Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Initial Package of French Tanks

Initial package of French tanks (18 units) planned for 7.x update (Q4 2011).

Renault FT
Hotchkiss H35
AMX 38
AMX 40
AMX 12t

Bat.-Chatillon 25t
Lorraine 40t.

AMX M4 (1945)
AMX 50 100 mm
AMX 50 120mm
AMX-50 68t.

This info went public some time ago, just confirming the data.


  1. Already same problem as the American Heavy T29/30/34 Problem

  2. Nice Thing. but could you Tell the concrete Release Date? Maybe the week of release?

  3. Hey Overlord, any confirmation if the T34-M103 swap will come with the big 7.0 patch or along with the French patch? Those are the only 2 coming this year, so I want to know which.

  4. Q: Nice Thing. but could you Tell the concrete Release Date? Maybe the week of release?

    A: Not yet. My estimation would be second part of December.

  5. No actual patch number yet?

  6. Overlord maybe you can show new updated french tank tree ?

  7. Q: No actual patch number yet?

    A: Next update after 7.0.

  8. when will the new physics come out? heard about q1 2012... do you have more acurate info?
    ps. sorry for my english

  9. If the t7 light is superior to the current t5 lights I think we'll hear lots of uproar as they decimate everything!

  10. Q: when will the new physics come out? heard about q1 2012... do you have more acurate info?

    A: Q1 2012 is the most precise date I can give.

  11. And when we will have a video? yes it's me again :p i really want this video :)

  12. ok so this is the update for in December, but still we havent heard when the update for this month is due to happen.. we were told October, but still nothing.
    Q. When will the 7.0 Update happen please?

  13. Ruecianus said...

    Hey Overlord, any confirmation if the T34-M103 swap will come with the big 7.0 patch or along with the French patch? Those are the only 2 coming this year, so I want to know which.

    Overlord has said many times that 7.0 will not involve tank releases, and that the French tanks will come out before the USA Heavy change up.

  14. Sorry for posting it here, I asked on Q&A thread, but maybe you missed it and I don't want to risk a ban there :) I'll be happy even with "not decided yet" or "depends" answers :)

    You wrote (about upcoming tiered company battles):

    "Preliminary tiers for companies: 4/45, 6/60, 8/90, 10/150."

    Q1. Between this and Goha.Ru interview I assume that the current and only company battle option (10/90) gets a boot. Any reason for that change? Is it permanent or will you consider bringing it back (as some sort of Mini-Absolute) when/if company subdivisions have enough popularity?

    Q2. Any other company battle limits? Some time ago you were considering additional limits for arty and/or lights.

    3. I know the fog of war is coming to CW first. Do you consider introducing it for company battles at some point in the future, too? (Even as some sort of option, i.e. when you create a company you can tick a "Fog of War" checkbox and you get paired only with companies that ticked that checkbox, too.)

    Thanks :)

  15. Q : It is normal that the AMX50 68t ( that never existed, maybe you based on the only screen in 3H1 folder in AMX archive ? ) have on your screen the basis of a AMX-50 120mm and the turret TCB 120 St Chamond who never go to this tank ( even in the 3H1 file screen ) ?

    It look like a total invention from Wot staff.


    We need more time now to test all the camoflauges and so

  17. Q1. Between this and Goha.Ru interview I assume that the current and only company battle option (10/90) gets a boot. Any reason for that change? Is it permanent or will you consider bringing it back (as some sort of Mini-Absolute) when/if company subdivisions have enough popularity?

    A: Nothing is permanent. 8/90 was our initial format for tourneys.

  18. Q2. Any other company battle limits? Some time ago you were considering additional limits for arty and/or lights.

    A: At this time - no other limits.

  19. All these tanks are ordered in ascending tier level (i.e B1 = T4 to 68t = T10)?

    Will there be any premium tanks coming out with said tanks? If so which tanks exactly (If possible could you refer to the French alpha tree)? I say this because of the TD/SPG pictures on the WoT Facebook page.

    ETA on a more updated French tree? ETA on French tank stats?

  20. NoblePlatoon said...

    Overlord has said many times that 7.0 will not involve tank releases, and that the French tanks will come out before the USA Heavy change up.

    I'm pretty sure Overlord's latest statement on the US heavy change is that they will put the T34-M103 swap AHEAD of T30-T110 swap and the T34 is scheduled for changes before 2012. And that Patch 7.0 has not yet confirmed any new tank release is OLD NEWS. The new 7.0 will most likely include tanks changes as well as new Premium Tanks.


    Try not to skip any blog next time.

  21. Does the 7.x patch include Char 2C prem tank?

  22. Q1: A lot of these tanks seem relatively late designs (60's-70's), does that mean that the other nations tech trees will get 'modernized' as well?

    Q2: Can you clarify the french lights a bit? I am assuming some lights are in the line towards medium/heavy and that some lights will be in the light line (ending up equal with the chaffee, T-50-2 and Vk2801)

  23. from my optinion is French tree one big mistake, half tanks doesn't exist and second was only "move target" for germany platoons.
    maybe 2-3 tanks was average. would be better, if there will be only few premium french tanks.

  24. Q: Does the 7.x patch include Char 2C prem tank?

    A: No.

  25. Q1: A lot of these tanks seem relatively late designs (60's-70's), does that mean that the other nations tech trees will get 'modernized' as well?

    Q2: Can you clarify the french lights a bit? I am assuming some lights are in the line towards medium/heavy and that some lights will be in the light line (ending up equal with the chaffee, T-50-2 and Vk2801)

    A1: No, this is a sort of exception.

    A2: Economic-wise planning to balance French tier 5-7 lights as tier 5-7 mediums from other trees, performance-wise - as tier 5-7 lights. :)

  26. Overlord, this means that a t5 french light tank will need not even half the XP needed for t5 USA/USSR/Germany!

    Don't get me wrong, I love the t5 lights and have them all elited, but this also means that a t7 french light will need same amount of xp as the t5 lights from other trees.

    The server will be awash in french light tanks!

  27. Lorraine 40t. is a tier 9 medium, right?

    How will we get it in this 18 package, through the light/heavy tanks?

    Is there a preview of final French tech tree?

    Like the one you published for other nations...

    Can you confirm that T34 -> M103 conversion will take place along French tanks?

  28. Hey Overlord, any Specs and or Pics? Thanks

  29. We must all thank the Mighty Overlord for bringing us news on French tanks! Wont be long now till I sell all my tanks so I can start the brand new line! Sad the G1 R wont be mine till Q1, but its well worth the wait!

  30. Zak, through the light tree. I posted this link earlier but you need to mouseover to see it. Posting again: click me, I am a french tech tree.

    Wanted to see if Overlord could confirm it or if it is outdated.

  31. Any updates on when the Soviet tanks will get their announced changes? Its been months and months since you laid out plans to change the KV, KV-3, and IS-4.

  32. Thanks Riddari, didn't notice link earlier.
    It would be nice if Overlord can confirm that mentioned tech tree is current.

    PS. I laughed so hard for "click me, i am a french tech tree" :D

  33. Will the M103 be in the same patch, since you promised it would make it this year?

  34. Q: Could a tree displaying, the specified french tanks to be released be made? It would be greatly appreciated. It looks like the whole med line is there as with the old Fr tree as well as heavies?, but just for clarification it would be appreaceated

  35. Just dropping by to let you know you're doing a terrific job as a community manager Overlord. A lot of bigger companies can learn a lot from your willingness to help and share. :)

  36. Revaine,
    You should try out the game called: "Rift", that game haves the best costumer service & quickest with the patches on the market at the moment.

  37. Haha, I have that game, actually :)
    It just bore me really fast, so I never got to test the service ;)

  38. I would also love some definite info about when the American T29 and M103 change is coming.

    A look at the French tech tree would also be nice.

  39. Here's a comic posted about this blog:


  40. Hi Overlord
    It will soon deal with spotting? I will not convert free experience spotting until repaired. If you say that spotting is okay, so not playing WoT, or you have an advantage.
    Sincerely sonorek

  41. Q: Can use the B1 the Hullgun or the Turretgun?

  42. Thanks for the answer overlord ;) I do have a follow-up tho

    Q: The tier 5-7 lights will perform as tier 5-7 lights according to your previous answer. Does that mean they also will not have the speed penalty on being spotted as other light tanks? I think this might shift the balance in favor of the french tree in terms of lights as the other lights can't compete with it then.


  43. PS: What i meant is that if the french tier 6-7 light lose this typical 'light tank' trait then the balance will be fine, your thoughts?

  44. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for bringing us higher tier light tanks! I enjoy scouting a lot, but sometimes in certain smaller maps it's pretty frustrating to be so low-tiered in high-tier battles. A bit more resilience and a slightly better chance to actually hurt something will be very appreciated by those who like to travel fast.

  45. Hi Overlord, will you consider adding at least one extra free garage slot with the 7.x patch? Because since you released the game, you've added a large number of tanks and now comes a whole new nation. Thanks

  46. @Dragos

    Overlord wrote on Q&A thread:
    "We are thinking of giving one extra slot for your Renault FT."


  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. wheren't french tanks supposed to be introduced in 7.0 due at the end of october?

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. So is the T-34 to M103 swap going to happen with the patch coming to us in the second half of December?

    Will the T-30 to T110 swap happen in the patch following the T34 to M103 patch?

    You gave people a good idea of how much time they had to get the German Panther 2 (in order to get the E-50) and the Pershing (in order to get the Patton). It would be great if we knew how much time we had to get a T-34 (in order to get an M103).

    This should not be top secret information and you guys should know in which patch the T-34 and T-30 modifications will be made. It would be really nice if you would tell us.

  51. Made a comment earlier about the French Lights takeing the place of the Mediums. I figure that it basically means they'll be roughly the same, just less armored and armed but more manuverable and quicker.

    That, and matchmakeing will eat them alive.

  52. No answer about the M103 coming with the French tanks, since french isn't coming till the end of December. Breaking your promise again Overlord and afraid to have to bring it up?

  53. From the look of most of the pic's let out so far, I will be worrying with the early tier vehicles only and only some of them. Not very interested in prototype's and hypothetical tanks ... especially when a lot of them look horrible [three of the four images so far are blocky and horrible looking].

    Not arguing if they were to look that way on paper just saying they look horrible at the realized in 3D. The H35, AMX 38, AMX-13's, D2, and B1 are about all that interests me. Hoping the B1 will have a 75 usable [like the lee].

    One extra slot would rock.

    Should be really interesting to see how the Tier 7 light is going to work out. Like some others have posted the balance hasn't been found yet on the Tier 5 lights that were made.

    Hadn't heard anything about the T29, is there something happening to it in the upcoming patches?

    Any hows will play em when they come out, like the captured frenchies I have atm so I am sure I will like the new ones as they come out.

  54. @Corben

    "Breaking your promise again Overlord and afraid to have to bring it up?"

    Why so serious? :)

    I'd be interested in seeing a link where OL said "I promise". It was always "ETA", "planned" or something like that.

    Just sayin' :)

  55. Was wondering if there is a plan to update the 'Details on the revision of full tech trees.' (http://overlord-wot.blogspot.com/2011/04/full-tech-trees-revised-and-improved.html), cause it is a bit out dated as some tanks like the Object 252 is going to be premium etc.
    And to see the planned tech tree's for the French and other nations would be nice to see too.

  56. evolgrinz,

    yup, need to update it.

  57. Q: No answer about the M103 coming with the French tanks, since french isn't coming till the end of December. Breaking your promise again Overlord and afraid to have to bring it up?

    A: M103 will come along with French stuff.

  58. Q: You gave people a good idea of how much time they had to get the German Panther 2 (in order to get the E-50) and the Pershing (in order to get the Patton). It would be great if we knew how much time we had to get a T-34 (in order to get an M103).

    A: ~2 months from now till the swap.

  59. Q: Here's a comic posted about this blog:


    A: Funny. :)

  60. if two month from now i think i can get it before time.thanks for the info Overload...

  61. hi overlord is there any way that u could give us the full tech tree of the french pls it would be verry nice of u

  62. Clearly you can see the community cares much more about the 103 than the french tanks.
    Q. Any way that might get squeezed into 7.0 sort of as a surprise?

  63. Overlord, where are MVPs for european servers?

  64. Overlord, why havent you announced here that WoWP forum is up?

  65. Q: Overlord, why havent you announced here that WoWP forum is up?

    A: I'm not involved in WoWP project currently. So actually I didn't even know. Sorry. :)

  66. Q: Overlord, where are MVPs for european servers?

    A: Next week there will be one.

  67. Q. Any way that might get squeezed into 7.0 sort of as a surprise?

    A: Definitely not in 7.0, the transition procedure in not ready yet.

  68. Any info how many shots will be in burst of french cannons ?

    90mm autoloader had 2*8 rounds magazines for fast firing before reload

    I suppose that in game we will get 4 - 6 round burst ?

  69. is there allready a techtree from french tanks if yes pls give it too us
    and if u know anything about the testserver and whene will it be back up

  70. Why dont you guys work on the existing tech trees(USSR US).Instead of a french line.

  71. Me, that is one of the silliest questions ive ever heard.

  72. Related to tank tree additions:

    When about will the Japanese Tank Tree appear as a general layout that we can see?

    Will dual turrets (and even some of their three turret tanks) work as well? I am looking forward to the Japanese line of tanks as much as I am looking forward to the French, because their designs are probably some of the most unique.

    Basically what is the status of Japanese tanks?

  73. No Renault 35 in the start? Fail. I guess it's another reason to not come back to the game anytime soon.

  74. We are at the end of october, and still no 7.0 news. The update will not add french tanks finally.
    Q: Am I right to think that we will not see any french tank untill Q2 2012 at least ? (assuming that the massive work required to release an entire tank tree couldn't be acomplished in 60 days maximum)

  75. Why dont you revise the existing tech trees first.Instead of bring out a new tank line.

  76. Overlord, will the update include the update to the Russian/American/German tank trees (new tanks)? If so, would you say it would come out in 7.1, or would it be even later? Please answer. Thanks!
