Monday, September 19, 2011

September 15-19 Poll Results. Eurogamer Show, September 22-25.

4930 players took part in the recent poll.  51% (2545 voters) just like playing World of Tanks, while 27% of them confirmed their tank buff status (so they probably don't miss any tank game at all :)). 6% of the audience are fans of online games, 3% play World of Tanks for some other reasons, and some 10% of players regard the game as relaxation technique.

Also I would like to invite everyone (especially British, I guess :)) to visit stand at Eurogamer Show (London, the UK) on September 22-25. You will be able to meet some of the dev team and get hold of giveaway stuff (as usual).

As always new weekly poll is up.


  1. Be great to meet you all again.
    TOGA clan met you at Tankfest in bovingdon this year and we have re-formed as Old Army Platoon [OAP] and look forward to meeting you all again

  2. Looking forward to meeting you guys at Eurogamer! Will you have a booth there or how can we find you guys?

  3. Thanks. This time there will be more staff. :)

  4. Q: Will you have a booth there or how can we find you guys?

    A: Yup, a booth with 16 PCs.

  5. Q: We will see some French tank here? :)

  6. Q: We will see some French tank here? :)

    A: Sorry, no.

  7. Oh come on, really......I'm driving past London on the 21st on way to Spain. Can you not just get there a day early so i can get a free t-shirt :(

  8. are you gonna be there overlord?

  9. Geeez ..... any event near italy in the future ?


    Byez Zuxx

  10. Q: are you gonna be there overlord?

    A: Yup, I will be there.

  11. Q: Geeez ..... any event near italy in the future ?

    A: There will be an expo in Milan in November, afaik. :)

  12. A: There will be an expo in Milan in November, afaik. :)

    Great, you got a payed pizza then :D !!!!

    See you, Zuxx

  13. will be any event in Czech in the future ? :) please on friday - sunday :D xD

  14. Any events in the US? Mid-East Coast region?

  15. are you gonna be there on thursday and sunday? can get tickets for either of those!

  16. Q: are you gonna be there on thursday and sunday? can get tickets for either of those!

    A: All four days.

  17. Overlord, any idea if there will be events/conventions in canada?

  18. Is there gonna be a expo in any ex-yugoslavia countries, preferabely in Croatia perhaps?

  19. Q: Overlord, any idea if there will be events/conventions in canada?

    Q: Is there gonna be a expo in any ex-yugoslavia countries, preferabely in Croatia perhaps?

    A: Im not actually an expo-guy, it's not my sphere. :) Just happen to know some things.

  20. Cool, thank for the answer anyway :). From my experience with people who deal with the comunity, you do one heck of a job, you really keep the comunity informed and I(dont know about others) feel that Wargaming is really in touch with its fans.

  21. I agree with NuVioN--I've been pretty impressed with the community outreach by and Overlord in particular. It's refreshing.

  22. I will screenshot the last two comment and send to the management :). payrise time! :)

  23. i will come along maybe i can take the crack or smack off the devs cos they got to be on something to fuck this game up as much as they have

  24. VK2801 must be buffed.Veryone's going to sell it until November.

  25. is that fit bird who does the webcasts gonna be there?

  26. I hope so see you there Overlord

  27. " I(dont know about others) feel that Wargaming is really in touch with its fans."


    Please, if you want to view community support, look at Blizzard, Riot, Trion, etc. That's community support. OL just throws up some polls here and there, posts a few lightly veiled informative articles which conflict and change so many times to what actually happens. And they most certainly do NOT listen to their fan base.

    At least their NA and EU fan bases.

    Sorry Overlord, I'm calling it like I see it.

  28. Overlord I have (again) a question not concerning the current topic.

    The Perks which will be eventually released, will they be the same as skills? If I choose know not to use a skill, will the crew XP be used for the perk I will choose?

  29. Q: Sorry Overlord, I'm calling it like I see it.

    A: That's the view from the other side. The truth is somewhere in between.

  30. @: Overlord, can the Jagdpanzer 4 have the 75mm L100? He is the only TD, with under 138mm Penetration. He can not penetrate the Kv3, and that a Tier 6 Heavys :(

  31. Overlord and crew booked train tickets, got tickets for Expo!! see you on thursday!!!

    Can't wait :))))))

  32. I don't know about riot, but Trion and Blizzard are now magically somehow better at dealing with thier communities than WG? Really?

    Do you think they have better communities to?

  33. "Anonymous said...
    I don't know about riot, but Trion and Blizzard are now magically somehow better at dealing with thier communities than WG? Really?

    Do you think they have better communities to?"

    This is where I give those devs a +1. Their communities are just awful, largely in part to some of them having nearly 15million players (Riot). Despite them having a larger amount of rotten members, they do communicate with those who have serious grieves with the game, and many times listen, act on, and balance said issues. WG continues on their merry way, building the game THEY want built, with rarely throwing a bone here and there to their community in attempt to say "nuh-uh, we listen, we did this 6 months ago" and ignore problems brought up for another 6 months until another bone is tossed in.

    Great game, even with it's glaring flaws, and especially the lack of critical area such as game modes in this type of game. Unfortunately, the developer really-really needs to learn how to interact and address/listen to their community. This is one of the huge reasons this game hasn't caught on in NA and EU, as we're used to having the luxury of a developer that listens attentively and acts expediently more than half of the time.

    If WG keeps this up, WoT will be completely dead in NA within another month or two, EU will shortly follow, and they'll be stuck with their pet RU player base. Unfortunately for them, NA is the largest gaming market, followed by EU, so they're missing out a lot.

    Their actions are also plaguing their opportunities in their future projects. Their reputation is going to carry into said games, and will surely and decisively cripple the potential userbase in those games as well.

  34. Overlord I hereby name you Expo-guy! So your first quest is to find out when you guys come to Hungary for an expo!

  35. If you wanna moan do it in the forums in the Q/A thread!
    We're off to Expo :)

  36. You know the best way you can incite British fans to come? Put British tanks currently in-game under there own flag! The Chinese have one before us! :P

  37. Overlord please mention to the developers when you put Hungarian tanks into the game dont forget to add our Bicycle Machine Gun tank and our Hussars :D

  38. Dear Overlord! I would like to offer your attention to the T30 heavy tank in the next update should be improved. I can not understand that you think this nerf. E100 is almost no chance against. In fact, he is not against the E75 all the time.
    At least you should do with it to restore the 6.6 update to the T30 heavy tank.
    I hope you consider the opinion of a player who is already paying more than you spent 100,000 gold in the game.

  39. The tk thing should be looked at also. I am driving on the side of the road with my t29 and m5 rams in to me on purpouse and i have to pay for it, even thou i have not done anything wrong. The same with my t18, i drive 40km/h and a 20 rams me on purpouse again, just to get money. Again i pay a fine. They do it on purpouse.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Im expecting you in Bulgaria :P

    I would also vote for you to get a pay rise.

    PS Feel free to Print Screen this :D

  42. Q.Are there any plays to increase the top speed of the US td's the T28 and T95?

    Overlord said: A: No.

    Q.No? But they are too slow, could you at least consider a speed buff? 5kph buff for each would not make them overpowered, imho, but more enjoyable to play. Thankyou for answering though.

  43. "Please, if you want to view community support, look at Blizzard"

    No offence mate, but I can't hold Blizzard up as a developers role-model anymore. How long has their community had to wait for SC2 or Diablo3 (whicha are essentially the same as their predecessors)? Also, WOW is a pay to play mmo, so its customers SHOULD expect certain value and attention for their monthly fee.
    Im not trying to start a flame war, or sweep this games' flaws under the carpet, but bear in mind that Blizzard threw its lot in with Bobby (Adolf) Kostick's Activision. The same company that year after year spews the same regurgitated garbage out in the form of COD, also now charging a tidy sum for DLC that itself is often rehash, but has traditionally been free, at least on PC.

    TL;DR Even though many players spend cash on this game, Id wager that at least an equal number do not. We arent being charged a fee to play, and to be honest Id rather play this game than any more of ActivisionBlizzards repackaged but well polished dog turds.

  44. Overlord,

    I have another kind of question here.

    Actualy the last 'low price for ammo' as showed that a lot of player are
    starting to hate those kind of ammoes. Especialy the casual gamers who are ok to
    put some real cash in a premium account, but are here just to have fun and your
    last poll suggest exactly that. 51% of the player enjoying the game.

    But those players are starting to get unhappy when the gold ammoes fly
    everywhere, making their long hard grinded upper tiers feeling worthless when
    penetrated every time by guns that should just bounce on them 9 times out of 10.

    But the same is true for the new players with lower tiers tiers who get in
    battle with tiers 1 and 2 and meet there people who are just 'unleashing hell'
    with autocanon charged with gold ammoes.

    So the question is :

    Are you going to limit the use of Gold Ammo and the abuse of it ?

    Like removing it fully from Random or preventing gold earned on the Clan War map
    to buy gold ammo to be used in Random battle ?

    You have told us that the Historical battle will have such an option to prevent
    the use of Gold Ammo, could it be so in Random too.

    As the gold ammo in Clan Wars are already boring, at least everyone can have
    them when the clan give the golds for them. The same is not true in Random, and
    people who are just here for the fun can get realy fast unhappy when they get
    hammered again and again by gold ammo users.

    Thanks in advance.

    And perhaps you could do a poll about the idea and see how people
    would vote for it ?

  45. "last poll suggest exactly that. 51% of the player enjoying the game.

    But those players are starting to get unhappy when the gold ammoes fly

    lol when did this guy represent 2.5k people

  46. Have my tickets on friday evening (jeez its allmost SOLD OUT). It was great to visit your boot in Bovington this year and I hope to catch you again and chat a bit.

    [G4G] Penetrators wants to know some NEWS about World of Warplanes, so keep it for us. :D


  47. Too bad I came back to Hungary before Bovington even and this .... :(

    I regret it now

  48. Hello overlord I have a question for you.

    Q I see that you will improve the matchmaker so I wonder, how will you fix it?


  49. Looking forward to Eurogamer.. see ya their!

  50. Hi Overlord, I want Акция «Четыре танкиста и собака» on EU server! Please!

  51. Another event devoted to communist propaganda?
    Please not. Go to Mother Russia's server.

  52. Четыре танкиста и собака it is actually Polish movie series "Czterej pancerni i pies" :) popular also in Russia

  53. Štyria tankisti a pes, also popular in Slovakia and Czech rep. I Rember the name of the dog - "Šarik (sharik)". Nice Polish movie. I also vote for this action on eu server.

  54. Keep your dogs and goats and ask for a real tanker event.
    EU server is not for girls.

  55. Dear Overlord,

    Can you please tell the devs to fix the turret rotation in sniper mode, if i turn the tank in 3d person, the turret holds the position, but if i turn the tank in sniper mode, the turret slowly turns with the tank, which is not right, it should hold the position im trying to hold it in.

    Thank you

  56. Battleships please~

    Though a few have noticed (what we think is) a German 1936A "Mob" Destroyer in the Fishing Bay map. Perhaps an Easter Egg or sneak preview of what's to come?

  57. Fix your damn matchmaker and stop selling op tier 8 tanks. No one grinds mid tiers anymore. Soon this game will be called World of Tier8s.

  58. Some info about Operation Market Garden special will be great.

  59. Are there going to be any events in Australia?

  60. Hi Ovi, dont wanna sound impatient..... BUT WHERE IS OUR CONTENT UPDATE.......... It's Thursday. I'm sorry making you feel like a pusher. It actually doesn't matter what, just something. LOL. Thx BTW

  61. Content update?
    Next update will happen in october.

  62. I meant Overlords sneak peaks, he usually posts some pics or info...... So I'm waiting. Lol having a boring office job.

  63. Is it true there will be no submarines for WofBattleships? If yes, why?

  64. In an interview they said - noone likes to be sniped by a invisible sniper, when everyone takes the subs and there is just one boat.

    Well, i say its the same thing about arty now. 14 arty in one match and they just snipe away and you cant do anything to them. Scouts would make the difference, but not many people play them.

  65. I will see about world of battle ships, probably without subs not a game for me. I liked sub sims. As for world of planes, probably too arcadish so not a game either for me. I'm not even installing it.

    World of Tanks is at the boundary, but still too arcadish for my taste. I hope they bring bigger maps and a hard core mode for pubs and I'll stay loyal.

  66. I'm not sure why they didn't implement a hardcore mode yet. It's not that difficult programming wise. They could easy through it on a test server and later player have a choice if they want to enter a hardcore match in a PUG. Somehow no a big deal. Biggest bonus it would be a PUG with more pros, so hopefully more fun. Just try it WG.

  67. Any event like this in the near future in Romania o.o?

  68. I'm looking forward to World of Warplanes. WoB is ruined from my point of view through just 2 things: 1. There won't be any submarines (could have been like arty, I love arty!). 2. There won't be German ships (Oh come ON!).

    As for world of warplanes: I am happy to see German fighters in it, but I have sincere doubts about tier 10 balance. The Me262 was pretty much a prototype whereas the Mig15 for example had far more time to be tested and put to use (please do NOT let it have missiles!). One possibility to balance it would be to make the Me262 tier 9 and the Horton H9 the tier 10 (this would also adhere to you guys using prototypes/concept assets for the top tiers).

    Regards, Ad
