Thursday, June 30, 2011

In Development: Vol. 3

Update on preliminary patch notes of v.6.6:

  • New map Siegfried Line (working title, subject to change)
  • New German heavy tanks line: Pz.VI Tiger (P), VK 4502 (P) Ausf A, Е-75, Е-100.
  • New tank E-50, a substitution to Panther II as tier 9 German medium tank (the same procedure as for the substitution of M26 Pershing for M46 Patton). Changes to German medium tanks line according to the revised German tech tree
  • New German premium light tank Skoda Т-15.
  • New German premium medium tank Skoda Т-25.
  • "Zero" battles for players with up to 10 battles on their accounts.
  • Free platoons for 2 players, premium account is required for platoon leader to invite a 3rd member.
  • "Supercharging/afterburning/nitro" (working title, subject to change) consumable for E-series providing extra horsepower.

ETAend of July - beginning of August, 2011.


  1. So when will the M103 be released? In v.6.7?

  2. More news on E75 and E100 stats please! :)

  3. Q: So when will the M103 be released? In v.6.7?

    A: Yes, looks like this change will come in 6.7.

  4. so more suffering with shitty american heavy

  5. Could you clarify the "Zero battles" note?

  6. Q:Could you clarify the "Zero battles" note?
    i guess more exps, something like newbie bonuses

  7. "Free platoons for 2 players"

    Thanks been hoping for this for ages.

    Ta DM

  8. OK; all others get normaly powerful engines, why must E series lovers buy aditional HP...bias again.

  9. What happend with is4 move to tier X?

  10. Will the be any changes to the availible guns on panter and panter 2 when they are moved down a tier?

  11. Really like the semi-free platoons, and the Skoda tanks sound interesting. Naturally, the E-series is also exciting.

    Rather sad to see the date is being pushed back to end of July/beginning of August. Hopefully it won't be pushed back anymore and the patch will release on time, like 6.5 has.

    Overlord, is there any chance of showing us a few "preview" screens of the Skoda T-25, like the ones you showed for the E-series?


  12. Q: Could you clarify the "Zero battles" note?

    A: Players on tier 1 tanks with up to 10 battles played will be facing only newcomers of the same kind.

  13. Q: What happend with is4 move to tier X?

    A: Shifted to another update.

  14. Q: Will the be any changes to the availible guns on panter and panter 2 when they are moved down a tier?

    A: Definitely, yes.

  15. Q: Overlord, is there any chance of showing us a few "preview" screens of the Skoda T-25, like the ones you showed for the E-series?

    A: Yes, sure. In due time, when the model is 100% ready.

  16. will there be any chance of that this
    ""Supercharging" (working title, subject to change) consumable for E-series providing extra horsepower." will be not happening? Just give them it permanently not just by buying consumables

  17. I"m pretty excited for this changes, can't wait.

  18. Pity about the 'supercharging' - I guess germans now should get 'better armoring' and 'hardier shells' as well. All gold type consumables.

  19. So it's only the German Tech Tree that gets it's update in 0.6.6?

    When is the USSR one scheduled?

  20. Overlord, are you guys any closer to revealing the new guns for the m103 and m110 with high penetrating HE? I think the whole community is interested in how these will work.

  21. "Q: What happend with is4 move to tier X?

    A: Shifted to another update. "

    Ohh, this and the new Object heavy was the most waited tank for me in the near future. :-((( I'm sorry for hear that. Will they are be in 6.7?

  22. Q: will there be any chance of that this
    ""Supercharging" (working title, subject to change) consumable for E-series providing extra horsepower." will be not happening? Just give them it permanently not just by buying consumables

    A: No, no chance.

  23. Q: Overlord, are you guys any closer to revealing the new guns for the m103 and m110 with high penetrating HE? I think the whole community is interested in how these will work.

    A: Only after 6.6 update, I believe.

  24. Is there any chance you could tell us how much xp will be required to move on from the tiger 1 to the new tiger p once the tree change happen?

  25. "Overlord said...

    Q: Will the be any changes to the availible guns on panter and panter 2 when they are moved down a tier?

    A: Definitely, yes.
    June 30, 2011 3:42 PM"

    "Supercharging (working title, subject to change) consumable for E-series providing extra horsepower."

    Overlord BRO looks like some1 with german nationality hurt you when you was a child but you should know GOD is not only1 who can forgive

  26. Supercharger for gold? Maximum for credits, otherwise it WON'T be fair.
    For example the 88L56 is with gold ammo on par with the competitros witch are loaded wih AP rounds...
    There's really no need for this. Will be all E-series dumped on speed wihout gold? Will they be on par without it with the soviet competitors or do we got another fine bias issue?
    If we see things from the technical way, a superchardeg should have a 5-600k credit cost, so it will be a chooseable upgrade and could give us the impression that we upgraded the engine really and traded something for it e.g. no vents or some other equipment. These items would be fitted to the engines also permanently so should not differ from battle-to-battle. That way we had a real option to choose what's best.

  27. Is there a way to research from my Tiger II to the VK4502? I want a Maus, but don't have the VK4502 yet, does that mean I need to go through two extra steps? Still need the last gun and 164k XP, and I don't think I can make it in 4 weeks....

  28. Q: Overlord BRO looks like some1 with german nationality hurt you when you was a child but you should know GOD is not only1 who can forgive

    A: Who? Me? )) Nope.

    I highly respect Germans and play German tanks.

  29. When is the Soviet tech tree getting modified? I thought it was supposed to be 6.6.

  30. Wargaming guys you are walking on very thin layer of ice. If E-series sucks you will lose large amount of players and they wont comming back after.

    Be carefull with all these supercharges, gold, and trading vents for supercharger etc. thingies...

    Just my 2%

  31. Блин лучше бы пз 1 ввели поскорей и раздвоили личность КВ

  32. "I highly respect Germans and play German tanks."

    So I hope that E-Series wont be absolutely immobile if they dont have "Supercharging" consumable

  33. Yeah repsect geran tanks...Well that's a statement. But do you respect the plyers who like to play them?

  34. # "Supercharging" (working title, subject to change) consumable for E-series providing extra horsepower.



  35. Q: Yeah repsect geran tanks...Well that's a statement. But do you respect the plyers who like to play them?

    A: Let's not twist things, ok? Tanks are tanks, people are people.

  36. Will the supercharge consumable cost gold or cedits?

  37. Question regarding "Supercharging":

    Q: Will the "Supercharging" consumable be similar to the "Remove Speed Governor" consumable for Russian tanks? A consumable that will not be used up but damages the engine?

  38. what about dmg buff for 88?

  39. Thanks for the 2 people FREE PLATOONS!

  40. So the E-100 will only have HE ammo for 150mm?
    Reason of question : (
    "and Storm's interview has shown that it will have a 150mm gun with HE ammunition"

  41. When will the IS4 change :s ?

  42. Thank you, Overlord and Wargaming, for listening to the community and providing free platoons for 2 people. This is HUGE, and I really think it will help the community grow as new players join in the fun.

  43. Q. So what gun changes are we talking about here with Panthers. Stat changes, gun removal, gun additions what?

  44. Q: Overlord are Panther drivers still getting the free Panther II and garage slot with this update due to moving the panther and panther II down a tier?

  45. I'm looking forward for the patch. I hope the supercharging will only cost 5 golds and not 50, nobody could afford that. I could see a similar equipment like removing speed governor. Just a thought. I don't actually think this is a nationality issue. My feeling is it's a conscious decision by WG to make one nation or faction more expensive. So in this case it was an easy decision, western Europe has more money. I play German, but my son is playing Russian, it's easier and cheaper to play. More forgiving tanks, easier to research better penetration and damage. The German line is the Mercedes in the game, cool design precise and expensive. I really believe this was a decision made early by Victor and I have to admit he is a smart guy. Thx still love the game.

  46. Q. About StuGE (StuG E-100), how it will be? The one you guys are going to do, or the Krokodil?

  47. The only poor guys are the ones that are caught in the middle. Like polish or czeck players, yes they were occupied by Germany but most of them remember the recent occupation by the SU. So a lot of them don't like to play Russian tanks. But on the other hand they don't have the money to make the German tanks more competitive. They probably go for Americans. I don't know though. I choose Germany because of variety and looks, besides precision.

  48. So if I have the Panther II researched in my Panther I and the VK2502 (P) Ausf B in my Tiger II
    what will happen when the patch hits? will I get the E-50 and E-75 researched?
    Or should I save the xp for when the patch hits and then research the E-75?

  49. Q: Why don't you make
    the "Free platoon" for 3 players
    the "Premium platoon" for 5?

  50. Should be VK4502 above obviously ^^

  51. "Overlord said...

    Q: Overlord BRO looks like some1 with german nationality hurt you when you was a child but you should know GOD is not only1 who can forgive

    A: Who? Me? )) Nope.

    I highly respect Germans and play German tanks.
    June 30, 2011 4:20 PM"

    Yes you think that but your acting with german tanks look like direct oposite

  52. Q: after the announcement that IS4 will be converted to Tier 10 and the new T9 tank will get equivalent equipment from IS4, I convertet alot of exp to recerch IS4 and all equipment. now you are saying IS4 upgrade is postponed so my exp is wasted, i could use it to reseerch smth else. Any chance you could aleviate pain of people in this cituation?

  53. Wasn't the IS4 change always only after this patch?

  54. Stop acting like it is Overlord who makes the decisions here. He is only here to TELL us what the changes are. Stop making this personal.

  55. Russion heavy line WAS planned for the 0.66 release. But as stated above it was postponed to later release (including IS-4 swap)

  56. A supercharger would seem to fit along the lines of a permanent enhancement and would be VERY impractical as a one use item. However, a supercharger increases HP significantly while also stressing the engine components greatly depending on the psi of the charger.

    definitely sounds interesting, perhaps you could offer low psi 7lb boost for low-moderate HP gains and low engine failure and high 15lb psi chargers that increase the chance of engine damage but also provide serious HP.

  57. Lol, let's give the German tank players some time for revenge. The IS4 was always an OP tank. Let's see if the E 75 is a worthy opponent of the IS4, I'm curious.

  58. Is this not an English Blog?

    Why this guy posted so uch text that so few can read?

  59. The Russian text above... I tried to translate it with google, it came out bad barely to read. It looks like a little fable to me. Can somebody translate? Thx.

  60. well, i can read it but to translat it is goin to take much time. it is basicaly a poem about WOT.

  61. no way, it is poem about worldoftanks, however it is good stuff ;)

  62. Overlord, do you have in plans designing a city map? not another arty map (redshire)? I know there are covers but still... cities are fantastic:)
    also: do you plan any events like "kill the mod" or some special offers US server had on fathers day? If yes, when:)?

  63. Just deleted the Russian stuff. Guys, please dont pot it over again.

  64. There will be new regions in Clan Wars global map, like the Russian server has (Asia, central Africa etc.)?

  65. So with the addition of F2P platoons, you have addressed my single biggest concern with the game.

    Thank you for listening to the community on this issue.

  66. @ ghettoforce: this blog is filled with tons of internet trolls, think we need some trollslayer here :D

    I just hope the supercharger will cost credits, no gold item pls, i'm spending too much gold on this game anyway. :)

    Oh and how about the damage output from that 15cm? A Dev mentioned that it will deal worse damage than the american counterpart. Does it mean less damage per shot, or less dps?


  67. this means it will have gun like KV..... derp gun from tier V....

  68. Anonymous (June 30, 2011 6:58 PM):
    I dont like city maps, redshire is great (i prefer medium tanks, not arty).

    Overlord: Can you say more about Škoda T-25?
    I as from former Czechoslovakia so i am very interested about this tank.

    I quess it should be counter for premium panther in russian tech tree (that should mean tier 7?) but it looks a bit weak to do that. I expect russian premium panther to have stock gun but and same armor as panther we already have. Can we expect something like that?

    Gun: Skoda A-18 75mm L/55 with autoloader, penetration 98mm at 1000m (that should be something like 120-125mm at 100m)
    Armor: up to 60mm sloped at 45 degrees
    Weight: 23t
    Engine: 450 hp

    These specs should give it nice mobility (19,5 hp/ton) with weak armor and gun.

  69. Good day overlord. Thanks for the fast upgrade cycle.

    What is happening to the T34 conversion to premium status?

  70. Oh and another question, any date for the jadgpanther 2 release?

  71. omg, can't wait to replace my T34 rotten tank. release the new M103!!

  72. Hi Overlord!

    In the revised upcoming tech tree you posted awhile back for the Germans there is a line going from the VK3002DB to the Panther AND Tiger 1 on the tier 7 line. Is that line going to be made with the 6.6 update? I'm anxious to jump to the Tiger that way and work up to to the E100 as I have a VKDB. Thanks!

  73. Will T34 in it's new premium status be better at earning funds like Lowe, KV5 and prem M6 ? If only half as good as them will be very helpful.

  74. Hi Overlord, thanks for the update. Sorry I didn't get down to Tankfest to meet you guys. When do you think the Stug-E is going to be introduced? ... the JagdTiger is killing me!

  75. Will there be an option in the future to revert back to the old voices, sounds like woody from toy story is hanging onto my tank now =(

  76. agreed, (already) hate the new voices with a passion

  77. Plz change the suck VOICE in this patch!

  78. Honestly, the voice is too American/commercial irritating. Does sound like Woody from Toy Story Did this voice go through UAT? Would be nice if there were a few voice options.

  79. Kasapin5033 said...

    will the transfer gold option be activated in this patch ?! Need to know !!!

  80. Overlord, what about tiers of new premium tanks T-15 & T-25? It looks like T-15 (light tanks with relatively high speed and 37mm gun) should be tier 3 and T-25 (medium with 75mm gun) should be tier 5. Are my thoughts right?

  81. Malukti asked a good question there. Is T34 in premium status going to be a good earner or does it only mean it will be removed from tech tree?

  82. Scalpendroid: T-25 is too strong for tier 5, it will be tier 6 or 7.

  83. Why did you delete the Russian stuff, I started to translate it, somehow crazy but nicely done. I'm for freedom of speech. And somehow it came across to me like a passionate WOT player from the Russian server. Maybe someone who doesn't like the future balancing and felt we are complaining too much. Honstly I appreciate the work he did. I think the Russian language is a beautiful one. I can live with criticism. Maybe you can translate it for us Overlord, maybe a short version. Thx

  84. Overlord said...

    Q: Yeah repsect geran tanks...Well that's a statement. But do you respect the plyers who like to play them?

    A: Let's not twist things, ok? Tanks are tanks, people are people.
    June 30, 2011 4:34 PM

    Ok, so you dont respect people who play gerry tanks or what ?

    OVI, your E series is a yoke ! Nerfed to the max! Lets see IS 7 that goes 50km/h only if you buy gold, lets see IS 7 with a trailor sized turret!!
    Are you serious little man??

  85. All strange nationalistic bull shit aside it would be kinda cool for some other faction to get the pay to win gear this time around. Germans already got the konisch lets spread the love a little.

  86. Lol the Russians have the KV with the derp gun, that rules. The difference you don't even need gold for that.

  87. I have a Panther. Will i get a free garage slot with Panther II on it?

  88. "Free platoons for 2 players, premium account is required for platoon leader to invite a 3rd member."

    Just made my day !!!!

  89. Getting back to the IS-4/Obj.252 case i think the devs eventually realized that the IS-4 as tier 10 will be hanging in the air because that heavy line is to say gently... it's gappy.

    There are at least 3 tanks missing below IS-4, so i think the devs will fill the gaps with the new tanks one by one, perhaps with another great patch like this, when the german heavy lines get their 4 brand new tanks. So i think the IS-4s rise will come much much later unfortunatelly.

    Overlord, please correct me if i am wrong. I hope IS-4 will be tier 10 in 6.7.

  90. Dear Overlord,
    thanks for free platoons it's very good news. Also thanks for this suprise with german premium tanks. Will you show us some nice pics of Porsche's Tigers?
    Thanks han_solo_79

  91. And when do we get back the shell tracer effects? I hate that i can't do counter arty, and have no idea where are the invisible tanks shoot me.

    In chrome there is a bug whit the post a comment:

  92. I love WOT. I stopped playing all other games when it came out. The new voices are so grating I might stop playing. Seriously. Please consider giving us the old voices or an option to pick. Please.

  93. The Panther II has a great gun but crummy armor. Hopefully the E-50 can save the German medium line. Also I hope that it keeps the gun from the Panther II as well.

    At the very least I hope that it can hold its own vs the T-54. I hate to face that tank in my Panther II, and I'd hate to have to grind up to a T-54 instead.

  94. Q: Yeah repsect geran tanks...Well that's a statement. But do you respect the plyers who like to play them?

    A: Let's not twist things, ok? Tanks are tanks, people are people.

    exactly. It just happens to be that some if not all German tank drivers in this game are douche bags. I did say some not all. I happen to drive mostly all German tanks.

  95. Damn, you people are whiney.

  96. Let them pay, that's right. Let them pay for everything! boooo to all who are loveing the gerry tanks! pity.

  97. Dear Overlord!

    When we will get support for multi cores?
    I heard that it is almost impossible to get flash working with multiple cores but if that isnt possible how bout imagine you would have a dual core so could you make it so flash uses one core and the rest uses another core?

  98. so, is-4 switching tier X = after 6.7
    t34 swithing premium tank = 6.7
    t30 swithing TD = 6.7


  99. Can u please make the platoon size make bigger for premium users, 5 will be ideal but 4 will be at least something for premium users....

    I mean it is nice that F2P guys get a gift but a gift to premium user would not be that bad......

  100. >> I highly respect Germans and play German tanks.

    I have a question. Do you play them as any regular player, meaning you buy a stock tank, gun, engine, etc. and grind for better equipment? I doubt.

    If you do, you will know that:

    a) Pz 38 NA is absolutely total joke. Most of the games I was the weakest tank in the game where I cannot do any damage to anyone even with HE. You have to remove that tank at once and do the compensation to each player riding it.

    b) 3001 and 3002 all tanks in this line are joke, especially 3001(P). This tank must go one tier down, as well as others.

    c) Tiger I suck until Elite. Tiger II suck too until Elite. They are simply no match for Russian counterparts.

    d) 4502 a.B looks good when it is Elite with top gun 490 dmg... but when I look my stat with this tank, I am dissapointed. With each tank in game I have more wins than loses, except with 4502 where I am down by 10%, altought I have more kills than games.

    e) What about TD line? German TD's have, simply said, too much underpowered guns. They have to be moved, starting from JadgPz IV down at least one tier.

    However, I find there are 4 tanks in German line worth playing German tanks. Those are Pz IV, 3601, GW Panther and Maus.

    So, I am wondering, are you playing German tanks FOR REAL, or just to have an alibe to say they are equal to German. This is not personal, this is a hope that you will pass this to devs.

    I was playing with German tanks around 6000 games, and I am planning to switch soon to Russian and American tanks, just so I can have a feel and opinion to compare them.

    Can you peek into stats and give us, if you are allowed to do that, official stats comparing tanks from each nation with they counterparts? Someone told us for T54 vs Persing vs Panther II stating, by the stats, T54 is the worst. Can we have an info for other tanks as well? Like IS4 vs 4502, IS7 vs T30, etc.


  101. Can we please have an offical clear statment regarding tree changes. Russian general overhaul and new german TD line can be expected in patch after v.6.6? Expected release date?
    Alot of people expected and planned for those tree changes. Now we need to adapt and make other plans.

    I for one would be VERY dissapointed if I spent all free XP saved up for german TD:s to find out that devs changed their mind in last the last secound and released TD line in v.6.6.

  102. @banemtheduke
    >>a) Pz 38 NA is absolutely total joke. Most of the games I was the weakest tank in the game where I cannot do any damage to anyone even with HE. You have to remove that tank at once and do the compensation to each player riding it.

    Strongly disagree, Pz38 nA is an excellent scout, especially it's great in spotting cause it got huge view range (420 m). Yes, this tank very often start as a an weajkest tank but for scouting purpsoes it doesn't matter. I played with it 60 battles with win ratio 60% and I have destroyed 52 tanks. It's not bad for weakest tank on the field.

    >>b) 3001 and 3002 all tanks in this line are joke, especially 3001(P). This tank must go one tier down, as well as others.

    VK3001H - fast, mobile tank with crappy armor, with excellent gun (7,5 L70) excellent for flanking and circling battles and for sniping. Due bad armor not suitable to close combat especially with russian armor.
    VK3001P - stock, it's bad as hell, but after upgrades it's reliable tank. Fast enough to reach some crucial point and overtake scouts from there. With 7,5 L70 also a good sniper.

    VK3002DB - I think only german medium tank really behaving as russian mediums but with gun with better accuraccy. Of cource penetration values are too low on that tier, but mobility compensate it. Excellent in dogfight battles and with gold ammo fine in long range sniping.

    >>c) Tiger I suck until Elite. Tiger II suck too until Elite. They are simply no match for Russian counterparts.

    Tiger really sucks, even if elite, but Tiger II is fine even with long 8.8. Nom I'm riding it with all modules researched except top gun and I'm still keeping my trustworthy 8.8. Of course, dmg it's too low (I think at least it should have 240-270 points) and sure tank is too slow, but is far better than Tiger. Can it compete with IS3? Of course, stock IS3 usually dings from frontal armor penetrating only front of stock turret.

    >>e) What about TD line? German TD's have, simply said, too much underpowered guns. They have to be moved, starting from JadgPz IV down at least one tier.

    Yes, PzIV got too weak guns, both 7,5 L70 and 8.8 L56 are not good for battling with 9-10 tiers with which PzIV is usually pushed against. But Jagdpanther (played it in beta) is fine and Ferdinand is really hard nut to crack, insane frontal armor makes that everything to tier 9 guns (except american 105) just ding it (long 8.8, 100 D10T, 122 D25T).

    >>However, I find there are 4 tanks in German line worth playing German tanks. Those are Pz IV, 3601, GW Panther and Maus.

    Marder II, Stug III these are a really bad ass td's, VK3002DB is a nice rusher, also Leopard can bring real mayhem on low tiers, Grille could be really painful to enemies...

    >>I was playing with German tanks around 6000 games, and I am planning to switch soon to Russian and American tanks, just so I can have a feel and opinion to compare them.

    I'm sure you will be really dissapointed. Crappy accuraccy, long aiming times... Now I'm playing KW1S and those 122mm gun from IS really torturing me, also I have played some russian tanks in beta (T-34, T34-85, KW) and I don't think about them wormly, German chirurgical precision better suits my gameplay. Maybe you are not designed to german armor? Maybe russian playing style better suits you?

    Of course there is a plenty things that makes playing german line, uhm, well, let say annoying. No real remedy for protect tanks damaged engine from frontal shots (you know something like wet rack for racks explosions blowing tanks), too low damage (especially compared to that insane factors on russian tanks), nerfed speed comparing to originals (srsly, 29 kmp on Tiger?), weakpoints on weak armor but these things are nothing to that crappy accuraccy on russian tanks. Nothing!

  103. Q: In the revised upcoming tech tree you posted awhile back for the Germans there is a line going from the VK3002DB to the Panther AND Tiger 1 on the tier 7 line. Is that line going to be made with the 6.6 update? I'm anxious to jump to the Tiger that way and work up to to the E100 as I have a VKDB. Thanks!

    A: Yup, this link should appear in 6.6.

  104. Q: Will T34 in it's new premium status be better at earning funds like Lowe, KV5 and prem M6 ? If only half as good as them will be very helpful.

    A: Approximately the same profitability.

  105. Q: will the transfer gold option be activated in this patch ?! Need to know !!!

    A: Nope, but we are coming closer to it. It might be finished in 7.0.

  106. Will the xp cost from vk3001(H) to Panther be the same as the current cost from vk3001(P) to VKDB or the cost from VKDB to Panther?

  107. will be the exps reseted on KT, because i have already researched vk4502 b which means mine tiger2 is elite, and im grinding another 163k exp towards e75

  108. so, is-4 switching tier X = after 6.7
    t34 swithing premium tank = 6.7
    t30 swithing TD = 6.7

    T34 will be able to buy for gold like Löwe & KV5 ???
    will thw T34 T8 premium tank? now It's looking like t23 :( I want to get it premium

  109. Ok I see T34 is being moved in 6.7. Understood.

    Logically speaking though the T30 can only be moved to a T9 TD and replaced by the T110 when the 2nd USA TD line gets implemented. Does this mean The T110 is still a long way off? Or might it get added in 6.7 along with the other USA TDs?

  110. Overlord,

    What is happening for players who have unlocked the VK3002DB in their VK3001P? Will they have their VK3001P replaced with a VK3001H at the same research point or is it just a case of stiff? And the same goes for those in the PZV v the PZIII/V do they get swapped around or???



  111. - New map Fishing Bay (working title, subject to change)

    No more ??? why ? :(

  112. Sueprcharger for gold is really a big knife in the hearth. I really doubt that these tanks will be on par at "stock" with the opponents. However the existing ones are not also, look just at the Tiger and KD speed. Thanks alot, WG!

  113. nice work... question no flame...only a big thx 2 you 4 ur work and that u take some time to aswer some questions

  114. Hey, could you confirm that players who have panther in garage will get free panther II with slot? coz after this patch changes im not sure about keeping panther in garage. :)

  115. when the T34 becomes a premium will we be able to buy it like the KV-5 and Lowe?

    "Logically speaking though the T30 can only be moved to a T9 TD and replaced by the T110 when the 2nd USA TD line gets implemented. Does this mean The T110 is still a long way off? Or might it get added in 6.7 along with the other USA TDs? " another great question

  116. Pz.VI Tiger (P)- will it be a proper Tiger or just another under-gunned/under-armored giant paper square like the current tiger?

  117. T110 will come at the same update as M103 or at a later date? i really need to know cause i have to start grinding then.

  118. Q: will be the exps reseted on KT, because i have already researched vk4502 b which means mine tiger2 is elite, and im grinding another 163k exp towards e75

    A: You will keep you exp and everything you have researched.

  119. "You will keep you exp and everything you have researched. "

    So I don't need to grind another 163k exp to E-75 just wait the patch? ( I researched vk4502 and maus )

  120. How much experience would be required for e75??

    (exact amount if possible please)

  121. What will happen in 0.6.6 with the XP that I have on my Panther I (not elite)? Will it stay on Panther I or be moved to Panther II?

  122. Q: Does Vk3001H lead to DB-tank like in full tech tree on the coming patch?

  123. Hi Ovi, couldn't wait yesterday to get my hands on the new patch. Great addition. Lovely build new tanks. Thx Dev's.

  124. "Free platoons for 2 players, premium account is required for platoon leader to invite a 3rd member."
    Yeah! Finally! THX guys, this is really great! Youre doing something for your fans here! Danke danke!

  125. if i've researched the VK45 on KT, so have i researched the E-75 after the patch or need i to grind the XP for the E-75?

  126. "Players who have a Panther II in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with an E-50 with the respective module setup (top engine will be changed for HL295 or added as a new one), keeping their progress and old crew.
    Players who have a Pz. V Panther in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a Panther II with the respective module setup (and 7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100 gun), keeping their progress and old crew, plus they will get a tier 7 Pz. V Panther with a stock setup, an extra garage slot, and a 100% crew."
    Q: Is it procedure for panthers in 0.6.6?

  127. if i've researched the VK45 on KT, so have i researched the E-75 after the patch or need i to grind the XP for the E-75?

    u will have the vk45 and have to grind the tiger2 again to get the e75

    that was told serverel times on this blog befor AND in the official announcement!


  128. Free platoons for 2 players
    This I like :) Yippieee...

  129. Hi Ovi, a couple of questions I got. What is the ETA for new game modes? I mean not by month but maybe quarter. Do you focus in the moment on tech trees? Or is it possible you are working parallel on it? Is there an idea about larger maps? Or is that not in consideration? Or you wait for the next version of your gaming engine? In general besides the trees what has priority? Thx

  130. Another one is there an ETA, maybe month for the full clanwar release? Or some insides how far are you modeling the whole world? Are there some big issues that have to be solved? Just curious and bored at work. Thx

  131. Overlord, why the delay in US Heavies? The Germans have a fine lineup already. The US Heavies are a real cluster-f@ck right now.

    Have you ever played a T30 & T34 more than a couple times? I kind of understand the hull armor... fair tradeoff for powerful gun. But, the turret armor is so unbearable. The ammo gets destroyed, or the loader with every other hit. And firepower? It's great - when it doesn't bounce!

  132. Overlord, on the revised German tech tree the VK3601 is showed as an heavy tank ( accually it's a medium one): is an error or VK3601 change from medium to heavy in this patch?

  133. They changed it's match making values already, I end up mostly on the bottom and a lot with tier 9, I play solo. So no platoon panelty. Honestly I think they added a handicap in this game at match making, since patch 6.4 I'm pretty much on the bottom in any tank. I can't even recall anymore when I was a top tank. It sucks having a good win ratio. These are the things they don't mention. But mathematically it should even out. I play a lot alone, so no platoon offset.

  134. It's ether a good win ratio handicap or an elite tank handicap, I agree since my tanks are elite I'm very seldom on the top. Some tiers are worse than others.

  135. Q: So I don't need to grind another 163k exp to E-75 just wait the patch? ( I researched vk4502 and maus )

    A: You will need to unlock E-75 separately, but your 160+ exp should be somewhat close.

  136. Q: Does Vk3001H lead to DB-tank like in full tech tree on the coming patch?

    A: Yes.

  137. Q: if i've researched the VK45 on KT, so have i researched the E-75 after the patch or need i to grind the XP for the E-75?

    A: No, you will need to research E-75 separately.

  138. Q: Is it procedure for panthers in 0.6.6?

    A: Basically, yes. However there might be certain changes.

  139. Q: Hi Ovi, a couple of questions I got. What is the ETA for new game modes? I mean not by month but maybe quarter. Do you focus in the moment on tech trees? Or is it possible you are working parallel on it? Is there an idea about larger maps? Or is that not in consideration? Or you wait for the next version of your gaming engine? In general besides the trees what has priority? Thx

    1. New modes are expected in Q4.
    2. On French tree and new tanks from revised tech trees.
    3. Working on bigger maps.

  140. Q: Overlord, why the delay in US Heavies? The Germans have a fine lineup already. The US Heavies are a real cluster-f@ck right now.

    A: Different modelling teams -> different speed. US heavies simply won't make it to the release of 6.6

  141. Q: Overlord, on the revised German tech tree the VK3601 is showed as an heavy tank ( accually it's a medium one): is an error or VK3601 change from medium to heavy in this patch?

    A: Yes, it will become a heavy tank.

  142. Any news regarding the jagdpanther 2

  143. and what about changes to matchmaking so gun will affect your matchmaking value? and make some 'dedicated scout button' similar to 'accelerate crew training' so people who just want to pass tank to to get next one don't need to play against players with 5+ higher tier.....

  144. what about T110 move ? any possible news on what update it will be on?

  145. Overlord, there will be a serious problem IF the 88mm L/71 will be removed from the Panther at tier VII. The Panther has no good close combat agility (bad traverse on the move), If the L/56 will be it's top gun (please don't do this, as it's a useless on on tier VII) it will make the Panther suck, as it can't be a sniper cos it lacks penetrating power and can't be close combat beacause it doesn't have the agility for that. Even if the 75mm L/100 is going to be the top gun it will lack proper damage. STOP teasing german guns. Having decent penetration power means it will have no decent damage, and vice versa..

    We understand the 105mm has to be removed from the Panther II, but this Panther needs this L/71 to be a tank with a proper function.

    The VK3002(DB) will be like the KV-13, good speed, decent armor but lacking good firepower 85mm and 88mm L/56, it would be just stupid if the Panther has this same gun as top gun being in the main medium line.

    I'd apprieciate if you could give an answer on this, thanks


  146. Hello, Overlord. First of all, I would like to thank you this possibility that we, players, can use to talk directly to a WoT developer. Now some questions:

    1) Regarding Panther/Panther II/E-50. What are exactly the cannons used by each tank? Will the E-50 mount a more powerful cannon that a 105 mm.? Or at least a more powerful cannon than the actual ones?

    2) Same as above for E-75/E-100. Please, I would like to know what are the cannons mounted by each model.

    3) On the cannons used by E-100. In the English speaking forum there is a "confussion" caused by an article appeared in GoHaRu.Com. I am Spanish and it seems that I can read, grasp and understand english better than English native speakers xD. Under my opinion, the E-100 will mount the Hummel cannon adapted for a tank turret. A 150 mm. cannon with AP and HE ammunition. But without a 170 mm. cannon, guessing that this cannon will be fitted for the Stug E-100. Am I right?

    Tanks for all, ehhh.... hummm... I mean... thanks for all.

  147. You're adding more tank and maps which is good but the item that raises the most hatred in the game is the disappearing/invisible tanks. The last changes to spotting have made no difference. I saw a TigerII disappear behind 2 bushes infront of an ISU-152 tonight even though it was within 100 of our TD.

    The bug was introduced last year and there is still no word on a fix. The current lack of tracers is making a bad situation worse.

    I bought the medium preorder because u gave me 8 months of a fun if buggy beta. I will not be spending anymore money until the invisible close range tank bug is fixed.

  148. It won't be fixed because they don't really know how to fix it in a way that won't destroy the server stability. And they're too proud to back away from their own system to something that works and has for ages.

  149. Hey Overlord...
    Just a question...
    I have researched Tiger I from VK3001H but didnt buy the new tree the VK3001H goes first to VK3601 and then to Tiger.....
    What is the deal here?

  150. • Introduction of E-50.
    Players who have a Panther II in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with an E-50 with the respective module setup (top engine will be changed for HL295 or added as a new one), keeping their progress and old crew.
    Players who have a Pz. V Panther in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a Panther II with the respective module setup (and 7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100 gun), keeping their progress and old crew, plus they will get a tier 7 Pz. V Panther with a stock setup, an extra garage slot, and a 100% crew.
    No additional refunds are planned.

    • Introduction of Е-75 and Е-100.
    Undistributed experience from elite Tiger will be transferred to King Tiger.
    No additional refunds are planned.

    so if i do have the panther no refundes are planned ? :)

  151. Overlord aproximately when will be up the RU test serever with 6.6?

  152. Q: and what about changes to matchmaking so gun will affect your matchmaking value? and make some 'dedicated scout button' similar to 'accelerate crew training' so people who just want to pass tank to to get next one don't need to play against players with 5+ higher tier.....

    A: We will be reworking MMS in one of the upcoming major updates.

  153. Q: what about T110 move ? any possible news on what update it will be on?

    A: 6.7 or later.

  154. pemoj,

    1) E50 will get the same guns as PII currently has.

    2) E100 will get 128mm and 150mm guns, the exact gun selection of E75 is still to be finalized.

    3) Most likely 150mm will have AP rounds as well.

  155. Q: Hey Overlord...
    Just a question...
    I have researched Tiger I from VK3001H but didnt buy the new tree the VK3001H goes first to VK3601 and then to Tiger.....
    What is the deal here?

    A: Your Tiger will remain unlocked, but you will still have to unlock VK3601 separately.

  156. Q: Overlord aproximately when will be up the RU test serever with 6.6?

    A: Can't say for sure. In 2-3 weeks perhaps.

  157. Q: when i have unlocked Hummel from PZ-4 but i dont have him in my garage after reworking tech tree will i still have him unlocked for buy?

  158. Overlord, can you tell about E-75 front armor.
    It will be 150/60, 160/60 or 170/60 ?
    And how about turret armor ? Can you tell something ?

  159. Overlord, do you know what will happen to the T34 when it becomes a premium? will it get a 120mm gun? If not then what will it get? the Patton 105?

    Thanks for your time

  160. Thank you for your answers, Overlord ;)

  161. Can you like the F8 button to a 'Cancel that!' command, for when you accidently press the wrong button?

  162. Overlord,

    I have an idea that could help matchmaking.

    If theres a way to program it, make it so you could pick multiple tanks that you would be willing to Battle with at any giving time.

    Say you had 5 tanks and you wanted to play any of the 5, you could pick them (all 5) then click the ready for battle button, then matchmaking would pick from all 5 of your tanks to find you the best match up.

    You would effectively allow matchmaking 5X's more tanks to use, or more if people had more tanks that they would be willing to play with at that time.

    I know you are planing on a different game mode that allows you to pick more then one tank for the same battle, (just to be clear, I'm talking about the game mode we have now) so I was thinking that this might be possible.


  163. Overlord, For the best interest in the customers, it would be best if yall put the american heavies in the game ASAP,

    why is the team working on the heavies taking their dear sweat time?

    I know yall have priorities but if fixing the screwed up american tree is NOT on the top of yall's list, then yall have some serious problems......


  164. will the multi core CPU issue be fixed soon? practically everyone uses multi core these days but Wot only uses 1

  165. Overlord, when will the new supertest users finally get access to the testservers? This includes forum access.

  166. We can only dream about multicore support(flash is 1core as well)

  167. Yeah. But is it possible to make flash run on one core and the rest on another core

  168. Let's think of it from point of view of programmer:
    Q: Is game unplayable for you without multicore support?
    A: No, it is not unplayable, I can login and play.
    Q: So what's the problem ??

  169. Q: when KV-3 will be moved to tier 7 from tier 6 will this tank get better gun?

  170. The problem seems to be fps dropping when sniping. the dust and smoke makes fps drop to single digits. for 3 seconds the game is unplayable

  171. Q: Are we gonna get tracers back in 0.6.6? I cannot live without countering.

  172. "Q: when KV-3 will be moved to tier 7 from tier 6 will this tank get better gun?"

    For what? It got 122mm gun from IS2, for now tank is overpowered, after movin to T7 I think only HP buff and slight ROF is needed.

  173. Overlord some say the 90mm on a slugger hasnt got the same penetration as it says on t he statistics... some say it can only penentrate 120mm...

    Could you confirm ?

  174. Q: Hello Overlord,
    in which patch will be added new russian heavy tree line with IS-4 as tier X tank?

    Thx :)

  175. any plans on fixing the chat windows to stay created. so we dont have to re-create them everyday?

  176. "plasot said...

    "Q: when KV-3 will be moved to tier 7 from tier 6 will this tank get better gun?"

    For what? It got 122mm gun from IS2, for now tank is overpowered, after movin to T7 I think only HP buff and slight ROF is needed."

    I agree with you in this but look on Panther/P2 they look like underpower when WG move them 1 tier down and they must give them even weaker gun but in case of KV-3 was so long known its OP but no change till now. Why they simply dont remove this 122mm gun and give KV-3 only 107 mm?

    But look on compare with Panther and T-44

    T-44 have better mobility, gun, armor, camo bonuses, lower profile, even better radio, turret rotating speed and till now no change.

    The best place where you can see balance is in Clan Warr and i never saw german TD on CW, mostly meds on CW are T-54

    So why Panther and P2 should have weaker gun? Coz when they let them have this gun it will be balanced? They need another OP russian class? Why should not german tank at least one in something OP when we have so many cases of russian OP tier?

  177. Looking forward to the changes. Keep up the good work.

    @ Anonymous & the KV3 rant: KV3 is definitely overpowered at-tier mate, but taking that 122mm gun away won't help coz the 107mm is actually better in my book ;-) (more DPS, penetration difference is negligible...)

  178. "Goner said...

    KV3 is definitely overpowered at-tier mate, but taking that 122mm gun away won't help coz the 107mm is actually better in my book ;-) (more DPS, penetration difference is negligible...)"

    Well but this OP gun can be used even on KV-2 which still is tier 5 tank

  179. @plasot

    "Q: will KV-3 get better gun?

    A: For what? It got 122mm gun from IS2, for now tank is overpowered, after movin to T7 I think only HP buff and slight ROF is needed."

    When they buff ROF, it will automatically gives KV-3 D-25T gun :D

    I think, it will be OK, as IS has this gun and it is on the tier 7 as a new KV-3 will be.

    And it is not OP now, trust me :)

  180. Q: Overlord, do you know what will happen to the T34 when it becomes a premium? will it get a 120mm gun? If not then what will it get? the Patton 105?

    A: Possibly it will keep 120mm.

  181. Q: Are we gonna get tracers back in 0.6.6? I cannot live without countering.

    A: Only if the new protection is ready.

  182. Q: Hello Overlord,
    in which patch will be added new russian heavy tree line with IS-4 as tier X tank?

    A: 6.7 or 7.0

  183. Will vk45 ausf.A have its turret mounted at front or will it be at the same spot as ausf B?

  184. "So why Panther and P2 should have weaker gun? Coz when they let them have this gun it will be balanced? They need another OP russian class? Why should not german tank at least one in something OP when we have so many cases of russian OP tier?"

    Mate I know it, I'm using Panther II now. Someone in WG is making jokes about German armor players. Top turret from tier 5 tank (chmallturm) is also a top turret in tier 6 (VK3001H), tier & (VK3002DB), tier 8 (Panthjer) and tier 9 (Panther 2), all the way with these same armor values, everything only because they must on tier 5 put counter gun for that ridiculous 107 on KW (and 107 they put on KW cause they put another OP gun, 85 on T-28, luckily T-28 is made from paper).

    @Ariwch "And it is not OP now, trust me :)"

    Say it to taht pure tier 6 players bouncing repeatly from it with their 75 and 88 guns and being killed by two shots by this monstrous 122. Also Overlord admit that :)

  185. Any plans on adding an extra garage slot or two for free players?

  186. Dear Overlord,

    I heard some news from RU Server that some Dev think T30 got a turret and having 155 will be to strong for A T9-TD so they are thinking changing it to a 120mm gun, is it true?

    And I would like to ask do Dev are keeping separate T34->M103(6.7) and T30->T110(after 6.7) ?


  187. overlord, How come it seems the US meds are nerffed and the russians are buffed? the pershing should be ble to beat the t54 and the M46 destroyed the T54 and the T55, so why is it so nerfed? It feels like your (the team there) making sure the russian tanks always have better stuff just because the game guys are russian? If that' not the case, and your trying to be historically accurate, why not put the tanks back the way they were and be accurate?


  189. Hi Overlord,

    I'm currently trying to grind to the Maus. If I don't make it to the Ausf B. on the current tree before the patch, does that mean I'm going to have to start all the way back from the PzIV, or will there be an option to at least move from the Tiger I to Tiger (P) or something?


  190. The Panther will be screwed. Tahnks!

  191. plasot said

    I read your comments and must admit...I have no idea what you are talking about. Please use grammar when attempting to communicate,

  192. @ banemtheduke said

    I have played many tanks in game (except tier 10 hvys, tier 9 meds, top artys and top TDs - all nations included). You can say, I'm wrong, but my game expo says to me:

    a) Pz 38 NA is absolutely total joke. Most of the games I was the weakest tank in the game where I cannot do any damage to anyone even with HE.

    - Pz 38 NA is a torch-lite for arty's, TDs and high-level heavyes. It's Lt, remember? Btw, it's almost the same as Leo (tier IV dead end Lt). And Leo is OK - if it is not tried to be used as a damage dealer (in a sandbox it can and must).

    b) 3001 and 3002 all tanks in this line are joke, especially 3001(P). This tank must go one tier down, as well as others.
    - 3001(P) is OK in elite (and which tank is good in stock?). It's better then T-34-85. 3002(DB) is just the best tier 6 med in game.

    c) Tiger I suck until Elite. Tiger II suck too until Elite. They are simply no match for Russian counterparts.

    - Yes, Tiger is not good indeed :( Though his top gun makes him playable. König Tiger is pretty good even just out of the box - just use top engine and it's OK (and you know the engine from Tiger).

    d) 4502 a.B looks good when it is Elite with top gun 490 dmg... but when I look my stat with this tank, I am dissapointed. With each tank in game I have more wins than loses, except with 4502 where I am down by 10%, altought I have more kills than games.
    - Well, haven't played it yet. Though my clan-mates say, IS-4 makes elite VK4502b "Slipper" laughing.

    e) What about TD line? German TD's have, simply said, too much underpowered guns. They have to be moved, starting from JadgPz IV down at least one tier.

    Yeah, esp. Ferdinand with his gun taken from Maus :D Though JPanther shines like X-mas tree, indeed :(

    Ferdinand is really hard nut to crack, insane frontal armor makes that everything to tier 9 guns (except american 105) just ding it (long 8.8, 100 D10T, 122 D25T).

    Shoot Ferdy and JTiger in their lower front detail with Jerry's 10,5 in long distance and 8,8 from med and enjoy ;-) Soviet also can try to do this but their gun's are not precise enough to do it from long distance.

  193. @plasot
    Say it to taht pure tier 6 players bouncing repeatly from it with their 75 and 88 guns and being killed by two shots by this monstrous 122. Also Overlord admit that :)

    True, but what are their team-artillerists doing that time? Even Bison can punish KV-3.

    Btw, when I and PanzerDrache play on the EU server we always wonder the number of artys (this number was too high on RU during Open Beta, but now it's OK). Queen of Fields can beat any Heavy and high-level TD - if you save her from Lts and Meds :)

  194. Players post comments about camouflage values. What are these values and why are the russian tanks singled out for having very high values that make them invisible even when moving. You would think that "sniper" tanks should have higher camo values. Is the camo value a hidden parameter that WOT uses to optimize russian tanks?

  195. about those hidden camouflage values, they still exist, somone found them in game files and posted on official forums and few minutes after shitloads of mods/devs etc stormed that topic and deleted those values defending themselves with some EULA shit. It's like in some communist country..

  196. Quick question. Any weapon changes in vk3002db?

  197. Overlord,

    is it planned modifications on tigerking and vk4502B ? for more balance with is3/is4 ?

    tx man :)

  198. King Tiger is by far the best T8 heavy !

  199. When the v.6.6 will appear , do u know that ? Thanks

  200. omg are you not able to read?
