Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Guess 5 Vehicles and Grab Some Gold upon the Release [FINISHED]

The vehicles below are planned to be added to the game later this year.

You are to guess them all and state their correct names in comments. The quickest one who gives 5 correct answers will be awarded with 1.250 gold for the release version (equal to 7-day premium account). While commenting this post, leave your in-game nickname and server (either EU or US).

1. Tank A
2. Tank B
3. Tank C
4. Tank D
5. Tank E
Overlord (EU)

Here come the pics






NOTE! We have got the winner. 1.250 gold go to xXNightShadeXx (EU).


  1. 1: D2 Medium Tank
    2: AMX 40
    3: B1
    4: D1
    5: Hotchkiss H35

    Eu server

  2. Not funny. Not funny at all. :)

    You are correct. We have got the winner.

  3. 1. Tank D2
    2. Tank AMX 40
    3. Tank char B1
    4. Tank D1
    5. Tank Renault R35

  4. seems the years of watching discovery paid off after all! they all claimed i was insane and look at them now! :) frist im pretty good at wot using the tactics i learned watching discovery channel and now free gold! WHose insane now! >=3

  5. Oh last one is Hotchkiss H35.

  6. 1. D2 Medium Tank
    2. BDR G1B
    3. B1
    4. D1
    5. Hotchkiss H35

    US Server

  7. i thought last one was Jap Type 4 "Ke-Nu" :) never had any premium before so H35 never ringed a bell

  8. Wait, what?! That is not the AMX 40! The AMX 40 dosn't have a little turret on top of the main one.

    Its either the BDR G1B or the Renault G1R

  9. But is it a AMX 40 hull.

  10. AMX-40: http://nsa19.casimages.com/img/2010/10/26/101026045813846083.png

    Renault G1 R: http://france1940.free.fr/photos/G1Rb.jpg

    1. D2 Medium Tank
    2. Renault G1 R
    3. B1
    4. D1
    5. Hotchkiss H35

    F34rmen00bz US Server (Changed it when I realized which one out of the two it is)

  11. Bah, AMX-40 Hull with the G1 turret, I guess he's correct in a way. :(

    I still call shenanigans (F34rmen00bz)

  12. Char D2
    Char G1
    Char B1
    Char D1
    Renault R35

    diadochi1 (US server)

  13. ah, too late and wrong, nvm, was fun, congrats to the winner

  14. Tudieu! I'm too late!

    Amazing tanks, will we have the chance to see more ?

  15. Next challenge coming up tomorrow:
    "Bend over to grab some gold"

  16. 1. Tank D2
    2. Tank AMX 40
    3. Tank char B1
    4. Tank D1
    5. Tank Renault R35

    Nick in game(EU): Likatnes

  17. I like the Cobalt Color scheme choice for the tanks, it makes them very distinct among the Russian and American greens and browns and the German grays.

    Will the FCM F1 make the launch with the tree?, and with the same color scheme?.

  18. Next challenge coming up tomorrow:
    "Bend over to grab some gold"

    Nice wit indeed. :)

  19. Oh, "Bend over to grab some gold!". What could that possibly mean? Meh, I'll have to wait to find out.

  20. Overlord dude, give us some time to get home from school xD

    post it a bit later :)


  21. Would be better to paint them an an Olive brown or something over Colbalt. keep them distinguished from PZR grey and the other bland colors in the game. then again you could just include a simple standardized french cammo pattern. It's not that complicated and makes the tanks rather beautiful.

  22. I'm not even that sure what camo the French used because they didn't have color photos of French tanks.-Diastant

    I also posted that 'bend over to grab some gold" comment.

  23. Don't know if the paint schemes are original but they might add some color to existing tanks:



  24. The paint schemes are original, French tanks were mostly painted with complex camouflages in 1940.

    The tanks preserved at Saumur are a clear example.
    Post-war paint schemes rely on dark green mainly.

  25. 1: D2 Medium Tank
    2: AMX 40
    3: B1
    4: D1
    5: Hotchkiss H35

    EU server

  26. LOL, surfing86 - the winner is already one day old ^^

    Oh wait, maybe I can have a guess and win the gold, even it's a bit late:

    1: D2 Medium Tank
    2: AMX 40
    3: B1
    4: D1
    5: Hotchkiss H35

    EU Server

  27. let's do it like they do on discovery channel.

  28. I love the shown color. Nice little French flag on the side, and it will be perfect. Thx dev's. Ovi I read in another blog that the French tree will come after the German E-Series. You claimed this summer. I'll wait for both. Great game.

  29. Hi Ovi, one more thing. I took off for next week, and I'm waiting for the game to start, can you let us know the exact start? Thx. You think I'm crazy? No just my wildest childhood dream became true.

  30. Q: I love the shown color. Nice little French flag on the side, and it will be perfect. Thx dev's. Ovi I read in another blog that the French tree will come after the German E-Series. You claimed this summer. I'll wait for both. Great game.

    A: Can't give any date at this time. Might be even early autumn.

  31. Q: I took off for next week, and I'm waiting for the game to start, can you let us know the exact start?

    A: Follow the updates on the website and here on blog. Haven't decided on that yet.

  32. Thx for the quick replies. Good luck for the premier on NA and EU server.

  33. I hope you are not releasing at noon!
    I took a day of (April 12th) to play this game. If half of the day is wasted or worse I'll be p....

    Around midnight is fine with me.

  34. Dave,

    planning to do all the maintenance at night (EU time).

  35. So EDT is 6 h later. Depending how long the change will take, it should be done at latest 9am EDT.

  36. can you make it easier to tell where your shots went.. especially missed shots.. also... make it more of a disadvantage to camp.. the game gets boring

  37. I saw this too late :p. And i was few days later 27.ian.11 for a gift tank but i have over 1000 battles. So do i get the M4A2E4 tank? :d.
    Anyway my nick is coldf3ar and i'm on EU Server.
    Good luck on the battle field.

  38. 6th one is double winner. :)

  39. 1: D2 Medium Tank
    2: AMX 40
    3: B1
    4: D1
    5: Hotchkiss H35
    6: big egg


  40. I just dont understand when the french managed to build those tanks if they were occupied rather quickly, or french tank tree mainy will consist from "paper" tanks who never was produced, except tanks before 1939.
    Dont think Vichy France was allowed to design and build their own tanks

  41. #6 MY EASTERR EGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! Overlord you're the Sage!!!!!!! The third part of the poem!!! (US Server)

  42. :) Nice, ahahahah egg :)
