Friday, February 25, 2011

World Championship World of Tanks

World Championship WOT will gather the strongest teams from Russian, American and European game servers, to push the best to Grand Finals.

Each server will held preliminary tournamets in three divisions: 6 / 60 - vehicles do not exceed tier 6 and the total number of vehicle tier points – 60, 8 / 90 - vehicles do not exceed tier 8 and the maximum number of vehicle tier points - 90; 10/140 - no restrictions on vehicles and the total number of  vehicle tier points. The best virtual tankers of the planet will be invited to Moscow for Grand Finals.

For details visit:

Don't miss an opportunity to take part in global challenge!


  1. Tournament will be after realease? Or it will be before final release?

  2. Elisa,

    Preliminary stage will be held before the release, Grand Finals - after it (in Moscow).

  3. So, we have to use our "beta" tanks to the preliminary rounds, using free gold obtain during beta. Thx for comments ;)

  4. FelipeII,

    yes, correct. You can use all beta stuff.

  5. Sorry to bring this up on your Blog Overlord, and I have sent off two complaints to but there seems to be a possibility of abuse of Moderator powers in-game and on the forums and looks to be an attempt to expose the issue including editing potentially incriminating content, thread closures and RO bans.

    Thank You for your consideration!

  6. wb3jma,

    moderators had the right to close those threads. Such issues are to be forwarded directly to support service or administration (mediahead). Please follow this procedure.

  7. Now why would ppl enter in another badly executet/ maneged tournament !!! and why do the devs and rest of the team... use man power on this intead og getting the game set up.... why is there still no info about update/ patch and so on .... we'r having the 27th right now 0541 morning here in denmark.... and only info is " maintanence" on tursday morning my time !!!! OK Whining OFF :-)...... eventhough... good we have you blog.... otherwise we would be totally in the dark


  8. The problem is not that the servers are in different version?
    EU / US 6.2.8 6.3.8 RU

    EU / US example:
    - no map of Westfield
    - a different part of the weapons ROF
    - T-54 lower
    - Hetzer is 220 hp engine
    - ....
    - EU / US player runs out of gold, you can not take premium ammunition, thus at a disadvantage

  9. Janos,

    EU and US servers will be updated to next week thus becoming on a par with RU server.

    EU and US beta testers get 250 gold a day daily which, RU players have no free gold.

    So it won't be a disadvantage.
