Thursday, March 3, 2011

World of Tanks to Learn New Languages

Additional language packages for World of Tanks are on their way.

- for US game client - Brazilian-Portuguese
- for EU game client - Serbian, Croatian, Latvian, Hungarian.

They will become available shortly. Follow the updates!


  1. Where is the registration for the tournament that was delayed from the 1st to today?

  2. wb3jma,

    our guys are finishing the regulations. It should start today.

  3. When you will fix a nistake in Polish language - Platoon window?
    it says invite friend (Zapros...) and it should say dismantle platoon - "Rozwiąż pluton"

  4. And where is german? I don't have the choice for the german language since the patch...

  5. Anonymous 2,

    the German language is available only for EU game client.

  6. o.O How do I know which client I have?
    I'm playing on EU Servers... but since the patch (used the link here on this blog...) is my german gone XD

    Thanks Ryu

  7. Ryu,

    launch WOTLauncher.exe in game root folder, there will be the respective banner in right top corner and language selection option in center.

  8. OK... I have the american server client, but I'm playing on EU! I've always been playing there and do it still after this patch.
    I don't know how I did get the american client after this patch... Can I change this easiely or do I have to reinstall the client?


  9. Ryu,

    I suggest switching to EU client, so as to avoid any possible misunderstanding in future. You will be able to use German lang pack then, including German crew voices.
