Thursday, August 11, 2011

We have got 5.000.000 Worldwide! is proud to announce that our headlining project World of Tanks has celebrated its 1-year anniversary.

Over the past year, World of Tanks has become an AAA project highly acclaimed by media and players around the globe, which is proved by multiple awards by respected gaming publishing houses.

On the eve of the anniversary, World of Tanks has reached a tremendous milestone of 5,000,000 registered accounts worldwide.

One of the most notable achievements is the Guinness World Record set on 23 January, 2011, when the peak number of concurrent users reached 91,311. However, the PCCU number has been steadily growing since the record day and is now topping 172,000.
World of Tanks also boasts 100,000+ likes on Facebook offering a special event.

Follow the updates! The presents for 1-year anniversary are to be announced shortly.


  1. Evil overlord, evil!!! Making us wait sooo long.

    But, congratz to us all.

    Q: Do we need to bring our swimming trunks to the party?

  2. Q: Evil overlord, evil!!! Making us wait sooo long.

    A: Me? Im the kindest person. )

  3. 5000000?...I see active mostly only <10000 players on the NA server...

  4. The US server isn't nearly as populated, there's 10 times that daily on the RU from what I've seen on the TEST and RU server

  5. A: Me? Im the kindest person. )

    That just proves the world is doomed. DOOMED I tell ya!!! ;-)

  6. Congrats to this Overlord + WG. I'm really curious about what he event is.. I really hope for half priced tanks (all).

  7. I'm getting stupidly excited over here...can't wait to spend my weekend tanking!

  8. happy birthday to u, happy birtday to u, happy birthday dear World of Tanks,mhappy birthday to u! ;) grats from germany!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Can you please tell us the average population on the different servers (peak simultaneous players a day)? Example:
    RU Server: 150.000
    EU Server: 38.000
    US Server: 25.000

  11. Q: Can you please tell us the average population on the different servers (peak simultaneous players a day)?

    A: Peaks are as follows:
    RU - 173k
    EU - 41k
    US - 17k

  12. Have you guys ever thought of a server merge or a choice to join an international sever?

  13. OK, I think you need to do a few advertisements in North america to get some new flow of people and increase income some(dont let it go to yalls heads)and btw why did players going for the Tiger get thrown under the bus with the new Tiger and having (for me anyway)to go back to PZ IV to get to it?

  14. The way to make a film is to begin with an earthquake and work up to a climax.
    —Cecil B. de Mille

    I can say the same about informations of incoming event...

  15. @Snipe4Food - BLASPHEMY !! Seriously though, when there was one server for US and EU most players pings were around 100+!! - and that's hardly playable.

  16. A wonderful game, thanks for that

  17. Ah ok... the peak players explains, why it is more important for you to take care of the russian users (= stronger russian tanks), than to react to the disappointed eu/us players.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Malukti - not at all, this isn't quake, gameplay is pretty slow, 50ms doesn't change anything. I (european) play on NA by accident and i have cca 150 ping.

    Merge servers -> More players -> Better Matchmaking -> Less QQ -> More PewPew -> ??? -> Profit

  20. @Malukti I'm in the US and average 120 ping and i play just fine

  21. @Anonymous ??? = Higher Ping or?

  22. Ping is for girls

  23. I you only kill by ramming ping is less important.

  24. "to be announced shortly."... How long is shortly? ...exactly...

  25. I live in Asia and play with 300+ ping in NA server and it's not a big problem (400+ with EU server). But if WG merge servers and have more pp in 1 server we will have better matchmaking

  26. Leo, whats your ping on RU server?

  27. I don't test on RU server so I don't know what ping it will be but when I join test server (patch 0.6.5, 0.6.6) it's 300+ like NA server (now I'm play in NA server with 5000+ battle)

  28. I like presents...and cookies too.

  29. At one point, when this game population goes even lower (wowp release) the merger will be almost inevitable.

  30. Hoping for a 75% sale on all items.

  31. just click the blue text and it will tell you the event is 5x when it reaches 200k likes on facebook.

  32. How are the 5.000.000 spread amongst the three servers ?

  33. that is a different event @ anon 7:12PM

  34. Yea i would like to see a 50% price drop on all vehicles .)

  35. Think I read it was 24 hours of prem for free

  36. tht was the first present...... hopefully not the last >.>

  37. No reason to merge. You think a higher population will change the ratio of Good:Bad? The ratio of Good:Bad players seeded into games will stay the same. 25k players on the NA server are more than enough ... though I wouldn't complain if more peeps in NA would sign on to play to keep the game viable.

  38. Grats.

    And thank you. Since veryone could play it 4 free. :)

  39. You are celebrating 5 Mil registered users while there still isn't an function to delete account and you are also ignoring all support tikets for account deletion?

    I'm happy to have support from german magazine "GameStar" since 2 month to show Guinness World Records limited this bunch of cheating.

  40. I do think the US server would be better with more people. I can tell the difference between 7k and 14k people online in terms of game quality. While a smaller difference, increasing to 30k would likely produce some benefit. This mostly applies to matchmaking.

  41. Well what happens when BF3 comes out? I know that they will lose me along with almost every other friend i know that plays this game.

    Unless they fix the matchmaking and tanks, really i will play a max of 6 hours a week after BF3 is released. And expect this from a HUGE chunk of the gaming community unless they get their act together and worry more about balancing and making the matchmaking system better instead of popping out little premium light tanks no one wants.

  42. Yep. The Matchmaking is the worst point about WoT beside the general balance.
    Its so fucking frustrating for new players to grind through T3-4 als Medium / Light... T2 is nice, the worst u could get is T3, the Best T1, so u are nearly always in the middle. But for T3+ it would be good, if u have MAXIMUM 2 Tiers above and below, where the number of the highest Tier Tanks shouldnt exceed 2-4

    Tier 3 worst Case: Tier 3 - 5 Battle with 3-4 T5 Tanks.
    Tier 4 worst Case: Tier 4 - 6 Battle with 3-4 T6 Tanks.
    Tier 5 worst Case: Tier 5 - 7 Battle
    Tier 5 best Case: Tier 3 - 5 Battle as one of the 3-4 T5 Tanks.

    And so on for higher Tiers. It would lower much more the frustration level.

  43. Hoping for double or more exp for the whole day =)

    Cheaper items dont mean much are credits are so easy to earn anyway =)

  44. Do you still proud about your project? Do you think you can keep such a big community by ignoring them? A lot of players complaint about many things and your answer is still the same = new content to broken game...SPGs = hand of god(high tier SPG is noob OP weapon), matchmaking is broken since beta, spotting system is just a joke...Do you have any plan to solve this? I got an answer on the forum that you have not enough resources to solve this answer true?...if yes it pointless to spend any money in this broke game...Do you really want to keep this new content policy over solving problems, game tunnings and bug fixes?...if so you are killing the game...

  45. Merging the servers sounds like a really good idea to me, though that could be very difficult for the developers.

  46. So its well into Aug 12th any news on the suprise? I woke up early just to see it =D!!

  47. Same here! I want some news Overlord !

  48. overlrd said...

    WG is proud to present the awaited 1 year aniversary present:


  49. Overlord.... give us some cookies ! We are obedient kids.

    HAVE FUN! "


  51. Over 5 million registed accounts. Yet still you keep pouring shit on community. Get the American tanks fixed ffs.

  52. Overlord,

    Please update the indevelopment page of the website.


  53. Q: Overlord,

    Please update the indevelopment page of the website.

    A: It will be updated soon.

  54. how about free garage slot for everyone?

    or US Heavy fix.

  55. q

    when does new ussr update patch comes??

  56. I was just wondering, out of those 5.000.000 accounts, how many of them are active accounts?

    Looking at the player page, doing a random search brings up a lot of accounts with 0 games played.

    Thought it would be cool to see how many actually played this game on a regular basis.
