Saturday, April 30, 2011

Full Tech Trees Revised and Improved

Updated. September 7, 2012.

Due to tremendous popularity of this post (it has got more than 900.000 views as of now) and so as to avoid possible misunderstanding, the tech trees published below are now definitely outdated. For the most recent version, please visit portals.

EU -
NA -

As a result of the community's valued feedback and our desire to provide all players with an improved overall game balance, World of Tanks team is glad to announce the planned revisions of the tech trees. The whole process of amending existing tech trees is rather time-consuming, and will be completed gradually, update after update.
Some of the changes are going to affect players’ progress directly, that’s why we want them to occur as smoothly as possible.

Revised Tech Trees
Germany Tech Tree

USA Tech Tree

USSR Tech Tree

The transition procedure will be handled in the following way: 

1. Germany Tech Tree

• Introduction of E-50.

Players who have a Panther II in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with an E-50 with the respective module setup (top engine will be changed for HL295 or added as a new one), keeping their progress and old crew.
Players who have a Pz. V Panther in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a Panther II with the respective module setup (and 7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100 gun), keeping their progress and old crew, plus they will get a tier 7 Pz. V Panther with a stock setup, an extra garage slot, and a 100% crew.
 No additional refunds are planned.

• Introduction of Е-75 and Е-100.
Undistributed experience from elite Tiger will be transferred to King Tiger.
No additional refunds are planned.

2. USA Tech Tree

• M26 Pershing will be substituted for M46 Patton. T23 will be substituted for M26 Pershing.
Players who have a M26 Pershing in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a M46 Patton, with the respective module setup (possibly with some renaming) keeping their progress and old crew.
Players who have a T23 in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a M26 Pershing in its new status, with the respective module setup (possibly with some renaming) keeping their progress and old crew.
No additional refunds are planned.

• T34 will be substituted for M103.
Players who have a T34 in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a M103 with the respective module setup and a 100% crew.
Additionally they will also get a T34 as a premium tank with the old crew and an extra garage slot.
No additional refunds are planned.

• T30 will be substituted for T110 and T30 will be moved to the Tank Destroyers line of the tech tree.
Players who have a T30 in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a T110 with a 100% crew, plus they will also get T30 in its new status with the top module setup, old crew, and an extra garage slot.
No additional refunds are planned.

3. USSR Tech Tree

• KV will be separated into KV-1 and KV-2.
Players who have a KV in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a KV-1. The KV’s crew will be trained for the KV-1.
Additionally players who have researched KV-2’s turret for KV will get a KV-2 with an extra garage slot and the KV-2 will be assigned a 100% crew.

No additional refunds are planned.

• KV-3 moved to tier 7 and the introduction of T-150.
Players who have a KV-3 in their garage at the time of the revision will get a KV-3 in its new status with its existing module and research setup and its old crew. Additionally they will also get a T-150 with a stock setup, extra garage slot, and 100% crew.
No additional refunds are planned.

• IS-4 will be substituted for Object 252.
Players who have an IS-4 in their garage at the time of the revision will get an IS-4 in its new status with old crew, plus they will also get an Object 252 with 100% crew with an extra garage slot. Undistributed experience will remain on Object 252, however can be transferred to a new IS-4 on demand.
No additional refunds are planned.

Draft Procedure of module substitution for IS-4:
If a player had IS-4’s engine researched, the same engine will be researched for both the new IS-4 and Object 252 (or the analogue of this engine if changed).
Radios, turrets, and suspensions will be treated in the same way. IS-4 and Object 252 will have the same modules installed as those previously mounted on old IS-4 or their analogues if changed. Guns, if changed, are likely to be treated in the same way.

Note: Installed equipment and modules in depot for the vehicles affected by the revisions will be sold at their buying price. Some minor changes are still possible but overall concept will remain untouched.

Stay tuned and follow the updates!


  1. what happens to xp grinded on the panther2 after it is substituted for the E50

  2. so if i have KV with kv 2 turret, do i get both kv-1 and kv-2? or dop i get screwed for going down heavy line? cuz kv-2 just goes arty.

  3. Sturmpanzer VI "Sturmtiger" with 38-cm-SturmMörser RW61 L/5,4 and R.Sprgr. 4581 rockets?

  4. I got Tiger II and I don't want a darn E-100, I'm going for Maus. Why am I now suddenly going for a tank I never wanted without any compensation?

  5. So when the E series arrive we'll also get Tiger(P) and vk4502 p1 for the new porsche route from vk3001(p)?
    If yes I would be happy.
    I want that Tiger(P) :)

  6. I mean, players who have T30 get to keep T30 AND get T110, but players with Tiger II also get moved but don't get the VK4502(P) Ausf A as an auxiliary(to get to Maus, like Tiger II does at the moment)because...?

  7. Balázs,

    they should come along with E-series.

  8. what the difference between T28 and T28 prototype ?

  9. Dinbatu,

    practically, there is no difference T28 prototype is 90% our invention.

  10. Found an ST-I : :)

    Applies to the new detrack system as well ;)

  11. also what is the main difference between M26 pershing and M46 patton ?

  12. thank you! i would assume too that these updates are decently far out? like 2 weeks? jsut wondering if its worth it to grind some tanks to get the opportunity for new ones...

    thanks again!

    cant wait!

    also "T30 will be substituted for T110 and T30 will be moved to the Tand Destroyers line of the tech tree." what is the Tand line?

  13. Q: also what is the main difference between M26 pershing and M46 patton ?

    A: Engine and turret.

  14. Q: what is the Tand line?

    A: Fixed.

  15. A: Engine and turret.

    Does that mean M46 is getting the M47 turret?

  16. How will tanks which players have fully researched and sold off be handled if they changed lines (KV-3)? I was aiming for an IS-4, and now the IS goes nowhere I want to be...

    Also, will it be possible to keep modules and crew on the KV-2 instead of the KV-1 if requested? I have done a lot of work getting the crew up to 100% repairs and 75% firefighting and don't want them stuck on a KV-1 all of a sudden.

  17. Overlord, I appreciate this greatly. Keep up the excellent and awesome work!

  18. Will these changes be all at once or gradual?

    Furthermore, what sort of time frame are we looking at (roughly I mean)?

  19. Q: Does that mean M46 is getting the M47 turret?

    A: Yes.

  20. when are we going to see the first update of the trees? after 0.7.0 ? or with 0.6.5 ?

  21. Any info on ETA of the changes?

  22. if i research the hummel from the panzer 4 ,will i still have it?

  23. when will the update take effect?

  24. When will the german heavy line be updated

  25. Q: when are we going to see the first update of the trees? after 0.7.0 ? or with 0.6.5 ?

    A: Quite possibly in 0.6.5. And definitely in 0.7.

  26. so first updates on tech trees will appear on 6.5? okay so we got plenty of time to meet the requirements to get garage slots i guess^^

  27. Q: so first updates on tech trees will appear on 6.5? okay so we got plenty of time to meet the requirements to get garage slots i guess^^

    A: Greedy you are! :)

  28. What about players who unlocked JagdTiger in tech tree but still have Ferdinand in their garage and are gathering cash for JagdTiger? Will they be transfered to Stug e-100 line and lose all exp from JagdTiger line or will they keep all exp on JagdTiger line plus they will be able to play Ferdinand and exp for Stug E-100? Or maybe they will lost Ferdinand and get JagdPanther II? I would be grateful if you could answer to that, my friend asked me to post this question because he is unsure whether to wait for the changes or just play JagdTiger line. I hope my question isn't too complicated ;)

  29. Wow,

    This just feels right.

    Will the tanks be released in parts or in 1 big update?

    Also will these be implemented before or after the french tanks are added?

  30. OVERLORD. I got plenty of friends who go Panther2 just for his amazing gun. When the Panther 2 is downgraded to tier 8, will it keep the 105mm ? Will it lose it ?

    Will the 105mm be put on another tank ? IF yes, which ?

    What gun will the Panther 2 receive ?

  31. hi, if research hummel with panzer 4 , i wouldnt lost the reserch after of the update?

  32. Great news, i was hoping to see some changes in old full tech trees. Keep up the good work.

  33. My concern is similar to marmist85's. I've been trying to grind to the pershing, but with the changes, I'm curious what the guns the new tier 8 pershing will be able to wield. It seems most fair to me that the tier 8 pershing should be able to research the 90mm T15E2M2. I know people have been complaining for a while about being stuck with the 90mm M3 in the T23, but now the the T23 is history, the time seems perfect to rectify this issue. I just can't imagine the panther II or pershing keeping their respective 105mm guns. In my mind, the panther would use either the 88mm L/56 or the 75mm L/100, the panther II would use the 88mm L/71, and then the E-50 and M46 would both get the same or very similar 105mm guns that the current panther II and pershing use.

    At least that's what should happen in my mind. Overlord, feel free to confirm or correct me :)

  34. Have to admit I've been down on this game for a while but with these changes and if the 6.4 update is everything its supposed to be, then you will have gone a long way towards where we want to be!

  35. Will KV-3 (and other tanks) be tweaked before moving up to next level?

  36. Overlord tell me if the T92 HMC (spg) will have
    8 crew
    the body of the pershing
    the 240 mm mortar

    and if there is any future for the T93

  37. How will tanks which players have fully researched and sold off be handled if they changed lines (KV-3)? I was aiming for an IS-4, and now the IS goes nowhere I want to be...

    Also, will it be possible to keep modules and crew on the KV-2 instead of the KV-1 if requested? I have done a lot of work getting the crew up to 100% repairs and 75% firefighting and don't want them stuck on a KV-1 all of a sudden.

  38. Dear overlord,
    Will there any chance for us to got Mr.Patton in 0.6.5 but not with US TD?


  39. Q: OVERLORD. I got plenty of friends who go Panther2 just for his amazing gun. When the Panther 2 is downgraded to tier 8, will it keep the 105mm ? Will it lose it ?
    Will the 105mm be put on another tank ? IF yes, which ?
    What gun will the Panther 2 receive ?

    A: This hasn't been decided yet, but I think it will be deprived of 105mm gun.

  40. Q: Overlord tell me if the T92 HMC (spg) will have
    8 crew
    the body of the pershing
    the 240 mm mortar

    A: UI restricts us to 6 crewmen per vehicle.

  41. Wilson_komachi,

    most likely Patton will come along with US TDs, unfortunately we can add it any sooner.

  42. Overlord could you answer to my question about JagdTiger and Ferdinand too? ;) It's up there from April 30, 2011 11:32 PM

    I would be grateful, thanks.

  43. If you have unlocked JT it will remain unlocked regardless of Ferdinand being moved.

  44. I like this sentence in your blog: "All disputable issues will be solved for benefit of players."

    I wonder if it would be possible to apply it to the case of hundreds of closed beta players who had played >1000 battles pre-wipe/pre-OB and yet never recieved their gift M4A2 tank?

    (because it was apparently less effort to run the M4A2 award script only on the actual open beta stats and not bother with the pre-wipe, or whatever the reasoning behind the 1000 battles in open beta was?)

    Thank you :)

  45. Since IS-4 is being moved to tier 10 - will it then be "non-upgradeable" since it's the last tank in the heavy line, meaning it will have major upgrades to start with as the current IS-7 ?

    just want to know if I'm currently wasting my time upgrading stuff on it.


  46. If the Panther2 is deprived of the 105mm gun, I think it should get the 88L100 in turn

  47. thanks a lot...just one question.. if panther will be replaced by panther 2 what will happen to the exp earned on panther 1?? will it also be transfered to panther 2??

  48. so the T92 will have 6 people ok
    but what about the pershing body and the 240mm mortar?

  49. how about if i have a tiger, what happens with the Tiger I and the tiger (p)?

  50. If I have the Easy 8 unlocked but not in garage does it remain unlocked?

  51. hello overlord !
    I have a question too for you lol, i have both jagdpanther and ferdinand in my garage, will i get the jagdpanther II as i already ulocked ferdinand, or no changes are planned for the germans tanks destroyers branch?

  52. Q: thanks a lot...just one question.. if panther will be replaced by panther 2 what will happen to the exp earned on panther 1?? will it also be transfered to panther 2??

    A: Yes.

  53. Q: but what about the pershing body and the 240mm mortar?

    A: Will have them both. NPs here.

  54. Q: how about if i have a tiger, what happens with the Tiger I and the tiger (p)?

    A: Nothing.

  55. Q: If I have the Easy 8 unlocked but not in garage does it remain unlocked?

    A: Sure, it will be unlocked.

  56. Q: I have a question too for you lol, i have both jagdpanther and ferdinand in my garage, will i get the jagdpanther II as i already ulocked ferdinand, or no changes are planned for the germans tanks destroyers branch?

    A: Nope, you won't get it, since Ferdinand remians tier 8.

  57. Overlord,

    One simple questions - all unlocked tanks or tanks in garage will say researed and/or in garage ?

  58. Qustion about German anti-tank guns: do u have the plan to release them(mardar III, dickermax etc.). And what confuses me is Dickermax uses 105mm gun and Nashorn uses 88mm gun but why Dickermax is in T5 and Nashorn is in T6?

  59. Preorder Pz V/IV is missing in the tree.
    What about special tanks? So far the Alpha tank is fine qith me as I could buy equivalent tank through the preorder package. Now I see Beute KV 1 and T-34 also under special tanks. They will not be available to regular players?

  60. Please answer this question.

    Since IS-4 is being moved to tier 10 - will it then be "non-upgradeable" since it's the last tank in the heavy line, meaning it will have major upgrades to start with as the current IS-7 ?

  61. Hello Overlord,

    Why E-100 will not have Adler turret ? Most of the players wanted Adler turret.

    Best regards.

  62. Hi Overlord.

    Will the Panzer III/IV remain with just 2 75mm guns (the 43L and 48L) or it would mount another one, like the conical gun or at least the 105mm howitzer?

    Thank you very much

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. @ryu83

    You can only have one tank of the same type in your garage.

  65. and i have an other one question, if i have jagdtiger in my garage, unlocked but not full,ferdinand will be moved and replaced by jagdpanther II, but since i already have the jagdtiger, i will get something about jagdpanther II or he will be just unlocked?

  66. Hi Overlord!

    Thanks for clearing a lot of questions already!

    I have one more too, a bit other type of question:

    When do we get 0.6.4, and the other 'minor' (, .6.4.2 or some like these) patches, will they be updated separately and 0.6.5 too, or as we seen before they will come together in a big-big patch...

    If they come separately is there any ETA of 0.6.4 ?

  67. Q: One simple questions - all unlocked tanks or tanks in garage will say researed and/or in garage ?

    A: All unlocked tanks will remain unlocked, as for tanks in garage - see the breakdown above in the post.

  68. Q: What about special tanks? So far the Alpha tank is fine qith me as I could buy equivalent tank through the preorder package. Now I see Beute KV 1 and T-34 also under special tanks. They will not be available to regular players?

    A: These are captured Soviet tanks used by the Germans.

  69. Q: Will the Panzer III/IV remain with just 2 75mm guns (the 43L and 48L) or it would mount another one, like the conical gun or at least the 105mm howitzer?

    A: Pz. III/IV is going to be rebalanced in the upcoming update. As for module setup, it remains the same.

  70. Q: and i have an other one question, if i have jagdtiger in my garage, unlocked but not full,ferdinand will be moved and replaced by jagdpanther II, but since i already have the jagdtiger, i will get something about jagdpanther II or he will be just unlocked?

    A: JP II is going to be unresearched for you.

  71. kissrac,

    final v.0.6.4 update will comprise all interim patches, ~1Gb all in all. It is scheduled for May.

  72. A: These are captured Soviet tanks used by the Germans.

    Q: Yes, I know that but these stand in the Special section as the Alpha tank. Will these be regular premium tanks to be sold or only be available to "special" players like Mods, Bloggers etc. ;-)
    I'm waiting and willing to pay good money to ride a KV without leaving the german tree so I hope that every player at least gets the chance to buy these tanks.

  73. Dave,

    we are going to devise a special way of obtaining those tanks.

    It won't be available only to Mods, translators, etc

  74. I was realy hoping to get the maus, I have a Tiger II and was about to get the VK... But now I discover I'm getting the E 100 instead of the maus!?!?

    Can you please put an option maybe that will pop up after the update saying do you want the VK ausf A or Tiger II so we can at least chose which one... Cause it's unfair that I've put time and effort in to get a maus only to find out I get an E 100 instead...

  75. I bet they will be rewards for capturing sections of the map in clan wars.

  76. @Anonymous:
    The update won't be here before a fair amount of time, so if you don't take 5 month for have your Maus you will get it before the change.

  77. Is it possible for E-50 to come before the E-75/100 in an earlier patch to rearrange the German Medium line? Asking since Patton is coming before M103/T110, and that E-50 doesn't require the creation of two other tanks to make the move.

  78. so are you going to introduce these new tanks with every new patch after 0.6.4?? can we expect to see 1 or 2 tanks every patch or are you going to put down another big patch with all new tanks??


  79. I got an IS7, but i sold IS4, so I have to buy it again to get object 252, but my question is: will this happen in the coming patch? in this moth? Or it will be added later? I am asking coz i need credits for IS4 and I have to earn them, but I am asking coz I want to know how much time I have left to get IS4, could you say Overlord more or less how much time I've got?

  80. mac,

    not in this patch. Some time later. At least a few months.

  81. Yeah it's all nice with the new tanks and everything, but you ppl first have to solve some of the more important thing like the: "Added extra checkpoints on tank models for more accurate visibility checks." And we want some more accurate ETA on the 0.6.4. patch because i wish to play a game which i payed for ! O, and one more thing update the god damn In development section once in a wile !!!

  82. Overlord can you plz answer my question about the Maus?

  83. Overlord can you please give every one, more importantly the people that work long hours a time fram of when this patch will be comming out. Most of the people that are still in the lower parts of the tank tree need to know if grinding is worth it. This is JCPrimevil

  84. Overlord can you please give every one, more importantly the people that work long hours a time fram of when this patch will be comming out. Most of the people that are still in the lower parts of the tank tree need to know if grinding is worth it. This information would be very much apriciated.

    Thank you

  85. Q: Overlord can you please give every one, more importantly the people that work long hours a time fram of when this patch will be comming out.

    A: I will be able to give a more or less fixed date, as soon as we release it no Russian server.

  86. A: I will be able to give a more or less fixed date, as soon as we release it no Russian server.

    I am correct to assume that this will be for all servers?

  87. jcprimevil46,

    yes for both US and EU.

  88. Love the new maps.

    Can we have different weather on all the maps eventually? maybe even night battle?!

  89. You are not normal T44 vs Panther2
    wtf something bug your heads

  90. We also want a new tank

  91. Hi Ovi, I'm looking forward to the tree changes. Seeing new tanks on the battle field even the ones I'm not playing myself is good for a change. I guess there are differences how the changes are implemented, are they unfair? I rather have the changes than not. I play myself the German tree. For me actually more important is patch 6.4 in the moment the Russian tree is way OP. Look at the tournaments and the actual hall of fame. Russian tanks generate way more EXP, now you can state Russian tankers a better. The biggest flaws to me is the OP BL10, worst thing besides dmg is, that the Russian tanks stay hidden after firing too often. I'm curious how you gonna change this. IS3 and above are vanishing at a 100m distance. I really care less about the little arguments which gun does more dmg, but unrealistic invisible tanks are ruining the gameplay. Now I now if this is gonna change to the better all the goofy losers with IS3 and upwards will cry a lot. I just will say you came a little closer to playing German tanks. German tanks don't compensate the bigger tanks for better crew values. So let's hope for 6.4 and no more invisible IS's. Thx

  92. Hi Ovi, I wrote the previous post, I'm still loving the game. Thx.

  93. OVERLORD, i have a question, it was said that there will be an automated system for banning teamkillers, how will this system work??

    Do u get banned for life if excidentaly hitting your team member 400m away who is fighting head to head with the enemy(extreme example) and u tried to help him, but he moved and u wasted him-hapens sometimes

  94. Hi Mr. Crazy, are you serious a softwipe. I'm against it. You probably one of the losers with bad stats. But what about all the hours good players invested. I'm not benefitting of the changes I have no tank that is effected by the change. I'm not one of the IS4 easy roads losers. But hey go for it you probably still have enough time to unlock the IS7 twice, before the changes effect you. Yup I'm looking forward to the new trees. And an advise to all losers with softwipe aspirations just start a new account, If you think your stats suck, even though going the easy road with the Russian tree. Thx

  95. On the new medium line up the T54's competitors have become T 8 tanks and I was wondering if the T 54 will be getting a buff to compete with Patton and E series.

  96. Going on with the automatic teamkill, we actually had a real loser on our team start shooting at us all as soon as the round started in his zippy BT 7, we told him to stop but he didn't so we shot at him... I landed an engine hit in my KV and blew him to pieces and then he started raging saying I'm gonna report you... I was just wondering that if there was an automatic ban how long would it be and would it ban me for doing that? Or would I have to leave him till he got banned after half our team was gone.

  97. Lol already the losers with the OP T54 starting to whine are you not ashamed?

  98. Hey T-54 (ab)users, you start getting a fair competition. Or you not really start complaining I wouldn't have researched the T-54? Knowing you get a fair match. I never had respect for T-54 players for obvious reasons. I give you a tip go research the IS-4, quick and you can get a free OP tier 10 tank... Lol

  99. Cry baby! someone is taking your over powered toy. T-54 loser.

  100. To all T-54 player, I can't wait to see this changes implemented quick. I'm curious how quick you will adapt to fair conditions. Finally you are forced to learn how to play even tanks. Eventually it's about skills, why you so afraid?

  101. Give the T-54 players their XP back, they need fair option to switch to another OP tank. But now they are already asking for a buff, not even knowing the other tanks. See dev's the spoiled whiners you created. The T-54 is the biggest mismatch in the game.

  102. LOL. T-54's are like an official game hack for players who are not able to win by fair means.

  103. Hi
    I wanted to ask you why I dont get anything while ipdating.
    I have a VK4502p anf Tiger 2 but i dont get anything but my Way get splitted.
    It would be nice if all Persons which have NO T34 and IS4 in Garage will get some free xp and credits.
    If you have an IS4 you will get aTier X so you get 200000 xp and 6.1mio credits for FREE! Why dont the others with a Tier X get something like that?

  104. Hey boss,

    Is that a typo in the screen shot of the German tree? SHould the VK3001's be on oposite sides?
    I.E. VK3001P in the med tree and VK3001H in the heavy tree? Noting that the current grind to the panther is PZIII/IV >> VK3001P >> VK3002DB >> Panther ??



  105. Plz to players that are complaining that they get nothing. plz, what is more important? The trees will be so much better, more balanced and therefor a better match making. The OP russian tree will be more fair in the future for all players who chose not to play the russian tree. Why are you complaining? Let them get their free tanks, who cares. Lately I've been in games were AOD losers platoon with 2 IS4 and 1 IS3 just for the evening easy wins. They probably didn't lose a game. It's just so sickening to me that certain tanks are too unbalanced, so plz do these changes quick.

  106. Yup yesterday evening my first game was against that loser platoon. One of the players was friction. They probably have to polish there stats, an overpowered tank alone is not good enough. So they have to team up in the minor leagues. They almost lost that game though, it was malinovka they lost 2 ISs in the beginning and than friction started to camp. They won that game, we didn't had any IS3 or4. I agree make this changes as quick a possible

  107. The 2 most overpowered tanks will be needed. Finally like in big corporations were they keep loser bosses and just put them a position higher to retire. Hey to all players that went for IS4 and T54 good bye easy play and hello fairplay.

  108. You can tell a good player from a player who is used to the extreme camo values of the IS3 and IS4. They behave like sitting ducks under fire knowing they will get invisible in almost any situation when they stop moving. But so god will sometimes that doesn't work, you can take them out like dumb turkeys. More distressing is actually the fact that they are the only heavy tanks that are able to keep camo while moving. That is the main reason why these tanks are overpowered to the point were it gets into fantasy land. That has nothing to do with reality. Why are these big tanks disappear less than a 100m on an open field while moving and I'm sitting in a heavy with coated optics and have a spotting range of 486m meters?

  109. Thx, Dev's for the new tech trees. I love the game besides the nuisance of the before mentioned 2 tanks. New tanks, maps and that little more balanced trees will definitely improve the game. Then discussion like the once above will be the past.

  110. when will come full tech tree in a game????

  111. Re: Pz.V/IV Alpha (gift)

    Hah! Did you know that in German, "Gift" means "poison"?

  112. KV-5 tier?? 10000 gold??

  113. Russian heavies are obviously cheated. Im afraid that this tree change wont solve this particular problem.

    That's good to take anyway.

  114. Hi Ovi, some news about patch 6.4? How is the testing going? When implementing it on the RU server? How long after that on EU and N/A server? I don't want accurate days but just maybe the weeks. Thx

  115. Hi Ovi, another question. We talked on the previous blog about map sizes depending on complexity. I read on a Russian forum that the test server has a wide open desert map. True? Is that map bigger than the common 1k x 1k? Because less complex. Can you introduce a bigger map less complex to play? Maybe in the beginning this map as a low possibility in match making to occur, but you can get input from the whole community about it. I would love to try a bigger map. Thx

  116. IMO honest I don't mind that Russian tanks are better. It's just the T54, IS3 and especially IS4 that are way out of class. I think somehow the game would get boring if all tanks in it's tiers have the perfectly same values. It's almost impossible to call it a match when Panther2 matches against IS4 and it gets worse I had a Pershing and a Panther against IS4 and IS3. But on the other side a T54 against a VK ausfB is actually not a problem. These exaggerated differences makes this game actually weak. So obviously you have more morons in Russian tanks but a good player in an IS4 rulez. Back to the differences, I like the thought that the Russian tree is easier, less xp lower repair and ammo costs. Especially for the players that don't want to buy gold. So every tree has it's fulfillment in the game. I'm looking forward to additional nations like France, GB and Japan. Thx Dev's

  117. Overlord here is my Question:

    I have a VK4502p anf Tiger 2 but i dont get anything but my Way get splitted.
    It would be nice if all Persons which have NO T34 and IS4 but a German Tier9 (VK4502p) in Garage will get some free xp and credits.Like 160000 xpand 2mio Credits (or less) to get E-75 or something else for haveing VK4502p. Because the Place of VK4502p in Tech Tree get changed but NO refunds for it.
    Pls answer.

  118. "the Place of VK4502p in Tech Tree get changed but NO refunds for it.
    Pls answer. "

    Cause its German. Germans are in this game to make Russia looks awesome.

    Play Russia, or learn to enjoy losing. And stop whining, u lame German player.

  119. Lol I really don't get the complain, why I don't get anything if I unlocked the tier 9 VK ausfB. It's just changed and you will get the maus easy before this change will be implemented. So no loss at all. Again my arguement again is plz change as quick as possible for balance sake. It is for the gameplay less important which nation has the better end with the changes. Now to the previous rude comment about German whiners. We gonna see who is whining after the tech tree changes. It's the players who went for the Russian tree to benefit of from the UberTanks who will start whining. Especially the ones who need OP equipment to win. And there are probably a lot Germans who play Russian tanks. So long

  120. Position of VK45 is not changing, its still t9, so no reason for any refunds.

  121. I know there was already in Russia in the beta phase and outcry about weak American and German tanks, thank god today it is actually less about nationality than a lot players might think. It's probably the gameplay of each nation that is preferred. That why I like the fact that nations fight side by side with the other ones, very smart move by the Dev's. But since the game went international the outcry is probably bigger. I don't think the changes should come now because of the rich western customers, I pay myself, they should have been implemented already in Russia. All I care about is a balance, why the balance makes this game more fun. It is close matches win or loss that are memorable. Not the matches you can already predict in the beginning looking at match making. I hate my own 15-1 wins, they are boring pure slaughter and is was predictable. And this is not the fault of match making, it's basically 3 tanks who are sticking out as unbalanced, T54, IS3 and IS4. Just fix these tanks, by whatever means and if it's working with the new tech tree fine. Again I don't care who gets what tank and who is getting better gifts. But balance. For you Dev's if you want to keep the game alive better quicker than later. Or you will see the matches show more and more Russian tanks, because it's a constant uphill battle for the other nations. Thx

  122. Overlord
    Is the credit problem with the M12 going to be fixed in the next patch? (the big one)

  123. Q: OVERLORD, i have a question, it was said that there will be an automated system for banning teamkillers, how will this system work??
    Do u get banned for life if excidentaly hitting your team member 400m away who is fighting head to head with the enemy(extreme example) and u tried to help him, but he moved and u wasted him-hapens sometimes

    A: Of course you won't be banned for that, the calculation is going to be rather complex and will exclude random factors.

  124. Q: I vote soft wipe!

    A: There can't be and won't be any wipes after the release.

  125. Q: Hi Ovi, some news about patch 6.4? How is the testing going? When implementing it on the RU server? How long after that on EU and N/A server? I don't want accurate days but just maybe the weeks. Thx

    A: There should be an update on dates next week. v.0.6.4_test_4 is the most recent one available for public testing and very likely to be the release version.

  126. Q: Is the credit problem with the M12 going to be fixed in the next patch? (the big one)

    A: Either in 0.6.4 or in.0.6.5. Will clear it up.

  127. Overlord, will we also get extra barracks for the extra tank crews if we need them in addition to the extra garage slots?

  128. WTF is that ?
    - 88mm gun damage rolled back to 220
    - Fixed KT and VK45 mantlet rolled back! It's wrong again!!
    Devs said: Okay, we are going to buff german tanks.
    result: All good buff... buff? It's only a fix it should work so from the beginning.
    And you notice that these tanks with fixet mantlet they too strong? So the fix rolled back because a german tank can not be a stronger than a russian.

  129. "88mm gun damage rolled back to 220"... /cry

  130. If the above post is true, I'll promise I'll stop playing my premium account is almost to the end. If they don't give to german tanks even bug fixes, I'm sorry that's too much. Hey leave in German tanks gaping wholes, buff the IS7 and other RU tanks like T54 by nerfing the overpowered P2. lol this is a joke. I will read forum and blog though and wait until bug fixes for German tanks are implemented. Just look at recent hall of fame stats, all Russian tanks with a few exceptions for the pre order American heavy. No German heavies at all.

  131. Sad joke but the game will survive only by players who enjoy playing Russian tanks. Like I said before certain advantages for Russian tanks I'm fine. Lower repair costs, easier to research....ect. But the imbalances in the game are too much. It was promised it will be changed you had your chance with this patch to show your willingness. You didn't even fixed the lousy mantlets in German tanks, reduced ROF of the tiger the weakest tier 7 heavy. Now I don't trust anymore, I don't trust you with the new tech trees. This game is far from being balanced. I'm out. Find someone else for playing the pray for Russian tanks, welcome to World of Russian Tanks. Bye

  132. There was good suggestion in the forums why not creating American and German bots. We all just move to the Russian side

  133. Since VK 3601 H will be heavy tank of 6th tier, will it have a gun comparable to KV-3 and M6 ?
    KV-3 guns penetrate 167 and 175mm of armor dealing 300 and 390 average damage, M6 has 90mm gun with penetration 160 and dmg 240 average.

    VK has weak 75, 88 and koenish 75mm gun with good penetration and no dmg at all (65 average)

    SO ?

  134. I had a game today and a player in a KV 3 asked me after I killed him if I used gold ammo! WTF that's how spoiled there are, they don't expect you with German tank that they get penetrated. What was the situation, I was on a hill and I could shoot in his soft top of the hull. That's why German tanks get nerfed, because of arrogant and moron players. Believe me those player go in the statistics they use to evaluate the balance. And because Russian tank are OP you have tons of them. I'll wait for the next patch and see if they are getting serious with the balance.

  135. no way, the VK will be killed too OP.

  136. Yup you have tons of noobs in Russian tanks, but if you have a platoon of Russian tanks with decent players a guarantied win, that can go for hours without a loss. This is not possible with American or German tank platoons no matter how good the players are. All tested in beta already. So no promised changes fo more balance, CIAO. Was a nice time.

  137. No bug fixes for German tanks? Are you serious? Why not marking the wholes in German tanks with red color on the skins for noobs. Sad.

  138. I hope another company sees the value in this game, creates a competitive platform, but with fair fractions. Guess which one will be more successful. Lol I forgot the losers who need OP equipment to win will stay at WO(RU)T.

  139. Good idea, the red color markings for wholes in german tanks. But these skins should be only available for the russian faction.

  140. I'm guilty myself. I trusted the dev's for the willingness of improving the balance in this game. If it would be only a little the disadvantages the American and German tree has nobody would even type a word. They are huge. And you are not able to even fix bugs. WTF I'm guilty buying the pre order in good faith of balance improvements. I got the premium account .... So that's how you guys follow up on promises. 2 things will count against you dev's the summer is coming and to a lot players the current Imbalances will be not longer tolerated. My patience is over.

  141. If the German bug fixes are not implemented as promised I don't care if or when you release 6.4. As simple as that.

  142. I was always tying to be fair, but dev's if this is true about 6.4.4 it's a smack in the face to the players that trusted you guys. How can I trust you again and be willing to get a premium account again? You basically lied about balancing the tech trees. Personally and business wise a fail. See you back if one day the tree will be fair.

  143. One big thing you forgot guys, they didn't improve spotting really! Only Russian tanks are able while driving keeping their camo value. So the promise of changing invisible tanks close range is not fixed. Big let down. Don't know why I need accuracy at 500m or buy coated optics for my tank, if I start seeing an IS3 below 100m, lol while he is driving. Not stationary! Hey dev's besides improving Russian tanks furthermore did you actually do something? What was the big deal about this patch?

  144. Lol yup the German tanks are the sniper, well but not the Russians ones lol, they stay invisible, very realistic. Lol that was one of the changes that were needed. Deal breaker for me, too unrealistic and therefor no fun.

  145. IS=(I)nvisable tanks in all (S)ituations.

  146. I was a german player myself. I have put a lot of effort and pain in rising until the Tiger. But that was too much. Each tanks I tried was a disgrace compared to the same tier Russian, and even USA. And the Tiger was the worse : cant even harm a KV-3, 1 tier below !!! I was ashamed to play that tank, because it takes a tier VII heavy place and it penalize my team.

    Now i play Russia, and I enjoy killing germans while their pathetic shots are bouncing on me.

    Seriously, dont play German or you will come to hate this game.

  147. I was very lenient in beta it was a free game and I believed your intents to make the trees even. I never was a person who complained about exact amount of which tank does what damage. But it was obvious the russian tree is in the upper tiers so OP that match making sucks. If one tree wouldn't be so much better match making is less of an issue. Now I paid in good faith and waiting for a patch that was supposed to be balanced. Now you nerf German tanks? Is that a joke? How is that possible that anyone trusts you guys in the future? What are you doing? The Russian tree is so overpowered that there will be still plenty of Russian tanks on the battle field. Now you cutting short the game of one tree, in clan wars people will go mainly Russian and some American maybe spg German. You cutting out a lot diversity. I will stop playing because I think you tricked me getting a pre order on false pretense. I'm just curious, because I know you don't care obviously losing a couple of customers, why? Why not be honest in the beginning and why the promises of changes? Why do you treat people like this. It would have been fair to be honest with us all along. Do you make fun of Germans, like look at the stupid idiots choosing a German tank, lol. Or what is your intent? All the work in beta for nothing? Honestly I'm just said.

  148. Anonymous said...
    Russian heavies are obviously cheated. Im afraid that this tree change wont solve this particular problem.

    damn... after all you were right. I think I might to naive.

  149. I see no point in playing until the Germans get a MAJOR buff. Their armor and guns need to be closer to their Russian counterparts.

  150. Germans have guns that do half the damage of other guns of equal tiers yet we have the same rate of fire or just slightly less, it's pathetic.

    And I agree, German armor is pathetic. Tiger I is a complete joke.

  151. Question: T23 is being replaced with the Pershing, so does that mean all the upgrades that the pershing get as of now will still be the same when the change comes? Such as the 105mm Gun T5E1M2? If so will we need to earn the XP to get that gun even though we had a max T23?

  152. TroubleDD,

    Pershing is likely to be deprived of 105mm gun at tier 8.

    Fully maximized T23 should be replaced for fully maximized Pershing.

  153. When u revised crap german guns ? VK 3601 with crap penetration and 135 damage for tier 6 ? next gun make 220 damage but less penetration ? How can you be so ignorant ? PzJd IV cant penetrate a KV 3 , IS with his lousy gun ? What TD is this if he cant penetrate enithing exept german tanks ? I never see devs like u and your team , brainwashed with your pathetic communism patriotism and doctrine . Go back in URSS with this crap russian game .

  154. A "softwipe" would be the fair thing to do. Many people went out and bought gold when the game "released" These people worked hard aiming at certain tanks in the higher tiers. Now those tanks might not be as good as they were, or there may be some better. So now we have people three quarters of the way down a line finding out the tanks they were going for are not possible to obtain through the same branch of the tree. Also some are changed or moved to different branches entirely. I myself am working on 4 lines, a tank destroyer, a heavy, a medium and an SPG. For me and the many others that bought gold and are not getting what they were aiming for after many many hours of play, to not have a "softwipe" would be an insult.
    So in my opinion, don’t throw this in the face of your customers. Handle this the way many want, sure we like the changes, and sure some people might not be effected by this, but there are many who will be, many of which paid for gold. These people want to have the option to chose which tank lines they want when all the chips are on the table, not when we only have half of the picture. So for me and I’m sure many others agree I want a “softwipe” as they call it. Give us back our experience. Thus all problems will be solved and there shouldn’t be any dispute.
    And for the record, I once herd somewhere that “a softwipe = everyone getting tier 10 all of a sudden" A simple solution to this, restrict us to the tier we were at. Example (“You have “x” amount of experience to distribute up to “y” tier”)

  155. I wouldn't like a soft wipe at all. You get free tanks, what do you want more. You have even time to benefit from a decision change. You are going through 4 branches, congrats you are actually the one who doesn't need the softwipe. You probably unlocked everything before it changes. They are talking abou month. But be sure the Russian tree stays better. So what's the big deal? Bad stats?

  156. @Anon May 8, 2011 5:44 AM
    You are the typical moron whinner who makes the devs nerf germans so much.
    The tree changes is a good thing, and you should be grateful that the devs tells you several weeks (if not months) before. So you have all the time to get what you want before. Plus, there is free garages slots and tanks... But still you want more ?

    Ask for a serious nerf for Russian tier V to X tanks and Germans tanks buff. That's what this game really needs.

  157. Don't forget that not everyone will receive free tanks, slots and crew. From the first day I concentrated on the German tree and aimed for the Maus. After the patch I'll receive nothing.

    My friend is following the russian heavy tree and he will get three slots (worth 900 Gold), three complete 100% crews (worth a lot of time grinding XP to level your crew or 3000 Gold if you choose the fast way) and three tanks with an estimated value of 7.8 mio credits (I took the prices from the existing same tier heavy russian tanks). Thats 19500 gold if you converted your gold into money. So one side gets nothing and the other sides gifts worth 23,000 gold or $80. Sounds fair to me...

    Overlord said we have at least 2 month until the patch goes live so I guess a lot of players will change their current goals and switch to the russian heavy line because these gifts are too attractive to ignore them.

  158. Anonymous said...

    I rather not hope that with these changes the game world of tanks wont be the world of russian tanks ... i already have the feeling more everyday now the majority of tanks in random battles are russians. The amount of T54's vs M26 pershings are like 5:1 and heavies dont mention the IS3/4 compared to T29 and above ... I choosed the medium USA tanks tree just to get the M26, but seeing it now probably wont get its 105mm because of its tier 8 , what is the use of replacing that tank anyways. And not to mention all the extras the russian tanks get ... slots/crew etc. I am already getting a hard time building up credits on my T23 because of the average opponents in battles where higher tier heavies start dominating the fields ... Anyways balancing is always hard, but i even prefer the T20 above the T23 lol.

  159. Dear Overlord,

    Could you please answer this simple question as i couldnt find it above....Im going for German medium Panther II..atm im only at V tier PZIII/IV. Atm the next tank i have to learn in order to go to max medium is VK3001(P),its the ONLY and obvious, if i learn the mentioned obove tank...grind grind and the patch comes out...i will get thrown all the way to the german heavy line... I think its obvious that if im learning the VK3001(p)because i AM going for mediums not the heavy ones. Why such a strange decision is being made? There are 2 things i can do: 1)stop everything and wait for patch with my PZIII/IV or grind my ***off and try to get the VK3002(DB) b4 patch... am i right? Thank you in advance for your answer

  160. Hey Overlord,

    Since I have a KV-3 now but was planing to go for the IS-7, it seems like now I'm stuck to go back 2 tiers to go down the other line. Shouldn't we be getting the IS or at least the KV1S so we have a equal chance to go down the tree we want?

    It seems that whoever went to KV-3 is not stuck to go down the is4 line. Thanks for your time!

  161. so any idea when we can start expecting new tanks???

  162. Hey Overlord,

    Any chance of you to fix spotting or you think spotting is OK as it is now ?
    PLease let me know if you do not want to fix it - cuz I don't want to waste money any more for because of CRAP SPOTTING !

    thank you sincerely,

  163. Why 88mm gun is getting nerf on rate of fire ?

  164. @Anonymous: 88 gets nerfed because it is actually the bug to inflict damage with non Russian tank!

  165. R we going to see the update quick. No news yet.

  166. Hi,

    Will attached perks like cammo nets and optics be moved to the new vehicles or returned to stores for re-issue?

  167. hi when od the nashorn line come on german tds

  168. Oh for crying out loud... The game IS BALANCED!!! Stop complaining about it and get your facts right, the Russian and German tanks are better in different parts, for example, the Tiger II has brilliant frontal armor, a great gun, brilliant traverse rate, and decent speed... Yes the IS 3 may beat it ( well, leave it for dead) in terms of turret armor but I myself have a Tiger II and take out IS 3s on a daily basis... You just need the right tactics, different tanks have a different play style, there is also the 'power of the mind' factor... If you believe the russian tanks will own you in your german one then thats whats going to happen... I even went russian and got myself a KV... Its fully upgraded but i fear Pz IVs... They take me out in two shots... It only has 660HP with the best turret... anyway this blog is on the NEW trees, not the existing ones they say they are fixing.

  169. Lol, German and Russian tanks are not balanced. That's a fact. Look at the hall of fame and check which tanks are on the top and generate XP it's Russian heavies and the t54. some American heavies are doing OK but not 1 German heavy pilot in the top ten. Yeah I can kill with my Panther2 an IS4 but that's not a proof of balance. If you check the real life stats of the tanks and don't make fake calculations: like ROFxDMG=XP. German tanks have too many disadvantages. I play my German tanks wisely and as a sniper or support tank, but you bounces way more on Russian tanks, bad penetration on too many guns and last not least all the top Russian tanks have incredible invisibility abilities that is not even real. German tanks are bigger.... If you sum up all the stuff and if you are actually playing German tanks you will know. I'm assuming you play Russian tanks and maybe sometimes the KT too feel better.

  170. i'm in a situation similar to Ironz above, i have elited the pz3/4 so have unlocked the vk3001(p) but don't want to get it now as i'll jump away from the panther path. when the tech tree changes occur will i have the pz3/4 tree with unlocked paths to the 3601(H) and 3001(H) as pz3/4 is elite? or will i have to grind xp for these 2 new paths?

  171. How will the automated ban system work for teamkilling? I ask this because many times I have seen someone end up with a teamkill because a crappy player drives in front of their line of fire, or a teammate rams an enemy that an Arty has fired upon. If a player is automatically banned every time they kill or accidentally kill a teammate then that immediatly puts said team down 2 tanks off the bat.

  172. sorry to bug you again but how will experience earned on the KV work? for instance i'm grinding up to the s51, so if the kv spits into the kv1 and kv2 where is my experience that i currently have on my tank go? will i still bea ble to use it for s51 or does it turn into free experience?

  173. I have the same question and exactly the same problem as ironz except i have already bought the vk3001p acording to the new tree me and ironz shouldnt be even able to have both pzkpfw 3/4 and vk3001p because they will no longer be connected what so ever ? So the logical thing for me is that you have either muxed up vk p series and h series as mentioned in the comments above, or you will have to change our picks we made since tire 4 otherwise we will not have connected technological trees and that wouldnt make any sence at all! So i am wondering what will your logic be acording to this mather? This one is the most complicated situation from all of this new tree implementations i believe so if you could please give us an answer? I have also aimed for the panther and midium tanks, and would really hate if i ended up on the totaly opposite side now after the patch...please reply so i can know if to sell my vk 3001p if your not planing on leaving us on the mid tank side of a tree..and thanks in advance

  174. At last someone noticed my problem :) please advise Overlord

  175. Overlord

    Will this happen in the 6.5 update with the American Tanks

  176. I have KV-3 But i wanted an IS-7..
    Will they improve the Is-4 to be even with IS-7 or wil there be still huge difference..

  177. Overlord, I wonder if T34 as a premium heavy/8 will be as good as a creditmaker as Lowe/KV-5 are?

    Could you confirm?


  178. How bout an answer to Ironz and Marko's question. I am in the same boat and need to know what to do? Thank you...

  179. Hello Overlord. Sorry if this has been asked earlier. I tried to find info without success:

    If I have IS-4 researched but not in my garage, will I still have it researched after it is changed to T10?

  180. Found the answer to my question. If I have IS-4 researched, but not bought, I will have it researched still after change. Though I do not get the extra tank.

  181. Hi Overlord! My question is: after the new german Td line when the fredi goes to the other line can i grind the new stug start from there or i have to start from the marder III?

  182. Hey overlord is there an estimated ETA for the 6.5 patch because i wanna know if i should start grinding all my tanks now, Because i am going to be gone through July and August and don't wanna miss out on getting some new tanks and some garage slots.

  183. I've got a good question. If say you are given a tank or two when the patch comes out, and they will be fitted with crewmen of 100% as stated, what if your barracks didnt have enough slot initially? Will you also be given more slots in barracks with no charge?

  184. Yes you get a free slot, and i dont think that you get a crew at 100%. I think your crew on your original tank would have to be 100% to get a 100% crew. Just like if you have a stock kv-3, you would only get a t150 that is also stock.

  185. Overlord - if I have an unlocked but un-upgraded is-4, will it be 'elited' like an is-7 and just have the modules it should, or do I need to unlock the good modules before the patch?

  186. @Greg014 I dont think you know what I meant, my question is, if say I owned a KV-3 pre-changes, and at the patch I get the KV-3 in its new status with the same crew, AND the additional T-150, an additional garage slot and additional 100% crewmen in the T-150... will those additional 100% crewmen add more slots in my barracks if my barracks was previously already full beforehand.

  187. From KV to S-51 now we need 127.320 Experience.
    With the new Soviet Tank Tree how much experience from KV-2 to S-51 ?

  188. Sure looks to me like the Americans and Soviet are getting free xp and credits via free upper tier tanks and the Germans get screwed. Also, it makes me feel like I wasted my real dollars for a German Premium Tank when you are now giving free premium tanks to the Americans and Soviets and the Germans again get absolutely nothing. Personally I think it stinks.....

  189. Dear Overlord.
    If you have the the King Tiger and have the VK4502 researched, will the new E-75 be researched in its place when the tree changes happen?

  190. Overlord please answer, it is great that we get extra tanks and extra garage slots but do we also get extra Barracks Slots to accommodate the new crew members that come with the compensated tanks?

  191. Why dont we get free garage slots for T23/Pershing? Almost every other "substitude" comes with a new tank and a garage slot. :/

  192. Overlord - I've scraped and clawed my way up to the point where I am about to buy the German VK3601 but I see it is about to become a heavy tank and not a medium. Before I spend my hard earned XP can I ask if the tank will be rebalanced/changed when this happens - or will it face different enemies as a result - or is it only a classification change?

    Many Thanks,

  193. how you get screwd for using kv i just wonder ?
    you guys grind alot and got many 1shot kills is that not enough ?
    obviously is not enough you got extra garage and extra tank. what about us that use pz4 do we get anything in compezation for being a good target practice ?im still stuck with pz4 i had to pass all german light line to get to the pz4 .russians 1 light 1 medium then KV pwn them all make money and get free garage .

  194. you should reward usa and germany for being patient not those who enjoyed the game for so long but not !
    you will give them all that easy made exp and money and extra garage !im tired of it i die alot and scout every single match why meeeeeee why

  195. So many questions and almost no answers :P
    So I won`t bother with asking mine...

  196. lock the tech tree ! if you are russia you cant buy maus if you are a german you cant buy sherman !
    add choose nation option !
