Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wargaming TV. Episode 6

New episode of Wargaming TV with English subtitles is out.

In this episode:

- Wargaming.net at Computec Cup
- 6.6 update
- anti-bot policy


  1. "1st"

  2. I want Ola to come play with my WoT!

  3. Any chance of these getting English dubbed and not just subtitled?

  4. Q: Any chance of these getting English dubbed and not just subtitled?

    A: This is already on our TO-DO list.

  5. When can we expect to have the ability to buy gold with our mobile accounts?

  6. =( dont dub it, Russians sound so much cooler

  7. Guys, it's not in russian, you just need to play the sound backwards

  8. Don't dub, I like to listen to the Russian, especially Ola

  9. Yeah cause we really, really want to hear about soccer games.....

  10. When will we get to see the Object 252?

  11. "Anonymous said...

    Any chance of these getting English dubbed and not just subtitled?"

    No thanks, we'd rather choose russian speaking Ola ;3

  12. Subtitles are just fine, I wouldn't bother going much further than that, focus on getting more info into the program instead.

    Also, Overlord, when can we expect the "Open-Test" for the US/EU servers since last week's was cancelled due to a db problem?

  13. I am fine with listening to Ola, she is kind of cute with the out takes at the end.


  14. Please do not dub. Let us hear Ola speak. We can all read.

  15. With 2 english speaking servers there should be a separate english version. No dubbing and no subbing. Period. Show us some respect please.

  16. Can i have Ola's Phone # plz plz plz

  17. Can you please tell us why we have to wait 4 days to get the subtitle?
    The Russian only version was Friday on YouTube

  18. E-series Are sexy as hell you can nerf the tanks but you can't Nerf there looks :D


  19. Hey Overlord,

    When can we have the T1 & M6 American heavies replaced with tanks that actually do something? Thanks for all the good work {^_^}

  20. Overlord, Will the damage system be changed?

    Ex on the E-100 viewports on the upgraded tower, it does FULL Damage to the tank...

    Its not like that IRL, and if i hit just a very small peice of the tank, it shouldnt do any damage

  21. "With 2 english speaking servers there should be a separate english version. No dubbing and no subbing. Period. Show us some respect please."

    Are you blind, or just a filthy flamer? The only way I, and most of those playing this game, would want a separate English version is if Ola learns to speak English.

  22. "With 2 english speaking servers there should be a separate english version. No dubbing and no subbing. Period. Show us some respect please."

    Show some respect to the rest of the world and learn to read subs, arrogant to expect everyone to worship english speakers.

  23. please have it dubbed by matt stone cartman style:

  24. "Are you blind, or just a filthy flamer? The only way I, and most of those playing this game, would want a separate English version is if Ola learns to speak English."

    Maybe you should go out more and find a real girl outside or if its too hard just go for porn. It's right there! I don't care if hot will be a dude or not as long as it's english speaking person.

    "Show some respect to the rest of the world and learn to read subs, arrogant to expect everyone to worship english speakers."

    I don't have problem with reading subtitles. But it's a short term solution. WG should make a separate english version of this TV show ASAP.


  26. Q: might there at any point in the future be any penalty for quiting a game?

    I know there might be interferences due to real life, but it just sucks when teammates are quiting just because they don't like the mats and or are afraid of getting shot.
    Just to give some examples:
    1. One team is almost dead, just some tanks and artys left. A tank races towards an arty, the arty shoots the tank but misses him, then leaves the game "goes up in flames..."
    2. Maus-driver: I hate this map "goes up in flames...", so again thanks to the maus leaving the game the team loses (i don't want to say it would have been a win but with the only t10 tank gume thats a hughe disadvantage).
    3. a group of med. tanks flank the team, one arty player quits the game after flaming the team "goes up in flames..." the t54 got destroyed after one arty was killed, the game was very close at the end.

    Now lets just get that straight away, RL goes first, if there is something that needs to be done just leave. But leaving the game just because you want just dont want to loose or you don't want to give a kill to the enemy, thats just weak. While i haven't played world of tanks for that long i have the feeling that this happens more frequently.
    I think there should be some minor pentalty (except the 0xp, repair cost and no credits), just let those people play a couple of games (whit the tank they left the game) without any xp or credits, so they might think twice before the desert the battlefield.

    (lets think of the maus, when he/she leaves the game its almost certainly a lost game and that just because he disliked the map, if he faces a couple of games - lets say 5 - without any income he might just have fought the battle)

  27. Overlord, on wotdb.info i can't see the Hummel on the PzIII/IV research tree.Why is that?

  28. Just because people notice the fact that Olga look amazing doesn't mean it's some kind of rude statement. She looks great and she knows it. It's a down right dumb commenting "Maybe you should go out more and find a real girl outside or if its too hard just go for porn". Understand the difference?

  29. We should have a poll, but also I vote "Ola speaks russian" rather than "anonymous English voice"

  30. Q: Overlord, on wotdb.info i can't see the Hummel on the PzIII/IV research tree.Why is that?

    A: Dunno. We don't host and support it.

  31. Is there a chance to see the kv-220 after one of the next patches as a buyable premium tank?

  32. Nobody is forcing you to watch english version. As far as I know she still will be in russian WG TV so you can watch her and please yourself at the same time.

  33. Overlord what is the status on the EU/US test server?

  34. "Nobody is forcing you to watch english version. As far as I know she still will be in russian WG TV so you can watch her and please yourself at the same time."

    "Maybe you should go out more and find a real girl outside or if its too hard just go for porn. It's right there! I don't care if hot will be a dude or not as long as it's english speaking person."

    I an repeatedly amazed at how completely depraved and gutter-bound some people are. These two posts look like the same rotted mind writing. Ola is a strikingly beautiful girl--sure that's a big part of her attraction, but she also presents herself well and is amusing to watch and listen to. She's obviously having fun, and that comes across throughout the videos, as well as in the outtakes. One would be hard put to find someone who is not only attractive in all these ways, but who presents and represents the game so well, no matter what language she speaks.

    A cult of ugliness has spread through much of the world: people choosing to make things without beauty; choosing to make themselves look ugly, even inhuman; dressing in a ridiculous or unflattering manner; etc. It is a tremendously dark tendency that is gaining hold in many spiritually misguided people. These people also hate things of beauty and of class, things that make them seem less than what they believe themselves to be. I suspect the poster of the quoted material is one of those who detests beauty.

  35. She is just too cute heh...
    Anyway Hey Overlord,

    Keep up with these episodes. They are very informative when I can understand them so the subtitles are great.

  36. "I think there should be some minor pentalty (except the 0xp, repair cost and no credits), just let those people play a couple of games (whit the tank they left the game) without any xp or credits, so they might think twice before the desert the battlefield."

    I think problem is that system cannot distinquish ragequit/cowardquit from lost connection quit. I think that will be good if all quits will be for 0 credits and 0 xp (even if you score something) and quitting tank will stay in game for some period, maybe 30 seconds.

  37. hi Overlord

    is it right ?
    The next change of Techtrees are the french tanks not the russia tank update ?

  38. Overlord , i have a question :

    You know, the jagtiger is based on the Tiger 2 .

    So why the Jagdtiger have an in-game weaker front armor ? It make no sense that A frontal armor of a TD is weaker than the bases tank off ( KT )

    PS : Im speaking on the in-game stats , what is written is just world , but what is calculated ingame for the frontal armor ... . I can get the Jagtiger frontal armor much more easier whith my KT than a normal KT .

  39. Q: hi Overlord

    is it right ?
    The next change of Techtrees are the french tanks not the russia tank update ?

    A: Most likely that tier 5 lights, Sherman Jumbo and some other vehicles will come next. However this is still to be confirmed.

  40. Overlord, will it be changed in future that instead of shell holes in hull CAN also be dents?

    All HE shells doesnt penetrate so, make it dents?

  41. Hi Ovi, maybe a little off topic. But I see tons of German future premium tanks, is there a ETA for them? Quarter? Could you add the E10 and E25 as premium tanks if they don't fit in your tech tree? Thx looking forward to the patch.

  42. Are we going to see the US update this year or will it be pushed back indefinitely?

  43. Hi Overlord, I was thinking of a small change that would make it more like a sim. Could we have a check mark for a hardcore mode. On screen while playing no teams are shown and no tank status..... Only the aiming device and the overall score. For players who want to double check can press a key and it will show up. I personally don't want to use any mods, just the stuff WG is providing. Thx HanZulu

  44. Actually it would be great if we can customize the information shown on the battle screen. Some want to see the kill info others the teams, I guess it's not too difficult to make it flexible. Thx great idea.

  45. Plz hurry with release 6.6, also adaptive camo and game engine. I would love to see no cliff hanging anymore. Thx Devs and sorry for my impatience.

  46. Q: Hi Ovi, maybe a little off topic. But I see tons of German future premium tanks, is there a ETA for them? Quarter? Could you add the E10 and E25 as premium tanks if they don't fit in your tech tree? Thx looking forward to the patch.

    A: Nope, sry. Haven't fixed the timeline for them yet.

  47. Q: Are we going to see the US update this year or will it be pushed back indefinitely?

    A: Definitely this year.

  48. Overlords PLEASE buff the t32. People say russians r OP but I do not care about that. Seems to me that u r trying to fix that. But the T32 is just a bad joke.

    The gun (please correct me if I am wrong) shoots slower than the same gun in T29 and is less accurate. Even a Tier 5 gun is able to penetrate the frontal armor. The commanders coppula is a huge lump on top of the turret. The T32 has the advantage of the strong armor of the turret.

    But what about everything else? There are just 2 tanks which have less penetration in it's tier and that r mediums! It's the same with damage per shot.

    The worst thing is: I scored 2 Wittmanns with this tank. I really fear that your statistics tell u, that the t32 is a usable tank. But if u got trubble to penetrate your counterparts (IS-3 and Tiger II) while they have no problem destroying your tank AT ALL, then there is something wrong.

    When I am in my KT and I see an enemy T32 I'm just laugthing to myself and I'm happy about another victim.

    Please! I beg u, buff this tank

  49. Hey Overlord,
    Can I get a secret behind the scenes look at the next American heavy tanks? It's just that I think I'm more special than everyone else and I deserve a look {^_^}

  50. Please don't include the full techtree too fast.
    I'd rather see a lot of different stuff before everybody has a maxed out techtree. A lot of people are grinding for e.g. all german tanks. Once you released the full tree these people are satisfied and will play less or quit at all.

    After the E Series the german tree is huge already. I'd delay the TD line and do other things before. At least add some British tanks.

    I don't understand why you add all these tanks right now. All you can do in the future is add more Tiers but those post war tanks will ruin the game as most people like to play a true world war 2 game.

    My wish: second german TD line in 2012 and german premium tanks added one by one in between or after. force development of minimal British tank tree. Focus on other things than adding copies of exisiting content. either make up new content types or game modes.

  51. Q: Overlords PLEASE buff the t32.

    A: It's the strongest tier 8 heavy presently.

  52. Overlord - wats the status of servers.. i cannot connect and looking at forum...most of eu as well.

  53. Oviii the server is down :O

  54. server down is the update being implemented?

  55. Overlord said...
    Q: Overlords PLEASE buff the t32.

    A: It's the strongest tier 8 heavy presently


    Only looking at win to loss ratio's doesnt mean something is good.

  56. I can't connect eigher :(
    update checking is ok, but after that I fill username and password and error message "network is unreachable" occured :(
    I miss 4k exp and 50k credits for panther, if is now implemented new patch, i will be verry dissapoited :(

  57. hmm, it is working now... :)

  58. As far as the "T32 strongest" comment goes, they use some internal W/L + Xp gained formula. And thus, this is why this game is horribly balanced, having T-54s running wild. Yet, it's a double bladed sword, as the 704/IS4 are running wild, and they refuse to nerf them. I do not care one moment that the IS4 is going to be a T10, it has had such a long run now how OP it is, and it'll continue to be that way until it's removed from T9. Yet that's cool, they leave it sit there for EZ-mode russian players.

    If these guys were pro, they'd look at highly-skilled players, preferably of equal skill play in tanks against each other and take it from there. But they can't even balance things just by noticing on paper something is OP and something is weak, so......

    Bring on the E-Series nerfs!

  59. Overlord,

    When will disableing in game chat be a option? because I don't play this game to be spoken at in a vulgar way.

  60. Any news about EU test 6.6?

  61. Is the new patch 6.6 out? What are the previous bloggers talking about? I'm at work I can't double check.

  62. Why needing the E series it's not even out yet. Tankers who play the German tree are playing buggy tanks for over 1 1/2 years now. Update 6.4 was a major improvement towards balance, but even the E series If OP let us have some fun. I would like to have a feeling too, like the first IS7 or Object 704 or IS4 and and and. They got nerves later. Why so jealous. Yeah balance them later. Like what they did with Russian tanks. IS4 is still OP. Jesus what a dick.

  63. Overlord,

    Can you tell us which patch will be the removal of the German tanks since you guys don't care about them enough to actually balance them properly? Thanks in advance!

  64. Hi,

    Because of the crash we and other have fail or lose some land because they can't log for defend them. WG will rollback the map before the crash ? Or this will stay like this ?

  65. Hi Overload, first of all thank you for the blog, its been a great read and always look forward to it. I have a question off topic about the WOT forums. Currently I see no option for having a swear filter enabled for the forums and more and more your seeing foul language used. An example is I read though the thread "Large 300+ member clans and the creation of fake "farming clans" in the clan diplomacy forum (NA server) today and was shocked to see some stuff there. If foul language is allowed in the forums please look at a filter for it or please have the mods react to all the threads the same (Rumor has it a mod is a friend of one of the people who use language in a number of posts thats why no action, i hope thats not true)

  66. KT and IS-3 are far better tier 8

    the T32 low hull armor and only with a 105 (the same from the T29)
    the only good thing its the front of the turret (if upgraded, because the stock is also trash)

  67. The new map looks very good.
    Are the tank traps destructible?


  68. "Bring on the E-Series nerfs!"

    It looks that WG will make your wish come true - they drop amount of Maus and E100 hitpoints which together with ridiculous penetration on E100 makes it worst tier10 tank.

    I hoped that new german tanks will be equal to the soviet counterparts, but no, again 10 shots per minute with 300 dmg (our wishes for super long 88) on tier 9 is bad but 7 shots per minute with 300 dmg on tier 5 is good.

  69. Overlord: "Q: Overlords PLEASE buff the t32.

    A: It's the strongest tier 8 heavy presently. "

    That's totaly correct. The tank with the weakest gun and weakest armor has to be best tank in its tier. In fact the T32 is OP. As is the Tiger, the VK3002DB and not to forget the T1 Heavy Tank.
    Totaly OP! You should nerf all of them!

    You could of course start a poll. Like that one about T9 TDs. I understand that the opinion of one Player is not strong enough. So go ahead and ask the masses.

  70. Anon July 30, 2011 1:13 AM

    tank traps destructible... there is a point they are tank traps...

    but maybe... a Maus or a T95 could brake them..

  71. Q for Overlord: Are we going to be able to buy the KV-220 on the NA and EU servers? And if so, when?
    I have have an addiction to premium tanks, MUST HAVE MORE.

  72. "The new map looks very good.
    Are the tank traps destructible?


    Nice Ola skin.

    That Tiger skin looks great. Where did you find it?

  73. STILL THE E100 looks and performs like shit! even when u delete comments!

  74. Q: why do you remove posts about the E100 and Maus being under powered now?

  75. Overlord: "Q: Overlords PLEASE buff the t32.
    A: It's the strongest tier 8 heavy presently. "

    I agree. It's not the armor or gun but its so mobile and versatile. It has a great turret and gun depression. So if you can play it right - it is truely OP. (I own and have played all of the tier8 tanks except kv-5)

  76. you can find the Tiger skin here


  77. It’s taken a long time and a lot of money to get my maus, and it’s not going to be the tank I set out to get 400 hits off it longer to load I wont a refund!!! You won’t be getting any more money out of me
