Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dnieper Special

We have prepared the following bonuses for you (details on the initial announcement):

1. Doubled profitability for tier 5 arties: Hummel, SU-8, M41.

Bonus from 1. is available starting
August 25, 5:30 am UTC - EU.
August 25, 11:30 am UTC - US
August 26, 5:00 am UTC - EU
August 26, 11:00 am UTC - US.

  • Price for replacing crew personal data decreased 5 times - 10 gold now.
  • Price in gold for the following premium tanks halved - Valentine, Matilda, PzKpfw B2 740 (f), Ram-II.
  • Price in credits for the following tanks halved - Т-34, SU-76, KV-1S, PzKpfw III/IV, PzKpfw IV, PzKpfw VI Tiger, M7, M4A3E8 Sherman, T1 heavy.
All bonuses from 2. are available starting
August 25, 5:30 am UTC - EU.
August 25, 11:30 am UTC - US
August 29, 5:00 am UTC - EU
August 29, 11:00 am UTC - US.



  1. Booring...

    I want the 0.6.7 test server!

  2. Not bad, can now buy my M4 back.

  3. Thank you for being event productive.

    However, I honestly think we really need a new type of events. I got kinda bored with the MVP-style contests.

    Thank you once again.

  4. Nooo, nothing about the T-43 or IS-2 :D

  5. thank you for this, it's really nice of WoT to give us discounts on a regular basis, this will also alow me to buy my Tiger back after selling it to get the Tiger 2

  6. Silly question, but WoT's post about this special mentions purchasing the M4A2E4 also?? Typo on their part or is it going to be available for puchase?

  7. nice...i like my crew, ive all premium tanks...and all tanks which are reduced ive too ... nice event ...

  8. When will Russian patch come out?

  9. I sure wish specials like this were run back when I had these low-tier tanks.

  10. Doesn't look like much...but thanks anyway

  11. Q: Silly question, but WoT's post about this special mentions purchasing the M4A2E4 also?? Typo on their part or is it going to be available for puchase?

    A: Could you point where exactly?

  12. Q: Silly question, but WoT's post about this special mentions purchasing the M4A2E4 also?? Typo on their part or is it going to be available for puchase?

    A: Could you point where exactly?

    Nevermind Overlord... Mad_Hatter fixed it already and said it was indeed a typo when they posted it... Thanks!!

  13. "event".I fail to see wheres the event, all I see is discounts/promoting to buy stuff.

  14. Q: You already have any idea how the Sturmtiger is gonna work in-game? (any release date's?)

  15. Ignore the whining comments below about it not being good enough. Those sort of people you can never fully please in life.

    I'm not going to benefit from these discounts but good job to those who are. Thanks.

  16. Sweet. I just started down the US medium line. Have M5 Stuart right now. Guess I'll try to grind the xp needed for the M7 so I can get it for half price. Money is tight right now because I just bought an IS-7. I have the Tiger II and the SU-100 researched but no money to buy them. Hopefully this special will help me out some.

    Thanks, and keep the specials coming! I really look forward to them!!!

    PS...the Anniversary Special was absolutely WONDERFUL!!!

  17. Why are you releasing the bonuses on 4 different times spread over 2 days..? To troll the players? What is up with that.

  18. "Why are you releasing the bonuses on 4 different times spread over 2 days..? To troll the players? What is up with that."

    i hope that you are aware of the different time zones of this planet

  19. When does "Operation Market Garden" comes??

  20. These events are aimed at the average joe to keep him playing. The early adopters aka power users leveled much higher and are spending their money otherwise.

    Some Gold discounts are okay.

  21. This is quite nice event, although no use for me.

    One event/promotion I would like to see, is to be able to convert free exp for half price.
    Im sure there are lots of players waiting for that, and will seriously cash in.

    But that might never happen?

  22. PLEASE Overlord.

    Put the Panther on the half-price menu!
    I demand it!!!

    Atleast for historical reasons!

  23. More noob events. We need more endgame content!

  24. Dear Overlord
    I have some Promocodes from The Gamescom.How many i can use on one Account is there a limit?

  25. Why doesn't you show camouflage values?


  26. A: When does "Operation Market Garden" comes??

    Q: If we decide to have it, it will be in September.

  27. what? no discount on higher tier premium tanks? looking forward for the lowe.

  28. [quote]Anonymous said...
    Why doesn't you show camouflage values?


    If you look on the Russian site's wiki in the tactics section it shows the values for camo for vehicles. Not surprisingly, russian tanks, especially the end-game tiers have the best values.

    It's been proven numerous times now as well with people doing tests on the forums.

    It's a slanted mechanic that gives Russian tanks the ability to slip into closer ranges thus to negate the advantage of Germany's "sniping" ability, and to allow them to exploit the German weaknesses when up close by using their upper-hand of superior armor, mobility, and in most cases alpha damage.

    This game, this developer, is biased. There's no disputing this anymore. You're just going to have to deal with this love note to russian tanks.

  29. QQ no Skoda T-15/T-25 half price

  30. Yay event!! Yay finally some info!! Yay half priced tanks!!

    Double income only for arty? Seriously? Booooh!

    (i guess the player base hasn't complained enough about how many arty there are in game sometimes)

  31. "We gave you gifts, you gave us your money"

  32. "(i guess the player base hasn't complained enough about how many arty there are in game sometimes)"

    they complains (at least in the EU forums) are only about high tier arty. tier 5 is fine

    tomorrow is hummeltiem

  33. Sorry but that's rubbish. I have 13 tanks, TDs and SPGs of all nationalities and cant benefit by any bonus. (even have the RAM 2)

  34. Quote"Anonymous said...
    what? no discount on higher tier premium tanks? looking forward for the lowe. "unquote

    The Löwe will never ever be on dicount ever!!!

    It's price was raised to an insane amount because it is a little to strong for a premium tank.

    They wanted to stop the flood of Löwes by raising the price, so they will never make it a half price tank.

  35. Stop nerfing soviet tanks would you? It is not the tanks, it is the AMERICAN players who don't use their fast american tanks properly, obiously they would never think they're the problem, so they rate blame it on their enemies, since most americans would never play on a "communist" tank.

    That's why they always whine about how the soviet tanks are overpowered.

    If soviet tanks are so OP, why everyone is buying Lowes and not soviet premium tanks? American tanks indeed have a paper armor, but they're FAST, and German tanks are so overpowered.

    BTW, the tanks are SOVIET, not RUSSIAN, read some gooddamn history amerifats.

  36. "amerifats"

    sure /v/ is here

  37. overlord,
    I cant wait test server openning
    I waiting 6.7 test patch what time to released test patch??

  38. Kmaster said...

    BTW, the tanks are SOVIET, not RUSSIAN, read some gooddamn history amerifats.
    August 25, 2011 2:22 AM

    Indeed USA heavy tanks are fast. IS line is fast too. and with better fun stats. than the USA line.

    i grinded all the way to both line of heavies.
    i have both IS7 and T30. the problem i see is USA line is lacks of armor. it absorbs all damage like a sponge. is7 is ok . armor is good enough but not better than is4, can bounce many shots with good angle.

    grind USA heavies took me 16 days to get T30
    grind RUS heavies took me 12 days to get IS7
    4days is a big difference.
    my maximum experience in IS3 is 2616
    my maximum experience in T32 is 2060
    another win for RUS

    i think the RUS line no need to be buffed or nerfed, its fine the way it is. its just that USA needs heavies needs to be replaced.

    don't listen to than hairy clam butt cracker gay master "KMASTER" or whatever guy. he is really fucking annoying.

    whatever history he is talking about, in game its different. history is different in playing the game.

  39. [quote]"BTW, the tanks are SOVIET, not RUSSIAN, read some gooddamn history amerifats."[/quote]

    Go brush your teeth and take a shower.

    And they never-ever really nerfed russian tanks, and I don't see them saying they're nerfing them now. So don't be getting your ol' knickers in a twist there bobby-o.

  40. thx for the discount, but the arty benefit.. ehh.. ..wonderful.. today i won't play.

  41. "QQ no Skoda T-15/T-25 half price"

    They're just discounting those tanks which are almost never sold. The new premium tanks might be on discount in six month. Anyway a nice move for those poeple like me who collect all tanks and don't like spending too much gold on these french coffins.

  42. Too bad I sold my Hummel last week ;(
    I love these events though. Similar, but always different. Good for us with big garages of lowtiers. Keep up the good work.

  43. how do you pronounce dniepr anyway?
    de-nie-per or what?

  44. Q: how do you pronounce dniepr anyway?
    A: From Wikipedia - /ˈniːpər/

  45. hi Overlord
    I have one question. is possible to get 10,5mm ammo cheaper?
    88mm cost 254 credits, but 105 more than 1000!
    tanks with this cannon can't be profitable :(.
    I know, it is one of the best cannons of game, but this price is brutal (comparing with each other)

  46. Overlord, great event, now there so many players are fielding their dusty arties. I hope it helps you to make that decision about arty limit.

  47. Quote" plasot said...
    Overlord, great event, now there so many players are fielding their dusty arties. I hope it helps you to make that decision about arty limit." unquote.

    Yes, they think about setting it to 9-15 ;)

    I don't know how anybody, even arty players, think that having more than 3 arties
    in a random game can be fun. It's a support weapon, it's like a fantasy MMO raid with 15 people and 10 are healers.


  48. Damn no KV-220? im deeply dissapointed. :( Only KV their i miss. No chance to buy??? Why?? In my garage now KV1-2, KV-1S, KV-3, KV-13, KV-5. But i cant buy KV-220. :( Its unfair :( Pls give me chance to buy this tank :( Im collector

  49. I second the suggestion about cheaper ammo. Why on earth should it be impossible to upgrade from a Tiger I to a Tiger II just because of the ammo? Repair are one thing .. but ammo? So now I can't afford to shoot and can't afford to die. Ha! Some help I will be to my team, hiding in the bushes.

    Either you make the ammo cheaper OR you make a goddamn feature where I don't have to face tier 8+ in random battles. Either would be fine. The only reason to upgrade basically is to avoid being punished by the matchmaker.

  50. Just read you were "fixing" the E-series, just want to say the effort is appreciated. X)

  51. A little off topic, but I think you don't read older threads here! ;)

    I think the E-Series is better than thought in the first moment, esp. the E-50 and E-100 are often great tanks, I have a personal problem with the E-75, because most people use it totally in the wrong way and I loose very often with it in my team...
    But however, I have to say sorry about the *whine* in the Patch-Threads!

    But now i have to come to my point that I wanted to say...

    The other new german tanks...
    The Tiger P is a great tank, in the right hands it could be even facing tier 8 tanks! I loved it, to play this tank and hoped to get an even better Ausf A, but that hope totally failed!
    The Ausf A is nothing, not speedy, not armored, not well equipped with weapons!
    I don't see the point where it should be used?
    IS3 haves a great armor, a very hurting weapon and the ultimate speed.
    KT haves a great armor, a precise Weapon and a nice agility.
    Löwe haves a nicely sloped armot, the ultimate precission weapon and the *kill me I'm a gold noob*-factor that traps a lot of people...
    KV5 haves the ultimate front armor and ok, the rest is not that good, but it haves a good point...
    T32 haves the ultimate Turret armor.

    So you see that every tank haves it's advantage, a little special gap where it's the best... but the Ausf A seems to be in nothing best and in nothing really useable... It seems like a good Tier 7, that faces damn often tier 10 tanks...
    It extremly needs a tier 9 gun!!!
    Or better armor, or better moveability, it needs it's own little gap, in the other way it would'nt be used like the T1...

  52. Two more things completely unrelated to this post:


  53. overlord u should start a poll about the events to see how to community likes it or not to improve further events

  54. "Kmaster said...Stop nerfing soviet tanks would you? It is not the tanks, it is the AMERICAN players who don't use their fast american tanks properly, obiously they would never think they're the problem, so they rate blame it on their enemies, since most americans would never play on a "communist" tank.

    That's why they always whine about how the soviet tanks are overpowered.

    If soviet tanks are so OP, why everyone is buying Lowes and not soviet premium tanks? American tanks indeed have a paper armor, but they're FAST, and German tanks are so overpowered."

    Because thouh they are weaker we give a shit about your soviet stalinistic propagandism.
    This game is a scam and Soviet tanks perform far too well in comparison. There is no such thing like balance in this game.

    So fuck you, liar.

  55. Overlord could you give us a little bit of information on the M4A3E2?

  56. "since most americans would never play on a "communist" tank."

    lulz. Kmaster, you incredible retard. You base that bit awesome on the 50 people that post here?

  57. Wow you guys call this a special? Who the hell wants to spend money to rename a crew member? You never even see the names and they dont mean shit. It's like buying gold ammo, you are paying for AIR! I'm tired of you guys doing "specials" like this and only giving specific tanks, Tier 5 tanks, that no one except for the noobs play Double credits. Maybe you should show some appreciation to all of your players and give everyone a double credit day.

  58. Why are you guys so slow at content, especially in a F2P game? Where are:
    - Tracers as arty is running wild and ruining the game now.
    - MM rebalances
    - Other nation's tanks talked about a year ago
    - Other game modes, seriously, a shooter having one game mode for a year?

    Priorities, learn them. But it's nearly over for you guys though, as you think you can contend with the high budget games that are launching in fall? BF3 and MW3 alone are going to crush your userbase, not to mention the other games getting thrown in the mix.

    I hope you guys learned a valuable lesson from all of this for your upcoming games, and for WoT if it survives that is.

  59. "Tier 5 tanks, that no one except for the noobs play"

    Get a clue. Just because someone likes a tank that's not tier 10 its doesn't mean they are a noob. That said a double credit day for all would be nice.

    ....and could we please, for once, have these specials on a weekend? For those with jobs who are likely your biggest cash-supporters (yes, Wallet Warrios keep this game free) by the time we get home from said job there is only a few hours in the special left to particpate.

  60. just make the crew customisation fee credits only, even at 10g each its a waste of gold!

  61. Tier 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 are noobwagens. With all 5xXP events and such every moron with some money and without skills can unlock a tier 8 tank. Many endgamers don´t bother with lowtier other then on 5xXP events. Seems like WoT doesn´t want to have any endgamegamers, just casual noobs.
    I´m really confused, are the tier 5 player the cashcows of Wot? Most engame playes I know grind with tier 9/10 and then spend gold to convert houndreds of thousands XP and skip right to the new tank they want. Those nuubs grindning tank to tank never using gold ammo or gold to convert to silver cant be the fundation to build a lasting company.

  62. "IS3 haves a great armor"


  63. "Anonymous said...

    Tier 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 are noobwagens. ...

    August 26, 2011 10:49 AM "

    What a great snob you are!
    You are probably also sociopath!
    Get yourself some help fast :P

    I probably spend more hard earned money than you on this game and I'm doing exactly that what you call noobwagens.
    And guess what?
    I just love this events so I can try different tanks and enjoy low tiers battles over again.

    Thank you WG for another wonderful event :D

  64. Quick Question:

    to Overlord: Double Income sounds good but isn`t it even better?
    Reason: A shot of my Hummel normally gives me an income of lets asumme 2000cr and cost me 1000cr. If the income is doubbled a shot would be worth 4000cr but will still cost 1000cr. After doing so ridiculus math, containing several aquassions with Quanumphysics and also takin in acount the cosmic backraying troughout the universe my conclussion was that the real multiplier is not x2 but more like around x2.4 and x2.7

    BTW: Thanks for the event,... made 600k in 3 hours without prem. One time even 67000cr (ammo already exculded)

  65. I bought the PzKpfw B2 740 (f) - what a waste. This thing apparently lacks a gun. They mounted a Panzer I turret with a machine gun that shoots blanks. HE or AP doesn't really make a difference. Even as top tier I can't pen shit.

    It's armor isn't special so I can't even use it as a blcoking device. Speed is to slow for scouting or ramming.

    Basically the moste useless thing in the German tree.

  66. any event encouraging more arty pieces is pfffffff

    whoever brought up that idea should be fired.

  67. i had some pretty good matches in my PzKpfw B2 740 (f) when top tier (my first warrior achievement ever bach then for example) , but if you are not, the gun is really next to useless :P

  68. Whay about 1 September 1939? Something special for us?
