Friday, November 11, 2011

November 5 - November 11 Poll Results

10025 players expressed their opinion in the recent poll voting for the most power tank in-game of tier 10.

The vote results confirmed the superiority of German armor among top vehicles in Russian-biased game World of Tanks. E-100 got 41% of votes (4158) and Maus finished 2nd with 27% (2664) leaving behind the Soviet IS-7 with 23% of votes. The American T30 appeared to be a total outsider claiming tiny 9% of love.

The public opinion was rather accurate this time (no need for figures to prove/confront:)). Stat-wise Maus is slightly ahead of the others, even E-100. Apart from that everything is correct.

As always a new poll is up.


  1. I'm just curious why cant we have these polls on the forums or an official website rather then coming here to a 3rd party website for a vote of the game itself. ODD

  2. How was the public accurate if they had the E100 top and not the Maus?

    Odd - anyway - when's my damn over-powered/biased IS7 and over-powered/biased IS4 getting humped around into their new positions so I can compete with the over-powered E75 and over-powered E-100?

  3. Q: I'm just curious why cant we have these polls on the forums or an official website rather then coming here to a 3rd party website for a vote of the game itself. ODD

    A: Actually there is a weekly poll on both websites.

  4. Q: How was the public accurate if they had the E100 top and not the Maus?

    A: The gap between the two is insignificant, so I think, it was pretty accurate.

  5. So as you can see - we need the M110 :)

  6. When can we expect the English translation of Wargaming TV episode 8?

  7. Overlord, can you please tell us a exact release of Test Servers now? :(

  8. This is just showing a big problem with t30 . T30 is by far the weakest tear 10 . T30 was great on start, everyone was new to the game and all but now t30 is no way near other tear 10 tanks. I hope they change it in later patches

  9. Well the quastion was which tank is the most powerfull. The most powerfull guns are at T30 and E-100. So a lot of players answered this quastion incorreclty.
    SIT DOWN - 2!

  10. Good to see the USA get some lovin some time not far away. IS7 would be much higher if it didnt have a 3 sec aim time.

    T9 polls would be nice as well, for mediums, TDs and heavies. Some T9 feel a lil redundant to others.

  11. Q: Overlord, can you please tell us a exact release of Test Servers now? :(

    A: If everything goes smooth - next week.

  12. Q: T9 polls would be nice as well, for mediums, TDs and heavies. Some T9 feel a lil redundant to others.

    A: Noted as idea for future polls.

  13. Q: Well the quastion was which tank is the most powerfull. The most powerfull guns are at T30 and E-100. So a lot of players answered this quastion incorreclty.
    SIT DOWN - 2!

    A: Yes, teacher.

  14. Im pretty sure that IF it was a question of what tank, due to it's gun, was the most powerful it would be "obvious" or at least a different scenario...?
    My nr. 1 pick was indeed the E-100 but not primarily due to the massive gun. Mostly because it is a faster version of the MAUS with a little less armor. The fact that it comes with a T-30 equivalent (less ap) gun is just a bonus.
    My second choice would be a split-choice between an IS-7, because of it's mobility and sloped armor - and the MAUS because of it's capability of simply ignoring up to T-7(8) tanks (not counting artillery).
    Yes, I've played E-100, Maus and IS-7 - only "need" the T-30.

  15. So as you can see T30 play style should be rather TD play style than first line breakthrough vehicle if even tier 5 tanks can penetrate its weak armor. Thats why American tree needs its new vehicles as soon as it is possible.

  16. 2 things like the humor overlord, spot on!

    t30 is alot better than people think, its only problem is that it cant handle as many targets as a maus or e100 just because it wont bounce rounds. that being said its the easiest tank to solo any other tier 10 in, it can 2 shot is7's and 3 shot maus and e100, with the added fact that it has a great acceleration curve.

    Will the t30 (when becomes a td) still keep its gun though? i have come to love it soo much, i couldn't bear to loose it. i know we would see a definite HP loss maybe reduced turret transverse, put i hope and pray the gun is the same.

  17. Q: Is it possible to start a poll about the Zero-Dam-Hit Topic? Its look like a big concern for a lot of people and it would good to see if that impression is correct.

  18. >> Joseph said...
    >> " can 2 shot is7's.."

    Sure, sure if u get a critical hit with additional damage...twice. Otherwise no.

    Then again, only tier 10 tank I've ever 1shotted is an IS-7..and only twice.

  19. Q: Well the quastion was which tank is the most powerfull. The most powerfull guns are at T30 and E-100. So a lot of players answered this quastion incorreclty.
    SIT DOWN - 2!

    A: Yes, teacher.

    The poll didn't mention anything about guns!it said powerfull tank, so to anyone who actually attended school that would mean overall ie, Gun, Armor ,Speed - So the majority did answer correctly - 10 for being stupid..

  20. I'm in favor of friendly vehicles ram-damaging friendly vehicles. It adds to the realism of the game for a start. Secondly if you removed it you'd start to see people trolling (blocking movement, etc) which is just inconsistent with a game that is almost in the pure simulation category.

    Keep it as is, there are better things to work on. Spotting mechanics for a start.

  21. please consider not counting ramming if the tank that is doing the damage has a speed of zero.

    Too often I am hit by a small tank trying to speed around me.

  22. good new pool. I vote against. I totaly hate, if somebody ramm my tank and I must pay penalty for damaging alies.

  23. I'm just going to start chanting M103*, M103, each patch rolls closer to this release!

    *And of course my new Tier 8 premium: T34!

  24. The ramming is bad as it is already so I don't want to see even more damage from it.
    Too many people who can't drive play this game and I get driven into often, even when I am just sitting still in a bush. And the worst part is if someone drives into me and he damages himself and I take no damage, I get a penalty for damaging a team member.
    So maybe an idea to add something like you can only do damage to other tanks when you drive into it with the front of your tank. That would make sure I don't get a penalty when someone is stupid enough to drive into my side or rear. But that counts for team members only of course :) Enemies can drive into you from all sides and damage you.

  25. So by your logic, if this proves there is no "Russian Bias" it clearly proves there is anti-american bias?

  26. They would never admit the anti-American bias though.

  27. Q: If the T30 is the weakest then why was the gun dispersion nerfed a little bit ago?

  28. Here we go again for another bias story.


    Hard to be Overlord. >.>

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Sorry guys, I see u r starting the whining already, but I've got 2 questions for Overlord.

    1. Why is WoT not available on Steam? There are a number of F2P titles available so u might as well put it on steam.Just a thought, since there are currently 4,1 million players online in Steam.

    2. Why is your game not syncronized with facebook. You know, the extremely annoying way. Like
    "Hans Peter has bought a new great sniper tank: Panzerkampfwagen IV in WoT - klick here for German tank domination World of Tanks" or
    "Ivan Iwanow just got a Wittmann's Medal which is actually called Boelter's now. Kill everything in your OP Russian tanks - World of Tanks." or even
    "Joe Dillinger just got shot in his T20. Be an American colander in World of Tanks." (This is meant to be a joke, just got a Boelter's in my T20 :))
    I would not use that shit, but appearently people i am friends with love to make advertisement.

  31. Q. When will ignore also stop us from hearing ping sounds, radio messages(audio and text) and horns(when they added) ?

  32. Overlord i have question about friendly damage
    -When player is accedenly shot/ramed , player who did damage pays 20x for each Hp , so if damage is 100 player will pay 2000.
    But damaged player dont get nearly enough to cover that 100hp on his tank?
    Why compensation is so high and damaged player get so litle?
    Shouldnt it be bit more balanced?

  33. There is clearly an anti-US bias though. All I have to do is say "T34".

  34. Vector, you mean to say T34 will be premium?
    yea, only US :/
    tho i love it its great when in full

  35. Plz fix the 12,8 mm E-75 weapon
    Check this link

    And there is more

  36. Q: What!? Will the T34 become a "premium" tier 8??? It works perfectly as it is on tier 9... So many think it is the worst, but with some skill and a lot of matches, I personally think it is the best. (I have all the tier 9 heavies with best settup)

  37. Top your logical is just plain dumb, yes the tank becomes premium at tier 8.. EIGHT. Right now it is THE WEAKEST BAR NONE tank for it's tier, both by popular opinion and any an all researched stats. THUS, having it left at tier 9 for this long leads many players to believe that they just don't give a bleep about the american heavy players.

    Also, by you logic, they love america more because we get one tank as premium, a tier 9 TD (which everyone already ground out they are just moving it) and two new heavies to replace the least represented clan wars T10 and our horrible T9 heavy.

    Need I REALLY go through all the free Russian tanks/slots/etc you will be receiving when they finalize your tree? Or did you conveniently forget about those? I'll give you a hint, it's DOUBLE the american tree.

  38. Really Killer, do provide you profile link so we can see how you've clearly played all of them and have better stats on the T34 over all the other tier 9's.

  39. Win rates aren't everything. Just because a tank is easier to get a win in random battles doesn't mean it's necessarily the best tank for an individual. Maus is nowhere as versatile as E-100, which has damage of T30, armor of Maus and excellent speed and maneuvering. I'm not sure how it got in the game. It's pretty overpowered.

  40. At least the Maus doesn't force you to play with gold ammo. The E-100 is only effective with gold ammo, because with normal ammo the penetration is very very low, even lower than the stock gun penetration.
    And about the E-75 inaccurate crying I just have to say 1 thing: ever played Russian tanks? Cause all of the Russian tanks are that inaccurate.

    Just tired of people crying about something they assume is unfair to them.
    I know it's hard to do but maybe if you think your tank is bad, maybe, just maybe it's because of you and not the fault of the tank or the fault that other tanks might be OP.
    Just learn to play and ANY, yes ANY tank in the game can be OP when you play it right. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your tank and learn how to get the best out of it.

  41. 100 ton tanks should have some advantages, otherwise the heavy armor and big guns won't offset the incredibly slow speed.

    How can a Lowe at 93 tons have less armor than a Tiger II at 71 tons? Would they really put a smaller engine in a tank that was designed for 140mm-160mm front armor and a 15 cm gun?

    Seems like WG is making sure the limitations of German hardware are showing up, but not so much the advantages.

    At least the IS-7 and T-54 made it into the game well ahead of their time.

    WWII stopped at tier eight, except for the Germans, who were actually building the prototype models of the tier 10 stuff in 1945.

    The big push was to stop Germany before the tier 9 & 10 stuff showed up in quantity.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Corben, I dont want to use this words but you are idi@t, arnt you?
    What was wrong with my post? did i lie ??

    Vctor menth T34, ture??
    Only US tank will be free premium? true
    I love t34, who are you to know what i like more? maybe you know better what my gf likes more than i do??

    So your post doenst make any sense in stead of higlighting your stupiditisam (hope its right spelled).

    I dont play tanks based on nationality nor racisam, withc clearly you and many others do.

    I pick tanks based on do they suit my play stile or not.
    And I have more fun and enjoyment with american heavies than russians or germnas, and i have all t9 heavies exept ausfb, and in my opinion t34 is best when in full.
    I didnt say its best for everyone, just for me, and i m sure there is many other players who like that tank, as there is many whiners who love to complain just for sake of it.
    And this stuff about all this free russian tanks, so far not one player with russian tank didnt get free tank nor slot, and americans come first, why not IS4? when can you give me date for it?
    Pleas do provide us all with detailed changes of russian tree and all that free tanks and slots players will get, couse maybe i can start grinding to buy KV, hell when they reward us with new tank maybe i can use it in clan-war.
    -YOU are the STAR for remindinng me of all this free tanks, just can you say when will that be???

    O and about my profile , you are nobody important that i have to prove something to you, but next time T34 kills you, just wonder, maybe it will be me ;)

  44. IS7 would have better stats and voting if they wouldn't use it like a medium tank in randoms. Don't know about CW as I don't participate in these.

  45. About the new poll, I would like to see a better reward by damage done by your team; be it ramming or teamkilling. Just played a battle in El Halluf, where a teammate (dabar123) killed me when i had the flag almost captured. A pershing from 60% to 0% (about 12.000 credits in total repairs). I only ot 1.010 credits by friend damage, and he only got blue, but with a friend who wasnt to kill him.
    You have to punish it harder teamkill and softer ramming (90% just noob drivers)

  46. look...the E-100 is a relativly new tank...and people still don't know where all the weak spots they bounce a they say its the most powerfull, has the most armour, powerfull gun...

    if places would be reversed and the new tank was the IS7, and E-100 would be in the gave from the beginning, the result would be the same for the IS-7...

    BUT the reallty is that all the tier10s are just have to know how to play them...the Maus is the slowes, but has the most armour...with spall liner on, you can take a lot damage...the is-7 is the fastest, most stealthy...but weak armour, inacurate gun...the t-30 is made out of paper...but rediculus DMG on the gun...the E-100 has a lot of frontal armour...but weak from the back and sides...and the 150mm gun is uselless without gold bounces like a MOFO ;)

    for conclusion...hope this poll wont be the base for a german nerf again...

  47. @Top, I agree with you 100%.

    @Corben, my opinion about you is more or less the same what Top said...
    The popular opinion speaks for itself, but saying it is the weakest, is so wrong. (again, as Top said;) in full it is like a tier 9 - T30, only with the highest RoF and lowest damage, unlike the tier 10 USA tank, ~the tank that can solo it counterparts with ease. +it got the highest speed+traverse. (don't mention the IS-7's max speed, it will tell me A LOT about you m8 ~play, then talk)

    As of the T34's new tier... it would work perfectly at tier 9. then it would be TD: T30; high damage, fast turret, traverse and speed. T95; 1 word: Fortress, about the same gun as T30. T34; almost the same as T30, only high rate of fire and low damage, and with it being a premium/(aka M6A2E1, not possible to get anymore), it doesn't mess up with the T95 & T30.

    would love some feedback,~Overlord

  48. I'm amazed that people still can't spell ridiculous.

    I suppose that if they actually learnt to pronounce it properly they might spell it properly

  49. Why while loading the map T32 is under King Tiger on the list of the vehicles but during the battle they change their places on the list and T32 is above KT? Is it a bug or is it purposeful?

  50. @luckymebart

    same with the american M10 Wolverine, M36 Slugger, and the tier 5 light tanks are also Ingame, above most tier 6 medium, arty and TD's.
    strange :P

  51. @que: so you must spam this forum, you have nothing else to say, so you must bi*ch about peoples spelling all aren't from england or usa, but we try to speak/write in a foreing language...i can write in my language, but i don't think you would understand anything...

  52. What about mod confirming it, also just cause is7 (1 tank) kinda sucks, doesnt really make it fair for the other tanks to be way superior...

    "Although this was disputed a number of times by the community both ways, it was admitted later that the Russian tanks were made slightly better to appease to their original target audience, however they attempted to balance it out for the other server regions...but thats for others to decide on how well they've done that."


    I know you think the IS7 need a buff, but on the NA the IS7 drivers in PUGs do 90% of the time suicide rushes. Everytime I'm in a high tier battle I hope KV-5s and IS7s are on the other team. Both tanks are a liability to the team, due to the stated above behavior. If you buff the IS7 yoiu support unsportsman like behaviour. I never understood the nerf of the T30 either, if he becomes a TD chnage him later. Drivers of other nations than RU are way mre respectful to their tanks/teams, you have less suicide rushers. It's as simple as that.

  54. @Horus

    No offense, but it's because of complaints like yours that the serious problems are being ignored. There is no difference between Russian drivers and German drivers, in fact most people play both nations.

    Also I think it makes sense to wait for the Tier 10 American heavy to be released before trying to balance anything else.

  55. @spiritus2303 who said... "so you must spam this forum, you have nothing else to say, so you must bi*ch about peoples spelling all aren't from england or usa, but we try to speak/write in a foreing language...i can write in my language, but i don't think you would understand anything..."

    Please post in your native language as posting in Gibberish is lowering my IQ

  56. Overlord - will you add option to disallow premium ammo in training rooms? That will make it much easier to run fair cups, which I believe will get more players interested in competitive play, especially those that do not enjoy normal clan wars type battles.

  57. Dragi Que, vas IQ me onda podseca na Comodore 64 kad kaseta zasteka.
    Preporucio bi vam vise jedete povrca manje govana, pa ce vam se i IQ popraviti.

  58. @ Que
    omae no IQ ga hetteru tte touzen deshou, BAKA dakara!!
    IQ ga sonna ni daiji nara, kono ge-mu yaranai yo

  59. @ Loge:

    At least he's right with the IS-7 suicide behaviour. The greatest buff for this tank(in puplic matches) would be a drastic decrease of mobility. ;)

  60. German heavy tanks are good, the problem is with the med and TD line.

  61. Overlord u crossed "russian biased" but u shouldnt as u knew that E50 and E75 , two viable german tanks which are finally able to fight on par with their counterparts are going to be nerfed to oblivion with transmission going from rear to front behind the thin lower front plate, that means BURNS A LOT.

  62. The newest poll (about ramming) is really weird. The question isn't addressing concerns that people have.

    I'm not against the possibility of getting damaged by a teammate ramming me. What I am against though is the way it's handled. There are way too many jackasses crashing into heavier tanks and getting damaged to get compensation and it is utterly unfair. There needs to be a better system in place to prevent this type of grieving.

  63. Would it be realistic to hope for a languages spoken tab somewhere that could be a small flag beside the tab tank list? Would make communication either easier, or people will know they won't get replies and won't waste time offering plans at battle start or telling arty where they are going to spot when it would be clear they cannot understand your message?
    Seem's like a more reasonable option by far than all the "everyone must speak english" solutions egocentric English speakers seem so fond of ..

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. In the next poll, where is the option to vote against having to pay a fine to fix the other guy's tank because he took damage after driving into yours while his turret was faced the wrong direction?

  66. The poll didn't mention anything about guns!it said powerfull tank, so to anyone who actually attended school that would mean overall ie, Gun, Armor ,Speed - So the majority did answer correctly - 10 for being stupid..

    Khemm... wrong you are sir. If you want an overall question it would sound like this: "What is the best tier 10 tank?"
    But the question was:
    "Which tank is the most powerfull?"
    Tank power in most cases is defined as gun caliber (power).
    So no 10 for you...

  67. @General_Jack_T_Ripper
    Instead, maybe they should improve the IS-7's accuracy and aiming time so that it could snipe from over 100 meters, that should remove any need to rush altogether.

    Awesome profile picture! Fits perfectly.

  68. Overlord, if the "Against!" opinion will get a majority, will you consider deleting friendly ram damage?

  69. Yes, the profile picture fits perfectly well. While people are trying to scale German vs. US tech tree the sword (Soviet tech tree) is always ready to chop them both off.

  70. pls remove friendly raming, for now its the most stupid thing in the game

  71. Keep friendly raming. If u remove it this will become like bumper cars on a tivoli, you who want to removie it learn to drive.

  72. This question bothers me a lot. Will there be damage from tank explosions.

    I imagine arty would have a bigger explosion, when someone shoots it, because of the caliber. Other than that, would be fun.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. @Salbazios, its not the ones who dont know how to drive that are causing the biggest problem.. its smaller tanks, driving as fast as possible, crashing with allied tanks, just to give the big guys a bill to pay.

    Anyways, i'm against removing it. Its just that the system, variables and conditions should be more advanced/complicated to funcion correctly.

  75. @ Salbazios

    Ykhm, tell me why I have to loose credits because someone rammed me??

    @ Actuary Needing Experience

    I don't think it happens often. I have never seen light tank ramming itself to death at friendly heavy. And only teamkill gives recompensation, not teamdamage.

    @ Overlord

    I think there should be no damage while teamramming. Its maybe less realistic, but sometimes one carless driver can ruin you a battle - pzIII rammed once my Marder almost to death. And once some player rammed me accidentaly (tbh I was more responsible), took me a few HP and was flagged as teamkiller, soon after that one guy from our team killed him. We had one tank less because of small accidental ramming.

    I also think that responsibility for shooting friendly tanks should be higher. Especially when there are more then one hit (one hit is usually accidental). But I had situation when some T29 shot me 3 times in a row and rammed because i haven't done what he wanted. Ramming and one shot was while I was capping and we lost because of it! He wasn't flagged as teamkiller, and I get no recompansation beacause he didn't kill me, but have to spend a lot of money to repair my tank (I was without damage before he started shooting).

    So quite often I loose money and XP because someone accidentaly ramm my tank, and I get no recompansation when someone intentionally shoot at me. Thats not OK in my opinion. We should have full recompansation for teamdamage and there should be no damage caused by teamramming.

  76. Q: Here we go again for another bias story.


    Hard to be Overlord. >.>

    A: =) Obviously a step forward, since we used to be Soviet(Russian)-biased.

  77. Q: Why is WoT not available on Steam? There are a number of F2P titles available so u might as well put it on steam.Just a thought, since there are currently 4,1 million players online in Steam.

    A: We were negotiating with them for some time as far as I know, but decided to distribute the game on our own eventually.

  78. Q: Plz fix the 12,8 mm E-75 weapon
    Check this link

    A: It works just fine. Nothing to fix there.

  79. Q: Overlord u crossed "russian biased" but u shouldnt as u knew that E50 and E75 , two viable german tanks which are finally able to fight on par with their counterparts are going to be nerfed to oblivion with transmission going from rear to front behind the thin lower front plate, that means BURNS A LOT.

    A: They won't be nerfed in oblivion, mate, there is no such need.

  80. Q: I'm not against the possibility of getting damaged by a teammate ramming me. What I am against though is the way it's handled. There are way too many jackasses crashing into heavier tanks and getting damaged to get compensation and it is utterly unfair. There needs to be a better system in place to prevent this type of grieving.

    A: There is no road police in-game, so it's sort difficult to define whose fault was it in each particular case. So we are considering different options.

  81. Q: @Overlord
    Awesome profile picture! Fits perfectly.

    A: No sarcasm at all? :))

  82. Q: Overlord, if the "Against!" opinion will get a majority, will you consider deleting friendly ram damage?

    A: We are considering different options, including this one. Yes.

  83. Q: Yes, the profile picture fits perfectly well. While people are trying to scale German vs. US tech tree the sword (Soviet tech tree) is always ready to chop them both off.

    A: That's why I'm playing US meds. :)

  84. Considering the length of time the T30 wil remain in the game as Tier X, and the increasing displeasure with every passing week, why not buff the T30 HP, slightly? Even a token buff would be well received?

    IS-7 2150 HP with 150mm front armor
    T30 2200 HP 102mm front armor

    2350 HP?

    Or improve accuracy so it can function as a sniper. There is a perceived problem with the T30's gun. I see it miss shots that make no sense; sitting still, and completely aimed. With smoke effects turned off, I often watch the shell sail over or below tanks that are less than 600m. This should not be happening with 100% trained crews. Please look into this. It is a major complaint on the forums.

  85. Overlord said...
    A: That's why I'm playing US meds. :)

    Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, warned, "If you know yourself but not your enemy.."

    ;-) j/k... so I assume you were as sad to hit the brick wall that occurs with the Pershing as I was? Up til then, it is all fun and games.

  86. "Q: Overlord u crossed "russian biased" but u shouldnt as u knew that E50 and E75 , two viable german tanks which are finally able to fight on par with their counterparts are going to be nerfed to oblivion with transmission going from rear to front behind the thin lower front plate, that means BURNS A LOT.

    A: They won't be nerfed in oblivion, mate, there is no such need."

    Being set on fire by every front shot is enough to say its going to be nerfed to oblivion.

  87. I hadrly ever set e50 or e75 on fire, but if thats real problem, maybe devs should put that "problem" on t44 and ammo rack to e50 and e75, just to see what will you think than :P

    without wetammo rack, on t44 half deaths will be due to ammo expoading, thats but only t44 players know that and still not complaining :/

  88. Induro said...

    Overlord u crossed "russian biased" but u shouldnt as u knew that E50 and E75 , two viable german tanks which are finally able to fight on par with their counterparts are going to be nerfed to oblivion with transmission going from rear to front behind the thin lower front plate, that means BURNS A LOT.

    Do you have any proof of this switch? Because if so, that switch is bullshit. Anyone who actually researches the E-series knows that the transmission was to be in the rear of the tank. It's bad enough that Wargaming "Armor is always what it was in real life" nerfed the hell out of the E-series lower glacis (lower glacis was historically as thick as the upper glacis).

  89. i'd sign, stamp, put my photo and finger print on Leisure_Shoot's comment.

    that's why i had to stop playing my favorite T10 tank and switch to the T95 which has practically he same gun but the accuracy the t30 used to have, T30 is essentially useless now since you nerfed it to mid-range and close combat, where it obviously has very little chance to hold ground against experienced players

  90. Q. Can we get an ingame report system ? For quickly reporting afk/leechers etc.

    Q. When will ignore also stop us from hearing ping sounds, radio messages(audio and text) and horns(when they added) ?

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Official Q&A thread on forums.

    Both Overlord statements, so official info.

    Post number 849:
    "According to the data we have got E-50 and E-75 both had transmissions in the rear."

    Post number 855:
    "Yes, it is planned that both E-50 and E-75 will get front transmission modules in future, however this won't happen in 7.0."


    T-44 one tank in the whole USSR tech tree that is flawed with a sensitive ammo rack, go count broken german tanks, i think u will find more than one.

  93. @ Induro
    "lower glacis was historically as thick as the upper glacis"

    At what tank?? Because Panther nad KT had thinner lower glacis. And lower glacis of E-series are not so weak.

  94. @WP
    its not me who said that, and lower glacis on all E-series is also thin, its just tier-thin appropriate

  95. So, because your in-house "Expert" seems to think he knows more about German tanks than the guys who actually research the damn things for a living, you're making a change to the E-series that flies in the face of everything that's known about them. Bravo.

  96. Where the servers become multicluster can I merge my EU and US account?

    Like I had the AusfB on my EU account could I get it on my US one?

  97. so...why isn't the patch even ready yet?

    Lack up promised upkeep is really killing my interest in this game

  98. yea really, where is this patch, it's halfway thru November and nothing...

  99. overlord already answered when patch can be expected in few posts
    "Overlord said...

    Q: This update will come before the end of november you think? And your ETA for French tank?

    A: That's difficult. We all hope we can make it before November ends.
    October 28, 2011 2:16 PM "

  100. What one fail to point out is that the E-100 is utter crap with tier 8 pen unless you pay real money to shoot virtual ammo.

    So for those not willing to pay to shoot, you are better off with a mouse in public games.

    That is if you like beeing oneshotted by 12-18 High tier arty.

  101. hope M103 and french tanks can make it this year...please dont let me down.please dont let my hope just a hope,make it come true pleeease (^o^;)

  102. RuneRuler said...

    What one fail to point out is that the E-100 is utter crap with tier 8 pen unless you pay real money to shoot virtual ammo.

    Why do you want the developers and their families to starve to death? Then again, if they can't even keep their promises on even the most basic updates, maybe they deserve to starve.

  103. Because the game is based only on tier 10 tanks... the other 9 tiers are dominated by russian tanks....
    and yes, I have played all three tech lines.

  104. I remember awhile back it was October, then they moved it to the beginning of November, now it's the end of November. We're also getting less with each patch, you see what they're doing right?

  105. Dear Ovi,

    важаемые разработчики!
    В сети всё чаще встречается информация, что в вашем стане произошёл раскол, часть программистов покинула проект из-за несоответствующих условий оплаты труда. Косвенным доказательством приводится значительная задержка выхода следующего патча и полное отсутствие некоего Злобного в этой теме, хотя вы иногда его упоминаете.
    Вопрос: Вы можете это как-то прокомментировать?

    Developers answer:
    Компания уже распущена, с нового года проект будет закрыт.
    Can you please comment anything because I am lost here.

    P.s. Use google translater to understand.

  106. Regarding the current poll, I am fed up getting T-50/Pz38Na/A20 etc. etc. drivers crashing into my KT/IS3/IS/T1/KV5 on purpose and me losing out on xp/creds because of it.

    One T50 driver openly taunted me in my KV5, exclaiming that he would get XP to make it to his T50-2 by ramming me, he shot me repeatedly to try and get me to shoot him, he didn't damage me but...

    There are plenty of scout drivers that know how to abuse the system and it is awfully annoying.

    Keep up the good work, ignore all those that proclaim WoT is not listening to the community, been playing for two/three months now and have seen plenty of positive changes come through in a few patches, much, much better than the majority of developers out there.

  107. @ TIM

    Recompamsation is possible only in case of teamkill, not teamdamage. And to be honest I have never seen light tanks ramming at ally heavy to death.

    @ Vector03

    As I remember there was no plans for patch in October.

    @ Warstore

    I also played with all tech trees and I don't see any russian domination. I had similar achievements in tanks of all nations.

    @ all whiners

    Please stop crying, its boring. I am waiting for British tanks (since beginnigs of this game) and second line of German TD's (since their announcment - Overlord, I hope Sturer Emil will have his original gun!). But I don't whine, don't write every day that I want them, and so on. WoT already has a lot of tanks and maps, I have in garage 15 elited tanks - enough to have a lot of fun. So I am playing with them and waiting patiently for new interesting stuff. And when it comes, I will again buy premium account as a form of payment for this new tanks.

    So as Tim said: Keep up the good work WG

  108. @Simple Wot

    Wait what!? WG is disbanding, WOT will be discontinued past new year?

  109. Don't be silly, SerB was being sarcastic. There were plenty of posts by him in the thread after that one explaining multicluster tech, if WG was done there would be no point of doing that, would it?

  110. Grdja I found that on Ru forums.

    Xanthus, ok I HOPE this is sarcasm (at which this developer sucks bad). How can an official developer even think of saying this in free-for-all forums??? Srsly i realy hope it was sarcasm, tho i couldnt find any real proof of that. Thats why i asked Overlord to comment...however he is ignoring which also says smth....

  111. Overlord, When do we get one tier battles ?
    Game got REALLY irritating when you constantly fact stuff you can't damage and they roll over you.
    That should be a priority #1, not all these little tweaks and new tanks.
    Who needs 'new features' if you feel abused in every game ?

  112. I'm glad that the "numbers" coincide general "feelings" about vehicle superiority. But when I read you initial post, I scratched my head thinking "of course people in a Russian Bias'd game think the German vehicles are superior, that's their unbiased opposition." These polls are great for "Should we take damage from friendly ramming," but taking "opinion" polls as fact is a slippery slope.

  113. thx for 3x, but i wont forget the 7.0

  114. Q: Dear Ovi,

    важаемые разработчики!
    В сети всё чаще встречается информация, что в вашем стане произошёл раскол, часть программистов покинула проект из-за несоответствующих условий оплаты труда. Косвенным доказательством приводится значительная задержка выхода следующего патча и полное отсутствие некоего Злобного в этой теме, хотя вы иногда его упоминаете.
    Вопрос: Вы можете это как-то прокомментировать?

    Developers answer:
    Компания уже распущена, с нового года проект будет закрыт.
    Can you please comment anything because I am lost here.

    P.s. Use google translater to understand.

    A: This is nonsense. :) Don't believe rumors.

  115. Q: Wait what!? WG is disbanding, WOT will be discontinued past new year?

    A: SerB was joking on RU forums. Everything is fine. :)

  116. Overlord,

    Please kick SerB in the nuts for me for saying such a thing on open forums :)

    P.s. He is a developer for gods sake, he shouldn't be talking like this about smth we pay good money for :)

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