Saturday, April 21, 2012

[WoT] Public Test of 7.3

After the release of 7.2 update all 3 main WoT servers have set new CCU records proving to a high extent movement in the right direction (the capacity of server hardware for EU recently has been almost tripled and ready for more players). However there is still a lot on the to-do list.

With the upcoming 7.3 we strive to stick "one content update per month" schedule which this time is pretty close to be kept. The public test of 7.3 has been up and running for quite enough to share the feedback. The list of changes can be found eg here. 7.3 is primarily a content update which also brings lots of bugfixing and improvements to the earlier 7.2. It's 7.4 that is supposed to bring far more significant changes and a bunch of new features, the two new game modes are undergoing final polishing.The expansion of French tech tree, SPGs and TDs, is also coming.

Let's see what we have got here.
  • 2 new maps. Note, that there are no city maps among them, the next city-based map is likely to come next update.
  • Huge Soviet revision announced long time ago finally completed. The newcomer heavies are T-150, KV-4, ST-1, and also we have KV divided into two, and IS-4 moved one tier up.
  • 2 new French prems tanks after testing on live server by supertesters are now available for everyone.
  • The next bunch of prems that are going to be tested right according to the same procedure are IS-6 and "golden" JT with 8.8cm.
  • MM spread for tier 5 heavies is reduced by 1. That should be considered as the initial step the impact of which is to be assessed further on to identify whether similar changes are to be extended and if yes to where exactly.
  • Apart from that there have been extensive bug fixing, including massive bug with "blach terrain" for old Radeon graphic cards. The descriptions of crew skills have also been extended. 
  • Clan logos are finally displayed in the client.
Commenting this post leave your feedback, ideas, and suggestions regarding the 7.3 public test. And a small reminder: 7.3 is still in testing and currently it's not the quality and experience of the release version.


  1. would be great if the IS-4 got some frontal hull armor

    1. Not really likely. Will adjust other specs if needed.

    2. By other specs, do you possibly mean angles?

    3. i'm sorry but there's no spec you can adjust to compensate the inexistant frontal armor(maybe 3K HP...) against anything T8 and above, what's worse is that this is supposed to be the HEAVY soviet tank, ye thte Is7 has better armor.....

      So you essentially put a tank that can't bounce anything that's supposed to be a "super heavy" in T10.... and then replaced it with the ST1 which is a watered down version of the same tank(20mm less on the sides).
      Have yo say i don't like these changes one bit...

    4. The IS-4 is replaced by the IS-8, not the ST-1. The ST-1 is the new tier 9 in the KV heavy tree. IT's a brand new position and doesn't replace anything.

    5. I find that the IS4 has no trouble competing with the current tier 10's as it is, and feel it is currently better than most of them any way

    6. Is4 will get 200mm on driver hatch so that they wont penn it easely rest of frontal will stay 160 but those are angled so they bounce if u dont angle the tank. Reading some specialist forums would help u a bit instead of coming here and screaming ur guts out :)

    7. actually it won't because the hatch is a very small part of the front, why aim there when you can penetrate 98% of the front with ease? and 200mm hatch won't stop any tier 9 and 10 gun.
      it's like saying "your 704 has impenetrable mantlet!", yes but why do i care when i can aim at 98% of the rest of the front for insta-damage?, same with IS4.
      160mm frontal is completely inadequate as well and won't bounce ANYTHING no matter what you pull -same as now-

      and yes, ST-1 is the IS4 replacement for the heavy-heavy line, interpret things better i don't care if they replace your GARAGE tank with an IS8, that's the fast-heavy line.
      So again, the ST-1 takes the role the current IS4 has, but it's a terrible tank all over

  2. It would be nice not to have to start with a tier 7 gun for those who dont have the tier 10 is-7 gun

    1. i think the bl-9 gun would have been a much better choice for the stock IS-4

    2. yes i would be a great choice but the tier 7 gun is the realistic gun the is-4 used so wot is trying to keep it in there somehow

    3. Historical battles was bounced off the players when they added the list of what they wanted to add. This t7 gun is probably to fulfill that need because the idea hit home for some players

    4. It's been pointed out only 4351908571523 times that you have to unlock the uber Tier X gun in order to even unlock the IS 4 in the grind. Soooo....just unlock the S70 before this goes live and no problems right? Otherwise if you don't want to do that, unlock it with your IS-8, which has a better gun choice than a stock IS 4, this isn't hard guys.

  3. If you have the KV-3 fully upgraded, will it stay fully upgraded once the update comes out?

    also, if you have the KV-3, will you get the T-150 and the new KV-3?


    ps. nice job pumping out these updates!


    2. You might want to check the news items in the WoT launcher every once in a while, or head to the WoT homepage for your sever cluster. You'd be amazed at the stuff you can find there:

    3. The procedure is given here:

  4. Can you give us the lost fps in 7.2? Since 7.2 everything it's laggy and low fps even on medium-low In 7.1.1 i run everything on high.

    1. I completely agree with you. I even upgraded my internet to 5mb upload from 2mb upload and at the best i get 40 to 50 fps sometimes My gaming rig is top notch as well. Velociraptor hard drives. Sli graphics cards and 8gb ram. So its definitely since the last patch or 2.

    2. I have the same problem.
      Average FPS is about 4-5 and I have Intel i7 and NVidia 1GB graphics.
      The problem is worse on 7.3 as it was on 7.2
      I only joined when 7.2 was out so I wouldn't know about earlier versions.
      Highly annoying and it affects my game experience.
      Sort it, I have spent too much gold just to walk away.

    3. What NVidia graphics 1GB tells nothing many models have that amount of v-ram. Upload speed only has to do with the ping not FPS. FPS is solely the GPU. Get a 7750 and be fine if you have a bad PSU or lower the settings as I had to do. Lastly upgrade for $100 you can get a very good (for this game at least) 6770.

    4. You tell me to upgrade my GPU after every update?i play BF3 on high and can't play WoT on high ?This it's not possible...i've installed all updates and i reinstall the game from scratch , i even remove smoke to make it play at 30-40 fps. Till 7.1.1 i was playing on high and have over 60,so it's the 7.2 update .They must fix this .

    5. Use wot tweaker it will help a bunch.....especially if u kill the burning effects of knocked out tanks

    6. So your solution is to "buy a new GPU"? Don't be a prick now thinking you know the solution but clearly don't. My FPS Starts out at 50-60 but drops to 4-5 after about 30 mins, so clearly there is a problem with the game mechanics somewhere.

      Thanks Rockhound, shall check it out

  5. Overlord, you wrote "7.4 that is supposed to bring far more significant changes and a bunch of new features, the two new game modes are undergoing final polishing".
    Does that mean that there'll be two new game modes in 7.4? Is it at least 90% confirmed? :)

    1. You made me jump... Overlord, Confirm this! Naow :D!

  6. one problem do not know if it's fixed

    premium tanks have cheaper ammo, right?

    how about T34... it's ammo is still 1060/shot... was when it was tier 9 ... and now still is when it's tier 8 AND premium...

    any plans to fix this aswell with 7.3?

    1. Prems not necessarily have cheaper ammo.

    2. Premium tanks don't mean cheaper ammo; in fact the Lowe's ammo costs 1030/shot.

    3. ahh... nvm then :)

      still tank feels little .... slow.... but it's not likely you will change anything on it anymore

  7. Does the MM change for Tier V heavies mean that there will be even more KVs in the battles that they are in?

  8. Its unfortunate the the KWK 88 is restricted to only super testers.
    1. I primarily play TDs (only have 1 tank)
    2. I already have the JT and can't test it out.
    3. There isnt alot of JT players to begin with.
    4. I have yet to play with or against a JT with the new 88.
    4. It doesnt seem as though it being tested at all...

    1. The premium JT will be in 7.4 so you will likely be able to test it when public test for 7.4 comes out.

  9. is-4 with 140mm frontal armor is a friggin joke, how can it match other tier 10's especially when its supposed to be the heavily armored t10 of soviet tree?? it NEEDS frontal armor buff up to at least 160mm as it was back in beta. also what the hell with drivers hatch? the only is-4 which had such a drivers hatch was its prototype obj. 701, all others, mass produced is-4's had almost flat frontal plate, so whats up with retarded hatch?

    1. so overlord, could i have and answer, please?

    2. Honestly mate its still 30mm thicker than the old t 10 heavy the t 30 for americans, and is still thicker than the french's armor too(I think?)
      I will agree though that the low armor on a t-10 "heavy" is kind of a joke when t6's can pen you almost every time

    3. buddy, amx 50b has better effective than is-4 :D and i wouldnt mind if this was the fast, dps t10 heavy, but its supposed to be heavily armored one :)

    4. also, thanks overlord for answering the question, that just shows how much you and all wargaming are interested in answering serious questions and how you look at player suggestions towards balance. i am not going to swear, but i would in this position.

    5. buras,

      in case of is4, we are not planning to change the armour. It's not the only parameter that affects balance which is achievable in multiple ways. And this position does prove that "soviet bias" does not always work in WoT

    6. @buras have you tried to play it on the test server yet?? or you are just complaining?? i have not played on the test server but from what i have read about the new IS-4 tier 10 is that it can take some good amount of beating and the gun is quite good comparing to the S-70 on the you dont need an Armor buff if you got good HP, speed and a better stop complaining

    7. IS-4 is NOT fast.
      If the new stats of the IS-4 gunon the forum are correct then the new gun is almost a nerf, its a tank designed for city fighting which needs high alpha. The new gun is slightly more accurate (useless for close range fighting), better dps and pen but lower alpha....

      Seriously not adjusting the armour? Really?
      So of the 'slow' Tier 10s, the IS-4 is going to have the worst frontal armour? Really?
      How EXACTLY is this tank going to compete with the T110E5?
      Less frontal armour, much slower, pretty much the same gun.

      Please stop and THINK. The IS-4 should be on parity with the Maus, less HP, slightly worse armour, slightly faster, slightly better gun. As it stands, I can't see a reason to use the new IS-4 over the IS-7 or T110E5 or E-100, all of which are tougher, faster(other than the E-100) and have more firepower (other than possibly IS-7).

      I love my IS-4, but from what I've seen, its getting a few extra HP for moving up a tier and that's it. Its already only 'as good' as the E-75 at best, without a frontal armour buff AND a gun that actually SUITS IT'S STYLE OF PLAY then you've just made one of the most fun tanks to play in the game a waste of garage space.

    8. On the test server most of the "easy penetration" you get on the IS-4 come from the fact that most player load gold ammoes and they don't have to aim.

      If the IS-4 stay kinda how it is right now on Live servers
      with more HP and the new gun, I can predict a lot of bounce
      as I survive in place where an IS-7 would not very often
      with my own IS-4.

      On the test server the gold ammoes should not be accessible
      in the first and second series of test, and then have
      a "gold ammo only" test to make the balance more efficiently.
      But that's my opinion only. Still when you get hits constantly
      by gold ammo you start to wonder if you choosed the right tank.

  10. when is the new german td line to be released? 7.4?

    1. No, later. 7.4 is about french SPGs and TDs.

  11. It seems silly that you have to get the top gun on the st-i to get to the is4 then offer that same gun as an optional upgrade on the is4. Also I was hoping the is4 would have a gun upgrade from s70. The lower tier new tanks seem generally useless. Kv4 looks horrid.

  12. cool stuff man!

    slightly off topic: I am testing Windows 8 Customer Preview. The FPS in Win8-CP are half of the value they are when running Win7 ... and you`d think it`s cause of the lack of a proper Video Card Driver but i can confirm that is not really what it is. WoWP runs at 40fps in Win8-CP as well as Win7-Enterprise. so that would tell me the driver does not really count :)

    I`m just recommending you guys to have a lil peak and check out what you could do there ;)

  13. Metsla: "premium tanks have cheaper ammo, right?

    how about T34... it's ammo is still 1060/shot... was when it was tier 9 ... and now still is when it's tier 8 AND premium..."

    No they don't, check M6A2 for instance, 1k per shot and far less penetration than T34.

    On the topic: Great stuff to see the Soviet tree revision everyone's been waiting for to come to pass. I was hoping for rebalancing of the parameters of certain tanks as well, though, but I suppose we will see.

    Oh, and concerning the new IS-4 gun: Ludicrous penetration, captain! With gold ammo even Maus is point and click from any angle?

    1. However the armor is not that great for tier X.

    2. I have a feeling the new IS-4 will be nicknamed the Maus-Buster for clan wars...

      400mm penetration FTW.

    3. IS-4 and T110E5's HEAT shells fair poorly against sloped/angled armor.

    4. Mow Mow is right, HEAT shells have 0 normalization

    5. Overloard:However the armor is not that great for tier X.

      WHAT are you kidding me your even admitting it,s armor is week for a tier 10 tank AWSOME i grind out a tank just to have it turned into a subpar tier 10. Well thank you vary much for the wasted hours doing it i mean its not like i was lied to by you when you said it would get to keep its top gun and now not only dose it NOT keep its top gun you screw up its armor (claps hands). Keep up the good work.

    6. The gun basicly got a upgrade, and they did not screw up it's armor, it remained the same. (still having its 7.0 / 7.1 buffs)
      Check ur facts xxbtl94xx

    7. No gun is point and click. You will always have to know how to aim. But yes...with gold ammo finding ways to pen a Maus or E100 become much easier even with the angling of armor.

    8. God people are raging about IS-4 not getting a armor buff, all tanks have a weak spot, and the new IS4's gun is boss. chill the **** out

  14. Hi overlord,
    I have some questions. About this new premium tank,is-6,when it will be introduced,in 7.3?and second,we will get it free,like T34 after the 7.2 update?
    Also,about is-4,it really need some more frontal armor,because at tier 10,you are like t30 before 7.2 update,paper tank.
    With regards,

    1. IS-6 will be available for everyone in Store since 7.4, it won't be distributed as T34 since it's related to any revision.

    2. any idea how much gold it will be roughly/between? thanks

    3. The IS-4 is NOTHING like a T30 before 7.2
      You've obviously played neither to make such a comment.

  15. Excellent, after constantly teasing NA server with clan emblems and then taking them away the next day, hopefully we will finally get them to stick on our tanks (laugh)

  16. The IS4 is shit! IS8.................... can't even be bothered going in to it

    1. If you think the IS-4 is shit, you're playing it wrong. IS-4 is a fantastic tank... Go back in time and play the T34 as a tier 9 and then tell me how "bad" the IS-4 is.

    2. T34 was good as tier 9.. nuff said :)

    3. T34 fully upgraded was decent as a tier 9. Without the 120 is was at a huge disadvantage.

      IS4 isn't the best T10 tank now...but it's still a damn nice tank to play. Can you ROFL stomp every other T10? no. But that gun is's very agile...and has armor that still eats shells on the sides and rear that should normally pen.

      the IS8 is awesome on the other hand. Think IS3 but even better. love that thing!

  17. Gold ammo always wins anyway so that is not that important.

  18. how we can test the jt with 88mm gun?

  19. Overlord, I'm assuming the reasoning in keeping the IS-4's current armor layout into tier X is that this shortcoming will be made up by its new 122mm gun?

    1. To a very high extent, the gun is going to be good.


    3. But don't you think, that 400mm Penetration with Gold-rounds is a little bit too good?

  20. Thanks for your quick reply.also,i want to ask this for long time,and if you have any idea about it,i would love to hear an answer.I heard that it will appear,sooner or later,combined europe faction.its any chance of seeing a romanian tank in it?we have quite a big community in Romania of WOT players,and i bet that all would enjoy one Romanian tank.
    Thanks again and good luck,

  21. it looks like the is4 will rule the CW! i mean its got everything... armor is weak but it dings alot and with the 2400 hp, its a lil too much considering its only 400 hp less than the maus!! something is off. the maus by now has no special anything- no gun, no hp, no armor, no speed!! i understand each has to have some con and some pros but the other tanks can easily replace the maus even for defense position considering the maus isnt special in any way anymore...

  22. Some balancing to matchmaking is badly needed. You guys seem so oblivious that despite all other game-mechanics, it's mostly matchmaking that determines if the game is fun or not...
    There really is no point in matching up tier 3 vehicles to tier 5, everything should be compacted much more in the battle tiers.
    Biggest proof is that even if I have tier 5 tanks, I still like playing tier 2 tanks most of all, as you never get matched up against someone who can one-shot you while you can't even scratch them!

    Also, please look into the fact that some maps are almost never chosen for playing, and some are all the time, just make it an even chance for all of them...

  23. I saw the Golden JT last night,was in the IS8,I gave him some support,looks like a good TD.

    I too am a German TD player and I would love to get my hands on one of those!

  24. why doesn't the IS-8 use the 130mm as the main gun since it's "child" the IS-7 uses it?

    1. IS-7 historically carried 130mm S-70 as its main armament, where IS-4 historically only carried 122mm D-25T. In-game, it gets an upgrade to IS-8's 122mm M62 because its a smaller caliber than 130mm.

  25. So Is-8 is no newcommer? Check ur Post ;D

  26. Can you find another team damage system? i'm tired of stupid amx's that enter in me and i have to pay for them

  27. Maus becoming more and more obsolete. Pls give it back it's strong armor values and 3400 HP. Chiefly because it's a MAUS and shouldn't go down that easily. T110e5 and IS4 gonna make it look like a joke of a nicknamed battleship.

    1. T110 and IS4 can't pen is frontally with gold ammo, their gold ammo is HEAT, and has NO normalization whatsoever

    2. Agree, Maus is kinda meh now, especially on most of the super open campy camp arty maps (about 80% of maps).

    3. @Dcr162. This is totally incorrect. With normal AP and Gold(HEAT) ammo the T110 can pen a Maus on the front. Either shooting in the middle bottom (lower glacius) or to the left or right of the gun mantlet will penetrate a vast majority of the time. Granted if the Maus driver is smart they will give you as much angle as they can to their weak spots..but a smart T110/IS4 tanker can still exploit these weaknesses easily. Not having normalization makes HEAT less effective, but it doesn't totally remove it's effectiveness.

  28. Still I'm missing a flag in the dossier files telling if the tank is currently in garage.

    Also what about the much awaiting battle log?

  29. I want to know why doesnt Tier 7 KV-3 get 122 mm D-2-5T Gun although it has been researched before 7.3 Public Test???????
    I would be gratefull if someone gives me an answer

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Tank_Master,test's player account is uploaded to test server some days or even a week before the 7.3 test,so your research wasn't included ;)

    3. Ohhh,Ok :)
      Thx for the info :) :D

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I have not be able to play on my laptop since I went to 7.2. White boxes and Black terain...aghhh

  31. Does the driver hatch on IS-4 got a buff? Cant really test it since everyone is shooting gold ammo.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Any chance that tank company's with no tier limit and max 90 points will return?

    1. "Will you return old 90 points TC?

      No, we won’t. We decided to remove them to avoid spreading our players between two similar modes of high-level battles."

  34. I am a Chinese woter,in cwot we have a unique ht wz111, it used 122mm d25ta,only have 175 penetration .In fact it is difficult to fight in t9 or t10 room. Does the is6 use the same gun? if so, I think it will not scucceed, and I will not buy it,cause with the low penetration you can't destory majority of tanks in the room.

  35. Apart from that there have been extensive bug fixing, including massive bug with "blach terrain" for old Radeon graphic cards.

    Whats blach terrain? ;D check spelling Ovi :D

  36. @vizier: no was already mentioned, main reason is to few people who play companys, so spreading them out more is worsening the problem.

    overlord, any change more actions could be taken to make companys more popular? maybe a very little gold to win for the winning team, or just a credit bonus?

    1. We are thinking of possble incentive ti promote platoons and companies in game.

  37. I feel that theese new tanks are kinda... gimmicky... And boring overall, i want physics. Will that arrive in next Public test?

    1. It is not clear yet, most likely - no. However would depend on how long it takes to start 7.4 public test

  38. is it possible to release matchmaking table with every upcoming patch? im kinda missing those, thanks

  39. If not a armour buff then please give it a Alpha or ROF buff. Atm its outclassed by the T110 in everyway. T110 has more armour, more DPM and accuracy / aimtime and is faster.

    1. I am sorry, but how come when a Russian tank is outmatching some other tank in any given way its fine, but when once, ONCE, American tank is outmatching Russian (not necessarily on the battlefield, should have tried T34 before update) it is suddenly a big outrage. And it has an amazing penetration and the gun looks like from Star Wars, that should be enough

    2. Cause that's not what this game is about, Every tank should have its advantages and disadvantages. (btw only tank that was outclassed was the T32 and to a much lesser extent the T34. Every other line has a bad apple or two not just american)

      So is that really what your going to base your argument on? That Americans should be OP since IS-4 once was slightly better than its peers. (When the E-75 was introduced it was toppled from that position btw)

      Now the is4s armour is pure paper compared to T110 and its gun pales in comparison to the T110s not to mention the T110 is more maneuverable.

    3. ^^ why do i get the feeling that you are one of those fantastic players who love russian tanks and think that russian tanks should be awesome..there guns should be able to penetrate the most armored part of german, american and french tanks no matter at what angel they should just penetrate?? French tanks came in, russian tank lovers cry, french tanks get nerferd... american new heavies in, russian tank lovers cry again and want to have russian tanks OP so they can shoot a T110 at its turret or upper hull while angled and should be able to do easily do 500 damage..

      i have went against T110 in my E-75 and IS-4 and very rarely i have bounced on that thing..surely i have lost in 1 v 1 to them but even T110 has not been left in any condition to slug out with other tanks

    4. Well your wrong, I play all nations. Oh and IS-4 hasn't been OP for quite some time, and I personally like E-75 better.

  40. Do you know maybe what will happen with 52k xp on my elite KV? will it be split to half,or deleted,or maybe turned to free xp? :)

    1. if its elite KV the exp can be converted by gold to free xp, I dont think anything will happen to it, it will stay as it is.

    2. all xp on current kv will pass to your new kv1 :)

    3. According to the In development page any undistributed XP on the current KV will pass onto the KV-2.

  41. I'm aware that it have a good gun and a fairly good mobility but IS-8 is really under-armoured ! You know there's a problem when you get penetrated everytime, anywere in your hull by a T5 light tank ... or even a T-50 ...

  42. @Babz Its called gold rounds, When pointed right at them it bounces plenty.

  43. @Adamanthys: No, it's true, I've penetrated the IS-8 frontally without gold ammo in my Chaffee. It does have really bad armour but it's very fast (50km/h) and has a very good gun.

  44. I hope they "Unfix" inverting arty view... that should be a seperate option, not linked to the camera of the 3rd person view...

  45. IS-4 needs armor buff, same as for IS-8. Nerf to T110E5 gun and Maus needs armor and HP buff then we're ready to play a balanced game.

  46. @overlord
    i love driving my T110 in cw and randoms i find it balanced, altho many people haven't found were to shoot frontaly( randoms mostly ).
    since as an american tank u can actualy bounce things frontaly :)

    but wil u adjust its stats in 7.3 ? hopefully not

    1. Balanced? Besides maus it has the best armour, it has the highest DPM with the best accuracy and aimtime and its much faster and is capable of keeping its front to the enemy. How is this balanced?

    2. Personally I feel loke it is slightly op, however t110 is relatively new, so most likely we wont touch it before 7.4 at least.

    3. @ adamanthys
      it has good frontal armor but its just the tip of its nose thats heavely armoured, its lowerplate, turret ring and cupola are big weakspots on its front, it has non existing side / rear armor and takes alot of module dammage there

      so saying the best armor in game is ridiculous

    4. Still better than all but the maus frontally with those weaknesses and with its speed It can keep that front toward the enemy and it still has the best stats everywhere else. Also its the only tank that reliably bounces gold at range.

    5. How about the french autoloader heavies which is also relative new (personally i feel they are not that OP and quite a challenge to drive them properly) unlike french autoloader light and mediums, yet they got nerfed relatively fast?

      Sorry to question you like this but i grinded them past the sucky tanks before the heavies autoloader and love playing them before the patch came and messed them up.


    6. Im up to the lorraine and hating it, the times where your autoloader matter are becoming few and far between especially with you taking at least 800 damage if you actually take advantage of the autoloaders burts dps. If your forced to peek-abo whats the point of a autoloader.

  47. Overlord, is the developer team considering rebalancing the E-100 in some way? It lacks even decent penetration and the new Tier X guns go right through the turret (not to mention the lower glacis and its ridiculous fires). Thanks.

  48. after a fair few games in all new tanks and IS4, here are my thoughts....

    KV4 - A good tank fits nicely into the tier it's in able to do decent damge against higher tier tanks and also able to take hits too.

    ST1 - feels like how a heavy tank should be again able to do nice damge and recieve hits well

    IS8 - fits nicely as a T9 heavy and performs well

    IS4 - this is where it all falls apart, doesn't feel like a T10 tank, the new gun works well as it does for T9's that all great however the tank itself lets it all down, it is after all a t9 with more hit points nothing really more, a change to armor values may of been a wise choice not a huge change but enough to make it better then previously was.

    overall nice additions in the russian tree spoilt only by IS4 change.

    one suggestion I would make is maybe to put an extra option in to be able to change tree from IS to KV4, simply for the people who are there now and have sold their KV3 to buy the IS if they wish to go down to the IS4 that now means selling thier IS to buy back KV3 just to go to KV4 etc.. adding the option to in the IS tech to unlock KV4 would make a lot of sense.

    anyways all in all a decent patch....

  49. OK, some my feedback.

    Probably these two will be among the best maps in game and my favourites. It is hard to be sure after just a few battles, but it seems that there is no chance to be bored on them like in Komarin and sometimes Malinovka or Province. They are also much more complicated with many routes, so it take a while to learn them. In case of Province and Live Oaks it was enough to play 1-2 battles. Also both are very nice, specially Dragon Ridge. More such maps please :).

    Is8, IS4, ST1 seems very fine and funny to play, specially both IS's. Unfortunatly it also seems that they have no armor, but as we know goldammo is heavily used on testserver so it is hard to say much about armor (M103 seemed to me armorless too, but on live server it appeared to be quite strong and able to bounce many shots). KV4 is sluggish, but it should be as a fortress on tracks. Long 107 mm is very fine gun.

    I have one small worry. In a few last patches there came many fast heavy tanks. I am afraid that meds will become very obsolete. M103 is almost like Pershing on steroids, T110 like Patton on steroids, IS8 like more powerful T-54 or T-44. Also Is-4 is now quite fast.

    Hit of the test for me is nice graphic sign of ammoracking enemy. Good idea. Hope it will be on live server.

    1. Yet one thought, maybe it would be good idea for promoting meds, to make them cheaper to repair.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Ok, I took time off from grinding for my IS-4 to try the 7.3 test out and I have come to one conclusion - there is no possible way to rate any of the tanks as long as gold ammo is for sale on the test server.

    I find that some of my matches are over in like 2 minutes simply because everyone is using gold ammo (not used to it) and when I am spotted, gold spewing rt usually kills me in one shot. Whether I am trying out the upped kv-3, the kv-1/2, or the t150 - some matches don't last long enough to get any play time in them.

    The matches that do last long enough (simply because rt can't find me) still can't give me a feel of how a tank is because gold ammo pretty much dumbs down the experience. If I use it, I don't have to try to find weak spots - I just fire a gold round, and it will pen most tanks. I don't have to worry about seeing how much my tank will bounce since most other tanks are spewing gold rounds at me and bouncing is as rare as spotting the unicorn on providence.

    So.. I can't give feedback (other than 0 crashes, plays smooth even at ~170ms ping) simply because I can't evaluate the new tank line in normal pub match play - which is what I mainly use.

  52. Just few questions (because on wot forums mods/devs won't ever reply)

    1. Why you mess-up the non-existent balance? German tanks will have the lowest penetration, and same hp as other tanks on the same tier. Is this fair?

    2. Why you chose that UGLY e100-stug?

    3. Will you lower MM for some meds too?

    4. Any tier 10 med for germany tech tree?

  53. Hi overlord
    just have one question for ya
    are you ever planning any stats for individual tanks
    would love to know how i rank from tank to tank , you like ye do for a persons overall profile

    i would love to get my master tanker badge but i havent got a clue what tanks i have missed out on

    1. Hi. Check this:, for your mastertanker badge. You have a specil page made for this.

  54. Hello Overlord,

    if you want test server to be usefull for something you should consider removing gold ammo. This gold ammo abuse makes trolling nr. ONE activity for the majority of players. Few are really interested in testing and giving usefull feed-back to WG. There is more to talk about this, but i want to keep it simple.


    1. Still it allows to try and test premium content, so its tricky.

  55. So far so good.

    I know its not really part of 7.3, but any change of getting Province dropped to tiers 1-3 only?

    The map makes for incredibly camp heavy battles the higher the tier.

    I know where getting 2 french prems - but are there plans for any new LIGHT premium tanks in the works in the next patch (7.4)and beyond?

    1. Yes, province map will be available only for sandbox mode of tiers 1 and 2.

      No, prem lights will arrive later.

    2. Thanks for listening to the community on Province!

    3. Hallelujah! No more suffering through Province!

    4. WG actually listening to players? Who hacked Overlord's blog account?

    5. so province change won't come in 7.3?, is there a chance you could put it into test 2 or 3?.

    6. I know this will sound like "Make up your mind!" but please don't do it! Province is no fun with low tiers. The low accuracy and penetration power of tiers 1 and 2 make for very frustrating gameplay at these ranges. Province is not a bad map, people are just now getting used to it. Look at the discussions in WoT forum, not EVERYONE hates this map. You said that you are going to implement a system to choose maps you don't want to play. People can wait 'till then.

    7. Yea, province is not a bad map at all, if your going to ban a map, the please ban komarin.
      just look in the chat every time the timer counts down when that map starts, everyone hates it.

      The vote on the site a while ago has to be rigged, i bet most voters dont even know what map it really was.

  56. @Overlord

    Please bring back the 160mm armor of the IS-4... !Suggestion!

    1. IS4 still has those 160 mm. IS-4 armor had originally 140 mm in the front upper plate, and 160 mm in the front lower plate. You will find this in all historical informations about this tank (for example here http://русская-сила.рф/guide/army/ta/is4.shtml ) . WG has only changed the plate which is given in statistics (previously there was lower hull plate in stats, now it is upper front plate), armor of the tank is all the time the same.

    2. And here you have original armor scheme

  57. Oh, and french tanks must get back their burstiness. They were far from OP when they came and now they're obsolete (except for the speed of BatChat, but 50B is pointless as you can have a better armored heavy with almost better DPS by choosing the T110E5. The speed does not compensate for anything as it is pointless as the shots in-between is now too slow also).

  58. Are there any plans to adjust the German tanks with this update to make them able to compete with the Russian and American tanks, that have a higher rate of fire, better damage per minute and better penetration with no disadvantage in accuracy or aiming time?

  59. The is 4 needs to choose between the s70 and the new 122mm, plus if you're gonna make it start with the lol tier 8 (guess cause you need to since in RL it had this gun) give it the bl-9 also, so you can research the bl-9 and have a gun that's actually duable to play with and than to choose between the s70 and the 122mm

    Just my opinion, but I know some tankers like the s 70 way better since it has great damage

  60. overlord why ST-I have more reload time than IS-8 whith the top gun
    because ST-I have 2 loader bigger turret and IS-8 have 1 loader and small turret

  61. Any Info what Tier the Golden JT with 88 L71 will be? And the Price?

    1. From what I know it should be tier 8. As for the price I have no clue.I found the info here:

  62. Overlord,

    can you already estimate how long 7.4 will take to get a public test? Longer than a month?


  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Hi Overlord,

    IS-4 now have more historical parametres like top speed or its scale, so why its frontal armour is still 140mm when historical data is 160mm as its side armour?

    It´s just 20mm+ .Still it will be very penetratable, but it will help. Example: now from front can also penetrate some t7 tanks, not just in weakspots and this 20mm will help to have better balance i think :P

    Hope for reply :P


    1. I wrote it a few posts higher, Repeat it specially for you

      "IS4 still has those 160 mm. IS-4 armor had originally 140 mm in the front upper plate, and 160 mm in the front lower plate. You will find this in all historical informations about this tank (for example here http://русская-сила.рф/guide/army/ta/is4.shtml ) . WG has only changed the plate which is given in statistics (previously there was lower hull plate in stats, now it is upper front plate), armor of the tank is all the time the same.

      And here you have original armor scheme

  65. Are the native tank crew voices fixed? The option is in there but it doesn't work.. What about fixing moddir-support? Some mod elements will FUBAR the game if you do not copy entire vanilla folder to the moddir.

    It's enough to have an empty folder with right name to break the game.

  66. i just bought is4,only things researched are tier 9 and 10 radio and bl9 (and 100mm gun :P).Should i bother grinding and researching other modules? will is-4 become elite,or it will be exactly the same case like e-100 after the patch? i dont want to loose my curent xp on is-4 for nothing... and driver hatch,i mean come on,like my driver put his head outside... :)

    1. Well the In Development page has info on the what will the individual modules be substituted with:
      Hope it helps

    2. ok, can anybody tell me about future is-4 status? will it be like e-100( just need to research the gun) or it will be something different...? tnx

    3. Regarding the initial question I found some more info. Seems that the folks on the test server got the 122mm M62-T2 gun only if they had the 130mm S70 so I would suggest researching the gun before the patch or you might end up with a 175mm penetration gun at tier X. Here's a link to a post. You might find more info in the topic itself.
      Here's a link to a screenshot of IS4's research modules. Seems like the gun is the only thing that you can research:

    4. thanks man! but i cant make it in time fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... how am i supposed to grind with tier 7 gun lol,what a joke.... tnx again :)

  67. Overlord,
    Just a couple of questions for the future.
    1) Will we be allowed to customise our tanks, much as the American forces did with their Sherman's (extra armour bolted on, longer gun to fool Tiger's into thinking they were heavier than actually were) - aesthetic, i know, but might be fun to play around with.

    2) I keep hearing the nasty rumour that my beloved T-50-2 may be removed from the tree at some future point. If so, when... and for the love of all that's unholy WHY?!

    1. The T-50-2 is being removed because of it's crimes against the laws of physics!


  68. Overlord,

    Would be nice if you could take your time to answer this question since there are many topics already in the EU forum, even some started by RU players who thought deffs might listen to the EU community.

    So the question is: Will you upgrade Maus and E-100 Armour to give them back their place in future Clanwars? With the all new US and sovjet 400mm pen Gold guns the Maus cant rely on her armor as she could before. And since gold ammo is used in CW by anyone the balance is about to rape german what concerns the community will there be an improvement ov german t10 heavys?

    1. +1 to that.

      i'm so close to abandoning my top tier tanks from germany (especially the e100), simply because they are not competing on the same terms vs rus/us counterparts.

      the feedback from the community is simply overwhelming and quite arrogant from WG not to give atleast an "we're taking this into consideration" -answer.

      instead we're left with replys from Storm sayin "Burn more"..

    2. +1 to that as well.

      German tanks are slow, prone to fire, have low-penetration or low-DPM guns, compensating for that with solid armor and HP. The new American and Russian heavies have far better guns, enough front armor to bounce German Tier X guns, and far better mobility; they lose out on side armor though. IS-7's "weakspot" is almost useless to German tanks because of their height. Where is the balance?

      Would be nice to hear some response to this feedback from the devs.

    3. +1 to that as well as well.

      Most people in my clan love the IS4 the way it is, and consider it now almost to be a tier 10. Even if you don't buff the armor, by giving it a gun that will penetrate everything, as well as increasing its mobility, and increasing its HPs, you obsolete the Maus and E-100, due to their slow lumbering speed and slow reload on the E-100 (my clan fights a lot on El Halluf, where an E100 or Maus couldn't afford to ever leave base, as once you go down one of those big hills, you wouldn't have the time to make the slow climb back up).

      With everyone running gold rounds in CW, most shots penetrate if you're a halfway decent shot. Seeing the 110s be used as much as they do in CW was great to see, simply because you now no longer see 10 - IS7s, so there's a little more variety.

      If you truly want to dispel the Russian Bias, stop making changes that in the communities perception, only OP more Russian vehicles. You should be able to watch CW battles, and see a good mix of all Tier 10s, as each should have VIABLE benefits to a CW. What's the point of armor when you up the pens to 400mm?

  69. The test ends 25 April. it's announced as the "first test". Will there be another next days?

    1. For sure with the amount of feedback they've been getting.

    2. In the Russian forum there is info, that Test2 expected on Friday 27.04.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Clan Wars question Overlord. My clan is on the NA server, and we're finding it very difficult to penetrate into Europe, due to the number of mega-clans that sit and camp on territories, next to other mega-clans they have alliances with.

    Seems like all they're doing is camping on the land to farm the gold, and they never fight each other. When a smaller clan does manage to win a landing, you're pounded by multiple mega-clans to get you off the map to protect their gold. With as much gold that's paid out in Europe, this allows the mega-clans to basically fund the game for them for free.

    Has there been any talk of changing the CW system, making it so clans can't camp on territories and suck gold every day? I think it would be much more active if there was a limit to how much gold could be paid out. For instance, instead of paying out 1,000 a gold a day for a given territory, what if it was worth 3,000 just once? That way, all clans would be forced to push into new territories on a nightly schedule and really increase the amount of game play.

    As it is now, its very broken.

    1. It will be easy exploited by mega-clans and will be even worse. Let's say clan A owns territory X, clan B - Y. Clans make an agreement, that one day A wins Y from B, same time B wins X. next day - reverse. If You see many battles with easy fast caps in first minutes don't be surprised. Solution must be different.

  71. Please allow the premium French arty to be available when this patch goes live. I normally do not play arty but this will be a good one to learn on and make credits while I do.

    There is a rumor this arty will not be available or will only be available to so called "Super Testers".

    1. It was only available to super testers on 7.2, its supposed to go live to everyone on 7.3... And unless they "unfix" the Arty inversion you won't like Arty if you invert your normal camera...

  72. Hello Ovi

    im loving the new kv1, kv2, kv3, but kv4... :(

    kv-4 is like kv-5 but without premium status

    needs some more punch for a tier 8 ........ bl-9 ??? :P

    1. It's heavy, solid armoured tank. If You give it BL-9 it will be OPed.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. I found a little mistake in the KV-4 datasheet. The data shows clearly that this model in the game is the model, that was designed by Pereverzev (wweight: 100tons).
    As you cann see in this table ( That model had only 39km/h top speed. But what we have here in the game is the top-speed of the Mikhailov-model (weight: 86,5tons).

    Will this be corrected before releasing the patch?

    And the IS4: Are you serious about 400mm penetration with gold ammunition?? Seems pretty much compared to other TierX.


    1. Its HEAT ammo... Won't pen near asmuch as you think...

    2. Referring to the IS-4's gold ammo.

  75. I don't want Province map to be sealed for lower tiers. It is too complicated for newcomers. It is sad to see how players blame the broken spotting system and then blame a map where you can actually spot everything.
    Sealing the map will be a score for whiners

  76. Overlord Im trying to figure out why the IS-4s replacement is name the IS-8 when all the the turrets and tracks are marked as for the tank known as the T-10 also known as IS-10. Im just trying to figure out why you went with IS-8 instead of calling it T-10. Many people in the NA server would love to see it named as the T-10 because of the modules.

    1. After a bit of digging through search results I came across this link:
      The author here states that IS-8 was the name given to the first tank produced during the development stage which was later modified several times and hence the name IS-10 was given to the production version of the tank.
      WG probably chose the IS-8 designation since the tank was ordered in 1948 while the IS-10 entered service in 1952.Since the modules all carry T-10 in their names I guess that the modifications to the IS-8 were not major.
      Oh and here's a pic of an IS-8(though I can't see a difference between it and the T-10) :
      Hope this answers your question.

  77. Overlord,
    what happened to the 7.2 test feature about notifying a player that a tank he spotted was damaged/destroyed?.
    it looked like it was working in test #1 and then it was removed with very little feedback on subsequent tests....

    1. i think it is still a work in progress... i believe it was kinda buggy and needed to be reworked.

  78. thats it, im ambandoning the german series and will sell all my stock. russky brawlers here i come.

  79. Overlord, any chance a reload timer would ever make it into the official sniper view?

  80. Is the 16MB patch the test 2 ?

    If so then we are still having the bug
    with the inverted mouse axis in the
    artillery view.

    I really this will be corrected as it's
    a real pain and I hope that if some players
    asked to have the sight inverted there,
    then we would have 2 separated options
    to invert the sniper/3rd view and
    the artillery Satelite view.

    So Overlord is that going to be reverted
    to the basic ? Or have 2 separated
    settings ?

    Thanks in advance for the information.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. what happens when i research IS from KV3 before the patch and dont buy it... will the IS remain researched after patch? its in another line
