Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Prices

New credit prices for tier 2-3 vehicles are going to be applied to EU and US servers during the scheduled restarts tomorrow, 5.00 - 5.30 am UTC and 11.00 - 11.30 am UTC respectively.

Pz 35(t): 12900 -> 4300 credits
Pz II: 12300 -> 4100 credits.
Bison: 18250 -> 6083 credits
PanzerJager I: 11450 -> 3816 credits
Pz 38(t): 54100 -> 36066 credits
Pz II Luchs: 82800 -> 55200 credits
Sturmpanzer II: 67600 -> 45066 credits
Pz III A: 79700 -> 53133 credits
Wespe: 80300 -> 53533 credits
Marder II: 78200 -> 52133 credits

M2 lt: 12500 -> 4166 credits
T57: 16200 -> 5400 credits
T2 med: 15300 -> 5100 credits
T18: 12300 -> 4100 credits
M3 Stuart: 80100 -> 53400 credits
M37: 83700 -> 55800 credits.
M2 med: 68500 -> 45666 credits
T82: 85400 -> 56933 credits

BT-2: 22400 -> 7466 credits
SU-18: 15900 -> 5316 credits.
Т-26: 13500 -> 4500 credits
АТ-1: 13450 -> 4483 credits
BT-7: 90300 -> 60200 credits
Т-46: 71200 -> 47466 credits
SU-76: 97500 -> 65000 credits.
SU-26: 81500 -> 54333 credits

Please note that these changes are permanent.


  1. Ah. How... useful? Useless? I really don't know.

  2. "БТ-7: 90300 -> 60200 credits" shouldn't it be BT-7?

  3. What's the point of having prices like 53133? Why not 53000? or 54000?

  4. Q: "БТ-7: 90300 -> 60200 credits" shouldn't it be BT-7?

    A: Fixed.

  5. This is actually quite useful! With the influx of new players this allows them to get up to speed easier. I will no longer be waiting around for friends to catch up to a tier of play where I don't want to claw out my own eyeballs!

    Cheers to Overlord and company!

  6. now change the pz38na to 80k credits... :D

  7. *Halliegally*

    Get i the credits which i had paid too much back?

  8. Good change, grinding for newbys was too hard.

  9. That was a russian B

  10. Tier grouping for battles should be looked at tbh, battling 2 tiers above you isn't any fun and 90% of the battles are like this. stugIII v TigerII.. yeah thats fun...

  11. /This is actually quite useful! With the influx of new players this allows them to get up to speed easier/

    True, but at the same time, we need people to play in lower tiers more often. This is just temporary if we look at it that way, but i have to say - the game balance gets better once we have some special event or day. Like with the panther and Sherman, was nice. Because we don't want the loltractors facing the lee :D

  12. Definately good, Fadila..:)
    This is something for newcomers or those who are a bit bored with Tier 6 tanks...:D

  13. damn - I just had bought all of them, which I wanted...
    pls give me my credits back, so I can afford some bigger gun...

  14. I like it. Now you can get a new tank in the beginning faster. It happened in the beta and after the release, that I had the exp but not the credits. Big ups

  15. I think that this is great. I often dip into the lower tiers to either pick up a new line, or grab a smaller tank that I can make some cash on while my account isn't at premium. Folks in my clan will often run the lower tiers just for fun even, quicker paced battles with quicker vehicles.

  16. I.E. If you are going to sell some low tier do it today since tommorow you'll loose few k of kredits.

  17. Yeah, prices are good to fix, but fix the match maker! As someone already said, Stug III vs Tiger 2 is NO fun! I am sick of getting thrown in to fights against vehicles way above my tier.

  18. StuG III can penetrate KT. Just keep hidden or move away after shot. Together 3-4 tier 5 td's can kick lone tier 8's ass. Stop whining, learn tactics.

  19. Why have the prices been reduced??
    Is W.O.T giving in to the demands of the impatient again.
    The people who cant be bothered to work for anything??
    Why should new players not spend time on the lower levels earning enough money to move on AND learning how the game works.
    Who wants even more higher level inexperienced and impatient people!!
    Why is everything always made easier to get? Games are so bad at this. This encourages the impatient rusher gamer.

  20. When is that last time anyone outnumbered the higher tier tanks? usually you end up meeting them 1 on 1 and dying on the first shot.There should be a max spread of 3 tier's in any game to give everyone a chance of earning xp.

  21. i would double the price of tanks so it wont be so fast to get t10, look at navyfield it takes a lot of time to get BB6

  22. "Is W.O.T giving in to the demands of the impatient again."

    No, I think its a different case, just them making it more accessible to new players. If WoT was really giving in to the impatient, they'd have already rearranged the entire revised tech tree for all those US heavy fanboys out there.

  23. I think its a good move, get people into tier 4-5 faster.

    Still gonna be alot of m3-lee and a-20 moaning though...might actually raise the 'tier learn curve' though...

    I know that those aren't alot of credits now, but I remember them BEING alot of credits when I was at that tier


  24. I don't really understand the folks complaining about this. This makes the game more accessible to new players, while not really making a big impact in the grand scheme of things. I make as many credits as the three largest price drops put together in one round with my Type 59.

  25. Overlord, if I may ask, what prompted this?

  26. "Overlord, if I may ask, what prompted this? "

    maybe the fact that the prices for these low tier tanks were pretty high...?

    I think that this change is very good, very very good. When I tried to start a new account on the Russian server I discovered, or rediscovered, that it is pretty hard to make all that cash on such dinky little vehicles.

  27. we need more cannon fodder for higher tier. so now let's move people faster through tier 1-3 so they can be at tier 4 /5 and play against tier 8/9/10!

    seriously when can we have a fair MM with 3 tier spread?

  28. Q: Overlord, if I may ask, what prompted this?

    A: There was certain inconsistency between credit and exp income at low tiers. This should speed up the progress of newcomers a bit.

  29. Overlord - Will there be a credit back for the people who already purchased these tanks at the higher price? That would be a lot of coin for people like me!

  30. I had to grind my ms1 SO much to buy the AT1. Im glad this has been fixed!

  31. Very acceptable change

  32. I really like this change. It makes the game more accessible and comfortable for new players.

  33. If I had more garage slots I would keep lower lvl tanks and play them every now and then. If other people reason the same way more slots would create more players at lower tiers.

  34. Excellent! This change helps my new buds catch up. And I often battle these tiers just for fun.
    And no you tankers aren't getting a credit refund (c'mon you don't need refund just go drive your tanks!)

  35. @Big Mike:
    Honestly when you get up past tier 5 or 6 the amount of credit tier 2/3's used to cost is very, very small. Like 2-3 games pay out in a tier 6 small.
    A refund really wouldn't make much of a difference.

  36. When is that last time anyone outnumbered the higher tier tanks? usually you end up meeting them 1 on 1 and dying on the first shot.There should be a max spread of 3 tier's in any game to give everyone a chance of earning xp.

    umm, that still brings up the stug vs KT situation, but either way, i played against a KT in my stug, and wiped the floor with him. they've set a timeline for things, dont try to push things faster, as all it will do is have them take longer just to spite you. thank your lucky stars that you have what you have already, and stop asking for more. you'll get it when you get it.

    Great Job Overlord. I've been playing since day one just about and I love every part of it. Can't wait for russian patch, i know its gunna be awesome :)

  37. 'Q: What's the point of having prices like 53133? Why not 53000? or 54000?'

    Its a flat % reduction.
    Tier 2 is down 66.66E%
    Tier 3 is down 33.33E%

    I'm no programmer but I imagine it was just easier to do it that way.

  38. don't really care, I need 1 million for IS3

  39. Very good change.

    Now new players don't have grind credits right at the beginning.

    IIRC it used to be 5-10 matches for tier III exp and 25 extra for credits

  40. @Overlor get your act together regarding banning clan names:

    Black Panthers WTF??? Everybody with little WW2 knowledge immediately connects the clan name with the famous 761st Tank Battalion. Learn some history besides Stalin's diaries. I'm not black or brown or Afro but this ban is beyond being ridiculous.
    Ban your Stalinist clans instead or leave democratic ground.

  41. Ah. A good change.

    But how about you reduce tier spread by 66%, repeating of course, too?

    Don't really want to wait till end of 2012 for that.

  42. a big hello to the creators of World of tanks to create a fun game so I want to say that if you put patches of camouflage in Spanish so that you can download chile i better enjoy this great game thanks for listening

  43. Q: Will there be a credit back for the people who already purchased these tanks at the higher price? That would be a lot of coin for people like me!

    A: No, there will be no refunds.

  44. i today sell everything and buy T82 for 85k credits. damn :( bad luck. If i know, i wait and buy tommorow.

  45. Question regarding 7.0: will there be any new tanks in the patch? At least one? Pretty please?

  46. "Black Panthers WTF??? Everybody with little WW2 knowledge immediately connects the clan name with the famous 761st Tank Battalion"

    Seconded. You guys dropped the ball here, the 761st were handpicked by Patton himself to be part of the spearhead of his 3rd army. They were one of the first African-American armoured units and served and fought well. By banning this name you are painting a very racist picture of yourselves Wargaming!

  47. Regarding the Black Panther thing... How about giving a chance to rename the clan or even discuss about the situation before just disbanding them? I mean, of course everyone can see that "Hitler-Jugend Holocausters" or something as stupid is pure trolling and no questions are needed but something as far-fetched as some never-heard Black Panther party...? That's plain ridiculous. How on earth are people supposed to know every single political party or such in the world that you guys happen to consider offensive?

  48. "far-fetched as some never-heard Black Panther party...? That's plain ridiculous. How on earth are people supposed to know every single political party or such in the world that you guys happen to consider offensive?"

    Never-heard? I guess no-one has ever heard of the KKK either.

  49. Whatever happened with the Design an American Tank contest? You never declared a winner or even acknowledged that it had closed.

    Did you guys forget about it? We didn't.

  50. Iguess the contest was won by a black guy ;-)

  51. It's just like the Swastika, everyone associates it with nazi's, while the origin of it is far older from the time of the Romans.
    It also remains widely used in Indian religions, specifically in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, primarily as a sacred symbol of good luck.

    But I agree on the fact that they should have been given a warning and the chance to change their clan name before getting banned.

  52. "But I agree on the fact that they should have been given a warning and the chance to change their clan name before getting banned."

    What are you, a Moscow beaureacrat? The name shouldn't be banned in the first place. Lumping the 761st in with stuff like the NKVD and SA is a racist knee-jerk reaction in the first place.

    I doubt the bosses at WG will un-ban the name, but instead of honouring one of the first victories in the civil rights movement, it gets swept under the table. Well done WG, you guys screw up again.

  53. Don't like it, then don't play fucking the game.
    And tactics are based on the players of all tanks not on the russian tanks dumbass.

    The only racists I see here are you guys, talking about the russian developers and how the russian tanks are better because of that. A typical american way of thinking, cause that is what an american developer would do.

    As I said before, if you don't like it, don't play it. And go write your own game if you think you can do better.

  54. "A typical american way of thinking, cause that is what an american developer would do."

    Go watch your propaganda. Why do you even bother to read here? There's no Russian bias but Russian thinking. You don't even realize how obvious your propaganda is being implemented into the game and taken into the community by developers.
    Starting with medals just for shooting German tanks, various comments in forums by devs. You are a shame to your country because most players from Russia don't even want your propaganda.

  55. Well, FYI I am not Russian or involved with Russia in any way. I am just happy to see something good come from Russia other than Vodka.

    And there are medals for killing German tanks, because they are freaking hard to kill, especially the Maus.

    I just hate to see all these people complaining. I myself play all the tanks of all 3 nations. They all need a specific style of play. The Russian tank play style is easier to understand and to do than the German or USA one. What makes them noob proof pretty much.
    So to those who think they are underpowered look more carefully at your play style and perhaps you have chosen the wrong nation to play in. I myself love playing German tanks, cause I am more of a long range fighter than close combat that is used by Russian tanks mostly.

  56. I dont wanna start anything but the main reason i feel they banned black panther as that name im mainly associated with the black anti white group black panther more ppl will know that name for this then the 761st Tank Battalion. I love my ww2 history un i didnt know about the black panther battalion.

    Thou i didnt really care for USA history of ww2 i im mainly interested in the Germans, Russians un UK =] things like the schlieffen plan un Operation Barbarossa etc found africa a bit boring US didnt do all that much compared to Russia (who pretty much won the war themselves) so didnt care.

    PS also if thank im pro russian im not im from UK who were in the war from the start =]

  57. Devs are not Russians and not from Russia.

  58. "Never-heard? I guess no-one has ever heard of the KKK either."

    USA is not the center of the world. Get over it.

  59. USA is actually the youngest country of all, as it was discovered and colonized much later than other countries.

  60. "And there are medals for killing German tanks, because they are freaking hard to kill, especially the Maus.

    I just hate to see all these people complaining."

    No, it's not because they're hard to kill, and that maybe the lamest answer i've seen yet here. It's because it's a propaganda machine, catering to their closest and largest fanbase, carrying on their hatred for a country that was no more evil than russia was themselves during that time period. I don't see medals for killing an IS-4.

    They striped the medals from the German tankers, the legendary ones that changed the tactics of tank battles forever on the field of battle. And I don't believe it was done because of outside pressure, as their one main developer said he didn't like that the best medals were named after German tankers. I mean, Rommel just fought for his country for example, he was known to actually be more just to captured soldiers than just about any other nation.

    This game is a love note to Stalin. Don't care that they're not "Russian", I care because they're heavily slanted and favorable to them. For example, they STILL haven't fixed the Jagdtiger, and they STILL let the IS-4 sit there OP as hell though it's going to become T10 since it's so OP now. It's a joke.

  61. There should have been another option to last weeks poll. -> World of flame!

  62. Pls overlord, dont let people comment as "anonymous", and pls start to clean shitty posts. This crap its getting annoying. Go play COD morons against evil communists and islamists

  63. btw I think mine is an example to delete

  64. "I myself love playing German tanks, cause I am more of a long range fighter than close combat that is used by Russian tanks mostly."

    -because Russian tanks have shitty accuracy and penetration

  65. 'US didnt do all that much compared to Russia (who pretty much won the war themselves) so didnt care.'

    I agree that Russia absorbed most of Germany's combat strength and then spat it back in their face, but without any one member of 'The Big Three', it would have been a different outcome. Without the Lend-Lease program, American SAC bombing raids and air superiority, 2nd front in Normandy etc, Russia and UK would have been fought to a standstill.

    Nevermind the fact that had US not been so powerful in the breakout of France to rush almost to Berlin in less than a year, Russia would have dominated postwar Europe, and Germany would have been a wholly Communist nation, not just East Germany. How would the UK have fared then? Not too well.

  66. Belorussia is actually more Russian than Russia itself in the meaning that Russia is used as a synonym for the Soviet Union. It has the last dictator in Europe just as an Example.

    "And there are medals for killing German tanks, because they are freaking hard to kill, especially the Maus."

    Nice Joke. German armor values are a joke not to speak of camo values. Moue is an arty magnet and IS4 bounces more and hides easier than any German heavy. Hull down US tanks are harder to kill than Germans yet there is no medal.
    Stop them sorry excuses.

  67. Players like my wife will enjoy this, shes a very casual player and the prices of vehicles coming down will give her more options. I like the idea of making the tier 2-3 vehicles cheaper to get.

  68. >>> This game is a love note to Stalin. Don't care that they're not "Russian", I care because they're heavily slanted and favorable to them
    u should login before posting, mr. Hitler.

  69. Oh the medals for tanks, there should be one for doing in IS-7's those things are beasts. Faster than any heavy around em [50km/h], very heavily armored, low to the ground and lethaly armed. They make the Maus and T34 look like toys.

    If there are medals to kill German tanks then there need to be medals for the soviet and american ones too.

    Armor on German tanks btw is a joke, I play them because I wanted German tanks. They take hits the worst of all my tanks, well except the Churchill [which never met a round it didn't just want to hug close].


    How come there is no Wargaming News anymore?
    I must see more Ola!

  71. Will the ninjanerf of PzIV be removed again?

    Since Market garden event it turns like brick...

  72. I love the little guys coming on here swearing and acting tough, posting about how bad they hate the game and they won't waste there time on it.... even though there wasting time coming to blogs to whine lol

    whine on little ones, whine on!

  73. I like all the nut huggers that come onto here to stick up for WG, telling them it'll all be alright. These are the people who ignore the game's fatal flaws because it's "good enough" for them so that's all that matters. Well enjoy your "good enough for you" game in a couple months. Oh, that's right, you won't, because by then enough people will have left or stopped feeding money to developers who don't listen, nor care about the people paying their bills. You people will ruin another game with potential like I have seen in the past happen. Enjoy your game for the few months left of it. Battlefield 3 is on the horizon, as well as SWTOR, GW2, and even shitty CoD. WoT will be a ghost town, if it's still up and running.

    Enjoy riding on Stalin lovers dicks some more. And if you're going to come in here and try to be tough and talk smack to people, try to speak proper English. If you can't, read a book, go back to school, or stay on the EU and RU forums where you trolls belong.

  74. i demand compensation since i bought every single one of these tanks at their full prices :( oh wellz

  75. If you don't like the same things that I like, I hate you!

    Sound stupid? It is.

  76. "game in a couple months. Oh, that's right, you won't, because by then enough people will have left or stopped feeding money to developers who don't"

    Blah blah blah QQ QQ QQ whine whine whine rage rage rage... No one cares moron!

  77. It's funny how every blog post from Overlord turns out into a flaming war against the developers and the Russian tanks.

    Every game has a lot of people complaining about it, because it's just far more easy to complain about something than to give a compliment.
    I am not saying this game is perfect, but then again I never played an online game that didn't had flaws.
    The only way to make it balanced is to give all tanks the same stats, then it's perfectly balanced but people will complain there isn't enough diversity.

    So just let us get back to the subject of this post.
    I already have all the tier 2-3 tanks on elite status, but I do love how the developers think about the new players, while most developers only think about the paying players and/or the high end players.

    So, keep up the good job guys.

  78. Q: How come there is no Wargaming News anymore?
    I must see more Ola!

    A: Next episode will come out soon.

  79. What i find ultimately funny is all the anonymous post's, if you think your statement is important enough for others to read post with a name. Shows your not just hiding behind anonymity throwing tantrums [good or bad].

  80. Anonymous comments have been disabled.

  81. Why has Anonymous been disabled? They have the right to talk to?

  82. If you have a important thing to add to the discussion, then u will take the 5 minutes required to make a account and post with a name here. Otherwise, u can be considered as a person which doesn't care about its message being heard so much

  83. What NuVion said
    Anon comments have a tendency to be disruptive, also This is a privately owned blog, you have no rights here.

  84. "Hull down US tanks are harder to kill than Germans yet there is no medal."

    It seems that some of the good hull down locations were flattened out in the map revisions. FWIW.

    RE: Russian vs German vs American tank lines.

    I started down the US Heavy line and eventually obtained the T30. I thought it was great. Then I started up the Russian line of heavy tanks, and hit the IS series, ultimately landing an IS-7. Now, I rarely ever play the US heavies, and concentrate much time on the IS, IS-3, and IS-4. The US heavies are too fragile to enjoy. If the armor is going to be so weak, they should enjoy other benefits such as more robust modules. I can't stand the constantly damaged turrets and main guns. It is so bad on the turret that I automatically start turning the tank to aim, when I hear "Turret Jammed!" instead of stopping to think "Damn! Now what to do". The T30 reload time is UNBEARABLE. Even with a rammer, ventilation, and 100% crew. And the gun dispersion value seems too high. I miss more shots with it than any other tank I can think of. This is significant since it will be a long time til you get another shell loaded. This makes the gun more of a close fighter, which it cannot do effectively with it's bad armor.

    The T34 has a great reload time, but suffers from a lot of bounces, because it gets paired up against tanks like E-100 and IS-X. The only thing good I can say is, it beats a T-30 EVERY time, with minimal good tactics because it reloads faster.


    If there is a lot of bitching about American tanks in one quarter, and a lot of bitching about German tanks in another, with a lot of bitching about Russian tanks too, then the game is probably very balanced. but if you look at the current game players, most of the complaints are pointed at the US tanks. I would guess it goes something like:
    50% US
    25% German
    25% Russian

    Since the complaints are not even, it would seem there is some truth to the US complaints.


    While I am at it, I am not a fan of the T-59's speed. They are the cockroaches of the game. They come in and disgust everyone on the map, then scurry away before you can kill them.

  85. When can we see some pics of the upcomming german td tree? Stug E-100 <3

  86. Q: When can we see some pics of the upcomming german td tree? Stug E-100 <3

    A: I think, we will do it after the release of 7.0 update.

  87. Overlord said...
    Anonymous comments have been disabled.
    October 1, 2011 9:54 PM

    Well done, about time :)

  88. overlord how much xp aprox will cost the marder III?

  89. how much xp from ferdi to Stug E-100? 185k? Like JT?

  90. It's been to weeks that we have barely no news.
    Nothing new coming ? Those last two thursday tasted empty...:/

  91. If we use Horn, are we revealed to the enemy? since we can make it noisy anytime.

  92. Thank you for disabling anonymous posting, for those worried about posting without an account, use the comment as option. It uses your gmail for instance. Got five other options too :)

  93. Q: how much xp from ferdi to Stug E-100? 185k? Like JT?

    A: It is still to be determined. Approx the same amount as other tier 9 TDs.

  94. Q: It's been to weeks that we have barely no news.
    Nothing new coming ? Those last two thursday tasted empty...:/

    A: I was away to the UK for a week or so and spent the whole previous week to acclimatize myself to the routine again. :) Will come up with smth new soon.

  95. Q: Are the stats for map base (I vs II)wins/losses posted anywhere?

    Are there any that are pretty skewed? Will you tell us one or two of the maps?

  96. Q: If we use Horn, are we revealed to the enemy? since we can make it noisy anytime.

    A: They won't provide any gameplay effect.

  97. Very anxious for pics of new maps.

    The Fisherman's Wharf (?) map seems to be pretty well balanced and interesting. It may be skewed toward the team that starts out with the church on a hill over your right shoulder, as you have the high ground(if your team mates choose to utilize it!).

    I never get that map as arty from the other side. I would bomb the hell out of that church property.

  98. Since you are commenting on horns, how far away will they be audible? Will entire team hear them, or only tanks within 50m? 100m? (remember; less is more!)

  99. A particular range ofc, no the whole maps. They will be audible for both enemies and allies within the specified range.

  100. I would also like to thank you for disabling the Anonymous posts... could you continue to do this in the future?
