, rather then this gun on a ball look.

  5. I'd rather see the Leopard 1. At least there we could have a proper german tank that doesn't get ammo racked if even hit in a mudd guard or wont stop moving if it takes a shell to the front lower hull :P

    1. Another tid bit..

      Sure the Leo has the same armor as the batchat, but the later models had more armor and better guns.

    2. Did you nit read the part about the Leopard 1 armor thickness? How would you expect a tank with 70mm front and 35mm sides not to get ammo racked or any kind of other module damage? Dude, with that armor the Leo 1 would easily get shot to pieces along with all its modules. Just like the frenchies do now.

    3. Gottmituns205, you will get it in due time.

  6. Why the highest priority is to new tanks, which are going to ruin the game. At the start there was a game, which was fun to play, next and next tank was another then previously, but now we have a lot of similar tanks, only this and this is a bit upgraded, with better gun and more hp. 3x T110, AMX 50 foch twice (AC. mle 45/48 is very similar to them too, so 4 same tanks in the tech tree from tier 7 to 10) .Why each nation have to have tier 10MT or TDs, put it only there where they can make sense.

    Rather improve the matchmaking, bugs, chat and this what is this game making a game. I think if all time you invested to new tanks and maps you invest to matchmaking, etc. we have there more funnier game, then it is now :) .

    Sry for my english :/ .


    1. New tanks is only one of the priorities, different teams do different kind of job. Prgrammers don't model tanks, modelers have nothing to do with MMing etc.

      Those issues are known and being worked on.

    2. omg rofl. why are they called modelers? they should be called copy/paste-ers.

      Why are new tanks a priority atall when the mm and spotting are so very very bad?

      you can pollish a turd but its still a turd.

  7. While i do understand why u chose E-50M over Leopard 1 (prototype?), i cannot help but feel, that this choice makes German T10 med somewhat undesireable.

    I feel it is just too similar to T9. From balance point of view it's ok of course, but from "fun" or "i wanna get it" point of view not so much...

    Now about Leo 1: while armour on that vehicle makes it similar to Bat-Chat, i feel that there is one crucial difference that makes it different enough to justify its implementation in game.

    That difference is the fact that it doesn't use revolver magazine as Bat-Chat does.

    That would make two quite different T10s. Both lightly armoured and mobile, BUT one using revolver style gamelplay, and other using standard firing scheme.

    1. REMEMBER ,
      the German tech tree sux the most just because the belarussian have much emotions from 1939 ...

  8. Overlord what happends with the planned second German TD line?
    JagdPanzer E100 was ment to be tier 9 in that tree and "was" planned for 0.7.5 =/

    Any changes or is 2nd German line forgetten for now?

    1. I bet u Ljubisa Stojkoski are like me and have farmed 200k xp on ferdi hm? :/ Know your feelings bro...200k...which are useless now


    2. E-100 is too good for tier 9. As for your exp, wait for the official announcement please.

    3. Something like that Me He... Was planning to grind it more few next days before my holiday but meh...

      Can we expect a update on the "Full Tech Tree's" still on site? They are kinda obsolete now... x)

  9. Could we get an idea why the team selected the E100 stug's rear mounted model, over the E90 Krok design?

    For tier 9 I was ok, the krok was too heavly gunned and armoured to fit anywhere near that. But at tier 10 it would have been perfect?

  10. can we get some aspect as to what the t10 american TD is gonna be?

    I'd love to have a t95 variant that doesn't go back in time when it moves forward

  11. Yes, the T95 is supposed to be changed into a variant of the T110 from what i was reading on the forums but i think i was mis understanding about that. i do with the T95 wasn't slower then a snail and the turning isn't any better...

    but the Medium Tanks is something i am looking forward to seeing and playing with.

    1. right it doesnt need to turn faster! I just don't like going back in time and killing pappa maus to prevent baby maus from becoming mr maus - if you catch my drift

  12. Overlord, do you have an approximate date for the arrival of the second line of german TDs? Will it be this or the next?

    The reason I'm asking is that I want to have a Ferdinand but I really don't want to suffer the grind through Jagdpanzer IV.

  13. Overlord, do you know if the gun on the T-62A (the D-54TS) will do more damage than the regular D-54 we have now on the T-54? (meaning over 320 dmg)

    1. This will be tailored balance wise prior to the patch. Will see.

  14. Hi Overlord, although I am happy with this announcement (Tier 10 meds!) I am slightly concerned that these tanks will be introduced before the British tree? Me and loads of other people are very keen to get our hands on British tanks, which, frankly, should have been in the game from the beginning?

    1. From the beggining ? There isnt even enough tanks for a full tech tree...

    2. There are enough tanks to make a decent tree. Brits are on their way to be added later this year. Haven't dumped them ofc.

    3. Haha not enough tanks? You know that most of the tanks on ALL of the trees are prototypes right?
      If WoT only had actual tanks that existed, the German tree would be awesome but slightly smaller, the Russian tree would be awesome but stop at the IS and the Americans would have a sherman.

    4. So the T10 meds will arrive before the brits?

      I want both, but i need to know if i have to grind for free xp or i can just grind my meds :P

  15. I, for one, am looking forward to the E-50 Ausf M. Reduced weight means better handling, and the shorter profile will definitely be welcome. I'm assuming the new gun will have even more pen, which is nice even if it doesn't deal more damage.

    Concerning the T-62, will the crew injuries from the empty shells being ejected too hard be modelled? ;)

  16. As someone who has all tier 9 mediums, I hope you're not going to nerf all of them to make the tier 10s stand out more. I did the work of grinding all these "end of the line" tanks from stock. Having all of them both nerfed and being forced to grind 200k xp on each would be rather harsh.

  17. I am with Waki, fix it so we can chat while looking at end game results, and trash talk those we killed, and congratulate those who killed us.
    Fix it so there is a chat history, like Doom had all those decades ago!
    Allow us to move the chat and map windows within the game, so those of us with Eyefinity (or Triplehead. etc.) can adjust our screens to suit our style of play.
    Fix the little things.
    Also, your payment system is screwed, I tried to spend US$99.95 about 10 times tonight, timeout within 5 seconds of starting. Each time. Every time.
    WoT doesn't want my dollars? Fine, I'll buy more hats in TF2...
    Just my 2 cents (not my $99.95 since WoT didn't want that).

    1. You clearly didnt read Ovis reply above. The team that models tanks is not the same as the team that does bug-fixing, UI updates etc. Just because new tanks are coming out does not mean other things are being ignored.

      And you would spend $100 on hats? You have more money then sense my friend.

  18. Well, the only incentive to choose heavy tanks just fell away. It's not like their armor is currently good for much, except IS-7 and T110. I guess I'll just sell my Maus right away and start grinding for Patton.

    1. Don't sell Maus - my advice. :)

    2. Ooh, I like the sound of that :D

    3. Good call to sell your E-100 if you want to sell a tier 10. It really has become a worthless tank compared to the others.

    4. yeah E-100 is worthless tank, not a single buff in a long time, no reason to keep it. use that garage slot for some usefull tank. :D

    5. I'm sorry, but any person that says that the E-100 is worthless or that it needs a buff doesn't know how to play the game! E-100 can own any tier X with 3 AP shots, Maus with 4! The only problem with E-100 is arty!
      By the way my in game nick is ZoroastroBR

    6. Dont sell maus alone sell it together with e100 both are uselless tanks, with the money of this sell u can buy a good t10 t110 or is7. :P

    7. clan wars are played with gold, sadly e-100 is useless due low rate of fire and bad acc. so if i wrong about this u never put on feet on any clan if i dont misstake zoastro.

  19. Did those American tier 10 TDs even exist? And isn't the T95 a perfect T10? Its stronger than jagdtiger and would seem appropriate at that tier. It would accurate historically... Or are those TDs 'final'?

    1. i agree, i hate the look of the T10 American and it feels like a weaker tank than the 95

  20. Its nice to see the trees expanded, thank you. I cannot wait to get my hands on the new Patton. Although as others have written i hope their arrival will not result in changes lower down the trees.

  21. On the off chance are there any plans to fix the Pen issues of the E100s 15cm cannon? Feels like a pointless gun if it only works when stuffed with gold. And while the stock gun has much better pen, it doesnt feel like it packs quite as good a punch as other Tier 10s

  22. I was hoping to see Leopard prototype but looking on that E50Ms blueprint I think i will be satisfacted with it :) All new meds looks very good. On the other hand I don't like look of the new TDs (except Stug 100).

    1. the Ruskie one looks decent, but the American one bothers me
      and i'd like to see the other French TDs before i judge the French

  23. Overlord the wot-news site has the T10 50 Foch as "AMX 50 Foch (155)", this would mean a 3-round drum of 700-750 damage totaling 2100-2250 damage in a drum. How do the devs intend to balance this. My guess is that no extra armour will be added to the front of the Foch 155, or will it? :)

    Currently, the E50 is 'The Ramming God', will the devs seek to enhance this title further on the Ausf.M by increasing the top speed, weight, and engine horsepower. I heard that it will still have 120mm of armour on the front.

    Will the M48A1 have its historical speed of 48kph or will the devs make it faster by say 6 kph. As it stands the M48 looks like it won't keep up with the other T10 mediums should they all decide to wolfpack.

    Also, exactly how much slope is there on the superstructure and upper glacis of the Object 268 if I was looking directly at its front? It also appears that it may get a similar gun traverse to the Object 704 in beta (where it could shoot around corners).

    There are concerns that the Alpga damage and/or DPM of the T10 TDs will not be enough to warrant using them in CW as a means to stop base rushing T10 mediums from scouting and killing arty faster than its own arty can counter battery.

    1. With overlords statement above the e50 will get a needed height fix.. So this will decrease weight and intern increase acceleration and agility

  24. Overlord, What happens to the Batchat 25T if we already have it in our garage?

  25. I stopped play when I was faced with the reality that the french lights were way op when a t6(?) 90 rolled up, used the poor collision mechanics to essentially immobilize my 4502 tank while gleefully dumping shells into my side. My fake tier 8 was killed by the poor collision mechanics and a tank with a gun that can pen most +2 tier tank front armor (no need to aim for weak spots). After dumping $$ into the game the french line seems like such a disappointing waste.

    Like other players say - fix old problems before introducing new problems. My other gripe is most of the german line have a billboard size weak spot on the front of their tanks (lower fascia) while most of the other tank lines have basketball or smaller weak spots (most other tanks facial are 1/3 the size).

    I don't expect to insta-kill all tanks at a lower tier than myself, but over powered high burst damage race cars zipping around and killing +2 tier tanks with near impunity. At least the other lines have a majority of tanks that actually existed.

    I've researched most of the tier 6-7 french tanks (pre-patch 7.3) and still find them OP at times. The 75 I have fully researched can toast most other tanks +2 tiers above it, and I can almost hear the other player slam his fist on something when I do.

    Nice you are trying to expand the game, but after playing and experiencing the french line I can't say that such endeavors are always good. I think working the british line first and maybe adding the real french tanks to the european nations trees would have been a better path.

    Like other players say - fix old problems before introducing new problems. My other gripe is most of the german line have a billboard size weak spot on the front of their tanks (lower facia) while most of the other tank lines have basketball or smaller weaks spots (most other tanks facial are 1/3 the size).

    I don't expect to insta-kill all tanks at a lower tier than myself, but over powered high burst damage race cars zipping around and killing +2 tier tanks with near impunity. At least the other lines have a majority of tanks that actually existed.

    I've researched most of the tier 6-7 french tanks (pre-patch 7.3) and still find them OP at times. The 75 I have fully researched can toast most other tanks +2 tiers above it, and I can almost hear the other player slam his fist on something when I do.

    Nice you are trying to expand the game, but after playing and experiencing the french line I can't say that such endevors are always good.

  26. Overlord, I am a bit concerned about the T-62A, it is a MBT, and WG.net has repeatedly stated that they were not going to use MBTs. This was the reasoning given for using the series of tanks that was used for the US tech tree. There were a lot of people upset about the choice of US heavies, but once the no MBT statement was made, people stopped griping about it. Why has WG.net gone back on the no MBT stance?

  27. overlord,
    I have an Idea, instead of moving Jagdpanzer E100 to 1st line TD,
    why don't Dev made a new One, Stug E100 which is basically same Model as Jagdtiger, then in 2nd German Line TD tier 9 use E90 Krokodil with 150mm or else..
    Jagdtiger -> Stug E100
    E90 Krokodil -> Jagdpanzer E100
    sounds good isn't?


    Could you tell us more about how it will affect the second TD lines that are planned?

  29. I just wonder What will happen to the artilleries?! they would be same util final version of the game or maybe some changes will be done?!
    And one more question is Russian Meds,will T-55 with auto loading be the Tier X or another half disgned tank or prototype will come out?!

  30. By the way!
    What happed to the physics in World of tanks?!!! Im realy looking forward to that for my LOVELYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyy T-34!

  31. Regarding all those designers who continue to pump out (nonexistent) tanks - why not put them to work on WoWP or WoB?
    Meanwhile, t'would be very nice and considerate if WoT made a game mode for historic tanks only (and I don't mean stuff like the PzIV running around with the Panther's gun in a turret they didn't ever make.) I SO long for WWII combat!
    ... Dreaming, I know...

  32. Overlord ,i want to ask you a question( a bit offtopic):Tell me,sincerely,do you really like the E100?Or better of do you think that it is a good tier10?From the looks of it it is the worst tier 10 and almost all the E100 players have quit playing it.I for one have sold it because in CW it is useless,in random is usless and in companies it is useless.

    1. No, I don't like it. However I don't like most of the heavies actually. :)Prefer meds.

    2. a lot of people have quit it because they cant play it properly, i just got mine and although it's not that useful on all maps i can severely mess about in city maps. angling and timing is everything

    3. E-100 is only on Townmaps usefull, on all other maps it`s a victim! My E-100 is since 3 months unused in the Garage, I prefer the IS-8 or is-4.
      And If there is an E-100 in the enemy team I`m happy, because It`s not an real enemy, it`s yust a big, slow target...

  33. Q: Overlord, if you have a french light/med t5 up when the new tanks arrive, will the same be applied as with earlier changes in the tech tree?

    *AMX 13 90 t7 -> AMX 13 90 in t8 configuration + AMX 13 75 in T7 conf. + free slot*

    something like that? or do you just get the new tank without getting the tank which replaces it where it was this time around?

    if you do get free slots, i smell profit $.$

  34. There is something i never quite understood... isnt Leopard made of a different material from what an E-50 would have been made? Im sure there are many different kinds of steel and i always believed even tough a Leopard has only 70mm it was made of a far better quality steel than WWII tanks where... so those 70mm would be equal to a lot more thickness of WWII steel. Even in WWII i always had the idea german steel was of better quality than American or Soviet steel.

    1. It was generally better than WWII mostly because of the advanced equipment, not particularly because of armour.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Leopard 1 still used to usual rolled steel, not the new-age composite armor.

  35. Not a fan of this announcement or change to the game. My hunch is that this was done either at the request of or with an eye towards Clan Wars on the global map, by making TD's and Mediums viable in those matches.

    I'm not sure why making a minority of the player base happy is better than making the entire player base happy by instead implementing the British tree into effect.

    1. Because along with these changes being badly needed for the Clan Wars environment, it's also pretty annoying to spend all that time and effort to get to the end of the Medium or TD trees and still know that you will never be equal to a top tier heavy. I personally prefer mobility over armor in general, but have gone farther in my heavy tank lines here because are clearly king of the battlefield in WoT as it stands now. This change may finally change that.

      I personally found it very strange that the heavies were the first tanks taken to tier 10 when historically it was the medium tanks that went the farthest.

    2. That goes back to doing the French line (at all) vs doing the British line - historically the British line existed while the French line was pretty much paper tanks until after the end of WWII.

      My guess is since a lot of the heavy higher tier tanks were paper tanks it was easier to add them since no one could complain with relevance on historical accuracy. Since a lot of the medium tanks were more than prototypes the developer realized it would take a lot more finess to add them properly to WoT.

  36. My concern is weapons, i run a Panther II [maxed] and i have fired as much as 7 rounds into the rear of a Stuart [stationary] at less than 30 meters and wandered off in disgust after no pen and no dam. repeatedly hitting Shermans and similar with no affect is quite annoying!

    1. you're a liar or your aim is beyond poor

    2. You obviously have never driven the panther 2.. Let alone used the long 88
      1st in my opinion the 88/L71 is the best teir 8 medium gun
      2nd if you were at 30m you wasted a shot trying to kill him you should have rammed him

  37. A question about the tier changes in the French med/light line:
    The AMX 13 90 already has a special (reasonable) matchmaking that is only loosely based on the tank tier. Will the tier increment only be a mere UI change? Or will this also lead to a change in armament (better gun, more HP) or tank economic (higher repair cost, less xp gain due to decreased tier difference to damaged vehicles)?

  38. Hey Overlord, with your quote "we keep it in mind", do you mean 'keep' as in the present tense meaning that the idea for a Leo 1 or prototype is still in the pipes, or 'kept' as in it was kept in mind during the decision to include the E-50 Ausf M, but is now an idea that's been thrown out?

    1. Most likely it will be added to the game later.

  39. Im confused, what are it's armour values? Dont tell me its below 185 frontal.

  40. well I rlly dont know where is this game going w/these new patchest making German tanks more and more "useless" in-game u know this and transmission moved to front in E-series only proves that this is a clear "revenge" of russia or ussr (it rlly doesnt matter) against germans, the ones that are supoused to be the best and the pride of the game are just getting the clowns and shame of it, and I dont care if u say or think that it is going or is balanced w/all this because is not and you all know it no matter how much you all try to hide it E-100 is literally now the worst Tier X in the game, Maus is not historical acurrated (the excuse used to moved transmission) JagdTiger is the worst TD ATM (dont know yet how are the new French TDs) E-50 was kinda decent until now the promise of a total different T10 MT was broked (we just got an E-50 w/more HP) and u know what is the worst part of all this, that german tree is the only 1 w/more real vehicles that saw action in WWII and YES I know its not a WWII w/all the new and coming future tanks who will doubt it? and the excuse of the German UP tanks is "they didnt made more tanks desings after war" and plz dont came here w/all that crap of numbers (%) or statistics because every1 half-brained would know that those numbers are no more than some luck YES I know it, before new skills and USA "modern" tanks I had 61% of win rate now at 7.3 I have 50% (2 patches cost me 11% of my win rates) and why? pfff u all know it if not just watch this (many of may have watch it alrdy) and tell me and ever1 else it isnt true just try to say it, it says that we all german tanks prefer. "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVGHEeHcHN8&feature=related"

  41. Hello Overlord!


    The E-50 is my most driven tank (1480 Matches, 883 avg XP, 2100+ avg damage/battle, 95% solo in random battles), and one thing I never really liked about it was the gun depression nerf when Panther II went to T8 and E-50 took its place as T9 "Med". I dont know how many degress it was (estimated 2-3°) ... but now that you guys introduce the E-50M with the turret moved to the front, could we please get back "our" old gun depression - PLEASE! I dont demand a gun depression like Patton or other american tanks, that should be one of the main characteristic of of the american tree.

    The reasoning behind this wish is, that german meds from t7 upwards never played like "real meds", to big and clumsy to circle the enemy tanks like T44 and Co (Clutchbraking and Offroad driving only help a little). So most of the time u are playing a support role. The gun "depression nerf" last year lead to the situation that on many maps otherwise good sniper spots arnt useable anymore or that u have to expose yourself more othen to enemy fire ... .

    With the front transmission your making E-50 and E-75 useless - in my opinion.

    So please give us an E-50M which compensates us a little:

    + 2-3° gun depression; ~2000 HP; ~250mm penetration (Serb wrote something about new amunition); mobility (speed and turning rate)can be left as they are now or slightly improved.


    And please take a look at the HE-Mechanics again - just yesterday I (E-100) bounced 3 times in a row; 1st from KingTiger 250m distance showing me his side, than 2 shoots at IS3 also with HE 100 m distance aimed lower hull (front). All shots were fully aimed in(serverside crosshair).


    I also would like to suggest that u reduce the pentration and damage spread from +-25% to lets say 10 - 15% on one of the upcoming TESTSERVERS. Afterwards u can gather statistics and players opinions on that. Many players at least on EU server dont like that +-25% spread when it comes to penetration and damage. Like me they are of the opnion that its to big, reducing the impact of skill and knowledge and boosting the impact of (un)lucky "dice rolls".


    Are u going to bring us some infos about the CW-Development on your blog? That endgame content doesnt seem to make any progress since its introduction ... sadly.



    1. Totally agree with all of this.

      OL pls answer this man.

      1. e50 is least played medium in cws for a reason. it needs some love.

      2. he is still too ineffective, i don't at all with it.

      3. totally agree dice rolls are annoying lets give it a try with lower spread pls and get community feedback. imo 10% max.

      4. cws is getting stale u need new contect features etc ...

    2. Overlord , why don't you answer this guy ? because he right in any word ?
      come on ... -_-

  42. overlord,

    i will start grinding for the new tier x meds. can you tell us how much xp will it take to research these meds from their tier ix parents. and also please tell us how much will they cost.

    kind regards,

    1. Approx the same amount as for heavies.

    2. Will the tier 8-9 grind be revisited then? The Pershing in particular has a grind going to the Patton that is closer to most tier 9-10 grinds than 8-9.

    3. Current tier exp costs for MTs (tanks + basic modules) are similar for all vehicles. Not planning to revise them at this stage.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Hey Overlord, I have now aprox. 170K XP on my E-50.
    How much more I need to research the tier X med?

    1. estimates for t10 meds are ~180k xp i've heard, so just get 185k and you'll be good i think (or if you want to be safe: 200k =D )

    2. Think I'll go for 200K then :P


    3. Approx same amount as for tier X heavies.

  45. Perhaps instead of copy paste the e50 again as a tier ten just shift the German medium line up like your doing with the French... Just put the tranny in the back and buff HP and gun since u werent going to change armour model or speed anyhow...

  46. Tbh, i am really liking that you gave me a new goal for my tier 9's
    Already got 200k xp on the Patton in a week, witch brings me to the next thing.

    We/I need a Goal for my top tier tanks, to play them in randoms. Something to grind for, a reason to play, apart from the fun.

    Maybe a small credit bonus for every 100k xp you grind with them? Since the only hard thing in this game is getting credits.
    (my only fear is that i wont have enough credits when the t10's come :P)

    Im curious on your an wg's view on this. And if there are plans to give top tie players a goal


  47. Hey Overlod can you say approximate time of introducing them? It will be soon like 2-3 months or is it ''long-term plan'' like half - 1 year? It is important for me and for many other players i think :) Thank you in advance.

  48. If I have a tier 9 med in garage in time the new T10 tanks are added, will they be automatically reserched or will I have to farm xp for them?

  49. Yes because I have all 4 mediums. I do not want to have to grind another poxy 1,000,000 XP for tanks that I already have done the work for.

    I got my mediums to be TOP TIER tanks. Not second rate out dated ones!

    So if you think that you can just impose more work on me because you felt like super ceeding my TOP TIER TANKS, then think again!
