Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Community Portal for EU

The new community portal, redesigned similar to the current Ultimate Conquest website, has been released for US server a few weeks ago and is being released for RU server at present, and now it is planned for launch on EU for the upcoming week.

You can check out the new appearance here.

Please note that the community portal release will lead to several changes in Clan Wars mechanics
  • If a province has no direct connection to the clan headquarters (or through other provinces), then the clan will no longer earn income from the specified province. If a clan does not have a headquarters, they will not earn income from owned provinces.
  • If a clan currently owns one or more provinces on the Global Map, it cannot apply for landing.
  • If there are multiple attacks scheduled for a single province, attackers must first fight against each other. The winning clan will then face the owner of the province in the final match.
These changes will be implemented in advance of 7.0 update due to many of them being web-based changes, rather than changes taking place on the game server itself.


  1. This changes should balance CW bit and give chance to smaller clans as well, nice move. A+

    Overlord i have one question for you on witch i hope you can answer.
    Its about
    Is that oficial data base with acurate info on tanks?
    And if it is, would it be posible to update informations for all tanks, including premium so we can compare them to others, like credit and xp facror?

  2. Q:
    Overlord i have one question for you on witch i hope you can answer.
    Its about
    Is that oficial data base with acurate info on tanks?
    And if it is, would it be posible to update informations for all tanks, including premium so we can compare them to others, like credit and xp facror?

    A: It's a fan-made website, but it's accurate. I use it myself rather often.

  3. Still no hints on the new premium mystery tanks. Which British steeds are they this round?

  4. The system really helps the smaller clans to gain area. I am only worried about the upcoming lockdown system when a tank gets destroyed. Smaller clans might not have that many high tier equipment so doesn't that kind of counter all the good things being applied?

  5. ...and it really makes it hard to play clan wars as a casual player. I don't have time to grind out that many tanks :/

  6. Overlord, with all these weeks of testing in the US server i'm sure you realize that these changes have essentially ruined UC for the "established" clans burning their players out with excessive battles that yield no gain because you can't retake the landing connected to your provinces.
    Counting the numbers of clans landing/willing to land is not a valid metric in determining the success, you need to look up at players enjoyment and how a lot of old players and clan are leaving the game disgruntled over hits unnecessary changes that punishes clan with skill

  7. L'Eliminateur,

    actually we have seen a substantial popularity increase in US CW after this change.

  8. "and now it is planned for launch on EU for the upcoming week."


    i don´t like it when websites i visit rather often change their design. :(

  9. The WoT website hasn't been changed since beta, once every two years is not "often" ;)

    That said, I prefer the current EU layout over the American one, much easiet to find information.

  10. oh i didn´t want to say that they change their design often. sorry if it wasn´t clear.
    i wanted to say that i visit the page often, therefore i´m used to the old design and i would prefer to keep it.

  11. By popularity, do you mean the number of clans on the map OL?...

    Because thats a given...

  12. Still no fix for the griefing problem where a clan can get surrounded on the map with one worthless province and "locked" to stay there.

    You guys need to add an "abandon province" option.

  13. Is it ever planned to allow entering the landing tournaments from a region next to it?

  14. Ok.jpg

  15. @Mikk36

    I dont think they will allow it. We asked for answers but none were given to us.

    Though there is one good thing, the EU Server gets a week to prepare for this unlike the NA Server which had 2 hours.


    Take a look at these threads about the CW Implementation.

    The first one is my opinion on the changes.

    The second one is a poll created by someone about the LZ Changes

    The third one I created more as an opinion of the overall changes.

    Something needs to be changed, but as it stands it is clear nothing is going to be done.

  16. Q:Overlord is that truth Tank freezing will be 5-7 days i think 1 day is enoough but 2+ days is too much...

  17. this tank freezing will again affect badly on small clans when they land and take some 2+ or more provinces again they will have attack from 2 or 3 sides and then what then they can do? nothing.think about it or u will lose alot players almost all my friends whos in small clans want to leave game cuz of this cuz they are in small clans and u do favor to big clans,now they will give alot gold to their members to buy lowes and premiums and everything and to grind 5xt10s and we will be again on same...

  18. Stop with all the whining!
    Be grateful that they try to update and improve the game. Sure you may think some changes won't be good and they can well have an effect opposite of what they hopped for. But then they will just have to fix it or change it all-over again.
    It would be a good idea to scale freeze time on tanks depending on what kind of province they were destroyed (less time for LZ and gradualy more for normal and key provinces).

  19. I think everyone is kinda missing the point in a game of this design. They make money when you buy gold, not when you win it for free. Thus, small clan, big clan it does not matter. If anyone small or big can hold territory for long periods of time then those clans player won't buy gold. So you can bet they will implement as much as they can to ensure constant change and recycle of CW property.

  20. Overlord, I don't know if you realize but the new portal doesn't have a "In development" section. The only way us NA guys could see the notes on 7.0 was on the EU server. If the EU goes to the portal as well there will be no more "In Development" section in English.

  21. Corben, It would be in WG's interest to have one or two big clans holding all the territory. The same amount of gold is given out every day no matter how many clans are on the map. When a few clans hold all the territory less players are getting free gold, and more players buying gold. The fact that WG is making changes to stir the map up and have more clans earning gold shows that they are actually trying to make the game better.

  22. hey 2-zons:

    its on the main page of the US portal

  23. Q for overlord
    1.Will there be option in future for players to donate gold to clan?

    2.If US, German, and Russian light tanks tier 5 are toped with tier 5 and unprofitable, what will be with french? will they be unpofitable from tier5 or only from tier7?
    (i m not complaining just want to know not to end up in hudge loss trying to get french tier7 witch could cost 50k to fix :P )

    Also Kenshing had great idea about frezing tanks.

  24. Q: That said, I prefer the current EU layout over the American one, much easiet to find information.

    A: The new portal offers some extra functionality. It's not only redesign.

  25. Q: By popularity, do you mean the number of clans on the map OL?...

    Because thats a given...

    A: Number of players involved.

  26. Q:Overlord is that truth Tank freezing will be 5-7 days i think 1 day is enoough but 2+ days is too much...

    A: Up to 7 days.

  27. Q: Overlord, I don't know if you realize but the new portal doesn't have a "In development" section. The only way us NA guys could see the notes on 7.0 was on the EU server. If the EU goes to the portal as well there will be no more "In Development" section in English.

    A: Go to community section and see the big banner to your right. Also there is a smaller banner on the main page.

  28. The main problem with clanwars is the fact that many clans need to field 1-2 teams EVERY evening of the week. This creates a major strain on the leading field commanders and core players. There should be two days each week when no attacks can be made.

  29. With the lockout you will need 60-70% of clan to be online in prime-time and all must have grinded all available T10 tanks. Or just have $$$ for tank un-freezing.

  30. MrBangis from US Server:
    Please explain to us, why cant we attack a LZ that is annexed to all our territories??? How does that make the game better? This changes would have been ok if we could at least defend our provinces from a LZ, instead you have to commit a SET of chip stacks just to defend one landing zone!!!!! This makes it the CW mechanics unfair!!!

  31. Could we see some numbers relating to activity on the North American Server from the time of general release of UC BETA until today?

    Can WG justify the reduction of the amount of battles per night that any clan can participate in because of the changes?

    I have personally gone from fighting 12+ fights a night, and the corresponding expenses in gold, to fighting 1 or 2, and so have the 100+ guys that fight in my clan, and the opponents i have around me also.

    I'm not happy that UC has been diluted so drastically, and i have the choice of staying up late for just 15-30 minutes of battles.

  32. "Overlord said...
    Q:Overlord is that truth Tank freezing will be 5-7 days i think 1 day is enoough but 2+ days is too much...

    A: Up to 7 days.
    November 3, 2011 3:49 PM"

    Pure lunacy (I don't know the Russian word for this or I'd post it also.)

    The question I have to ask myself, and would encourage you guys to do the same, is why do I insist on getting involved with these so-called 'Free To Play' MMO's when their developers have this pathological desire to keep (M)ucking around with the game?!? Time to stick with tried and true game devs that release a game and other than squashing a few bugs after release, don't fundamentally change the mechanics over and over (ad infinitum).

    Get a clue already!

  33. Overlord, I notice you say this should be updated in advance of 7.0 - I presume though that getting this website updated has not been part of the delay in releasing 7.0?

  34. Q: Overlord, I notice you say this should be updated in advance of 7.0 - I presume though that getting this website updated has not been part of the delay in releasing 7.0?

    A: Nope, the website is not causing any problems. The delay is mostly related to multi cluster technology and other server-side features.

  35. I will never understand how people create snazzy websites but somehow lose all the functionality and ease of use of the prior version. The current EU version and old version for elsewhere, was fine. Ok it didn't look like the sexiest website in the world, but everything was clear and easy to find. Even for a first time visitor, the new design though. It's just horrible.

    Although wargaming have a proven ability to ignore what their customers want and give the opposite, take crew voices as an example.

    But finally one day the EU server will get its unique 5x special. Yes we still remember being told we'll get one Overlord.

  36. Q:Overlord,I'm a player from China.Lots of Chinese players want to know about one thing.In 7.0 the SPG tracers like you said it will be shown within 25 deg / 445 sector in the direction of the gun.
    Can it be shared the vision of teammates?
    I mean when the tracers are found by your teammates. And your teammates very far away from you.Maybe 700M far from you:)Can you discover or be shared of the tracers?
    Thank you.

  37. If three changes planned for 0.7.0 that are on main page are good for medium and small clans, the up to 7 days repair time totally annihilate this advantage and even more as bigger clans usually have much more tireX and often players have several high tire vehicle in garage
    Hope you dont plan to add this change to random battles if in CW it looks like shoot in foot in random battles it would be like shoot in a head ;)

  38. Do not even think of comparing lock out mechanics between the Russian servers and the EU, NA ones as the Rus have had months more then us to build tanks in the garage.I like the thought that a good casual player who spends more time then he should at the game does but does not have more then 2 end tier tanks will possibly not be able to do clan wars matches more then twice a week if it is not a rollover for his team. If there is no change in the proposal or the clan structure here it is possible you will choke clan wars to death before it clears beta. By all means test it , it is beta after all BUT please be ready to make drastic changes and let us know you are willing to change it if it screws things up.

  39. dont like the landing changes :(

    now good and best clans will camp camp camp :(

    why i feel this change is specially made for weak clans?


  40. using either motor [url=]carbon road frames[/url]the tube by depressing the valve ICAbike01 stem with the hooked end of your tire lever. There are two main types of valve stems, a schrader valve and a presta valve. This tutorial is based on a schrader valve, but I will be covering the different valve types in another tutorial.
    Now it’s time to remove your tire, one side at a time. Choose a section of tire that is away from the valve and hook one of the tire levers under the bead, directly in line with one of your spokes. Pry one side of the tire bead over the edge of the rim, and then hook the end of the tire lever to the nearest spoke. Insert another tire lever two spokes away from the first, and a third another two spokes away. Now the middle lever should fall out, and you can continue the process. When the tire is loose enough you can just run a tire lever around the rest of the rim to pull the whole side over.
    After you have removed one side of the tire, the[url=]carbon fibre bike frames[/url]
    ow remove the tube from the tire, and try to keep track of where it was positioned in relation to the tire. Inflate the tube to approximately twice its original size. This will expand the hole making it easier to find.
    Listen carefully to the entire circumference of[url=]china carbon frames[/url]the tube; you should hear a hissing sound that will indicate where the leak is. As a last resort you can submerge the tube in water and watch for bubbles, but you’ll want to avoid doing this as you’ll need the tube to be completely dry in order for the patch glue to work.
    Once you’ve found the leak, take note of whetherICAbike01 it is on the inner or outer side of the tube.
    I don’t recommend using either motor oil or 3in1 oil to lubricate the chain. Motor oil is too heavy and won’t fully penetrate the rollers, and 3in1 oil is vegetable based and will gum up the chain. I also don’t recommend using wax lubricants because while they don’t collect as much dirt, they are a lot of hassle to apply correctly, and wax is simply not as good a lubricant as oil. I do recommend mineral based chain oils like Finish Line Cross Country or Phil Wood Tenacious Oil because they do the best job of fighting corrosion and don’t wash away when they get wet.
    Chain Cleaning
    For cleaning, first shift the chain into [url=]zipp 404[/url]the smallest sprocket on the rear. For average dust and dirt, wipe the chain clean with a solvent soaked rag. The easiest way to do this is to hold the chain still at the rear derailleur cage while firmly wiping the lower run of the chain. Then move the chain backward and wipe again until you’ve wiped the entire length of chain. Wipe between the rear sprockets using either a rag or a sprocket cleaning tool. Then clean all of the front chainrings on both sides.
    Shift your gears into the middle sprocket both front and rear. Remember that oil does a good job of spreading itself, so try not to over-apply the lubricant. Lubricate the inner circumference of the chain, on the side that faces the sprockets along the top of the lower run of the chain. Run the chain backwards while dropping oil down both sides of the rollers.
    Shift through all of the gears to spread the lubricant evenly through the drivetrain. Then use a rag to wipe off any excess oil.
