Thursday, August 4, 2011

Scouts Incoming

A bunch of light tanks is planned to be introduced into the game in the near future.

Tier 4 Soviet light tank T-50 is one of them.

Weight - 13.8 t
Crew - 4
Vehicles produced - 75 (starting 1940)
Primary armament - 45 mm 20-K

Tier 5 Soviet light tank T-50-2. Prototype that never entered mass production with 57mm planned.


  1. Dont worry about this one, traverse speed and weight wont be nerfed to make it heavy-like lololololol


  2. It sounds OP as well. Why? Why devs? Why do you want to create so OP tanks?

    World of USSR Tanks, I hate it. -.-"

  3. Please, don't start this whining again...

    Looks promising, thanks for the pictures!

  4. Q: It sounds OP as well. Why? Why devs? Why do you want to create so OP tanks?

    A: Yes, it's OP on default. And you know why..

  5. lol nice repost Ovi +1 rep XD

  6. I would like to ask ETA for:
    1. stug E-100 and his gun
    2. new USA heavies
    3. new USSR heavies

    thx for ans

  7. Like it already.

    Leo for the Russian tree.

    It would be nice if the A20 and Pz38NA can then be removed from scout duties.

  8. Will matchmaking for tier 4 light tanks change when tier 5 lights are introduced?

  9. overlord..u closed the comment box for 6.6 patch??


    this tank - useless..a 20 rulezz..cause its russian

  10. it is op cause ... SOVIETS ARE GODS.. and i make pee on them

  11. Guys, A20 is much worse than Pz38t and Leopard, every one says that grinding trough it is painful.

    T50 itself looks interesting, didn't T127 got same chassis? And what will be next - Chaffee or VK2801?

  12. Ok. Looks nice.

    Any word on T34 "premium-making" patch and/or new American T9 Heavy - 6.7 or whatever number that comes later ?

  13. I have the need, the need for speed. I purchased the A-32 and looking forward to this one. Are we talking low 60s, high 60s, or 70+?

  14. The real speed of this crap vehicle was 35 km/h. In the game it will be at least 60...

  15. The real top speed was 50-60 km/h.

    Maybe chech it out, before you write such things.

    I know you are just trolling btw.

  16. Nobody cares about your A-20 palette swap, wargaming.

  17. Oh my, a t4 Russian tank to challenge the Leo for the low tier scouting role ;)

    WHY am i surprised again? xD

  18. I"m personally looking forward to the Chaffee, so quit teasing with this worthless Russian stuff ;-)

  19. Still no word on whether we'll be able to buy the kv-220 on the NA/EU servers or not..

  20. Please make sure this tank can and will easily pen all German tanks including T10, to further twist the knife. You guys got them good nerfing the E-series tanks into oblivion at the last moment with test 3 and it going live within 2 days. That'll teach the German sympathizing swine-dogs.

    I have a poster of Stalin and Putin riding a white stallion without shirts on the ceiling above my bed.

  21. New US heavy tank М103, a substitution to Т34 as tier 9 US heavy tank.
    Soviet heavy tank IS-4 shift to tier 10 and introduction of Object 252 as new tier 9 Soviet heavy tank.

    where is these tanks now? even its outdated news. people need to know why its not coming this patch

  22. I used to go to various forums and post the news and patch information from this game. I will not anymore though, as I'm sick of how the developers are biased and don't care about their fans. No more buying gold neither. I'm done.

    I'm sick of being treated like a 3rd rate citizen.

    You guys don't care about me or your fans, I don't care about you and your employment.

    Those sneaky last second E-series nerfs (outside of the needed armor nerf on the E-75) were uncalled for.

  23. This thing looks awesome!

    Who wants to bet it can spank an E-100???

  24. "A: Yes, it's OP on default. And you know why.. "

    Nice one Overlord! I lol'd.

  25. This tank rules if only because it has a lumberjack saw strapped to it. Badass.

  26. Leopard is OP, so they make an OP Russian tank.

  27. We all know light tanks are in 90% of games just useles hardware and you bombard us with this crap just move slowly to cold war era you wont go wrong and add some more modern tanks to Germans i allready heard E100 is garbage exept new look too many cube chape tanks on germans add some sloped models.

  28. I'm guessing that 6.7 will include the T-50-2, the M24 and the VK 2801 as well? :)

  29. Looks like a miniature IS.

    What's the top speed going to be?

    I had a Leopard but hated the scout role so I sold it. I might give this tank a spin but I'd rather just scout with a medium tank so I could at least defend myself when I'm getting shot at.

  30. judging from leight of gun it wont penetrate anything on tier 6-10 tanks and tier5 light will be with thoose tanks on map. And thats just silly.

  31. The gun is already in the game - stock gun on T-46. It is tier 2 gun with 51 pen and 47 damage.

    Next time try to do some research before whining

  32. Now if only this tank didn't have to go up against tier 7's and 8's...

  33. I dont give a FUCK!!!!
    WG is not able to get a good balance between RUS, GER and US Tanks (best example is the new E100/75/50) but they are going to put out some new PREMIUM tanks to get more cash.
    Guys thats a MMO so the comunity is the most important part of the game!!!

    SO Fuck Off Iam out

  34. Overlord, when will the Tier 5 light tanks be added ?

  35. "The gun is already in the game - stock gun on T-46. It is tier 2 gun with 51 pen and 47 damage.

    Next time try to do some research before whining "

    Go away you troll, read it again what i said is true, there is no tier 6-10 tank with armor thinner than average on that gun except arty.

  36. Pretty transparent play here, Overlord. "Hey guys, we know you're angry about this whole "E-series" thing, but it's okay! Look, a new tank! Isn't it pretty! It's shiny! Just forget about the past and look forward to the future! A future full of shiny new tanks!"

    You make me sick.

  37. Looks nice... but when are the rest of the light "T" tanks planed to come? (T-60, T-70 & T-80)

  38. THe E-Series is the future.
    And yes its great a new premium Tank, another useless one.

  39. here you can see the next tank - T50-2:

  40. Premium tank? i cant see any.

  41. About the E-serie
    6.6 test1
    E100 was lets say OK
    E75 was good
    E50 war pretty good

    6.6 test2
    E100 got nerfed -> crapp
    E75 was good
    E50 was pretty good

    6.6 test3 final
    E100 got buffed -> great 7mm more pen -> crap
    E75 got nerfed -> crap
    E50 got nerved -> crap

    WG great job

  42. Dont care about new Tanks.
    Try to balance the Tanks you have already in Game.
    Wont be fooled again by you just adding new things to keep people focused on something else and not on your FAIL Balance ingame.


  43. Q: Overlord, when will the Tier 5 light tanks be added ?

    A: In the next patch after 6.6

  44. Hey Overlord. Here's a hint: Next time don't give us a test server to try things out on. Because that test server is what has everyone so worked up. You gave us the E-series we were promised. Then, right before our eyes, you proceeded to calmly and methodically take it apart. After you had stripped it of all its uniqueness, you gave us the remains and said "here, have fun!"

    What you did with the Test Server was the business equivalent of a psychopath getting us a pet for our birthday. You showed us the pet and told us how awesome it was. Then, you proceeded to tie the pet down, grab a razor, and vivisect the still living animal right in front of our eyes. After you were done and the pet was dead, you gave us the mutilated carcass and told us to take good care of it.

    If you had just released them as crappy tanks from the get-go, everyone would have been "Oh, well it was bound to happen. Stupid Russians." And that would have been the end of it. But you gave us a taste of how they could have been. THAT'S why everyone is so angry. THAT'S why people are screaming Boycott. If you want the players to shut up and send in money for your virtual tanks, DON'T let the players try out a tank before you finish "balancing" it.

  45. Q: Pretty transparent play here, Overlord. "Hey guys, we know you're angry about this whole "E-series" thing, but it's okay! Look, a new tank! Isn't it pretty! It's shiny! Just forget about the past and look forward to the future! A future full of shiny new tanks!"

    A: Nope, everything is even more transparent than you think. Today is Thursday - just the time for a new content.

  46. Anonymous said...

    I dont give a FUCK!!!!
    WG is not able to get a good balance between RUS, GER and US Tanks (best example is the new E100/75/50) but they are going to put out some new PREMIUM tanks to get more cash.
    Guys thats a MMO so the comunity is the most important part of the game!!!

    SO Fuck Off Iam out
    August 4, 2011 9:47 PM

    I say : One player down. -1 for WG

    its not supprising that in the next few months more players will leave.

  47. Maybe I made a mistake. I didnt see the light tanks in the patch notes.

    I ment the Russians T-50-2, the Germans VK2801 and American M24.

  48. great job overlord only comment posts that not criticise WG or you

  49. Q: Overlord, please provide info for 0.6.7, what tanks will it include in the game?

  50. Q: Overlord, please provide info for 0.6.7, what tanks will it include in the game?

    A: I can confirm 3 tier 5 light tanks, Sherman Jumbo, and T-50 for now.

  51. Q: great job overlord only comment posts that not criticise WG or you

    A: thx buddy. you are welcome

  52. Q: great job overlord only comment posts that not criticise WG or you

    A: thx buddy. you are welcome
    August 4, 2011 10:20 PM

    nothing more to say !!!!!!!!

  53. Isn't the jumbo sherman a medium tank? One that has more frontal armor than a tiger?

  54. Just so you know, you are really, REALLY bad at this whole "customer relations" thing.

  55. If these get put in with IS 3 and not other light tanks im going to be pissed

  56. More than a game...haha

  57. Q. Do you know if this update with the tier 5 light tanks is going to coincide with the French tree and it's high level (read: 7) light tanks?

  58. "Overlord said...
    Q: It sounds OP as well. Why? Why devs? Why do you want to create so OP tanks?

    A: Yes, it's OP on default. And you know why..
    August 4, 2011 6:31 PM"

    Its sad because its true..

  59. Are we going to get US heavy on 6.7 patch??

  60. Wil there be a chance to buy the kv-220 on the EU server?

    that will need way less work than this totally new tanks...

  61. I can't even tell if people are being sarcastic or not. Are people seriously complaining that the T-50 and T-50/2 are going to be OP? They both look like lunchmeat. Granted, very fun lunchmeat to play as, but lunchmeat none the less.

  62. Hey Overlord, you really should learn fluent English before trying to be cheeky.

  63. overlord please make a poll of overall satisfaction of customers.

    [take note customers not just players, why?
    because we pay]

  64. Omfg, change the TK system!

    I teamkilled one russian guy ingame because he took a shot on me when i took his spot.

    After that every match i turn into blue, and ofc every triggerhappy russians shoot me directly!

  65. we are not important then this game and will surely lose its profitability.
    people will get tired of waiting to get better experience. you know it!

  66. YEY! more tanks coming! but the old ones cant fix yet! specially those american tanks.


  67. Dont care anymore, E-series my last hope for WOT got so nerfed i wont play or pay foir this anymore!!! Over and OUT...

  68. T-50-2 has KV-style frontal hull armor layout.

    KV-13 Jr?

  69. this is a great game! to russian tank owners! and now germans too!

    btw devs should hurry fixing imbalance in this game. before they lose all players.

    they shoulda fix it a week after 6.6 or else!

  70. "Tupinambis said...
    I can't even tell if people are being sarcastic or not. Are people seriously complaining that the T-50 and T-50/2 are going to be OP? They both look like lunchmeat. Granted, very fun lunchmeat to play as, but lunchmeat none the less."

    No, t-50 will be simple faster,smaller, more agile, harder to spot than leopard, with lower armor or other insignificant stuff for a scout (for ballance ofc ).

  71. If you guys can make a better game go ahead and make one. If not.... Less QQ, More PewPew

  72. I know you guys are angry but take it from an old timer like me. WOT is the best tank game since Steel Panthers and Panzer General... This is almost 20 years ago! This gives some perspective. I will keep playing this game for a while.

  73. Can you tease us more please!?

  74. "Xathanael said...
    If you guys can make a better game go ahead and make one. If not.... Less QQ, More PewPew"

    You miss the point, everyone who rants about dev bias, unballance, etc care about this game much more than most of those who stay quiet those who stay quiet, its a constructive criticism.

  75. Eh, I say we need this:

  76. All those crybabies are really annoying

  77. I cant see those good players I have seen in the game with every tank crying like these people. I just think you should be the typical camper with a 3002DB, the sniper with a T44, the alone charging IS7, the scout that hide behind a bush behind his base... Real pro players who can get most of his tanks

  78. In regards to T-50 being a better scout than Leopard, maybe, but its unlikely to be better than the T-15 at those same values (420 view range, 810 radio, over 25hp/ton (forget exact numbers) and very small). As for the T-50-2 It has to contend with the German Tier 5 light tank, which looks like an absolute monster of a Tier 5.

  79. Xathanael said...
    If you guys can make a better game go ahead and make one. If not.... Less QQ, More PewPew

    You're the lamest troll on this blog. Why don't you just say "UR MOM".

  80. the number of borderline personality disorders on display in the comments is worrying.

  81. "the number of borderline personality disorders on display in the comments is worrying."

    Being consistently lied to by the developers of a game you've sunk serious time and money into tends to bring out the worst in people.

    Especially when the liar doesn't bother explaining himself or his company's actions. Hell, he keeps on lying even after being called out on being a liar.

  82. More Russian tanks, yeeee!!!
    Who cares, you can keep them

  83. Lied to about what?

    Everyone just seems to be FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT over the fact that their favorite tanks aren't gonna be better than all the others. It's getting a little bit ridiculous.


  84. I have no idea why Overlord puts up with so much shit from the user base. Sorry if you feel like you've been cheated by the test server. Sorry if you think the E series isn't as strong as it should be - but guess what? You don't have to play the game if you hate the devs, hate WG's balance or think that the game is completely russian biased. You know that the devs won't listen to your whining. Why do you even try?

    No one wants to know that you're not going to be playing anymore. Just go away. Just go - don't be an attention whore and tell everyone that you're QQing off. we won't miss you. Good bye

  85. "More Russian tanks, yeeee!!!
    Who cares, you can keep them"

    Relax, VK2801 will be shown soon.

    @Arael "Being consistently lied to by the developers of a game you've sunk serious time and money into tends to bring out the worst in people."

    I'm dissapointed with current look of E-series (slow bricks) cause I hoped that that line will be line of fast heavys, I hoped that E-50 will be real fast and agile medium and I hoped that 150mm gun on E-100 will got at least 245mm of penetration. Of course now I hoping that devs (if a real look of E-series will be like test3) will make some balance adjustment to fit all Porsche panzers to fast heavys line (mobility buff for VK4502).
    But majority of the comments seems to be written by children, they very offensive and rude. There is no excuse for a behaving like this.

  86. Will the tier 4 lights get a match maker change with the tier 5 lights release?

  87. "Anonymous said...
    Will the tier 4 lights get a match maker change with the tier 5 lights release?"
    Well i have just now realized that it is one way to fu** up the leopard (it will be pretty useless as an offensive tank compared to pzIII when facing smillar tiers).

    On a different note, have you ever wondered why germans are the first to get second hevy line? My theory is thah most of the german tankers switched to russian/us tanks and as the game without cannon fodder can get pretty boring they found a way increase the number of thargets for ru tankers.

  88. plasot said...
    " But majority of the comments seems to be written by children, they very offensive and rude. There is no excuse for a behaving like this."

    We've tried be nice and reasonable with the developers. God knows we have. But no matter what we try they still ignore us and treat us like we should lick the soles of their feet for allowing us to give them money. A lot of us are sick of our opinions being ignored or belittled. We're tired of the developers demanding respect from us while not giving us, their customers, any respect. We're sick of it, and for many the whole E-series fiasco was the final straw. The method in which they released the E-series has left an extremely bitter taste in many people's mouths, and that's why you're seeing infantile responses.

  89. I haven't seen them treat anyone like you say Arael, unless you mean not taking the pathetic shit people like you fling with a smile and actually responding to you in a way that is deserved, with humourous scorn. Grow up and learn2play tbh.

  90. Arael said...
    "The method in which they released the E-series has left an extremely bitter taste in many people's mouths, and that's why you're seeing infantile responses."

    All I see is angry pro-German tankers (I have said this before and it still seems to be happening) bashing on anything non German and threatening to quit/stop paying/boycott/disrespect the developers because their favorite tanks as not as powerful as they think they should be.

    If that is not childish and immature approach to the issue, then I do not know what is.

    If you are going to pick apart the developers for not balancing a tank properly, you will have to make a genuine effort that shows a logical thought process.

    The developers released 3 test patches before the final one, just like other game companies would have done. They did not ignore input, it was probably considered but at the end, they are the ones that ultimately have to make a game balance choice. They may simply not agree with your points. Such is the process that just about all games go through as they mature.

  91. Im going to be ungrateful and say to Overlord that you and wargaming need to change the fundamental game mechanics before bothering to release new light tanks.
    Because as the game currently stands light scout tanks are worthless.

    Suggests that think outside of the box.

    -Scout tanks damn near invisible except for other scout tanks.
    -Only scout tanks have long view ranges.
    -Scouts have a 15sec count in timer.
    -Scouts can leave the map boundaries. Effectively the maps are bigger for scouts only so that they can flank etc.

  92. hows about you balance the ones you have ingame atm? T-54's bouncing 5 out of 5 shots from point blank yet none of the 7 he fired did! Russian biased piece of shit game!

  93. Ehm maybe totally of topic... but I hope someone can help me... I´m new and drive a T14 and I really like this Tank... Staufen_EU... Now my Question to Overlord: I was on the Testserver and Tank was gone:( What those it mean? I lose my tank and get another or can I keep him (what I really like).

    Thx for any help or link about this topic.^^

  94. Q: in this promotion video at 0.22secs theres a picture where it says "Hello Versager", can you please explain what that means?

  95. Forgot the link to the video.. Im an idiot... so again:

    in this promotion video at 0.22secs theres a picture where it says "Hello Versager", can you please explain what that means?

  96. "Ehm maybe totally of topic... but I hope someone can help me... I´m new and drive a T14 and I really like this Tank... Staufen_EU... Now my Question to Overlord: I was on the Testserver and Tank was gone:( What those it mean? I lose my tank and get another or can I keep him (what I really like).

    Thx for any help or link about this topic.^^"

    Arrg I´m a fool...forget the in the Garage button is all rgr... is still in the Shop... so forget my question


  97. Flakker2 said...
    All I see is angry pro-German tankers (I have said this before and it still seems to be happening) bashing on anything non German and threatening to quit/stop paying/boycott/disrespect the developers because their favorite tanks as not as powerful as they think they should be.

    If that is not childish and immature approach to the issue, then I do not know what is.

    If you are going to pick apart the developers for not balancing a tank properly, you will have to make a genuine effort that shows a logical thought process.

    The developers released 3 test patches before the final one, just like other game companies would have done. They did not ignore input, it was probably considered but at the end, they are the ones that ultimately have to make a game balance choice. They may simply not agree with your points. Such is the process that just about all games go through as they mature."

    1: The "German Fanboys" have a valid point. Russian Medium and heavy tanks have, on average, better speed, armor, guns, and camouflage than at-tier German tanks. The ONLY high-tier German tank considered to be a match for its counterpart is the King Tiger. Anything tier 5 and up can penetrate any German Heavy on the side(excluding the Maus). Meanwhile, you need an at-tier gun or a lot of luck to penetrate any Russian Heavy Tier 6 and up due to their insane slopes. As if the armor wasn't bad enough, German guns lack firepower compared to Russian guns, and their Rate of Fire does not make up for this lack of killing power. German tanks have massive weak-points that any idiot with a derp-gun could hit. Meanwhile you need a hugely accurate gun to hit any weak point on a Russian tank from anything over 50 meters.

    Okay, sure. The Russians are brawlers and the Germans are snipers. But the German tanks lack the camouflage to successfully snipe, as the Russians have the camouflage bonus. So by the time a German tank gets within effect gun range the target can already see him.

    German tanks are plain less effective than the Russian tanks in-game. The E-series was meant to counter this and give the Germans a "Russian style" tank. However, the patch version selected has given us an easily penetrated, oversized tank with a low-penetration gun, a repeat of the VK-4502, and a medium tank less agile than an IS-7.

    Asking for a properly balanced tank line is NOT childish, although you seem to think it is.

    2: Yes, the developers did do three separate tests of the tanks in question. However, the first test lasted about a week. That's plenty of time to get information about how the new tanks perform. The developers tweaked a few things, then started the second test. Again, it lasted about a week and they got plenty of information. They tweaked the tanks again, then released the third test. The third test lasted two days. After those two days, which is barely any time to collect a good statistical sample, they decided to release the third tweak, the one they had the least amount of information on AS WELL AS the one in which they were getting the most negative feedback about the tanks. Think about that. They released the patch that had the least amount of testing time AND the worst reputation. While the developers did do several tests, the speed in which they picked a mostly untested tweak package is downright sloppy.

  98. Overlord, a few questions.

    It says the T-50-2 had a 57mm planned. Will that be the ZiS-8 or ZiS-4?

    Any idea what the Sherman Jumbo will have for its top gun?

    Will the M103 replace the T34 heavy in the next patch (the same patch containing these light tanks?)

    Thanks in advance,


  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. To all who think that RU tanks are the best in game. Im here since closed beta and trust me - things going right now. I guess there isnt to much of you who remember how OverPowered T54 was. For now, I can tell you that really experienced driver can do twice than T54 - and I can prove it. ;)
    Its just an example but give a credit to E series. Learn how to play it right guys and then comment it however you want. Its to fresh to say last word.


  101. i can say after getting the 105 canon for my panther 2, i can punch a T-54 now :D but thats really a pain in the ass grinding a lot of exp

    i drive mostly german medium and TD, im not frustrated on german tanks, i did not say russian tanks are OP.

    but in order to counter those russian tanks you need to experience hell first before you enjoy.

  102. Pictures of the T-50-2 are not working...

  103. Hell true! Just like 130mm in close combat on IS-7 - mostly useless. Its hard to penetrate some big guys. With 200-300m distance - it can blow them away! So get the right way to use your puppys guys and things gonna looks much better.


  104. Asking for a properly balanced tank line is NOT childish, although you seem to think it is.

    No, I do not think that. I was commenting on the manner in which the responses were presented as childish, not the very act for asking for a properly balanced tank.

    There is a lot of things that you re missing in your broad analysis of Russian tanks. You do not mention their low accuracy and view range, giving another edge to the Germans in long range combat. You do not need excellent camo to be a sniper, just use other cover but keep the enemy engaged as far away as possible.

    Russian tanks flanks are also easily penned, just like the Germans. Maybe the IS-4 is a little better protected in this regard, but so is the Maus. The IS-4 has the drivers hatch as a weak spot, but its German counterpart, the VK4502B does not. Just about any tank is weak to flank and rear fire.

  105. gotta say

    new light tanks = much fun

    new E-series tanks - a little disappointing, but not going to comment too much until they have been in the crucible of main server combat for a while.

    Asshats constantly bagging WG - really getting old

    thanks for the update OL

    we would however like a new "In Development" time line for the US and RU heavy tank changeovers

  106. I have participated in beta and I am very disapointed in this chain of events. The amount of tanks nerfed from the German line and the American line (seperately) outnumber that of the Russian line. I only hear about nerfs to the Germans and Americans. While the Russian tanks take little to none. Ex: the Maus...its only advantage is its health and armor. Its speeds know, and its gun is mediocre compared to the competition. Now that its HP is being nerfed significantly, it is close to useless now. I paid good money to go up this line and all I get is a kick in the nuts from the devs.

    This game can sometimes be repetitive, DIVERSITY MAKES IT FUN. Now ppl will only go Russian line. Games will get boring and good customers will leave. Why they are choosing to F them in the A, I do not know.

    A Concerned Individual

  107. "Flakker2 said...

    Asking for a properly balanced tank line is NOT childish, although you seem to think it is.

    No, I do not think that. I was commenting on the manner in which the responses were presented as childish, not the very act for asking for a properly balanced tank.

    There is a lot of things that you re missing in your broad analysis of Russian tanks. You do not mention their low accuracy and view range, giving another edge to the Germans in long range combat. You do not need excellent camo to be a sniper, just use other cover but keep the enemy engaged as far away as possible.

    Russian tanks flanks are also easily penned, just like the Germans. Maybe the IS-4 is a little better protected in this regard, but so is the Maus. The IS-4 has the drivers hatch as a weak spot, but its German counterpart, the VK4502B does not. Just about any tank is weak to flank and rear fire."

    "Russian Guns are less Accurate" Only applies to the IS on the Heavy Line. compared to the Tiger, the IS has a full .1 deficiency in spread. The IS-3, IS-4, and IS-7 all have guns that are within .02 accuracy deviations from their German counterparts. That's nothing. Too, with the exception of the top gun for the VK4502 and Maus, the damage the Russians do is greater. A rather useful attribute for a sniper, wouldn't you say? Superior Damage, Easy to Hide, Accuracy near that of the "sniper" german guns. Which one is the sniper line again?

    "View range." Doesn't mean much in this game. What's the point in seeing 500 meters if your opponent can successfully hide his IS-3 in a bush 50 meters from your Tiger II? Let's face it, there are MAYBE 2 maps where you can successfully engage at the ranges the German tanks are "Designed to fight at". The rest of the time there's hills, scrub, houses, and everything else imaginable to get in the way of a long-range shot. To make things more fun, YOU don't need to rely on your tank's crappy viewing range. You can sap view range off the Patton nearby. So unless you're in a Russians-only map, you're able to overcome the View range deficiency through simple game mechanics.

    "Russian Tanks flanks are easily Penned" Really? I would've thought otherwise considering the number of times I've bounced long 88 shells off the 160mm thick side hull of an IS-4. How much does the IS-4's German Tier-mate have on the sides? 100mm? Slab sided 100mm? That even a Panzer IV can penetrate? Okay. So the sides of Russian Heavies are a scrub. how about the rear? 100mm. That's the same as the VK 4502, maybe I can penetrate the IS-4 there. Nope, too sloped. Long 88 takes one look at the rear armor, goes "screw THAT" and heads off to Vegas. Keep in mind this is a Tier 8 gun. Well, how about the 4502? Oh, slab back again. That's even assuming the IS will let you get behind him. With 25 degrees per second of traverse, you're only getting behind him if your team outnumbers him 3 to 1.

  108. Looks like overlord stoped to answer cuz he is busy with baning people who dont like the nerfing of E series and adding this ***** crap of tanks preety much i am too in a mood to stop playing this stupid game i expected lot better game just to say and i have 5000 battles allready so i know what am talking.

  109. Jesus Christ you people are all up in arms about \
    1. Something not even relevant to this blog post. Why are people complaining about E-series tanks in a post about Tier 5 scouts?

    And 2. You guys are complaining like the new tanks are total shit or something. They're not. They aren't as good as they were in test patch 1, sure, but the E-75 was flat-out OP, The E-50 had a 60% win rate vs the T-54 and Patton (and was thus OP) and the E-100 had a needlessly large HP pool.

    Since then, you got.
    1. an E-75 that's in Tier 9 instead of Tier 9.5
    2. An E-100 with a more logical HP pool, plus the 150mm gun has been improved.
    3. An E-50 that's balanced for what it is. Its a sniping medium, not a brawling one. Its a perfectly logical continuation of Panther -> Panther II -> E-50. None of those tanks are good for brawling.
    4. A Porsche Tiger and a new Tier 8 Heavy that are perfectly legitimate for their tiers.
    5. A premium tier 3 light that is absolutely incredible.
    6. A premium tier 5 medium that is everything anyone could have reasonably asked for.

    You think the USSR tanks are so much better? Have fun with your shit aim times, 0-armor view ports, and terribad accuracy.

  110. Q: Any words about their Radio- and Vision-Range?
    Thanks in Advance

  111. @Tupinambis

    Finally a realistic Comment about the new German Tanks.

  112. "Tupinambis said...

    Jesus Christ you people are all up in arms about \
    1. Something not even relevant to this blog post. Why are people complaining about E-series tanks in a post about Tier 5 scouts?

    And 2. You guys are complaining like the new tanks are total shit or something. They're not. They aren't as good as they were in test patch 1, sure, but the E-75 was flat-out OP, The E-50 had a 60% win rate vs the T-54 and Patton (and was thus OP) and the E-100 had a needlessly large HP pool.

    Since then, you got.
    1. an E-75 that's in Tier 9 instead of Tier 9.5
    2. An E-100 with a more logical HP pool, plus the 150mm gun has been improved.
    3. An E-50 that's balanced for what it is. Its a sniping medium, not a brawling one. Its a perfectly logical continuation of Panther -> Panther II -> E-50. None of those tanks are good for brawling.
    4. A Porsche Tiger and a new Tier 8 Heavy that are perfectly legitimate for their tiers.
    5. A premium tier 3 light that is absolutely incredible.
    6. A premium tier 5 medium that is everything anyone could have reasonably asked for.

    You think the USSR tanks are so much better? Have fun with your shit aim times, 0-armor view ports, and terribad accuracy."

    Yes. The E-75 was flat out OP. It was a good match for the IS-4 in that way. Funny how that particular tank didn't get any sort of tweak.

    Sniping Mediums is a bad idea. Mediums are supposed to exploit gaps, deliver thrusts, then retreat behind the heavies. The E-50 gave us, for a brief moment in time, a medium that could actually do that. Then destiny intervened and we instead get a "Medium" that's less agile than a IS-7.

    Adding 7 penetration to a tier 10 gun that can barely penetrate more than a KT's long 105 is an improvement? I thought this was a Tier 10 damage dealing heavy tank, not a cardboard box with a paintball gun. You NEED to load gold ammunition in that thing to even damage a Tier 9 or 10 tank. That's hardly balanced.

    Gee, small wonder that the 2 tanks introduced that you have to pay actual money for are rather good. If they weren't how would they sell them?

    Yeah, your aim is soooo bad. .02 higher than an equivalent tier German "sniper" heavy is totally makes it so you can't hit anything unless you're close enough to sneeze on it.

    Oh no, 0 armor viewports! How will I survive until the German Heavy gets within 50 meters so he's close enough to accurately target my viewport! Oh, if only the German had some sort of weak point that was large enough for my crap accuracy gun to hit while simultaneously blowing out the German tank's engine AND setting him on fire! If you want something to cry about, let the developers put your engine right behind that viewport.

  113. Last poster, perfection, everything you said was perfect. Thank you good sir, thank you. Oh and Overlord, when are you guys going to figure out that no one cares about light tanks? People aren't in the game to "scout" they are in the game to kick some ass. Forcing lights into higher tiers as scouts despite almost every person who has been put in that situation's displeasure is asinine and frankly unprofessional. Get a clue overlord, keep lights in tier that have other lights in them, Don't force a cardboard box to play with bricks.

  114. @ Ariel
    "Yes. The E-75 was flat out OP. It was a good match for the IS-4 in that way. Funny how that particular tank didn't get any sort of tweak."

    The E-75 was, by almost all accounts, better than the IS-4. The IS-4 was only distinctly better in terms of side armor. It was nearly invulnerable from the front, and even now is still very difficult to pen. the 130mm thick "weakpoint" that is the lower hull is hardly anything to complain about, especially when Tier 7 mediums can pen an IS-4 from the front. I'm not saying that the IS-4 isn't OP, but good God is it overrated.

    "Sniping Mediums is a bad idea. Mediums are supposed to exploit gaps, deliver thrusts, then retreat behind the heavies. The E-50 gave us, for a brief moment in time, a medium that could actually do that. Then destiny intervened and we instead get a "Medium" that's less agile than a IS-7."
    To some extent I agree, but:
    With the E-50 you had a medium tank that could both outsnipe the T-54 and Patton, and match them in a brawl 1v1. What the hell would the point to the other Tier 9 medium be?

    "Adding 7 penetration to a tier 10 gun that can barely penetrate more than a KT's long 105 is an improvement? I thought this was a Tier 10 damage dealing heavy tank, not a cardboard box with a paintball gun. You NEED to load gold ammunition in that thing to even damage a Tier 9 or 10 tank. That's hardly balanced."
    Well what? Is the extra pen somehow NOT an improvement? 235 pen isn't exactly low. The only things that can't handle from the front are: The Jagdtiger (if hull down), The T95, The Maus, Another E-100, and the American heavies.

    "Gee, small wonder that the 2 tanks introduced that you have to pay actual money for are rather good. If they weren't how would they sell them?"
    IDK Somehow people shoveled over money for the Russian premium tanks which are, by most accounts, garbage.

    "Yeah, your aim is soooo bad. .02 higher than an equivalent tier German "sniper" heavy is totally makes it so you can't hit anything unless you're close enough to sneeze on it."
    In many cases the aim time for Russian guns (especially heavies) is a full second higher than American and German counterparts.

    "Oh no, 0 armor viewports! How will I survive until the German Heavy gets within 50 meters so he's close enough to accurately target my viewport! Oh, if only the German had some sort of weak point that was large enough for my crap accuracy gun to hit while simultaneously blowing out the German tank's engine AND setting him on fire! If you want something to cry about, let the developers put your engine right behind that viewport. "

    The IS-4 viewport is not that hard to hit, especially if you're using a gun with .26 accuracy (E-50). Also with the E-series tanks, the engine has been moved to the back. With the IS-4 on the other hand, penetrating its lower hull may result in an ammo rack explosion (which, BTW, is another weakpoint). The main German weakpoints are the lower hull and the range finders. Range finders are tiny, and the lower hull is very easy to hide behind low cover, or simply aren't weak if the tank is angled.

  115. developers should be replaced, not the tanks!

  116. Tanks with no need... Fix the bunch of bugs in WoT 1st, then make such useless tanks... -.-

  117. Tupentinis said...
    "The E-75 was, by almost all accounts, better than the IS-4. The IS-4 was only distinctly better in terms of side armor. It was nearly invulnerable from the front, and even now is still very difficult to pen. the 130mm thick "weakpoint" that is the lower hull is hardly anything to complain about, especially when Tier 7 mediums can pen an IS-4 from the front. I'm not saying that the IS-4 isn't OP, but good God is it overrated."

    Oh really? Care to share with me what these Tier 7 mediums are? Because it's once in a blue moon when my King Tiger's Long 88 penetrates the front of an IS anywhere but on the viewport. Too, the viewport on the IS-4 is a small target. The E-75's weak underside armor takes up half the tank's front. There was a reason the German designers gave the E-75's upper and lower glacis equal amounts of armor. Because the lower glacis is absolutely huge. I thought armor values were the only thing the Developers considered "hands off," but I guess I was wrong.

    "To some extent I agree, but:
    With the E-50 you had a medium tank that could both outsnipe the T-54 and Patton, and match them in a brawl 1v1. What the hell would the point to the other Tier 9 medium be?"

    So because it was OP in both sniping and brawling they decided to completely destroy any medium-like mobility it had? They couldn't take off the sniping gun and make it a decent brawler? Face it, the E-50 had more than its fair share of nerfing. Making a tier 9 medium worse in every respect (apart from accuracy) then its immediate predecessor is going waaay too far.

  118. Tupentinis said...

    "Well what? Is the extra pen somehow NOT an improvement? 235 pen isn't exactly low. The only things that can't handle from the front are: The Jagdtiger (if hull down), The T95, The Maus, Another E-100, and the American heavies."

    Well, if we consider the penetration compared to all other tier 10 heavies the E-100 still comes out on bottom. There's a reason Tier 10 guns have such ridiculously high penetration ratings. The angled armor on the IS counts as being a LOT thicker than the stats suggest. You should know this, the Long 88 can penetrate 203mm of armor, but has a devil of a time penetrating the 160mm of the IS4. That's because the IS4's armor is a lot thicker due to those angles. Add in the fact that penetration falls off with distance AND the fact that the computer rolls dice within a certain range to see how much you actually penetrate, and you can see why Tier 10 tanks need a high penetration value. It's needed to overcome sloped armor, distance, and bad dice rolls. that's why the S-71 is considered a "god cannon" even though the Maus' 128 does as much damage. Because the S-71 has more penetration, and therefore is much more likely to penetrate despite distance, angle, and dice roll. The E-100's cannon has low penetration compared to other tier 10s, so it will have that much more trouble making penetrating hits on heavily armored, distant targets.

    " The IS-4 viewport is not that hard to hit, especially if you're using a gun with .26 accuracy (E-50). Also with the E-series tanks, the engine has been moved to the back. With the IS-4 on the other hand, penetrating its lower hull may result in an ammo rack explosion (which, BTW, is another weakpoint). The main German weakpoints are the lower hull and the range finders. Range finders are tiny, and the lower hull is very easy to hide behind low cover, or simply aren't weak if the tank is angled."

    So the IS-4's viewport isn't hard to hit, providing you use a gun which has yet to be released that has hereto unheard of levels of accuracy. I'll keep that in mind next time I face one in my Not-E50 tank. And really? The lower hull as a weak point? The lower hull on the IS-4 is a smaller target then the driver's hatch! You claim the lower hull on the German heavies is small and easily hidden, but the one on the Soviet tanks is even smaller and easier to hide.

    BTW, did three training tests with a clanmate. All three times I zeroed his HP on the lower glacis of the IS-4. All three times he reported absolutely no module damage of any kind. And I shot that thing in every place imaginable. So I'm calling BS on the IS-4's driver sitting on top of the ammo rack.

  119. Nice to see there are people around who care to save the IS4... don't worry, you got plenty of backup already, no need to waste any energy...

  120. is the T-50-2 going to rock a 57mm zis, the same as on t-28 and t-34? That's gonna be fun..

  121. I know this is not exactly the venue for such a remark but still (sorry Overlord): I always thought, during the beta, that Russian tanks are OPed. Funnily enough, I now have MUCH better results with German meds than Russian meds -- like almost 60 to hardly 50 % win rate (and, most interestingly, my more or less stock Panther (with its crap 7,5 cm L 70 gun, which HAS to be so useless, right, has nearly 70% in 16 battles so far...). I am not saying that German tanks do not have their flaws but Ï, for one, do not think the "Russians are OPed" whine can really stand up in the face of my personal experience... People just have to use each tank at wat it is good at and must not think all tanks can be used with the same playstyle...

    And, finally, shouting "More OPed Russian tanks" here, way before the stuff is actually released, is just plainly cheap and stupid. My 2 (euro)cents, for what they are worth: I also wanted a RUS/GER rebalance before -- but now I am really sick of all the people behaving like children and parroting the same old and stupid "WG are Russians = Russian tanks are overpowered" mantra and insulting others just because they lose too often in a bloody computer game......

  122. @Overlord, thank you for the new pics =) Will we get some screenshots and stats of VK2801 and Jumbo soon?

    @Tupinambis, nice to see a player, who knows how to use strong sides of his vehicles :)

    @Arael, looks like you wish the German tanks simply become the clones of Russian ones... Don't you think, that if Germans do not suit your preffered style of the game, this is not a tank problem?

    As to "aim is .02 higher than an equivalent tier German" - Why do compare accuracy of the guns which aiming circles are fully narrowed? I can try to hit a commander's turret of VK4502 from 150 m with my KT' long 10.5 after 2 seconds past stop, but that frigging IS-3 BL-9 allowed me only hope that I will not miss the Slipper in the same situation, nothing about sniping its' vulnerable points (yes, I have tanks of all nations in my hangar).

    And concerning "Tier 7 meds" - I penetrate IS-4 in a driver's hatch using D10-T - it can be mounted on the T-34-85, Med of 6 tier. And with American 90-mm (T20 is a tier 7, isn't it?). With 8.8 L/56 and 7.5 L/70 it was near impossible, but now I have 7.5 L/100 on tier 7.

    Guys, I am not very happy that E-serie has such stats as they have, not of test1, but they are pretty good. Just do not try to use all the in-game vehicles in the same way - tanks are different and so require different tactics. And you will win :)

  123. Hey Overlord,

    Q: What about the German VK2801? Why not bring all new Scouts into the game with this scout-focussed patch? Then you are finished with it and all Nations are rather equal concerning Tier 5-Light-/Scouting-Tanks. No new complaints about OP-US/USSR-Tier-5-Lights and the Germans only have a Tier 4 one...

    Maybe you can extend that iteration and, depending on team velocity, press this thing also into? Of course I don't know how much effort that is!


  124. overlord wrote: "a bunch" and "one of them" so i guess the pics above aren´t everything that is coming

  125. Mission accomplished.. not a single tank of E-series stands out. None of them rapresents what t54 and is-4 are still rapresenting. German tanks MUST be a little sub-par, ever. No more shining tanks like ferdinand was in TD's tier 8.
    IF a tank has to be OP, it MUST BE russian. NEVER EVER AGAIN A GERMAN TANK WILL BE ALLOWED TO BE OP. NEVER EVER, and you all better understand it, cuz its sad but true. They DO-NOT-CARE their customer want a balanced game to play, i said BALANCED GAME TO PLAY. ->i'm not leaving the game, not yet but.. no more gold from be, sorry. You dont listen customers -> i don't pay. CAPITALISM.

  126. ["Anonymous said...
    overlord wrote: "a bunch" and "one of them" so i guess the pics above aren´t everything that is coming
    August 5, 2011 12:32 PM"]

    ["Overlord said...
    Q: Overlord, please provide info for 0.6.7, what tanks will it include in the game?

    A: I can confirm 3 tier 5 light tanks, Sherman Jumbo, and T-50 for now"]

    He confirmed at least 3 of them. The VK2801 was not one of them so maybe it is coming, probably not. So I suggested to think about it, because it is foreseeable that there will be many complaints about treating the Germans less favourably again. At the state of now Overlord can maybe influence that this will not happen at all.


  127. Btw, to those who said "again Soviet patch" and "why no VK2801": in RU Q&A SerB has said that tier 5 light tanks planned for all three nations in the next patch. So I think, I get my brand-new VK2801 un the end of the August ^^ And those who wish Chaffy also will.

  128. A: I can confirm 3 tier 5 light tanks, Sherman Jumbo, and T-50 for now

    this means

    T5 Light A (T50-b from above), B (maybe the VK) and C + Jumbo (T6 Med) + T-50 (T4)

  129. @Ariwch "And those who wish Chaffy also will."

    OMG Chaffee is researchable trough M5 it will be a painful nightmare.

    "looks like you wish the German tanks simply become the clones of Russian ones... Don't you think, that if Germans do not suit your preffered style of the game, this is not a tank problem?"

    I've got my preffered style of the game it's a sniping and german suits it well. But we were promised with new fast heavys line and tank hardly hitting 30 kph is not a fast heavy.
    Also top mediums should like this:
    Armor - T54, E50, Patton
    Mobility - Patton, T54, E50
    Gun - E50, Patton, T54
    and then I could say that they are balanced, but now they look like this
    Armor - T54, E50, Patton
    Mobility - T54, Patton, E50
    Gun - E50, Patton, T54
    You see? T54 is still a champion in two categories, nerf armor or mobility and will be okey.

    "And concerning "Tier 7 meds" - I penetrate IS-4 in a driver's hatch using D10-T - it can be mounted on the T-34-85, Med of 6 tier."

    Gun with 175 mm of penetration is not a Med of 6 tier, compare it with german and american vehicles. I would not say that T34-85 is OP but still something is not good in that. Thanks god they change a tree little bit but I think some reworking is still needed.

  130. PLS write when does the new USA heavys coming out, because they are announced much time ago.

  131. Can we meet some new tech tree, because lot of people want meet italian, swedish, brittish, hungaryan, etc tanks, because they have lot of intresting and strong vehicles.

  132. stick your comunist bullshit up your arse!

  133. noob players is noob
    crying players is noob
    incompetent devs is incompetent
    devs is !@#$% bias

  134. they stop listenting to players.
    players stop paying.

  135. Anonymous said...
    Can we meet some new tech tree, because lot of people want meet italian, swedish, brittish, hungaryan, etc tanks, because they have lot of intresting and strong vehicles.

    August 5, 2011 2:42 PM

    swedish and hungarian... Interesting... confirmed. But strong...!?! You must be kidding! :D

  136. For example hungarian zrinyi assault cannon:
    and because there are some post war tank, here is an swedish example:

  137. Overlord – are these on the drawing board for after (or same time as) the French tech-tree introduction? If so, I can see the reasons behind them. Personally, I’m all for more light tanks but we need Tier related Clan Wars and Company battles really before these tanks otherwise they become “Sunday morning driving” tanks only with no real value. Either that or we need FAST light tanks for ALL NATIONS (not just Soviets) at Tier 8+ please that can be used in Clan Wars and company battles.

    BTW - nice to hear the Jumbo is coming as well for no other reasons appart from variation.


  138. Stridsvagn: "In development since 1956 and produced 1967 - 1971."
    So we will see the Leopard 1 also: "...project started in November 1956" "...which first entered service in 1965." ;)

    Zrinyi: Armor thickness: 13 mm - 75 mm :-/ not really strong, even Stug III has more armor.

  139. The developers has good fantasy, they can make some new never seen vehicles (for example aus.b,
    and there are so much paper tank (wich are only on paper).
    (sorry it is only on german language), and in hungarian army the heavy tanks was the mediums.
    The new nations give some new choice for the game, amd the players can fight with some realy fighting country (not France, wich "ended" his independent war in 1941 :))

  140. The 44M looks interesting and as they already build at least a "soft-steel" prototye, closer to real life than E75 e.g. And with german guns, the two versions could be really ok.
    About new tanks I agree, new nations will bring new options and maybe also new tactics.
    For me, I would prefer to get a new techtree from a 4th country than getting more and more of the existing ones.

  141. Q – Overlord, any plans to introduce much larger maps (4k square for example) and increase viewing ranges (universally would be fine for me) in future patches? I believe this would help balance higher end tanks more than individual “tweaks” to those tanks AND be better received.


  142. i spent more than 200 GBP already... but after test 3, now i will spend 0. bb wot.

  143. clan wars need a tier 8/9 scout tank

    oh.. t54 is the usual tier 9 med scout tank?
    well, game balance as it its, german musto scout with e-50 "shit mobility but still not a brawler tank"
    Nice balancing, thanx dude.
    I presume you will be happy only when the game will be officially crapmed just by russian tank in clan wars.. and the goal frankly is not far.
    Good work dev.. ah, get a job, im not feeding you anymore.

  144. Q – Overlord, any plans to introduce much larger maps (4k square for example) and increase viewing ranges (universally would be fine for me) in future patches? I believe this would help balance higher end tanks more than individual “tweaks” to those tanks AND be better received.

    A: We are testing larger maps currently, but they are rather far from being ready.

  145. Q: What about Vk2801?

    A: It will be added as well. Along with the other lights.

  146. Tier 9/10 american tanks wil be changed in 6.7 patch?

  147. i wanted to play VK2801 but since its german tank i dont want waste my time since its gonna be nerfed many times, ill go russian tanks instead.

  148. @Ariel
    "Oh really? Care to share with me what these Tier 7 mediums are? Because it's once in a blue moon when my King Tiger's Long 88 penetrates the front of an IS anywhere but on the viewport. Too, the viewport on the IS-4 is a small target. The E-75's weak underside armor takes up half the tank's front. There was a reason the German designers gave the E-75's upper and lower glacis equal amounts of armor. Because the lower glacis is absolutely huge. I thought armor values were the only thing the Developers considered "hands off," but I guess I was wrong."
    The point I was making there is that the IS-4's weakpoint is vulnerable to Tier 7 mediums (all of them) While the E-75's "weakpoint" needs a 200+ pen gun to reliably punch through.

    "So because it was OP in both sniping and brawling they decided to completely destroy any medium-like mobility it had? They couldn't take off the sniping gun and make it a decent brawler? Face it, the E-50 had more than its fair share of nerfing. Making a tier 9 medium worse in every respect (apart from accuracy) then its immediate predecessor is going waaay too far."
    You forget that the E-50 has 120mm of hull armor, which the Panther II never had. Its mobility may have taken a hit but its armor protection is now the same as the T-54's. Giving the E-50 a brawling gun would also make it a huge anomaly throughout almost the entire German medium line. The VK3002DB is no longer required to research through to get to the E-50. The only actual brawling tank in the entire German medium tree now is the PzIII/IV. That's just now German mediums play. It has almost no use in clan wars and your playstyle may not call for it, but that's just now it is. Its good at what it was made for.

    "Well, if we consider the penetration compared to all other tier 10 heavies the E-100 still comes out on bottom. There's a reason Tier 10 guns have such ridiculously high penetration ratings. The angled armor on the IS counts as being a LOT thicker than the stats suggest. You should know this, the Long 88 can penetrate 203mm of armor, but has a devil of a time penetrating the 160mm of the IS4. That's because the IS4's armor is a lot thicker due to those angles. Add in the fact that penetration falls off with distance AND the fact that the computer rolls dice within a certain range to see how much you actually penetrate, and you can see why Tier 10 tanks need a high penetration value. It's needed to overcome sloped armor, distance, and bad dice rolls. that's why the S-71 is considered a "god cannon" even though the Maus' 128 does as much damage. Because the S-71 has more penetration, and therefore is much more likely to penetrate despite distance, angle, and dice roll. The E-100's cannon has low penetration compared to other tier 10s, so it will have that much more trouble making penetrating hits on heavily armored, distant targets."

    With the exception of the T30 none of the other Tier 10 tanks can deal 750 damage per shot either, and they don't have particularly useful HE rounds either. The T30 is being replaced by the T110 (sooner or later), and when that happens the E-50 will be the only Tier 10 left with a very damaging gun. The IS-4 is probably going to be stripped of its 130mm cannon when being moved up, and will be relegated to a type of Russian Maus. The other 750 damage guns also aren't backed up behind a huge HP pool and thick armor. The T30 definitely has weaknesses, and the O704 and T95 are TD's and should be judged separately. I didn't find IS-4's particularly hard to pen with the Jagdpanther, maybe I'm just lucky.

  149. "So the IS-4's viewport isn't hard to hit, providing you use a gun which has yet to be released that has hereto unheard of levels of accuracy. I'll keep that in mind next time I face one in my Not-E50 tank. And really? The lower hull as a weak point? The lower hull on the IS-4 is a smaller target then the driver's hatch! You claim the lower hull on the German heavies is small and easily hidden, but the one on the Soviet tanks is even smaller and easier to hide."
    What I was saying is that IS-4's viewport is especially easy to hit with a gun that hasn't been released yet. Anything below .3 accuracy (Jagdtiger, Lowe, Panther II, etc) shouldn't have much difficulty either. The lower hull of the IS-4 is much smaller than the lower hull on German tanks, but on German tanks its not likely to result in a catastrophic explosion.

    "BTW, did three training tests with a clanmate. All three times I zeroed his HP on the lower glacis of the IS-4. All three times he reported absolutely no module damage of any kind. And I shot that thing in every place imaginable. So I'm calling BS on the IS-4's driver sitting on top of the ammo rack."
    Go to the forums and ask about it. I only recently learned about it myself, but there seems to be a few shells stored to the right[?] of the tank on the bottom. Apparently its like shooting a T-44 in the turret.

  150. "So I think, I get my brand-new VK2801 un the end of the August"

    Funny one.

    6.6 ETAs:

    2nd:Late July-Early August
    3rd:Early August

    And we get it in mid-August.

  151. When want to change the T34 to prem, im wreale curios how will perform the M103 vs ather tier 9 heavys.
    Also very interested how wil work the T110 vs the OP RUSS tier10 tanks :D

  152. Fun fact:

    I play German tree only, (Reason: Tiger- stug - Maus- i like grey tanks). I got better after time, understood that german tanks are not made for brawling and that in need to change my gamestyle on order to shift the waves of battle.
    Which gave me satisfyig results.

    Then yesterday i played with the tanks of a friend- he uses Russian only- and guess what: I OWNED BIGTIME.
    The very calculative, stay together, be smart, dont take chances- playstyle i got used to with my beloved german tanks, when applied to russian tanks, made me dominate ever single battle. Inevidable Conclusion: Germant. + skill = decent ; Russsian t. + skill = epicness or Germant. + skill = Russian.
    I dont want to whine but the reason for my concusion could be the same as in every second post before me.

    I (was) always the one to defend the balance and Devs, said things like- "Balancing is nearly impossible if you gift the comunitty with new, undriven tanks along with new balancing for the existing ones, this isnt MW2 or SC2"
    I am well aware that what i am going to say next is controdicting what i said before but BALLANCING ISNT THAT IMPOSSIBLE.

  153. What if their was British, franch and others because WWII wasnt just Germans, Amerians and Russians fighting there was Japan fighting too

  154. turpentinis said...

    You forget that the E-50 has 120mm of hull armor, which the Panther II never had. Its mobility may have taken a hit but its armor protection is now the same as the T-54's. Giving the E-50 a brawling gun would also make it a huge anomaly throughout almost the entire German medium line. The VK3002DB is no longer required to research through to get to the E-50. The only actual brawling tank in the entire German medium tree now is the PzIII/IV. That's just now German mediums play. It has almost no use in clan wars and your playstyle may not call for it, but that's just now it is. Its good at what it was made for.

    So because it's a medium with T-54 levels of armor, it has to be nerfed down to Heavy levels of performance. Funny, the T-54 seems to be plenty fast and maneuverable enough despite its 120mm of armor. I guess the Russians are the only people who know how to put thick armor on something and still make it agile. Face it, the "It has T-54 levels of armor so it must take a mobility hit" is a crock of crap. The fact that it has an accurate gun does not mean that it should be dumbed down to the point that a Tier 10 heavy can outmaneuver it.

    Hell, God forbid they make a tank that can work in more than one role, right? Then you might not know what you're going up against. And it just wouldn't be fun not knowing if that E-50 up ahead will try and brawl with you or will stay back and try to snipe. Because that wouldn't be fun since its unexpected, all tanks can only have one role. Multi-role tanks are strictly forbidden. The E-50 was a multi-role tank, so take away everything "medium" about it and strip it down into a second-rate Lowe. Because that's all it is now. 120mm of frontal armor, crap mobility, an accurate gun. It's less profitable Lowe.

    And secondly, GOD FORBID clan wars become something other than Russian tanks and Artillery. Nice knowing that your clan is only competitive if the clan members are forced to drive Russian. Where's the fun in Clan wars if every team is IS-7s, Artillery, and T-54s? Variety is said to be the spice of life, but there's no spice in clan wars. Every team is like every other team because that's the only thing that works. The E-50 could actually handle clan wars and it gave German drivers something to drive that wouldn't be completely destroyed in Clan Wars. But that couldn't happen, so it became another crappy sniper whose only place is in random battles. It's nice knowing only 4 or 5 tanks out of over 80 are competitive in the "post-game" setting. The E-series could have been competitive in Clan Wars, but that would cause people to cry. So instead we get another group of random battlers that are the same as or worse than the tanks we already had. Thanks a lot.

    PS, unless you learn how to spell my name, I'll keep misspelling yours, Turpentine.

  155. So stupid, Arael.
    IS-7s: For those high value European provinces, guess what ISN'T used? The IS-7. Why? They are urban maps. Who needs speed when the action is always focused at a few key points when you can instead have armor, HP bulk in the form of the maus, and epic firepower in the form of the T30.

    Russian arty: Nope. The only arty that loses out is the GW-E because it's too...average. Ob261 is good for its laser like accuracy, just as the T92 is valued for its mini-nuke shells.

    Meds: Only reason T-54 is used over Patton/P2 in Clan Wars is because it has the highest top speed and lowest profile. The latter is more a mistake of the modeler: the T-54 should actually stand taller than the Object 704.

    90% of whiners, especially the hyperbolic 12 year olds who complain on blogs like this are just sad because they can't sit in their Tiger I and kill IS-7s from 2500 meters away with standard AP rounds fired from their 88 L/56.

    Inflexible with their playstyle- they want to use every tank the same way- leading charges with Tigers and dogfighting with King Tigers.

    Poor in their comprehension of history- they make the mistaken assumption that just because its a battlefield legend IRL it is entitled to that same quality ingame. Just because Tiger > T-34 doesn't mean you should be able to step all over an IS.

    Have a bad definition of balanced- to them, balanced means they win every fight. If they don't win every fight, it's imbalanced because they are definitely better players than the people that killed them.

    I won't lie, certain tanks were mediocre before. The Tiger, 4502, Maus for a few. Huge and weird weakspots, excessive module damage. They're fixed now though. Maus is the best Tier 10, preferred over the IS-7 in any urban combat situation, so powerful it's getting an HP nerf.

    But beyond that it's just bitter children who can't accept the fact you can't win them all and its more often PEBKAC than the tank itself.

    Anonymous 9k battle German Heavy Tanker/US Med Tanker

  156. And oh PS, more related to the lights tanks.

    They look cute. The sooner higher tier light tanks come out, the sooner the Tier 4 ones can be put into lower tier battles and become more enjoyable vehicles.

  157. Anonymous said...

    BAWWWWWW!!!! I don't agree with you so you must be stupid!!!
    Anonymous 9k battle German Heavy Tanker/US Med Tanker

    Sure, I'll believe some anonymous loser who claims to have over 9000 thousand battles who totally has more experience than god himself in German tanks. All you did was come cruising in with the wind to fire off a "LOL, Ur so Dum" at a valid discussion. You're a crappy troll.

  158. Valid discussion?
    First, don't misrepresent my position as your own (trolling)
    Second, don't use strawmans to make my argument seem like yours (vapid and hollow)
    Third, don't put words in my mouth (I merely noted the number of battles as a thing to back up that I know a thing or two about the fascinating game of Internet Tanks)

    Once you get these 3 points down, you might be able to take part in a valid discussion, which I'll be glad to join you in. Until then, you can continue being rude and offensive.

  159. Don't mistake me for you. I was answering people's points with my own points. You came in, called me stupid, and proceeded to rather arrogantly talk down at me and my mistaken beliefs. And in the end, you basically proved my point. Apart from the Maus' use in city battles, German tanks have no place in Clan Warfare. The IS-7 has the right mix of speed, firepower, and protection for any map that isn't city-based. The T-54 is used for the same reason. A tiny profile, high speed, ridiculous armor, and a gun that outdamages any other medium. So, because of the way Russian tanks are built, they're the only choice for Clan Wars UNLESS it's a city battle. With the exception of the Maus, I was right on about clan wars. And you called me stupid for it.

    And no, I don't mind sitting in my tiger and not being able to take on IS. I mind having to get within 100 meters to hit the one point on the tank that's vulnerable to my gun while the tank in question can blow through any part of my armor like it wasn't there at the same range. I've LIVED the German heavy line since this game went public. So, evidently, have you. Yet, you don't seem to think it's bullshit that a German tank has to aim at a tiny spot on a Russian's armor to penetrate it, while the Russian tank with .02 accuracy less than the German gun gets to aim at the entire damn front of the German tank and be nearly guaranteed a penetration. I don't care about having no damage in my Tiger, but I do care about having to close to within 100 meters so I can precisely aim at the one point my gun can penetrate on an at-tier heavy while using a tank which is supposed to be the long range sniper of the game. If that's a dumb, noob opinion, so be it.

    PS: You were right about the T-54, but you neglected to mention that the IS-7 is also undersized. In real life it's as long as a E-100 and almost as tall.

  160. "Yet, you don't seem to think it's bullshit that a German tank has to aim at a tiny spot on a Russian's armor to penetrate it, while the Russian tank with .02 accuracy less than the German gun gets to aim at the entire damn front of the German tank and be nearly guaranteed a penetration."

    Yes, that is bullshit. In that its not true. Stop lying when everyone who actually plays the game is fully aware that you are, in fact, lying.

  161. You can be as abusive as you want, all it will do is show the kind of person you really are. I will admit I called you out on being a troll at first, but then I tried to civilly argue with you. However, despite obviously knowing the fundamentals of debate, you seem to be incapable of debating points civilly. I will not lower myself to argue with a man who calls his opponents stupid and accuses them of lying instead of debating civilly.

    However, I did not come here to to debate with a man who would rather sling insults. I came in here to correct something I said earlier. I checked in-game, and the IS-7 is, in fact, correctly scaled to the Maus. I apologize for the mistake.

  162. Please give to the USSR tanks new premium ammo, because ussr high tiier arti hasn't enough frepower, they need some nuke, and the other artis ammos must be much weaker (1 pen and 100 dam). Just for the balance. :D

  163. "Anonymous said...

    Please give to the USSR tanks new premium ammo, because ussr high tiier arti hasn't enough frepower, they need some nuke, and the other artis ammos must be much weaker (1 pen and 100 dam). Just for the balance. :D
    August 6, 2011 9:47 AM "

    ROFL USSR will told us something about balance

  164. Hey Overlord, could we have a Chaffee whereabouts news soon ?

    That's a light tank i'd love to have in my garage.

  165. Any pictures for Chaffee? Leopard 2 (drooolllllll :D)?

  166. Q:
    in this promotion video at 0.22secs theres a picture where it says "Hello Versager", can you please explain what that means?

  167. Overlord: would you insert some info about new map in 0.6.7? Or even only names of them :P

  168. oh well look on the bright side, BF3 out soon, most of the serious paying players will move on to that and then they'll have to balance to keep all the free players happy..lmfao

  169. даешь VK2801!!!!111111

  170. psycow said...

    in this promotion video at 0.22secs theres a picture where it says "Hello Versager", can you please explain what that means?
    August 6, 2011 9:55 PM

    Versager = Loser

  171. I hope these comments about leaving are more than just empty threats. I have actually considered leaving the game myself due to all the disgustingly rude and obnoxious people that unfortunately play this game.

    I don't know how it happened, by no other MMO comes near it in terms of bad manners/behavior. I never thought a subgroup could be so dominating. Both here, on forums and at the in-game chat towards teammates.

    So please, for the rest of us, please take with you your rotten behavior elsewhere and leave this game. You make me sick to my stomach.

    And to the blog update: Those tanks? Meh... not my cup of tea.

  172. When will we get some information about the Easy 2?

  173. stop crying and vote with your wallets. they don't care what you have to say, never have and never will.

  174. Balance ur fucked up Game,BITCH!
    OR U KNOW WHAT i got a better punishment for u!
    go play with a tiger 1 XD
    and its not WOT its WORT

  175. [Overlord said...
    Q: What about Vk2801?

    A: It will be added as well. Along with the other lights.
    August 5, 2011 4:42 PM]

    Q: Can you publish some facts about that vehicle?
    Will it be a consequent further development of the Leopard, which I really enjoy? (fast, high rds/min, good gun and armor in low-tier battles, ...)

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. overlord,

    players are now speaks out about what their want in this game. do you even deliver these small message to the developers to make a fix on what most of these people say?

  178. Hmm, I was hoping the T-50-2 would be the uparmored version of T-50, but guess not. I assume the T-50 we'll get in game will be the normal, not up-armored model?

  179. lemme get one thing straight , should we all play soviet tanks only because im sure most players agree with me that the soviet tanks in this game even after this new patch seem to be superior to all the other tanks , can you please advise ?

  180. What about T-60? And T-70?
