Monday, September 12, 2011

2012 Mystery Revealed

What to expect in WoT in the near future? A lot of stuff!
We give you the unique opportunity to get hold of World of Tanks release plans for 2011-2012. I'm totally sure most of the plans announced will be accomplished in time thanks to the team of highly-skilled professionals, that currently comprises around 300 people in 3 major offices.
With the development center in Minsk, Belarus, has fully functioning operation office in California, the US, and two forming offices in the EU - in Paris and Berlin.
The main focus of the development team is to introduce new game modes, add more tank models (French are coming soon), new maps (Jungles, anyone?), improve visual effects and the engine itself.
The detailed release plans are given below.

 New Game Modes

Company battle divisions: tier 10 max with no overall tier limitation, tiers 8, 6, and 4 max with the respective overall tier limitation. Q4 2011
Assault (one team attacks, the other one defends the base) and Encounter battle (two teams are to capture the base in the center of the map). Q4 2011
Garage battle – players can use several tanks (one after another) in one battle (“limited respawn”). Q1 2012
Escort (only a few tanks from the team have the ability to capture enemy's base, the opposite team is to stop potential invaders). Q1 2012
Historical battle - faction based battles with historically justified restrictions on vehicles and modules available. 2012

New Tanks

medium tank M4A3E2, light tank M24Q3 2011
tank destroyers M8A1, T49, M18 Hellcat, T28 prototype Q1 2012
heavy tanks M103, T110, tank destroyer T25-2 Q1 2012
Soviet tanks  
light tanks T-50, T-50-2 Q3 2011
tank destroyer SU-85 (I) Q4 2011
tank destroyers SU-100M-1, SU-101 (Uralmash-1), SU-122-54 Q4 2011
heavy tanks  KV-1, KV-2, KV-4, Т-150, ST 1, Object 252 Q1 2012
German tanks  
medium tank Pz IV Hydro Q4 2011
tank destroyers Marder III, Dickermax, Nashorn, Sturer Emil, Jagdpanzer E-100 Q4 2011
TDs E10, E25, tank destroyer JagdTiger Sd Kfz 185 (88/71) Q2 2012
French tanks 
light, medium, and heavy tanks Renault FT, D1, D2, B1, ARL 44, AMX-50 100mm, AMX-50 120mm, Hotchkiss H35, AMX 38, AMX 40, AMX-13/75, AMX-13/90, Chatillon 25t, BDR G1B, AMX M4 1945, AMX-50-68t , AMX-12t , Lorraine 40t Q4 2011
SPGs RenaultBS, Lorraine39 L-AM, AMX-105AM, AMX 13F3AM, Lorraine155-50, Lorraine155-51, Bаt Chatillon155 Q1 2012
tank destroyers FCM 36Pak40, 105 leFH18B2, Panzerjager35R Q1 2012
tank destroyers Renault FT AC, Lorraine 37L-AC, Somua Sau40, S 35CA, ARL V39, AMX AC de120-46, AMX AC de120-48, AMX50 Foch Q1 2012
medium tank Renault G1R, light tank АМХ 13FL11 Q1 2012
British tanks
Q2 2012
Japanese tanks 2012

Ultimate Conquest (Clan Wars)
Fog of war in clan battles Q4 2011
Cooldown period for destroyed vehicles. Q4 2011
Expansion of the global map. The following regions are going to be added in the prescribed order: North America, Africa, South America, Australia, Korea, China, Japan. 2012
Clan treasure transactions. 2012
Clan armoury, clan consumables and tanks. 2012

Performance and Game Client

Packed resources decreasing map loading time. Q4 2011
Pre-caching – optimized vehicle model loading for Low-end PCs. Q4 2011
New firing effects, explosions, and other visual effects will be added gradually. Starting Q4 2011

New Features (Misc)

Vehicle customization: camouflage and horn sounds. Q4 2011
Mini-map customization and new functionality. Q4 2011
Quick in-game violation report system. Q4 2011
New crew skills and perks. Starting Q4 2011
New aсhievements. Q1 2012
Expanded post-battle statistics, also accessible in garage menu. Q1 2012
Realistic vehicle physics. Q1 2012
Extended platoons for up to 5 players. Q1 2012
Improved match-making system Q1 2012
National crew voices (crews of each nation speak their mother tongue) Q1 2012
Battle game tutorial. 2012
Commander’s chart. 2012
Improved chat functionality, official language-based chat subchannels. 2012

  1. Each update will introduce 1-2 new maps.
  2. Maps featuring North American Landscapes are planned for release in Q4 2011, after that the following regions are going to be covered:
- Africa
- South America
- Australia
- China, Korea
- Japan
Maps featuring all regions above are currently in development. The details on maps will be announced upon the release of each particular update.

Notice! Release plans stated above are subject to change. Only the most important features are listed.

By the way, 6.7 update is planned to be released later this week.
Stay with us and you won't miss anything!


  1. Thanks guys, for giving us this while we were acting like teenagers at the peak of puberty who feel entitled to everything but want to give nothing in return.

    Now we can go back to bitching about when 0.6.7 is going to hit. Which reminds me, when is 0.6.7 coming out?

  2. Looks like German list is missing

    VK 2801 Lepoard Light Tank Q3 2011

  3. Just picked this game up at Walmart 2 days ago and as a former Tanker in the U.S. Army I gotta ask myself why i never found this sooner. What an amazing game guys. I have been mesmerized for hours playing this already!!!!

  4. Wow, thank you for posting this.

    However - when do you expect to do spotting system and matchmaking fixes? As both are a bit broken.

  5. Nice, it's a good thing you at least gave us something to look forward to.

  6. Sorry, I meant spotting system fixes and larger maps.

    Also, why limit new companies to 4, 6, 8? Tiers 5 and 7 have the coolest tanks!

  7. Thank you, Wargaming! You guys really are on the way to becoming quite a big premium franchise, keep the updates coming, and great job :D

  8. Awesome - good to have a solid list of everything we have to look forward to. Cheers Overlord.

  9. Im happy yet sad to see the t110 and the m103 which was being developed for ever will be coming out next year. Just goes to show that the America will get the backseat every time

  10. All this is nice, but I dont see the repair of machmaking (3 T9 v. 3 T8 It happens very often) too many arty in the round (6-7 return the tracer or reduce the number of arty per round. Trumpet on a tank does not need me but I need a good machmaking. Heavy tanks T9 is not the same as T9 Midium tank.

  11. On Friday your blog disappeared for a moment and the page said "this blog has been deleted", so I thought "yup, that's it, he finally had enough". But later on, when I checked back, it reappeared, so it must have been some kind of blogspot glitch.

    I was actually *more* surprised when I found out you didn't really delete your blog, than when I thought you did, haha :D

  12. Excellent set of features. Looking forward to the changes, and updates. So, they added a Nashorn, that should be cool. Thanks, Overlord, the info is much apprecated!

  13. haha by the way thx WG for the M103. I am sure if u wanna u could put that tank in the next patch, but i see u don't care about T34 drivers. Thx again. Maybe in 2018 it ll be substituted, but T34 wont be a premium tank.

  14. Looking forward to the new game modes and tanks. :D

  15. Whats with multi turrets?

  16. Do you have some more info about Italian Tanks?
    The mixed tree ?

  17. Well, that's nice to have some news about the development of the game, if estimations are accurate enough :)

    Any news about arti tracers ? (if they will be back or not, and when ?)

    Thanks !

  18. @Corey Weaver

    Yes this game is very addicting :)


    Thanks for road map and info about patch. I think weekend will belong to T4 and T5 scouts (to this time I should grind my E100).

  19. Q: Now we can go back to bitching about when 0.6.7 is going to hit. Which reminds me, when is 0.6.7 coming out?

    A: This week. It comes soon.

  20. Do you really intend to try and cram nearly everything in between January and March?, I mean, holy crap, puts some stuff out in December!

  21. Q: VK 2801 Lepoard Light Tank Q3 2011

    A: Haven't included the stuff planned for 6.7

  22. Q: On Friday your blog disappeared for a moment and the page said "this blog has been deleted", so I thought "yup, that's it, he finally had enough". But later on, when I checked back, it reappeared, so it must have been some kind of blogspot glitch.

    I was actually *more* surprised when I found out you didn't really delete your blog, than when I thought you did, haha :D

    A: I messed with google security policy a bit. :) Not going to do this again.

  23. Overlord

    Can u tell me sincerely, why is matchmaking sistem, the most important thing for us (player) left for Q1 2021..?
    Also, it's the easiest thing to do, of all that was listed...
    Why WG don't care about us? :/ :(

  24. Will the Hellcat actually go ~100kph in the game as it did in real life?

    That would be awesome!

  25. Thank you for this information update about the near future of WoT. Been looking forward to knowing more of what and, perhaps even more importantly, when to expect the promissed new features and changes.

    Two questions:

    Q1: Instead of grouping the future content in content groups (like you have done now), could you group them in release periods (or even actual releases). That way it is easier to get a better feel about the order of things to come.

    Q2: Are you going to update this release plan on a regular basis (when there is a reason for it)? Or is this a one time thing?

  26. Hi Overlord. Thanks for the major udate, lot of great stuff coming!
    But why is the m103 release postponed for so long? You can introduce more then 32 new tanks in 2011 but the m103 somehow has to wait until 2012 while the T34 is clearly under performing?

  27. Q: Will the Hellcat actually go ~100kph in the game as it did in real life?

    A: Nope, ~72 km/h.

  28. Q: Can u tell me sincerely, why is matchmaking sistem, the most important thing for us (player) left for Q1 2021..?
    Also, it's the easiest thing to do, of all that was listed...
    Why WG don't care about us? :/ :(

    A: There are some internal reasons for that, it's not that we don't want to improve the MMS.

  29. Its nice to see WG responding to our demands.
    Thanks for the update and keep up the work... it´s not that you haven´t enough of it^^

  30. Try to branch to U.S. tanks.Thanks well as marginalizing the weakest patch.Slowest with the weakest cannons and armor.Hope better disappear T10.

  31. "By the way, 6.7 update is planned to be released later this week."

  32. Why cant you fix and finish the T9/10 US tanks and Sovjet heavy tanks first, nobody in their right mind will pick a bunch of fail French tanks over correction/fixes on the current tank trees ....

    very disappointed

  33. how's about Multi Core CPU Support ^^

  34. Thank You!
    Now we know....
    Thank you again.


  35. I've never seen an on-line development house put out updates at the speed that you guys have. Fantastic stuff, you're keeping the game fresh and keeping me as a paying customer.

  36. Q: color blind mod?

    A: Yes, planning to add this to the game.

  37. Q: VK 2801 Lepoard Light Tank Q3 2011

    A: Haven't included the stuff planned for 6.7

    Q: Why then are the M24 Chaffee and T-50 and T-50-2 listed?

  38. Excellent news!
    Give the team cookies to make them deliver on time. :)

  39. Dziban303 said...

    Will the Hellcat actually go ~100kph in the game as it did in real life?

    That would be awesome!
    September 12, 2011 3:19 PM

    doubt it....tiger 2 in RL could actually go around ~38 kmh at least thats wiki said....and ingame it goes 28 kmh at top new stuff,,,,,looking forward at new maps,,,,and new game mods

  40. Q: WTF is medium tank Pz IV Hydro????

  41. Hi!

    Q: What about the second USSR medium tank line (Object 416, A-44, T-34M)?

    Thanx for your answers.

  42. Q: Why then are the M24 Chaffee and T-50 and T-50-2 listed?

    A: Ah, my bad then. Sorry.

  43. M103 not this year?
    I want some screens of jagdpanzer E-100

  44. overlord can you explain your priorities in releasing new tanks???
    you add many french tanks before replacing t34 and t30.
    i think it is easier to make two tanks well balanced, than twenty.

  45. "tank destroyers Marder III, Dickermax, Nashorn, Sturer Emil, Jagdpanzer E-100 Q4 2011"

    Wow, thats a surprise!
    Looking forward to it.

    Thanx for the timeline by the way.


  46. Q: M103 not this year?

    A: Actually, there is a chance it will make it to the release this year.

  47. is Wot using the lastest version of bigworld ( bigworld 2 ) . this has multi core support according too their website .

    is patch 7.0 next after 6.7 ?

  48. Thanks for posting this! Jungle maps would be utterly awsome :D

    New game modes also sounds promising.


  49. dumb question, but how are your quarters defined?

  50. Great news but CAN U TELL US IF ONE DAY there ll be AN ARTY NUMBER LIMIT??? It s more and more boring to start a battle with more than 4/5 arty by team

  51. Awesome, thanks for the heads-up! Q1 2012 should be enough time to grind both heavy lines.

  52. Dear Overlord!

    Q: What does Fog Of War in clan wars mean?

  53. Give me NbFz heavy tank for Xmas please! :-)))

  54. Q: What about Jagdpanther II?

  55. Q: Will the new game modes be open like random battles or just for platoon/companies? Will there be special maps for theese game modes or will all maps be modified for those game modes?
    Realy looking forward to more game modes.

  56. Thanks Overlord
    looks like your going to keep me busy for yet another year.

    Will we see weather / night conditions in future maps?

  57. Are you going to reveal which premium tanks will be released as well? Will the T23 be seeing a comeback as a premium tank?

  58. @Overlord,

    what about the new German Tier 8 TD "Jagdpanther II"? This is the only new German-TD-line tank that is missing in the announcement? Did you forget it or will it not been released?

  59. How about IS4 and moving it to 10tier? When this will happen? Q1 2012?

  60. I miss the T-10 tier9 Battletank.

  61. Q: dumb question, but how are your quarters defined?

    A: Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec.

  62. Q: What does Fog Of War in clan wars mean?

    A: When the battle starts you won't see how many tanks and/or what tanks the enemy has.

  63. holy crap the complaints about german tanks is obnoxious.

    Overlord i beg you to explain to these ravenous hordes the games mechanics so they would stop whining. My 704 got nerfed massively and i had to switch to another td to remain competitive, hell even the jagdtiger is better than that tank nowadays thanks to the nerfs to speed, traverse and the new spotting mechanic which rendered the tank unnecessary for clan battles.

  64. Q: Are you going to reveal which premium tanks will be released as well? Will the T23 be seeing a comeback as a premium tank?

    A: The timelines for premium tanks are being determined currently. Will post them, when there is news. As for T23, haven't decided on it yet.

  65. Q: what about the new German Tier 8 TD "Jagdpanther II"? This is the only new German-TD-line tank that is missing in the announcement? Did you forget it or will it not been released?

    A: Omitted it intentionally, since the ETA for it is still unknown.

  66. promises, promises, promises ...

  67. so the final installment and completion of the USA tree will come up to 9 months later than originally planned. i spent a load of gold converting exp to your promises ready for the new tanks. the usa tree is of so little importance that you work on a whole host of crap in front of fixing it

    french tanks before you attempt to fix the usa, its pretty pathetic

  68. Could you elaborate more on the whole clan treasure transactions, armoury, and clan tanks

  69. I like the idea of "Fog of War", but I'd rather see it in regular gameplay (new game mode).

    At the beginning if the battle, there would be 15 "?" signs. As tanks are spotted, they could be turned to regular tank silhouettes.

    At the moment, when you see the enemy roster and know the map enough, you can already tell where their KVs will go, where the pack of T-44s will rush etc. No thrill because of the unknown :)

  70. Yo brothers,

    Where are the tracers?

  71. seems to be nice ..:) waiting for the updates ..

  72. Will Clan Wars ever be "fixed" so that clans with fewer Tier X and IX vehicles can compete?

    What about the StuG IV?

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Q : What are the issues determining weither the M103 will be released this year or not? (don't know if you can answer :))

    Btw thx for all those answers, good to see such a comunication.

  75. Interesting news indeed. Thanks for reporting Overlord.

    Now that you have announced plans to release the second German TD line this year, are you planning to buff the JagdPz IV? According to the full tech tree you can completely skip it and still get JagdPanther, Ferdi, JagdTiger...

  76. They did the mash... they did the URALMASH (the uralmash!) it was a tank park smash! They did the mash! It took off in a flash they did the mash! na na na na na wha hoooooooo....

  77. Nice info! Specially those new game modes, they look very good :) Anyway, you don't say a word about what you will do with arty, when 4/5 of players who voted in current survey wants a modification in some way about that issue.

  78. I repeat ninja_panzer_US's question:
    Will wot support multi core? If yes when?
    Most up-to-date gaming computers have 2-3-4+ cores....

  79. Greetings Overlord,

    first of all, thanks for the great work and the update on development plans.

    One question regarding the upcoming patch though:

    Q: Will there be a Test 3 client on test server prior to release of 0.6.7 to live status?

    Thanks & regards!

    - kloppstock

  80. For the additions to the Tech Trees, will there be further announcements like: "If you have X tank in your garage, it will be move to Y place, and Z tank will be added to your garage"? (Just like the announcements for Russian and USA Heavies.) Thanks.

  81. Q: Will there be a Test 3 client on test server prior to release of 0.6.7 to live status?

    A: Nope, it will be released on RU server tomorrow.

  82. awesome ! i love this game, however, i was hoping some infantry and if possibly flame tower tank

  83. No Somua S35?
    I understand that its in a secondary tree, but its one of my favorite tanks from WWII :(

  84. BTW totally looking forward to the ARL 44 and Sturer Emil :)

  85. Q:
    "medium tank Pz IV Hydro"- what's that?
    "tank destroyer SU-85 (I)"- shouldn't be SU-76 (I)?(like in tech tree)


  87. When will you remake the USA research tree to fit the full tree (I mean abolishing the route M7->M4A3E8 and adding M7->M4 Sherman)? I expected this to happen with the addition of M4A3E2, but it looks like you forgot to do the change.
    Also: when will you add the 105mm to the M4A3E8 Sherman? I've been waiting for it since the patch.

  88. Hey Overlord, I have a quick question
    Q: Are the E10 and E25 intentionally listed as SPGs? Originally I thought they were supposed to be TD's.

  89. Q: "medium tank Pz IV Hydro"- what's that?
    A: It's an experimental PzIV with hydraulic transmission in the hull rear.

    Q: "tank destroyer SU-85 (I)"- shouldn't be SU-76 (I)?
    A: SU-85(I) is basically SU-76(I) armed with D-5T.

  90. Aventhal in game.

    Nice to see Overlords update, now lets wait and see how much will be done.

    GL tho


  92. "Customization...horn sounds."

    Please God no. NO, I say.

  93. the russian tier 9 T10 isn t mentioned what s up with that ?

  94. Will the clan wars updates include a point limit similar to company battles?

  95. this is a brilliant post, now players actually know what trees to grind for the future + juicy bits, just hope that they are all released on/around the Q stated. but u guys usually do a great job with that anyway :)

    Packed resources decreasing map loading time. Q4 2011
    Pre-caching – optimized vehicle model loading for Low-end PCs. Q4 2011

    best news for me and many others for a long time, just need multi core support now if possible.
    great work WG keep it up. :)

  96. Are there any plans to increase the speed of the T28 and T95?

  97. Just to respond to the question in the post.... YES!!!!!I want a jungle map please!!!!!

  98. customization on horns...I predict lots of 'dixie land'

    Great info overlord - help out with those long term plans!


    -us server

  99. Overlord it doesnt says about Sturmtiger..
    Or Dev canceled this Prem. Tank
    I would Rather Buy Sturmtiger as my Premium tanks than Any Other Prem. Tanks..

    Do Sturmtiger will be made as listed on Revision Tech tree?
    if yes so when will be released?

  100. Thanks for AWSOME post, Overlord :-)

    I like how so many simply don't read you post... There's several questions allready answered in the post :-D

    Well, at least what I get from this, is that 7.0 will come Q4 this year ^^ That's good to hear :-D

    I am so extremely looking forward to a whole LOT of what's comming :-) And I like how you are making this such a different game from when it was released.

    On release and one year after, there will be so many differences it's close to another game:

    - New Tech tree, French.
    - Maybe another tech tree in British.
    - Enough new tanks all over to make at least two new tech trees all-in-all.
    - A whole bunch of different ways to play (Game modes)
    - New physics (will do much with gameplay)

    This will by far be the game I've spent most cash on ever. It's not long untill I've spent more cash on this game, than I have on my computer xD (Sets things in perspective.... xD)

  101. What is tank destroyer JagdTiger Sd Kfz 185 (88/71). Jagdtiger is already in game. Clarify that please.

  102. Can you name some new crew skills and perks. Please

  103. Please allow one optional soft wipe just once when u enter the French tech tree!!! Please! And it will be optional and it could only be allowed one day and we would get all our xp back to free xp and all our money's back udont even gave to give us our gold back

  104. Good idea!!! ^^^ I messed up a lot when I first started my tech trees and would like to be able to get all that xp back and use it on one tree...

  105. what about tank customizing like adjusting gun accuracy higher with a cost of ROF.

  106. "No soft-wipes after release", so people, stop asking about it.

    BTW, how can you "mess up" with your tech trees? If you played Soviet tanks and are not happy with them, you can always start the German or US tree. What is stopping you? Tier I tanks are free to buy and maintain, no matter the nation.

  107. Hurrah! It's nice to see Overlord is reading the posts and answering questions. (Though it must take a thick skin, considering the foul-mouthed flamer above).

    With all the new tanks 'n stuff, I want to suggest you take some stuff OFF. It bothers me that the Schmalturm, developed for but not used on the Panther, is available for the PzIV, along with the Panther's awesome gun. If matchmaking didn't pit the great mediums of the war against huge line-ups of heavies (real and notional), they might actually be useful as built. I regard making ahistoric equipment available to upgrade them a poor compensation. (My T-34 was the bottom-listed tank in five straight matches last night.)

    A suggestion that's been in pre-game chat lately: how about a limited load of smoke shells?

  108. Dear Overlord!

    A: What does clan armoury, clan consumables and tanks mean?

  109. LOL@that loser saying the Jagdtiger is better than the 704. Only thing worse than German whiner tankers are Russian whiner tankers because it's a lie. If you suck in a high tier russian tank, it's not a balance issue with the tank, it's a balance issue with your skill LOL.

    Jeez though. Game's going to be pretty damn stagnant until into 2012.

  110. Why was the Multi-Server feature removed from that list again?

  111. National crew voices (crews of each nation speak their mother tongue)

    question, will it be possible to turn that of and keep the english version for each nationality ?

    regards Hellig_eu

  112. Soft-wipes and respecs are for children. Man up and play.

  113. Ok since you guys are going to gut the Hellcats main advantage in it's historical speed (one of the ONLY tanks that will not achieve it's historically accurate top speed) will it at least have it's historically accurate acceleration? IE it could get to it's top speed as fast as the T5 lights in this game.

  114. Q: Any details about the Berlin office? Will it house Marketing, CR or what?

  115. It could also turn on a dime without losing much speed at all, even better then the M46

  116. q: a lot of the listed new tanks do not appear in the listed future tech trees at .

    can you post a updated techtree with medium tank Pz IV Hydro, t28 prototype, ... in it?

    Or at least tell if any of this new planned tanks will be premium?

  117. Multi-server support feature which allows players to choose server with the best performance available, staying within the gaming space of the cluster (region - EU, US) which will enable communication with friends regardless of the server (within the region) they are playing on currently. To play together in a platoon or company, all players are to be logged in on the same server - Q4 2011;
    so y was this removed from ur post this morning

  118. Q: So British tanks in 2012 but wheres the pics or the Tech tree? French tanks were shown freaking 9 months ago so were the pics?

  119. Overlord,

    Could you please tell me if I have enough time to grind to the IS-4 before the new tanks come. I need 130,000 xp yet.


  120. What about the tracer? U can't solve the problem?

  121. Overlord,

    Could you please tell me if I have enough time to grind to the IS-4 before the new tanks come. I need 130,000 xp yet.


    That is the single most stupid question in this new's comment section. Grats, you won!

  122. Overlord can you use your influence to convince wargaming to bring m103 this year ?

  123. Stupid question Huh,

    Show me were the frak you guys tell us anything concrete about your plans for release. I thought that is what you are for. Just want to know when the release is for the replacement tank to IS-4, KV-3, and KV.

    Thanks for nothing comrade.

  124. BIG MINUS for US heavies coming so late... Overlord use your magic and try roll them out faster :(

  125. Overlord-

    Q: Shell tracers, we were told June initially (if I recall correctly) and then July. We're now well into September and we've yet to see them return, or even hear news on the subject. With the number of 6-8 arty in a match that I see these days, I'd love to do my teammates a favor and be able to counter-battery them again. Can you give us some hope for their return soon?

  126. Dragan_Viper said...
    What is tank destroyer JagdTiger Sd Kfz 185 (88/71). Jagdtiger is already in game. Clarify that please.

    It's the premium tank already noted in the finalised techtree.
    Historically it was a JT with the 88/71 gun because of the shortage of 128mm guns.

    I just hope it's not supposed to be tier 9.


  127. Q: What is tank destroyer JagdTiger Sd Kfz 185 (88/71). Jagdtiger is already in game. Clarify that please.

    A: It's a premium version of JT with 88L71

  128. Q: Can you name some new crew skills and perks. Please

    A: E.g. commander will get skill that will allow to see the amount of hit points enemy tanks have plus any critical damage taken, loader will have skill that will decrease the actual loading time.

  129. Q: "No soft-wipes after release"

    A: Exactly. :)

  130. We see you! Hellcat answers please :D

  131. Q: Why was the Multi-Server feature removed from that list again?

    A: I think it's a bit too early to announce it.

  132. Q: Any details about the Berlin office? Will it house Marketing, CR or what?

    A: PR and marketing mostly. Paris office is going to be much bigger.

  133. Q: Overlord can you use your influence to convince wargaming to bring m103 this year ?

    Q: BIG MINUS for US heavies coming so late... Overlord use your magic and try roll them out faster :(

    A: I will try. :)

  134. Cant wait to get behind the pedals of a Centurion! Will the Churchill be split into 2 models like the T34 and T34-85 do to greatly differing model specifications?

  135. I took the liberty of combining this information with the currently posted tech trees. Do you have a good suggestion of where to post this on the (EU) forum?

  136. Q: Overlord said... A: E.g. commander will get skill that will allow to see the amount of hit points enemy tanks have plus any critical damage taken, loader will have skill that will decrease the actual loading time.

    A: As the OverTargetMarkers-Mod already do? Will Mods be disabled then?

  137. You gave up on 7.0 coming out this year, I see. Guess your coders weren't up to it.

  138. Thanks for info update Overlord... it really answered a lot of questions bouncing around. THOUGH it seems not all of your blog watch read the whole post as many are asking answered questions lol. Keep up the good work guys, i'm hooked for life and anxiously waiting planes and battleships as well

  139. What has been the #1 complaint you've gotten so far?

    From the looks of things it's been "Where is the M103 already? / Why is the T34 so horrible?"

  140. "Anonymous said...
    Stupid question Huh,

    Show me were the frak you guys tell us anything concrete about your plans for release. I thought that is what you are for. Just want to know when the release is for the replacement tank to IS-4, KV-3, and KV.

    Thanks for nothing comrade.
    September 12, 2011 9:12 PM"

    It was stupid you read the blog you would see clearly that it says Q1 2012

  141. I do not like the idea of different game-modes. It wil over-complicate the game. Of course everybody like it now on the first reading, and will certainly be interesting to try them, but to play them many times ? - later I think gamers will regret this feater. In the current game-mode everybody has the opportunity to any style he likes: firefight, flank, scout, ambush, snipe, ... . This is one of the greatest advantage of this game - and I am afraid the new game modes will take this advantage away. Also, not for the readers of this blog, but the average newbie players it will take a bit harder to learn the game. Devs, do not forget: simplicity is one of the greatest property of a software product.

  142. The list should contain the following items:

    Less hardware requirement. I have a decent machine, and still 20 FPS is normal - it is sluggish.

    Better spotting mechanics. It is a shame, that tanks cant see beyond 500m.

    Please respect the historical top speeds of the tanks. Why is there a 72 km/h limit in the game? This takes away a lot of game enjoyment.

    Linux support. OK, I know I ask this without chance to come true, but it is inconvenient to reboot another operating system to play the game and after then reboot back again.

  143. Is there any chance that someone would be able to tell me when the kv1,2, and 4 are coming, and overlord that pre-caching idea is awsome. i know they are coming in 2011 but maybe a month would be good?

  144. If you read, he said KV1, 2, and 4 are "Q1 2012" that means "January, February, or March 2012" that's as close as you're going to get at this point I assume.

  145. Q: When the National Voices are released, will the voice files be modularized in such a way that we can load in the "voice pack" we want for each individual nation's voice set? i.e. I currently like the "new" voices that were used for a short time before they were re-replaced with the originals, I'd prefer to keep those for the American tankers' voices, but would love to have national voices for Russian and German, will this be possible?

  146. Q: Overlord any word on when the rest of the premium tanks will be released? Cant wait for my Sturmtiger!!

  147. Thank you very much for this information. The transparency that Wargaming provides has made WoT very enjoyable and one of my favorite titles. I am very much looking forward to the changes and the upcomming games...well World of Battleships mainly. Though I still worry about it being called WoBS...would of BS??? Eahhhh not to cool there.

  148. Overlord, please release the M103 in patch 6.8, your customers have been waiting way too long for these tanks, and you keep breaking your promise.

  149. Just don't rush the M103 - I'll need some time to get me a T34 first ;)

  150. M103 is not important for me, I do not like heavies, but let me join to the so many people asking this. I cant imagine (Overlord, would you please explain us) why this tanks is always late? For such long time the American heavy line have been clearly underpowered, and still, you are rather spending time on developing a bunch of new light tanks instead of this most waited M103-T110.

  151. What is the Jagdpanzer E100 meant to be.
    is it the Jagdtiger Turret on another Hull?
    or is it going to be a bigger Jagdpanther?

    Any chance for a TechTree Revision update? so we konw where to go to get the new stuff as sonn as its going to be released?

  152. If they make Jagdtiger v2... that would be stupidest thing to do...

  153. Q: Will T110 have any role as a damage dealer in clan wars? Or are we destined to grind to E-100 to get that ~750 Alpha damage again?

  154. Q: Will T30 get AT-version of T7 when it gets ner^H^H^Hmoved into TD-tree? Will it lose great portion of turret traverse speed in the process?

  155. Q: Jagdpanther E100 it's Krocodil ? and with what gun ? 150 or 170mm ?

  156. woulda been nice if they planned the KV-2/KV-1 and T-150 earlier than 2012... been holding onto mine for the past 4 months with 100% crew EACH, 90% camo EACH, and ELITE status EACH. now that i know i got a long way to go it kinda makes me feel empty cuz i rushed myself to get those crews trained and elite the tanks... KV was a pain in the ass, but the S-51 was worth it!

  157. i've had the KV-3 and KV for 4 months >.> sorry the screen glitched up and couldn't fix the error there lol

  158. so much to do, send my thanks on overlord, staff must be working hard, excellent game

  159. Q1: Since we are not getting the M103 or the T110 this year, will you buff the T34 and the T30?
    Q2: As I know you are going to say no buffs are planned, why aren't you going to buff them?
    Q3: Given the probable answer to that question is "because our statistics show that this tanks have higher win rates bla bla bla", why won't you at least buff them so they are as invulnerable to lower tier tanks (tiers 6 and below) as their counterparts?

  160. Jagtiger 2? Dontcha mean jagtiger 3? Seeing that there will be the deprivation-era premium JT with long 88. Jagtigers FOR EVERYONE!!! Aaaaaagh! You're so great Opra- eeeh- Overlord!

  161. Hi Overlord,
    Could you detail a bit what "Expanded Battle statitics" means ?
    If you ask me (i know you won't, but let's imagine you do), i'd like to know which tanks I destroyed, how many times and with which of my tanks. Right now, we only have the number of kills but not what they were. For instance, with my JadgTiger, how many IS7 I destroyed.
    Is that what you intend to display to us ?
    That'd be nice.

    Oh, and French Tanks rulz. Can't wait to drive one.

  162. I've been hoping for a minimap enhancement, will it include a blinking icon when a tanker requests help?????

  163. This is sad more than anything else. Several things you have already finished months ago (and if not, then your "company" is more inept and a bigger liar than I imagined) are pushed till next year. What's the logic in that? Game modes are split into two quarters? You've had the game out for how long, and are just now getting into new game modes (sinfully late), and have the gall to delay them even further? You people need someone to keep you morons in shape and on track, preferably someone good with a whip.

    What's especially interesting is how so many soviet tanks will be released far before the finished m103 tank. Way to be transparent about your russian bias, once again.

    If anything, the things that really matter, like adding the much needed physics patch (your maps are awful enough as is, but your method of unnaturally gluing tanks to them is by far one of the dumbest moves in the history of game creation), and the much much needed matchmaking service fix (you obviously don't even play your game. How can you tell what needs doing otherwise), are being delayed so can add more worthless features to charge gold for..

    That's pretty much the golden rule for your shitstorm of a company, isn't it? If you can't get gold for it, then fuck it! Add more premium tanks!

    The icing on this cake is the part where it says "Release plans stated above are subject to change." Which means we probably won't see anything that we actually want till close to 2013. Dumbass can never keep their shit together.

  164. Lots of cool stuff to look forward too :)

    One request please. 5 man platoon's a little sooner please!

  165. Take care everyone! I shall return when the American tanks are finally released next year!

  166. @the long post by anonymous user 2 posts above me.
    I can answer a few of your criticisms.

    Of all the things currently being planned, only the M103 is actually technically "oomplete". why that's being delayed is baffling, but no where did any of the devs ever state that the new game modes were ready for release.

    The devs aren't biased. Russian tanks aren't OP [except KV-3 and IS-4]. Learn to play.

    The physics are completely beyond their control. They can't do anything until Bigworld updates their game engine. Also, I don't know of many people who view the physics update as being a particularly high priority issue.

    So, in other words, you either don't pay enough attention on the forums, or you just fail. I'm hoping the former since its easy enough to resolve.

  167. EDIT: Change that to 3 posts above me.

  168. Q: "What to expect in WoT in the near future?"

    A: "Your head on a plate, filthy vermin."

  169. Great, now I don't know if I should buy the T34 or wait for the Stug-E-100 and buy it right away, when it comes out ^^

    I'm exited about the 150mm gun stats for the stug.

    Already having the JT, can you tell us, if the 88/71 JT is also going to be tier 9?

    It would be a quite underwelming tank destroyer with a gun that is even outperformed by the JP's 105mm cannon and that is tier 7!

    Any infos on the duration of the non premium camoflage?


  170. @anonymous above me.

    Most likely it will be tier 8. The 88mm gun is completely unacceptable by tier 9. Even at tier 8 its not so great, but it should hopefully have very good armor [same as Jagdtiger, but it has... weird issues/bugs that hopefully won't carry over]. Also, tier 8 premiums seem to be a general trend and I don't see them releasing tier 9 or 10 prems any time soon.

    Sturmtiger may be an exception.

  171. I don't see the physics issue as pressing either, I am avidly looking forward to French and British tank lines along with different game modes.

    As to MM and Spotting and such I have made my peace with them, the game is NOT a tank-sim so put the thought in the closet. Trust me you'll enjoy the game more.

    There is some bias in some models towards Russian vehicles but I have come to accept that too, it is after all made by Russians :) Plenty of American games that favor American things too. The KV [1 & 2 at tier 5 still gets me steamed sometimes ... but is all good]. Latter tiers I don't know, my panther does well enough against most things.

    Would like to see the Howitzer's that are mounted on TD's and traditional tanks effected by the armor of the targets more [American 75mm M3, 105mm SPH M4L23 and 122mm M-30S] shouldn't be guaranteed damage weapons. Etc

    Overall though great job you guys have done, my monies been well invested in the game thus far.

  172. Some of you would do well to remember that WOT is a game, and tailor your negative hysteria accordingly.

  173. THx to the WG team, after all the criticism and bashing, lol , me included a road map, i really like all of the coming stuff. ALL is important.
    one thing i miss though what about bigger maps.
    if you worried put them first in CW or you can choose map size prior to the game.

  174. Has there been any information regarding the reintroduction of arty tracers? Using tracers to hunt down enemy artillery was a good chunk of the fun in being an arty.

  175. Was actually expecting the Panzer I in 2011 which would be nice for historic battles on lower tiers and balancing at these tiers is probably easier than in higher tiers ;-)

  176. It's a good thing "StuG E100" was switched for "JagdPanzer E100"! Already saving up for the Krikodil on my Ferdi...

    How about fixing the awful balancer and the UP E100 while you are at it?

  177. I hope the camos will not be consumables, I want ambush camo on all my tanks! Oh and the Krokodil was designed to mount the 175mm gun and not the 150mm gun...

  178. I want ask something out of the topic sir. if u dont't mind.
    is there any possibility of cut lowe prices on special events. because I really wanted it. but of course with old price. if the lowe price discounted even only one day, .. I would definitely buy it (pls give me second chance, I am very sorry not to buy it before the price goes up). and I believe many people want this, especially in my clan.. thx for your attention

  179. Lets just hope the physics force players to use brain when theyre hit top speeds of 70kmh. Because high speed should have some downside.

  180. Hello Overlord,
    first of all, thank you for all the background information you share with the community. It's always a plesure to read your Blog.
    Now to the Part I why I wrote this replay:
    In times most Computers got Dual-/Quadcore CPU's, is there a Multicore CPU Support planed?
    Best Regards

  181. Anonymous said...
    I hope the camos will not be consumables, I want ambush camo on all my tanks! Oh and the Krokodil was designed to mount the 175mm gun and not the 150mm gun...

    As far as we know, there will be three types of camos. A gold consumable, that gives you a bonus to not being detected. A gold visuals only camo that is permanent and a ingame money version that only lasts a couple of days (exact amount of time wasn't anounced yet.

    Stug E-100 won't be getting the 170mm because it is tier 9 and has to be balanced to other tier 9 TD's. And you don't want a 170mm gun with a pen of 190mm, do you?


  182. As always, important stuff (matchmaking / tracers) is left behind...

  183. wow...already waited for months to have my is4 tier 10 because IS7 is weak...and now i'll have to wait again..ok, no need to play til then

  184. sounds very interesting , but you should count with another 3 months together with theyr planned release dates .....

  185. Q: In times most Computers got Dual-/Quadcore CPU's, is there a Multicore CPU Support planed?

    A: The engine doesn't support it, that's the problem. Still planning to enable this feature, however there is no ETA for it.

  186. Q: Would you explain the feature "Commanders Chart?"

    Q: Is a MMS hot fix for tier 8 arty possible? Soon?
    (the 16 arty battles suck hard)

  187. New skills and perks will be introduced like secondary are now? At the moment you need some insane numbers to max-out third skill.

  188. Q: KV-220 ETA for EU server?
    Q2: Retail version for EU server ETA?
    Q3: IS-6 ETA?

  189. M46 Patton does not earn any money, it is too expensive to play, can you fix this?

  190. Overlord, will you keep us up to date with posts like this? as soon as it is clear that something will be delayed or so?

  191. How about the volunteer functionality? It was mentioned in the "Look to the Future" post, but I can't find anything about it here.

  192. I really would like to see much bigger maps in WoT. Though i know you have problems with the engine, i hope you will be able to solve them fast :)

  193. If the JP e-100 gets the 170mm alternative gun, it should be HE gun with same stats as e-100 150mm and with just increased HE DMG. Gun for fun. :) But thats unreal realy. Check out the GW-Tiger 170mm gun, how big that thing is :)

  194. Hi. I have a question about VK 3601 H. Now it is a medium tank. On the Tech Tree Germany it is a heavy. Can you explain this?

  195. IMHO VK 3601 H gets changed later. They'll probably need a reason to remove its konische ;-)
