Thursday, September 8, 2011

Look to the Future: Historical Battles and Much More

While general development plan and ETAs are being finalized here are some extracts:

Our current top priority is multi-cluster support. First of it will eliminate any sort of server overload during prime time. The basics of the new architecture are to be introduced in 7.0 update. Multi-cluster will also enable us to introduce cross-server battles (roaming) and future global map merger.

Subdivisions for company battles will be introduced in one of the upcoming updates.

New game modes (Assault, Encounter battles, Escort) are scheduled for this autumn.

We are also working on the necessary mechanics for French tanks: automated loading, oscillating turrets, multi-turret support. Then come British and Japanese vehicles.

Render (engine) optimization. It currently has high priority, however the mission is rather difficult. The first improvements will arrive in 7.0, there are many subtasks here, so an exact ETA, when all the changes are implemented, is still vague.

Additional features for UC battles - fog of war, cooldown period for destroyed vehicles, volunteer functionality.

Camos are scheduled for 7.0.

Realistic physics. The basics are ready and tested, however it is still a lot to be done, so the ETA is unknown.

Additional gameplay elements - new crew skills, new types of shells, etc

A bit more details on Historical battles.
You can create your own team or join another team that is being formed at this time. In general this works as in company battles.

The commander of this "company" chooses what historical battle to join. Accordingly there can be various restrictions on tanks.
- Only certain vehicles are allowed in a particular battle.
- Only certain module setup is allowed.

Each vehicle in each historical battle "costs" certain amount of points. I.e. the cost of Tiger can be different in 1943 and 1945. There is a limitation on total number of points in each battle, so commander using strong language and punches tries to make his team to meet all the requirements, including the ones listed above.

When everybody is ready, commander clicks Battle! button, the system starts looking for the right opponents. So as to decrease the probability of unfair play, there will be certain match-making randomization.

Battles consists of a few rounds. E.g. best of 5. If one team wines 3 rounds in a row, the rewards are doubled, enemy rewards are halved (under consideration). The maps should be appropriate for the historical battle selected. At first stage there will be no specially created maps, however they might be added later, if this mode proves its popularity.

Rewards: experience, credits, achievements for winning historical battle.

Additional restrictions can be introduced on:
- equipment doesn't work
- consumables don't work
- the number of premium shells (the number will correspond to RL value)

Plus there will be win/loss counter for each type of historical battle (will take into account battles for a certain period of time).

ETA - 2012.


  1. Still no pics of M103 :(.

    I keep waiting :)Next week maybe?

  2. And no pic/video of French tanks :(

  3. Awesome! Sounds like a lot of really cool stuff are in the works - especially for those who are grinding through the current tech tree

    us server

  4. cool things bro... :)

  5. Hadn't even heard of cluster support - but the description seems to justify making it the priority. Most of these non-tree changes are important enough for me to say take your time on new tree revisions. So how many patches can we expect between here and Jan 1 or will you try to combine some of this together?

  6. I apreciate this, honestly I do. But may it not be an idea to fix whats there ie. ghost shells, critical hits that do no damage, before moving on to big changes that are, lets be honest, likely to cause a vast ammount of further problems. What about bringing in the changes and updates you have promised the community months and months ago yet still haven't put in place ie. new tanks and tech trees. Don't try and run before you can walk.

  7. I just love the way this game is heading...
    Good luck with all your plans, can't wait for that physics thing to happen...
    Will that mean that turret barrels will no longer pass through walls, rocks, other tanks etc?

  8. Could we have some info about the upcomming (?) American heavy tanks, this year ? next year ?

  9. Are you ever going to develop a matchmaking system that doesn't seem produced by complete retards? A system that, for instance, takes modules into consideration and doesn't screw low tiers so much, or is it just too much for your small soviet "brains" at wargaming that can only focus on new ways to make us buy gold?

    Cheers, comrade.

  10. Hi Overlord. Thanks for the info.
    Could you please give some info about the status en development path of the tech trees revision? A lot of players are waiting for this.

  11. So when are you going to implement the changes to the russian tree published back on the 30th April?

  12. Lol more repeats of basically everything we already knew. We want hard guaranteed timelines. No more of this "zomg guiz don't leave the game the kewl stufz are comin!"

  13. All that sounds very interesting. I'm waiting for the T-35 and your introduction of multi-turret support will cetainly make it's appearence more likely.

    Will historical battles still allow mixing of nations?

    A little hint on the two unexpected tanks appearing in 0.7?

    Any info on the costs and duration of the non premium camo?


  14. I would like to know how much you're pushing the development of the USA tier 9 and 10 heavies now that you've made the T30 a pointless tank in CW. THAT should be the priority and not the french tanks.

  15. Damn, can't wait for the new physics! Something like the damage model in Men of War would be awesome! It would make every shot count, plus a sense of impact!

  16. whats a subdivision? :X

  17. Waiting for the News of M103 too
    Please keep your promise

  18. So, historic battles, basically what Zorin is doing in the EU server, only more then once a week ;).

    Any idea if he will be credited for his hard work?

  19. "Multi-cluster will also enable us to introduce cross-server battles (roaming) and future global map merger."

    Does this mean that full account transfering would be possible?

  20. What does fog of war in UC mean? That you can't see what tanks the enemy team is using?

    Also, it would be nice if you'd focus on fixing the only things that actually matter: multi-core support, tracers, ghost shells and 0 damage hits. Eve

  21. "We are also working on the necessary mechanics for French tanks: automated loading, oscillating turrets, multi-turret support. Then come British and Japanese vehicles." All I needed to hear <3

  22. I am curious as to when you guys will stop showing favoritism towards US and Russian tanks and start using actual historical data. Everyone knows the German 88mm gun on tanks was a better gun historically than what you developers have nerfed it to be. IN fact, if it wasn't for how great the 88 was, the Allied tanks wouldn't have gotten the 76mm fielded as quickly as they did. Rule #1 in developing a war game using items that existed or still exist, always do your best to make those items to be as close as possible to what the actual item's performance was. Otherwise you are not only dong a disservice to history, but to the game players themselves. I can't wait for the historical battles, one thing that needs to be done with that is, not only the tanks that were used during that battle but the modules as well. For an example. the Pz IV historically in most of it's battles didn't have a gun larger than the 88mm, most were equipped with the 50 or 75. Also the high tier turret wasn't equipped in most of the battles the Pz IV was in. Then there is the splinter skirt over the tracks that were equipped on the later models that saw action in North Africa. So if you guys intend to go historically in battle, you better make it so with the modules and equipment.

  23. Look to the Future: BF3 is comming. Just kidding. :)
    Ok all info is: ETA is unkown or 2012.
    I get one fresh and actual question:
    Q: Operation Avalanche (9th september) still no info?
    Q: Patch 0.6.7. ETA?

    Its my question number 27 and 28 (26 x i get no answer ).

  24. Q:Lol more repeats of basically everything we already knew. We want hard guaranteed timelines. No more of this "zomg guiz don't leave the game the kewl stufz are comin!"

    A: PLEASE i beg you leave the game!!!! Ignorant and dumb ppl like you gives a bad name to the whole community of the game. Once again, PLEASE uninstall the game and leave for good.

    Ironz EU server

  25. Q: Hi Overlord. Thanks for the info.
    Could you please give some info about the status en development path of the tech trees revision? A lot of players are waiting for this.

    A: Next week, mate.

  26. Thanks for the update! Keep up the good work in bringing us news Overlord.

  27. What about fixing the detection mechanics to have less disappearing tanks and invisible tanks issues? There are limitations what can be done, but surely the current system can and should be improved.

  28. I'm a bit worried whether or not the extra work required to set up historical battles will mean not enough people will play them. I'm really waiting for these, since I'd rather play the tanks with their historical setups but currently that's just suicide with most tanks especially factoring in the matchmaker spread.

  29. Q: Will historical battles still allow mixing of nations?

    A: Yes, as long as it corresponds to history.

  30. Q: is "ETA 2012" for historical battle? (just to be really really sure that it won't come up before :))

  31. So... German Drivers are on their own?

    OP! OP! :D

  32. Flame all you want, but I agree with the players who have said you need to fix the current problems before implementing more features. The game is already riddled with bugs and inconsistent gameplay mechanics, so new features being announced makes me worried about the future state of the game.

  33. Thank You!!!
    I feel like you are listening (WoT) AND doing something about many points in the game.
    Cheers!!! Keep the timelines commin', and I can be patient.
    Played in Open Beta, wanted more, and I see the slate is in flux (and understand). Rather have SOLID code and cannot wait for the historical. (WOOT) (Even though I am passing on Kudos, I still reserve the right to disagree with your "historical" accuracy.) The point is I am having fun (sometimes regardless of the grind).

    Thanks for keeping in touch.......

  34. Any news about Operation Avalanche (9th september) event?

  35. I commented also weekly poll, there is more, so... I dont see it on list above. Then, short question:

    Q: Overlord, any ETA on tracers coming back?


  36. new russian heavy tanks tech tree is forgoten i guess

  37. Overlord, You have got to say SOMETHING about the M103, Stop beating around the bush please.

  38. Q: is "ETA 2012" for historical battle? (just to be really really sure that it won't come up before :))

    A: Yes, for historical battles.

  39. Q: Overlord, You have got to say SOMETHING about the M103, Stop beating around the bush please.

    A: Patience, pls.

  40. Patience! Hah! NOW:)

  41. thanks for the info. is there a more precise eta than 2012? just whether it's early/late 2012 would be appreciated, thanks

  42. Q. Will that mean that turret barrels will no longer pass through walls, rocks, other tanks etc?

    It's been answered numerous times perhaps reading the forums will provide the answer. The short answer is NO, the long answer is here;

    Now fuck off and use the forums as you should

  43. Its Operation Avalanche event so secret???? Overlord stop ignoring this question pls!!

  44. Q: can you explain this pls - Fog of War? We'll not be able to see what tanks has the other team till they are scouted one by one? ty

  45. And what about M103 and T34 as a premium? Are you going to take care of american tech tree before the end of 2011?

  46. I wonder why there's so much negativity around here. Overlord is doing a very good deal of communication.
    The threads here was OVERFLOODDED about how EXTREMELY nerfed the E-series was during testing. He sets up a poll, and it turns out most people think it's above average.

    People whining about bugs... Think they don't try to fix the bugs either? Tracers isn't a bug... I seriously don't see why they are crucial to get back? It's only a thing that might be exploited, as they did when they were there.

    Critical hits doing no damage? This is explained by game mechanics and not a bug, by my understanding?

    Sure, the game isn't perfect.
    But as to balance and stuff, I think it's one of the most balanced games around, and that comes from a non-arty german-tech-tree playing guy.

  47. Will multi-turreted support be applied to existing tanks like M3 Lee and T-28?

  48. will the premium t34 get the 120mm gun or will be just a t29 in t8 battle? (certainly with more hp...)

  49. "Additional features for UC battles - fog of war, cooldown period for destroyed vehicles, volunteer functionality. "

    The question is when this are planned to be implemented? If not all of them will be implement in the same time, please be more specific when and which will be the first ones.

  50. Yeah, I wish you'd start removing the vitriolic comments, those just bashing the game or the developers, or insisting parts of the game they don't like are bugs or incompetently done and must be FIXED NOW!! They do make the comments unpleasant to read.

    Hits that only do module and not health damage are part of the game. If they were going to remove them then I'd imagine they'd be simple misses (shooting under the tank) or bounces (in cases where you penetrate the tracks/gun etc. but don't have enough energy left to go through the rest of the armour) so think of them as extras where you would have done no damage, instead of shots where the damage has been absorbed.

    As far as I know the only legitimate 'ghost shells' are those caused by lag, which is just the nature of server-side shooting and will never go away.

    We need tracers back for counter-artillery, the problem with arty is that it's completely immune to retaliation from the people it's shooting, so the more ways for the rest of the team to kill it the better.

    I am looking forward to the new game modes, they'll be interesting.

  51. >Yeah, I wish you'd start removing the vitriolic comments, those just bashing the game or the developers, or insisting parts of the game they don't like are bugs or incompetently done and must be FIXED NOW!! They do make the comments unpleasant to read.

    that would lead to more whining that is censoring comments. just look away, no-one's forcing you to read it.

  52. Japanese vehicles and not Italian vehicles?
    so not Italian tree?

  53. And when are we going to see multi core support? my quadcore's single CPU the game uses is probably starting to melt soon enough.

  54. So when new crew skills are introduced, and we already have all 3 current skills researched. Will our crews simply have all their skills reset and XP given to them to unlock 3 skills? I ask because maybe we would rather have one of the new skills rather than have to grind out another skill since we might already have one we don't really want. (i.e. heavy tank camo)

  55. So, we have a 2011 game using a single core, with a sub 1.0 version, with a sub-par optimization, but we DO have camo, to screw with the custom skins...pushed before game fixes / optimizations / modes.

    Q.Can we see in the future game modes and / or maps AND game fixes BEFORE "vanity items" to milk the proverbial cow? Because from where I am standing, camo and a new premium on top of the existing 2 recently, almost makes up for a full tree change, time-wise.

  56. Q: ETA on fixes (removal? pretty please) of Artillery and Malinovka/Komarin?

    Would be nice to fix whats already broken, then introducing other stuff.

  57. ETA - 2012

    Day later and dollar short. War Gaming needs to set aside their other projects and focus on WoT unless you want to see empty servers or lots of non paying customers.

    Too many new and upcomming games coming out to draw the interest of a rather bored player base. WG needs some serious content updates and boost the depth of clan wars.

    If anyone has read the forums ( if the mod NAZIs do not delete stuff first ) your player base is not thrilled at the moment.

    Heres some ideas that you should be able to do in the short term:

    For the short term the Clan Wars map needs to be expanded, this will keep some of your long term hard core payer players around. Or at least keep interest in this game.

    Add several large scale maps that are exclusive to CW that cannot be played in typical pub play.

    Reset the CW server.

    Add three times as many landing zones.

    Anything Overlord mentioned above should be implemented by the end of this year.


  59. Q: Wheres the russian tech tree changes? I.e. when are we going to see IS-4 become tier X and have two new tier 9's to play with. I could have sworn it was announced to be coming in .67...As it standard .67 is pretty lame, very few changes.

  60. new crew skills
    can u give an example?

  61. Oh man Historic Battles sounds like an awesome concept. Finally! A use for the poor Tiger!

    Could there be a way to assign and limit tanks to a certain year? Like tanks from 1941 and below can participate in this battle?

  62. Question: Can ZorinWarfield have a good lump of GOLD for inspiring, championing and generally ironing out all the Historical Battles features you're now proposing officially?

    He keeps the Historical Battles running himself and develops and balances the tanks without aid.


  63. Thanks for the update OL

    Future looks interesting

    just get those new game modes out ASAP

    i'm getting sick of all the whining from the anonymous folks on this blog

  64. Looking forward to Historical battles. Nice

  65. This part to me is the best out of all of that you stated above,keep up the good work and do it good go WG

    Render (engine) optimization. It currently has high priority, however the mission is rather difficult. The first improvements will arrive in 7.0, there are many subtasks here, so an exact ETA, when all the changes are implemented, is still vague.

  66. One day you think of Aussie players and find the time to sort out clan wars for them. Unfortunatly by that time you will have lost them all to BF3 and SW:TOR. pitty this game had potential......

  67. Good news. And great that were going to hear about the latest tech tree revisions next week.

  68. Nice tier5 lights have now 9-10k repair costs. Thank you WG!!! I<3U Just support the arty monkeys. No tracer, no useable tier5 lights. Thx very good work World of Monkeyartys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  69. Quote:
    Ijaz said...
    new crew skills
    can u give an example?


    1. These aren't the tanks you're looking for.
    Tank becomes invisible to artillery top down

    pls pls ^^


  70. QUESTION/IDEA – Left-field idea….why not make a Clan Wars/Ultimate Conflict version? Same format as Clan Wars now but ONLY using the above Historical format?

    This will enable a whole sub-set of Clan Wars and ensure a Clan Wars environment for players with lower tier tanks or tanks without the ultimate modules researched.


  71. Overlord,
    is planing to rebalance premium T-25?
    there is bug with maneuver, that there is drasticaly slowing speed, max speed is possible only from hill down and his agility is catastrofic.

  72. “A bit more details on Historical battles.”

    Thank you for these details.
    Are you going to keep records (and make them public) of successful commanders? I assume there should be special rewards for leadership as well as build-in voice support for these battles.
    Will be there special commander support features similar to the planned for clan wars commanders?
    Are you going to introduce limitations for crew skills level? In the other words is it reasonable to start training crews for “historical battles” now?
    “ETA – 2012”. So long to wait!

  73. huh, what exactly do you mean by this autumn? early or late would be better for me to understand this :)
    gl hf,

  74. "historical," forgive me if I'm skeptical in how accurate your historical battles appear. After all, you've been exceptionally blind when it comes to a lot of historical accuracy in your game as is. Honestly half the time I think you guys should drop the pretense of being an accurate game and just call it "this is how we wanted it to be just because!" But that would mean not lying for once, which I know is so incredibly hard to do.

    That was a lot of sarcasm there, I know it's not an easy concept for you to get your head wrapped around, so I'm sorry about that.

    Again, sarcasm.

    You people are a sad joke. Stop dicking around with more ways to earn gold and try actually making the game entertaining once. You might find that you earn more by making a good game than by beating a cash cow to death, especially if you looked at gaming history. But, when it comes to any history, with as horribly inaccurate as you have been already, I imagine you poor dumb bastards already have.

  75. To me the big question here is;
    The current poll shows 64% there are too many arties in the battles. Will this be taken into consideration and worked on, or is it "just" a poll?


  76. We really should get a new scouting tank. I suggest that you add the Kugelpanzer in the game, it would be nice.

    1. I don’t recommend using either motor oil or 3in1 oil tobicycle carbon frameslubricate the chain. Motor oil is too heavy and won’t fully penetrate the rollers, and 3in1 oil is vegetable based and will gum up the chain. I also don’t recommend using wax lubricants because while they don’t collect as much dirt, they are a lot of hassle to apply correctly, and wax is simply not as good a lubricant as oil.
      I do recommend mineral based chain oils likeICAbike01 Finish Line Cross Country or Philcarbon cycle framesWood Tenacious Oil because they do the best job of fighting corrosion and don’t wash away when they get wet.
      Chain Cleaning
      For cleaning, first shift the chain into thecarbon fiber bike framessmallest sprocket on the rear. For average dust and dirt, wipe the chain clean with a solvent soaked rag. The easiest way to do this is to hold the chain still at the rear derailleur cage while firmly wiping the lower run of the chain. Then move the chain backward and wipe again until you’ve wiped the entire length of chain. Wipe between the rear sprockets using either a rag or a sprocket cleaning tool.
      Then clean all of the front chainrings on both sides.
      Chain Lubrication
      Shift your gears into the middle sprocket both front and rear. zipp 404Remember that oil does a good job of spreading itself, so try not to over-apply the lubricant. Lubricate the inner circumference of the chain, on the side that faces the sprockets along the top of the lower run of the chain. Run the chain backwards while dropping oil down both sides of the rollers.
      Shift through all of the gears to spread the lubricant evenly through the drivetrain. Then use a rag to wipe off any excess oil.
