Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tiger Porsche Revealed

PzVI Tiger (P) - tier 7 German heavy is on its way to release in 6.6 update. 200mm of front hull armor and long 8.8 cm await you.


  1. 200mm front armor? and only 100 for the real tiger I? are you kidding... that's going to be an op tier 7...

  2. Yer but remeber its Flat 200mm instead of sloped Armor the projectile only needs to get through 200mm not 400mm if it was sloped

  3. Wow that tank looks sexy! I cant wait to give it a drive! Very handsome.

    Also, this tank will lead to the VK45, yes? Or will there be a tank after Tiger(P) then VK? I don't have access to the tech tree as I am at work and the internet is filtered here.

    Are there ever any plans to add the Panzer IX/X tanks? Or is there too little information on them/theyre game breaking?

  4. It's still more than the regular Tiger I.

    I'm curious as to what part of the front is 200, because I seriously doubt it's the whole thing.

  5. From the VK3001P you get this then it leads to the VK4502A then to the VK4502B then the Maus

  6. @VK Anon

    But if we have a king tiger, then we get this tank already? Or will we still have to grind the 3001p? And the other VK has the forward mounted turret right?

  7. Hi Ovi, great pics. Stats pls, speed? Traverse? HP? Looking forward to this tank, also what about the Ausf A? Thx a lot, can't wait till release. I hope the better balance in this game will play out for you guys. For me as a player I hope for a bigger fanbase it's a fun game. Thx for this Dev's.

  8. You will have to Start Again by grinding the VK3001p for this tank no refund planned for this tank so you will have to grind from scratch

    AOD_VIPER262 is my name BTW

  9. @AOD
    Well I hope I can grind out the 120k xp to get the VK in time :P...


  10. No one knows how much it will cost safe bets on the Tiger I H being 45k so around 50k mark should be cool :)

  11. "I'm curious as to what part of the front is 200, because I seriously doubt it's the whole thing."

    That riveted part will be 200mm thick. Original armor got 100mm and as in Ferdinands another 100mm were added. I supposee that angled parts wil get 80mm.

  12. Nice, i can sell Tiger I and use slot and crew on E-75... if armor works at least VS lower tier guns, i know very well the "value" of 200mm of flat armor, Ferdi is a nice training hehehe.

  13. Will be the front hull plate that will 200mm exactly like the Ferdi

  14. This tank will be slow - good target for artillery...

  15. I can this research from VK3001P?

  16. Don't worry, the turret is still 120mm

  17. @ Grabarzstg

    since its the successor of the VK3001P it should be rather fast.
    historically it used a different engine (porsche - electronic) which was superior to the maibach engines.
    i guess it will be faster than the henschel tiger

  18. Glad I have 50k xp saved up on 3001(P).

  19. superior in it's designer dreams perhaps, otherwise it was slow, unwieldy and put to the unreliability a completely new meaning.
    the only real advantage was ride and handling smoothness. otherwise capital fail as all Dr.Porsche's designs.

  20. Yup I don't think think the Porsche engines were superior to Maybach. Probably more in theory, nevertheless he did great car designs.

  21. Yup, I have over 50k of XP sitting on the VK3001P waiting for this.

  22. Tiger P is superior to Tiger I in armor, speed, and traverse limits. Tiger I weighs less and has a better engine. Same guns, same HP.

    Not set in stone though.

  23. It's a giant 3001P.

    That's not a good thing.

  24. about those engines: they were superior in theory but broke down very often (as every german stuff did). since the chance of engine failure isn´t in the game and the vk 3001 p is faster than the 3001 h /3601 h with maibach engines its just logical that the porsche tiger with porsche engine is faster than the henschel tiger with maibach engine

  25. I hope so. But don't forget what is also not in the game, the Tiger could 1 shot any tank easily at 1.2k distance.

  26. every penetrating hit was (and still is) a 1-shot for any tank..

  27. 1. How much XP will be needed for Tiger (P)
    2. Any chance for 7,5cm L100 gun?
    3. Any chance to make VK4502 Ausf A and B in same tier, so player would choose which one want to play before Maus?

  28. If 3001P is any indication of what a Porsche tiger is about... this is not going to be good.

    The 200mm riveted parts are good, but there are a lot of frontal weaknesses, such as left and right potion of the front hull, exposed tracks, elevated lower glaze plate, etc. I am sure a well informed tanker would have no problem picking those weak points off, just like what most people do with Lowes.

  29. No not for t34 it had hard time to penetrate the tiger, that's why they rammed it.

  30. Same with American tanks they only penned the tiger at very close range from the back or side.

  31. with the 76mm guns, yes, with the 90mm and 85mm guns? No, they could take the Tiger even frontally at like 800 meters.

  32. Tiger was the best tank, only got beaten by it's mech failiures, lack of gasoline, being heavily outnumbered, last not least enemy air force. Just live with it. I understand that tank in it's real values would be massively OP, but that doesn't mean you should burn him that easily, just fail by Dev's.

  33. of course the tiger (german tanks in general) had a huge range advantage, but if penetrated (from 50 meters or something) they were dead like any other tank with one shot

  34. rear of a T34, turret of a panzer IV and rest is a tiger

  35. Turret of panzer4?

  36. And it can be researched only from VK3001P?

  37. Anonymous said...

    "Tiger was the best tank, only got beaten by it's mech failiures, lack of gasoline, being heavily outnumbered, last not least enemy air force."

    No, it wasn't, Panther was better armored, M36 Jackson better armed, IS-2 overall better design. Everything you list is why the Tiger was a poor tank. Also, air power had little to do with knocked out Tigers.

    "Just live with it. I understand that tank in it's real values would be massively OP, but that doesn't mean you should burn him that easily, just fail by Dev's."

    Except the Tiger was a failure, logistically, mechanically, and in design. The gun was good, but so weren't emplacements. Just because Pop History says the Tiger was a God, doesn't mean it really was.

  38. So why was it the most feared tank in WW 2? Just POP history you just failed, look at the kill ratio of the tiger. And the gun was much more than just 'good'.

  39. The IS2 was not that good. Had less impact than Tiger I.

  40. "No, it wasn't, Panther was better armored, M36 Jackson better armed, IS-2 overall better design. Everything you list is why the Tiger was a poor tank. Also, air power had little to do with knocked out Tigers."

    But the Tiger was earlier than m36 and IS-2. And the M36 has opened turret(omg) one granade could this take out.

    But you have rigth, the gun was the best thing on the Tiger.

  41. Tiger was prime target for American air crews, easy to spot easy to hit, when moving.

  42. Q: I can this research from VK3001P?

    A: Yes, sure.

  43. Q1 Any chance for 7,5cm L100 gun?
    Q2 Any chance to make VK4502 Ausf A and B in same tier, so player would choose which one want to play before Maus?

    A. No to both questions.

  44. LOL if I'm not mistaken I smell communism is reading and posting in this blog, shouldn't you rather play and hone your skills instead? And not trying to convince people the Tiger was a fail tank. Surely not as great as some people make it, but better than you portray it. Think of all the affords it took to take it out, don't belittle them. It was an unreliable beast for all sides.

  45. The 3001P gets a bad rap... sure it's terrible stock but it's actually a half decent tank fully upgraded - could use a bit more armor but hey... here it is!

  46. Having seen stats from a test server shot, I can say that while it has better armor on paper, it has a significantly worse power to weight ratio as it's best engine has a lot less HP than the Tiger's best engine. Due to this expect it to accelerate and maneuver poorly.

    That being said the armor is quite good for T7. We'll see how it oompares on the battlefield.

  47. First of all THANK YOU! for adding my most favorite tank to the game! I hopefully have enough XP to buy it straight off the bat :)

    Hope this isn't off topic but i've been itching to use my gold to buy another premium to start the grind to the US T34 but the only thing keeping me from starting that grind is:

    Will the M103, the replacement for the T34 be put in this patch or will it come in a month or so in the next patch? (6.7?)

    Thanks very much!

  48. This tank will be slower and more heavily armored than the Tiger I. This will make it a better frontline heavy.

    However, it will be less maneuverable (due to its lower power/weight ratio) and it will have elongated sides. This will make it a worse support tank.

    The Porsche tanks will be the German "heavier" heavy tanks while the Henschel Tigers and Entwicklung series will be the German "lighter" heavy tanks. We could already see this in the comparison between Maus and E-100, but it looks like this will carry to the lower tiers as well.

  49. On the Russian forum they are calling it "Толстый Тигр" which means "Fat Tiger".

  50. So will this be better or possibly even worse than the current Tiger in the game? Because the current Tiger is probably one of the worst experiences in the game outside of a T1 heavy. Still bitter about Germans having superior tanks and tankers for their respected times and all.

  51. I don't understand why Tiger(P) has 200mm front hull armor. This type has been washed out long long ago. How can this type be better than Tiger(H)? just cos it is new for WOT?

  52. look. 200mm of front armor is very nice. But see that copula? that is filled with yummy treats and credits. Just shoot at that!

  53. IS2 being better? well, remember reading an account on IS/IS2 crew behaviour when Tiger or Panther was reported in vicinity. The crews used to tread veeery lightly as their tanks were penetrable from a longer effective distance than it was vice versa. Plus add the split ammo for IS2 that made it very slow reloader.
    To sum it up, ruskies themselves considered IS2 more of a breakthrough tank rather an anti-tank vehicle - this was also reflected in the loadout that preferred HE rounds.

    Fact is the Tiger in WoT is positioned against tanks that are historically younger and more advanced, add the shorter visibility, add the misunderstood speed rating, not including the complex however very effective undercarriage (making it a tank with lowest kg/cm2 ratio to date with T34 included) and the result is an underperforming vehicle with limited survivability.

  54. The thing people seem to be missing from the whole uparmoured situation is that the Ferdinand, which possess the same lower hull as far as I know, is riddled with weak points that essentially nullify its outstanding armour. Added to this is the relatively thin turret armor, while still thicker than the Tiger H it is also flatter in appearance and es previously mentioned has a place bullet here cupola. And no matter what you ere attempting to do be it hull down or corner camping they weak turret and cupola are required to be visible.

    Let's also not forget how LONG this tank is, thus flankers and long range side shots are just going to have a field day with this tank.

    All in all looking forward to this and all the new German tanks greatly, thanks for all your hard work keep it up WG.

  55. Otto-matic ReiffelJuly 22, 2011 at 8:43 AM

    Confused about the 200mm front armour. I thought the Porsche Tiger design only had 100mm armour which they then bolted an extra 100mm on specifically for the Ferdinand.
    What was the source for the 200mm armour or is it just to differentiate from the Henschel Tiger?

  56. hmm hull 200mm - but... turret i think 100-120mm

    turret side looks like 60-70mm so....

    Soooo... any tank starting pzIV penetrate this from front - lol.

    And turret from side - can penetrate even marder 2

    Another great german tank.... hahaha

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. @Otto-matic Reiffel said and @I don't understand why Tiger(P) has 200mm front hull armor

    Look here:
    Only one completed Tiger(P) with chassis number 150013 saw combat service as a command tank - Panzerbefehlswagen VI(P) with schwere Heeres Panzerjager Abteilung 653.

    Last photo in the linked article shows a 4501(P) with riveted front armor - there was extra armor added. 100 mm Tiger P's own armor and 100 mm additional - so this is historical values :) Don't say it was the only exemplar...

  59. Hope you publish required XP for all the new tanks in advance. Don't wanna spend more battles in the shitty 3001P than actually needed.

  60. if you actually think the 3001P is shit when its fully upgraded then you just suck. its one of the best t6 mediums in game (once proper upgraded ofc)

  61. Do you know how many xp we need to research Vk3001P from PzIV(from the future german tech tree)???
    And how many xp need to research Tiger(P)???

  62. "superior in it's designer dreams perhaps, otherwise it was slow, unwieldy and put to the unreliability a completely new meaning.
    the only real advantage was ride and handling smoothness. otherwise capital fail as all Dr.Porsche's designs."

    - and good for shooting around corners without exposing the front/tracks?, porsche arent idiots must have some percieved advantage

  63. Atm its 24k from IV to 3601, 27k from IV to 3001H and 26k from III/IV to 3001P

    to get the tiger its 45k from 3601 and 47k from 3001H

    i guess it will be around this numbers after the patch too

  64. People whining about the Tiger in game clearly don't know what they are doing, its just as good as the IS, if not better (better vs higher tiered tanks than the IS certainly).

    Either way my stats with the both after 121 battles were practically identicle, even damage done was slightly higher with the Tiger and that was with about 40 battles in the Tiger being with the short 8.8 and the IS having the 100mm from the start. 730ish avg exp in both, more kills with IS (122mm tends to finish things off more often before teammates do, basically) but more damage done with the Tiger.

    Basically Tiger 1 in game is fine, was fine in beta aside from a lil over generous module damage and exclsive german tankers suffer from grass is greener sydrome big style.

  65. Also the 3001p even fully upgraded is nothing special and the exp investment just to get it to be non worthless is huge. Fully upped its not bad, but its a far cry from one of the best T6 mediums, it steers like a cow and only reaches 60 downhill or straight line for ages, has the same gun as the other german meds, is a much larger target and no angles on it at all, even the 3001h will bounce a few shots and can actually turn and hit its top speed.

  66. The normal tiger isn't sloped either, no reason to take it over this one, unless this thing is even slower, and/or takes longer to reload, and/or has several hundred less health :P. also is it 200 on the turrent or just hull?

  67. How much exp. I will need from VK 3001 (P) to Porsche Tiger?

  68. I had to did this. Hope you'll like it

  69. "Anonymous said...

    Tiger was the best tank, only got beaten by it's mech failiures, lack of gasoline, being heavily outnumbered, last not least enemy air force. Just live with it. I understand that tank in it's real values would be massively OP, but that doesn't mean you should burn him that easily, just fail by Dev's.
    July 21, 2011 9:42 PM "

    The Tiger in reality squared off against mostly T-34's and Shermans, in game it easily demolishes those tanks.

    It is two tiers higher than what it saw during the war in WoT and faces off against tanks designed to counter it. That is why they aren't unbeatable.

    It really isn't a hard concept to understand.

  70. The Tiger (P) had huge problems with its
    suspention on bad terrain (the Henschel
    model had way less problems).
    The Porsche engine also had bad overheating problems. Although Hitler had already decided for himself that the Porsche Tiger had won the contest (wich lead Porsche to start building undercarriages wich later were turned into the Ferdinant TD) he was later convinced by the team that evaluated both designs to change his opinion in favour of the Henschel design.

    I'm a German so there is no bias involved when I say that the Tiger isn't that great of a design but it was the combination of superior training and tank strategy in cobination with a great gun, that created the Tiger myth.

    The head developer of the tank himself said that he didn't feel good about the bad things he said about the tank in its early stage but later he felt bad about all the good things that were said about it.

    I have both IS and Tiger and I like the Tiger more. None of them is really superior.

  71. We're not talking about a mythical being,
    its a machine that still exists.
    Just do the math and check the facts!

    Believing that the Russians are sub-humans and that they could never build tanks that would match the German models got the Germans into all the trouble.

    Suprised by the T-34. suprised by the KV-1 and surprised by the IS-2

  72. It seems like a tank with good stengths and serious weaknesses.

    good gun and strong front armor will make it a good city fighter and a good tank to duel TD's with at long range.

    At the end of the day, those that take heed of the weaknesses and stick to the strengths will make this a very effective tank.

  73. Good hull, bad turret i guess same armor as normal tiger.

  74. I am looking forward to the getting this and the other Patch tanks of 6.6. Sweetness is so grand!

  75. The Tiger was a tank built around a gun. What made it feared was it could kill other tanks at 2200 meters. In many cases the allied tanks could not even target it back. It did not require heay armor as the slow velocity of many of the allied guns could not hurt it at 2200 meters even if they did hit it. This was one reason the americans started to field the 90. The legend of the Tiger is based off this. Basically to make this correct the developers would have to remove the penetration drop on the 88 gun. Only then would you start to see it shine.

  76. I manely hear Tiger I(H) bashing so far, as to some one listing tanks that were better, the M36 had a terrible tendency to be blown up by infantry with ease, and there were few in comparison to the M10. As to the panther, it was much more advance, and the best WWII medium tank(okay russian trolls, say the T34 was, and youd be wrong, in fire power, armor and supension the panther WAS better), but it didnt have an 88, and broke down WAYYYY too much. In terms of the IS2, it didnt make an impact on the war, and the Tiger could kill it with ease. All of this withstanding the tiger came to be feared, it was produced in 1942, before its only 2 counterparts, the IS2 and M26 were even being field tested, not only that but Wittman proved its power OVER AND OVER again, the most famous of which being the Villers Bocage incident, in which he destroyed 25 tanks, 14 half tracks, and 14 bren carries alone. As for the Tiger(P) with 200mm of armor, due note that all Tiger (p)'s were converted into the ferdi...

  77. The Tiger(H) was the best tank of its era for a short time. It was a bit worse than its reputation. German tacticans used this tank very effectively tho'. TigerII was developed pretty soon after TigerI came out because of lacks of version H. There were plans for next version of Tiger but war ended before it was mass produced.

    About this Tiger(P) I expect it to be bit faster than the (H) version. Nice add Devs! ;)


  78. Reason why Tiger VI was so effective at least on the Western Front was because it was fighting M4 Shermans, Stuarts, M10's and then British Armor, all of which were inferior. Eventually tactics and supply of American and Brit tanks and trained crews lead to the demise of many Tigers, they were highly effect and on more than one account split turrets in half with their beautiful cannon =) As stated above shortages of fuel and mechanical failures also contributed to the weakness of the Tigers and most other German equipment in the later years of the War.

  79. The Tiger did not only fight Shermans.

    "The first loss came on 25 February to 3rd Armored when the Pershing assigned to F Company 33rd Armd. Reg. was knocked out by a Tiger from about 100 yards. The first hit penetrated the turret through the coax MG port and killed both the gunner and loader. The second hit shot off the muzzle brake setting of the 90mm round in the gun and destroying the tube. The third hit glanced off the right side of the turret and knocked off the cuploa hatch which was open. The surviving crew backed away, getting the tank stuck in a pile of building debris, abandoning the tank.
    This tank was nicknamed Fireball."

    "Malinava, Latvia, July 22nd 1944 by David Pentland. DHM1422 1st Lieutenant Otto Carius commanding 2nd Company of the 502nd heavy tank Battalion, with eight Tigers, advanced towards the village of Malinava (a northern suburb of Dunaburg), to halt the Russian advance. Following a reconnaissance Lieutenant Otto Carius explained his plan to take the village. He decided to attack using only two tanks because there was only one narrow road leading to the village. Six Tigers therefore remained in the reserve while Lt Carius and Lt. Albert Kerschers (one of the most decorated commanders of sPzAbt 502) tanks moved towards the village. Speed was the essence and afterwards, Otto Carius recalls that the entire battle did not last more than 20 minutes. in this short time, Carius and Kerscher knocked out 17 of the new JS-1 Stalin and 5 T-34 tanks. Following this he deployed 6 of his tanks in an ambush against the remainder of the Soviet tank battalion advancing toward him, unaware of their lead companies demise. Surprise was complete and a further 28 tanks were destroyed along with their supporting trucks and vehicles, the complete battalion had been wiped out for no loss."

  80. Hi Overlord

    Thank you for making a really cool Tank game IMO. Could you please answer more then 1 or 2 questions so that the community can hear more of your views? BTW Are there going to be any improvements made to the JagdTiger so that it cannot get penetrated frontally by almost any Tier 5 gun and above. Because what I have read was that in WWII 2 JagdTigers took on 25 Shermans and destroyed every last one of them.

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