Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 23-31 Poll Results.

2524 players took part in the most recent poll.  52% of them were interested in the major Game Expo in Cologne. One way or another. :)  161 of the voters even visited our stand.

Thanks for the coming, btw. On a related note I would like to invite everyone to visit us during Eurogamer show in London, the UK (September 22-25, 2011). If you have a chance, drop in!

As always new weekly poll is up.


  1. You should have weekend bonuses, extra money or xp :D

  2. Rated the E series as "good". I would say it's excellent, but the mud guard and top hull HE weaknesses are a bit disappointing.

  3. I only have E75 and E50, I find E50 a very nice t9 medium that is totally balanced with the other t9 meds. The E75 on the other hand is a beast with two sides. On one side its a beast that can handle any tank in the game, on the other its a pussy that dies from HE like it was made of cheese. The E100 seems to be underpowered against other t10 but very good against everything else so I voted average.

  4. fix the extreme HE damage and i am fine with e series.. but i get oneshot all the time even by high tier arty splashes with my e50 and i see e75 getting like 900 damage from tier 5 hummels.. its bad..

  5. I have an E50 and E75, I agree with the above comments about both of these tanks. I find the E100 lacking against other T10 tanks, even the Maus with it's 400 HP reduction is still a better tank than the E100, The only good thing about the E100 is the 150mm gun, if it stays alive long enough, the gun makes up for it's lacking.

  6. Can only comment on the E50, which is a nice tank. It is however a heavy tank disguised as a medium, its flat track pace is awesome but it takes a long while to build it up and if you turn you lose lots of pace.

  7. At some point in the near future you guys are going to have to separate post WW2 tanks from WW2 tanks, as the game is losing enjoyment when facing post WW2 tracks. And now that you plan to introduce French armor, which is in fact post WW2, they will pretty much outgun anything WW2. Some thought should have gone into this before or at least while you guys were developing the French armor. The only country that wasn't allowed to research and produce post-WW2 tanks was Germany, there is and won't be any equality for WW2 tanks until you guys resolve the time era issues that you have caused.

  8. E-series is unreal. Its the only series I fear when rolling my tanks. But that's german armour for you.

  9. I have my E75 and E100. Id say E75 is perhaps the best tier 9 heavy tank but than again it depends on the maps and the players! Taking on a T34 with E75 is always a win for E75 but taking on an Is4 thats a different story since at long range you cant really penetrate Is4 that easy with AP rounds! At really close range like city maps i can handle Is4 most of the time. Now i have not yet went up against Vk4502 with my E75 so far but i have to say that tank has some really good fucking front armor! I always tried to stay away from that tank in my Is4! Now E100 is a funny tank! At times i own the battlefield and at times i get killed very easy! Arty is the reason why E100 is useless because once they see me in my E100 everyone trying to go kill me and thats true with every tier 10 tank with most players. I find it that even though E100 has 200mm front slopped armor which is like 400+mm its still easy to penetrate and same with the bottom plate which is suppose to be 300+mm. I find it weird that E100 has more armor at its back than its side! The 128mm gun on E100 is useless! wish it had a jadgtiger gun than id be happier! They need to give it more penetrating power for the 150mm gun because compared to the other 152-155mm guns this gun has the weakest penetration power!

  10. Don't use this poll as an excuse to nerf the
    but yeah I have E-75 and its really quite good

  11. Use this poll as an excuse to nerf the E-series!

    LOL Germam tankers: sure a happy lot aren't they :P

  12. well E75 is really weak for the Artillery i my self took them from side rear hits in one shot .but i figured its not the only tank 205mm can take other teri9 tanks or less in one shot if hit on its rear body top from any range.

  13. I own all 3 so I'll comment on them:
    E-50: Nice tank, sluggish without the fuel consumable, both traverse speeds suck hard (turret is too slow, and turning in tank direction blows), 105 is still the best med gun in the game. Still a step below usefulness of a Patton and especially T-54.
    E-75: Overrated by many. It's a "good" tank, but it has numerous weaknesses. And it's weakspots are far larger than the IS-4s. It's 128 is far too inaccurate which is against the German code. IS-4 is still superior.
    E-100: This tank was a HUGE LETDOWN. The 150 is a complete joke with it's Pen and Accuracy. I can see if it had that horrible pen with better accuracy, or better pen with the horrible accuracy, but not both. Tank is very sluggish. Armor has some really huge weakspots. Currently the worst T10 tank by a large margin, and a total let down. Which is sad, I was looking forward to it.

    Then you have the HE damage these tanks take, which is out of control. Their guns/turrets go down too easily, and constantly with people abusing it's weakspots. And arty just wrecks these tanks. Even T6 arty can and will rock these things.

    Now that people are figuring out these tanks problems, they're being dispatched fairly easily. Those that don't know how to handle them they may "seem" as tough as their Russian counterparts, but in reality, they're not. A step up from how pathetic German tanks were before, but still not competitive.

    I don't care how many numbers OL throws out there, I'd be interested to see real figures in two months. But I doubt I'll see them as I'm done playing now. The E-series wasn't good enough, and I'm just bored with the game now. WG was too lazy to put in new game modes. I mean, one game mode for over a year? REALLY? Get a clue over there at WG.

  14. any experienced Artillery can take these tier9's by surprise problem is people take out tier9 or tier10 out of garage and forget how dangerous the artillery threat is.and decides to take a walk in open fields ......1800HP++ damage aint no joke here

  15. Lord Azaghul said...
    "Use this poll as an excuse to nerf the E-series!

    LOL Germam tankers: sure a happy lot aren't they :P"

    Hey everyone, look, another butthurt russian tanker that can't auto-aim German tanks anymore to beat them! What a loser.

  16. Anonymous said...
    "any experienced Artillery can take these tier9's by surprise problem is people take out tier9 or tier10 out of garage and forget how dangerous the artillery threat is.and decides to take a walk in open fields ......1800HP++ damage aint no joke here"

    You're right. Arty is OP, and needs to be completely reworked. It ruins games and promotes camping, as people are even afraid to move from cover to cover because they'll get 1-2 shot by them. Not to mention that T-92's splash damage will take half of your HP away behind cover. Arty is a failed experiment and implementation by WG. Especially T7 and T8.

  17. i seen a idiot on E75 who took a IS4 down to 15% without taking damage but when is4 rammed and jammed on him, E75 was no more and that IS4 didn't took any more scratch that was a quite a scene i couldn't stop laughing how E75 failed in the end

  18. @ ...... You're right. Arty is OP, and needs to be completely reworked. It ruins games and promotes camping, as people are even afraid to move from cover to cover because they'll get 1-2 shot by them. Not to mention that T-92's splash damage will take half of your HP away behind cover. Arty is a failed experiment and implementation by WG. Especially T7 and T8.

    well i agree with you on that Artillery is massively overpowering i didnt got a chance to face a T92 yet only seen it twice, and yes this game is a experiment and way to much unbalanced we cant blame the WG since they didnt had a reference game of this yetnot that i know of maybe they fix it but they take too long on that and people are losing hope in this game and many have left and less are coming in

  19. WE HAVE WEAKNESSES, FIX US NAO is all i'm seeing in this comment thread. hey. hey germans. YOU'RE NOT IMMORTAL. get over it.

  20. When you think of german tanks you think of tigers and king tigers fighting russian T-34s and american sermons and easy eights. The issue all german tankers forget is that in this game the tiger is tier 7 and the KT is tier 8 so of course they get thrown in bigger battles against tanks that the KT and Tiger wouldnt have fought enough to belittle the two of them. thats an in game tier 7-8 heavy tank attacking a tier 5-6 medium which we all know in most cases is a mismatch.

  21. Anonymous said...
    "WE HAVE WEAKNESSES, FIX US NAO is all i'm seeing in this comment thread. hey. hey germans. YOU'RE NOT IMMORTAL. get over it."

    You're right, only Russian tankers are, and will forever be that way in WoT. All I see are russian tankers butt-hurt they can't auto-aim so they try to over inflate E-series performance. People want balance, that's all. Hello camo system and superior armor.

  22. Lord Azaghul said...
    "Use this poll as an excuse to nerf the E-series!

    LOL Germam tankers: sure a happy lot aren't they :P"

    Hey everyone, look, another butthurt russian tanker that can't auto-aim German tanks anymore to beat them! What a loser.

    Try Again, I mostly play the American lines - I've learned how to play the game - unlike whiney german players - who want auto-win tanks.

    The game is VERY well balances - and just to beat you to it - arty is fine.


  23. The E-75 is very good (except for the mudflaps problem)and I'm fully satisfied with it.

    The E-100 performs well as far as I've heard..BUT it isn't a German tank. It's some abomination some gamedeigner put into the German tank tree without any connection to the other tanks in the tree.

    It's the Tiger III and it behaves like the fat brother of the IS7 WTF!!!???

    Like I said, it works well but it was some total VODGA MOVE from the game designers!

    For me the second German line ends with the very good E-75 and I fear that the designers will have some big vodga party right before the release of the Stug E-100 and that makes me hopping mad!

  24. i only have the e75 and can only comment on that one:
    lower frontal armour is to thin while its big enough to be hit by every gun from 200meters with 0,4 accuracy.
    the mudflaps are also a big weakpint is aimed for then the lower plate is out of reach.
    i dont unterstand why the copula on the turret is so tall? because of that you cant "hug" your enemys cause they can still aim for that...

    still if you know what you are doing you can do quite well in this tank but its weakspots are just a to big drawback...

    same with the HE damage...

    Ingame: NebukadnezarII

  25. Question: Overlord, can you please be so kind and post full results of your poll?

  26. most of us who weren't concerned are already customers. Most of what the expo was about was to attract new consumers

  27. Lord Azaghul said...
    "Try Again, I mostly play the American lines - I've learned how to play the game - unlike whiney german players - who want auto-win tanks.

    The game is VERY well balances - and just to beat you to it - arty is fine.


    Looking at your stats, no one can take you seriously. I usually don't go by the players stats route, but your stats are so bad "theghostcat", that I have to instantly dismiss anything you say in regards to balance. Nor would have even probably face end-game arty which we're talking about. So yeah... lol.

  28. LOL@theghostcat

    Get out of the lower tier ghetto, get some high end tanks, then talk about high-end balance. You can't talk about balance until you experienced it all. And you certainly have not, so don't even try to talk about like you know what's going on in the game. Once you get to T9-T10, then you can talk about the "balance" we're all talking about.

  29. This new post is a litlle bit incorrect, becouse it puting together all 3 e series. E-50 is good E-75 is excellent but E-100 is bad. Not becouse its armor not becouse its speed. Its worst point hes 150mm gun. Its to weak! Zhis 238 penetration value is not enough aginst 10 tier tanks, and somee 9 tier tanks to (forexample Vk45002 or mostly IS4). So if this vote has any sense and not just for fun than pls change the penetration value.

  30. First I enjoied this play very much - but the new post WW2-tanks are totally irreal! T-54, Patton, E75, IS 4-7 are not real WW2 tanks. Either you make a scene after 1945 for this tanks or the play gets more and more surreal - ond no more fun! Create real conditions !!!

  31. If u go for real, look at the Armor of all tanks,
    Rusians and Americans has cast steel, germans have welded armor steel!
    So cast steel is much much more weak then armor steel with the same thikness!...
    Think about this...and now u must know it`s a GAME!
    But if WG balance all tanks in a tier, that they all has the same strength WG FAIL!
    Because E-100 is a realy bad tank!
    All what a other T10 has to do is drive next to you and you have no chance because the E-100 can but the canon down, so you are only able to hit the upper turret...FAIL because penetration is for the ass!
    Gold amo is also for the ass last CW I bounce 5 Times from 6 Shots on the side of IS7 and i was not more then 50meters away!
    I don`t like my E-100 and I will delete the game if nothing will change on it.

  32. When making polls about tank performance (and when pulling stats for them in game), please separate them into two groups:

    First poll group should be random pubbie matches
    Second poll group should be organized CW matches

    There are huge differences between the way tanks work/are played in these two types of gameplay. For instance, T-54s are usually considered to be OP in random pubbie matches. But anyone who has played CW knows that they are mostly worthless there, with the occasional rare exception.

    Even the mighty T95, which causes pubbies to wet themselves with fear, isn't all that useful in CW. Teams might take one with them if they are playing Himmelsdorf, but other than that they are left behind.

    So please make polls with two options, one for random matches, one for CW.

  33. And in the newly 6.7 patch, the E-100 150mm gun has 235 penetration value. Dear Overlord... The 238 value was SO HIGH?!?!?!? Thank you agin your excellent action!

  34. Voted good but then I didnt have E-100.

    Now I can say POOOR.

    The E-100 is some kind a joke?

    Almost everything from T8 can penetrate you easily, ok if its from sides or back but from front? Sorry Mouse is better, not to mention IS-7 (how in the hell you can't penetrate its sides from 20-30m (128mm gun)?

    I'll try 150mm soon but I'm almost sure it will be another failure, maybe with gold ammo its ok. And this means CW only, in randoms you still suck in armour and dmg department.

    To sum up:
    E-50 - good
    E-75 - good (after 6.7 fix it can be even excellent)
    E-100 - imho bad performance is too good for this tank (CW - Average).

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