Purpose of this blog

Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Thursday, May 3, 2012

[WoT] In Development: Vol. 5

With the "soviet" 7.3 update fast approaching live EU and US servers (RU release has just taken place while you still have some time to grin IS-4 :)),

the development team is now switching its focus to the next step, namely 7.4 update. The upcoming update is supposed to be more than just a content patch.

While the exact content and features for the next update, which is 7.4, is still to be finalized and extended.
  1. Extension of French tech tree
    • SPGs:
      • Renault BS
      • Lorraine 39 L AM
      • AMX 105 AM
      • AMX-13 F3 AM
      • Lorraine 155 (50)
      • Lorraine 155 (51)
      • Bat. Chatillon 155 (features cassette reloading or autoloader)
    • TDs:
      • Renault FT AC
      • Renault UE 57
      • Somua Sau 40
      • S 35 CA
      • ARL V 39
      • AMX AC de 100
      • AMX AC de 120
      • AMX 50 Foch
    • MT:
      • Renault G1R
  2. New premium vehicles previously available only to supertesters:
    • Soviet premium heavy tank of tier 8 Object 252/IS-6
    • German TD of tier 8 JagdTiger mit 8.8cm KwK 43 L/71
  3. Two new maps:
    • Wide Park. This map is based on Munich landscape and contains a large city part.
    • Airport/Airfield. The map features airport located in the desert.
In addition to that we can expect a bunch of new premiums available for supertesters only until 7.5. 

Also at this stage a lot of work is being done on the following stuff:
      • multiple UI improvements, especially the design of tank trees
      • new camo patterns
      • new game modes - Assault and Counter battles, both entered the final production stage
      • new sound effects
      • improvements to the current team damage reimbursement mechanics
The updates of the 7.4 current status will be provided closer to its release date.


  1. new game modes sounds great^^

    1. Indeed, and it's about time already :D

      Are there any more detailed descriptions for the game modes available? Just for curiosity...

    2. He didn't say they'd be here for this patch though - just that they're getting closer.

  2. 1. Is there E-25 in this bunch of premiums? :)
    2. Patch looks time consuming, so these ingormations about June are rather very optimistic, yes?
    3. Was it decided which tanks line is planned for 0.7.5?

    1. ill bet its the UK patch :D they have released screenies of the top tier English TD and i have found an English flag among some of the files in the game.

  3. 1. Nope, there are other vehicles.

    2. This time it might be more difficult to stick to 1 update per month schedule, however we will do our best.

    3. Yes, the draft lists of vehicles for 7.5 and a few more future updates are ready. Howver we would not like to make them public as of now.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It has not been scheduled for a particular update yet.

    2. Kampfwurst,

      Do you know, why Overlord did huge pause between his posts in that blog?
      It's because, of such replies.

      No one of developers have promised physics in 0.7.4 or 7.5 or anything else.

      Only thing they told is that physics is in development, so please be patient or we will lost Overlord's posts for very long time....

    3. No its not "me" that made him rage, its the people that was insulting him for the stuff he posted here.

  5. "In addition to that we can expect a bunch of new premiums available for supertesters only until 7.5."
    My guess is tier 8 french heavy + some more premium vehicles from french tree^^

  6. Splendid news. Many thanks Overlord and WG team.

  7. can u tell us a release date on 7.3 pls ( EU and NA )? can't wait :)

    1. Both should arrive next week. See the official portals for updates.

  8. "SPG: Bat. Chatillon 155 (features cassette reloading)"

    Feel the arty-whinge coming! :D

    cool stuff, thanks OV!

    1. Will enjoy countering non moving artys :D

    2. Assuming the 155 relates to gun diameter it will need rapid fire to compensate for low damage. I suspect it will be useful for tracking tanks so the bigger arti can destroy them, small splash diameter will make it hard work for countering other tier 8 SPGs.

  9. Thanks for taking the time to write this post! I'm looking forward to new game modes!

  10. Overlord, any chance that some of nerfs to French heavy tanks in 7.2 will be undone? Thanks.

  11. For gods sakes stop making tanks and release new game modes. We need new game modes and frankly it should take priority over everything else how long do you expect us to play capture the flag ?????????

    1. 1. There are players who wants new tanks. I have been waiting for new German TD's more then a year. With patience. My son - for British tanks. We both - for European Tree.
      2. Tanks and game modes are made by different teams. It was written so many times...

    2. so where is this famous game mode team at ? I cant remember exactly when they announced new game modes but i would bet its been near as long as germ td's ..... I wont even go into physics.

    3. Game modes are really the highest priority at this time, however it is the thing that has too be tuned and polished as much as possible before the release. Also the rework of the current mapa is needed, so it takes time.

    4. Both German tds and British tanks (initial set) are to arrivw later this year.

    5. I understand and thank you for replying. I know I sound like a giant ass but a tanker can only tank(:P) so much CTF 15,000 or so in beta and 5,000 in live . I can only imagine how many you have played. Good blog and keep em coming!

  12. Can you hold the release until like the 13-14th thanks!

  13. When will the new physic patch thing come out?

  14. overlord!!! i saw a picture wuith soviet tier 13 it was a joke? or it will apear?

  15. what do you mean by supertesters..??

    1. super testers are a group who properly tests certain new vehicles in 'live' conditions (i.e. joining random battles etc) as far as i know

      they really test a tank (unlike on the test server where a lot of people just mess around) and report any bugs it might have before it's released in the next patch

    2. These are players who take part in supertests, so they are checking new content before public test. It is very small group of players chosen by WG and their work is sometimes quite boring.

  16. WoT truly is getting better and better, thanx for the Update, great news

  17. Well as long as the game doesn't get slower. I got some lagging in on certain maps.

  18. Will be happy to see the IS-4 put where it belongs, hope to see its replace a little more balanced in TIX

  19. When is the physics patch expected to hit?? Im still eagrly awaiting being able to jump my T2 Light off a hill onto the top of a Maus lol

    1. Any new game mode is all I care about.
      New tanks can wait, I need something fresh for all tanks through out all the lines! :D

    2. I have no idea why I replied to you though >_>

  20. physics is slated for a summer release, but i would expect to see leaves falling when it finally arrives

  21. Hi Overlord!

    I want you to ask whether the two premium tier 5 tank Pz IV tanks with hydro and SU85I not would you do this test on Server, that at least there we can try and use as if you have a normal server you do not enter. I think many people rewarded! And you would kattintásodba am only a few :)
    Thank you in advance on behalf of all WOT fans :)

    1. Please reply to Overlord! For me, this is a very important question!

  22. Are we going to receive a connector between the French heavy and light/medium trees?

  23. New game modes at last -thank you Overlord :)

  24. Any changes to matchmaking? If there's anything this game needs, it's you guys actually looking at how much of a difference to a fair and fun game matchmaking can make...

    1. The new matchmaker is undergoing the final tests, if everything is fine it will be enabled as well.

    2. I'd have to say the thing I looked forward to the most ever since beta was not More SPG's, French Tanks, HE Mechanics Changes or anything else that's been released so far. Rather, it was this; improved matchmaking. That, or more match types.

      I hope info about this is put up in the news sometime, or that we get to try it on the test server.

  25. Hi Overlordy, good work with WoT and WoWp. Thanks for inviting me into Alpha testing, it is awesome.
    I am about to visit Kubinka in Summer, really looking forward to. We will visit Minsk, Kyjev(Pripyat), Moscow, Tbilisi and so on... Do you know about other interesting tank museums in the east besides Kubinka? Greetings from Czech Republic

    1. Thanks!

      After a brief thinking, I would recommend you to visit Stalins line, near Minsk, in Belrus.

    2. Advice to visit Victory Park (Park pobedi) and Central Musium of Army (Centralniy musei vooruzhenih sil) in Moscow. There are not tank museums, but they have a lot of interesting tank stuff as like single survived KV-2 and T-46.

  26. overlord will we get the type 62 prem any time soon. and will the type 59 be coming back any time soo AND if the type 59 comes back shouldnt it come back with other teir 8 prem meds so people wont just buy the type becuase it the only teir 8 prem

    1. Neither of the above is planned to be available in store in the fireseeable future.

    2. Some one at WG did not get the message,
      Type59 on sale again for RU players http://worldoftanks.ru/news/1078-gift_shop_new/

    3. Why the hell are they getting the option of buying the type 59 and europeans don't?

    4. This is not a regular in-game sale. Similar deals will be available for all servers in due time.

    5. "Similar deals"
      "due time"


    6. @sebastian: Do you not remember the sheer amount of discord that the T59 caused on both the US and EU servers?

      Personally I would love to see half the crap in the Chinese gift shops added to both our servers (I'm US), but I seriously doubt it going to happen, the EU and US servers are both very difficult to please, and even harder to appease.

  27. finally something about new game modes *cheers*

  28. Hey Ovi :) Pls tell us sth. about the "White Tiger" There are some romours: 14k hp...37 km/h...E-100 gun..pls tell us :D

    1. It's a boss introduced in 0.7.3. If you enter random battle on T-34-85 in 0.7.3 there is a chance you'll get into 15 vs 1 battle against him with 14 more players as your allies

    2. hmm, sounds interesting, but it will require some teamwork; something which is seen less and less these days unfortunately

    3. It really requires teamwork right now, of 27 encounters with him(http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/#wot&at_search=DerWeisse_Tiger) so far 22 ended in players defeat and at least 3 victories were gained through base capture. Another question is, whether it will be implemented on servers other than RU or not.

  29. Any word on when the new movement mechanic will be implemented

  30. Hi OL,
    1. will there be a French tier 8 premium heavy? If yes, approximately when? Is it gonna be armored or paper like the rest?
    2. Any chance to buff R2D2's armor on KV-5 so people would buy it again (including me)? Everyone knows about it now. :/
    3. Will there be Hungarian vehicles in the game later? Like Zrínyi TD, Tas, Nimród, Tátra, Turán, etc? Many Hungarian players would appreciate it. :)

    1. Current speculation holds that the tier 8 heavy will most likely be the Somua SM or the FCM 50t [which is basically a big AMX M4 with 120mm of armor]. The Somua SM is pretty similar to the AMX 50, and is armed with a 100mm gun.

  31. Overlord,

    Thanks for the info. The new game modes sound good. Now I know why I like WoT so much. Keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing the info.

    As far as vehicles go, are there any plans to add Italian, Polish, Czech, and Dutch vehicles as sort of a "Everyone else in Europe" tree? I thought I had heard rumblings about it, but was just curious.

    1. Yes, there are plans to make up such a tree in future.

  32. When are we allowed to move/change our camo pattern? I have the permanent one on and don't want to lose it when I want variety in my tank.

  33. What a hell is this?

    again franchie shooting OP ****

    Really this need? Bat. Chatillon 155 (features cassette reloading)

    1. Its a tier 8 arty that only has a 155mm gun. That's actually very weak for its tier. I wouldn't worry about it. None of the French TD's are getting autoloaders either.

    2. A weak gun, but 8 fast shells in a row will still do allot of damage.

      Its okay if your a tier 10 (i hope)

      But imagine being the middle tier 7 or a tier 5/6 in that same game. 0.o

    3. you do realise you can't fire all shells in a row unless the enemy arty is blind?

      and i think the combined average damage will be comparable to the current t8 arties, only difference is you can spread it out

    4. You can take a chance, and when in a good position, you might get lucky more then you think

      arty players are not countering through the whole game
      allot are not even countering at all.

      that might change when they see the french t8 tho, time will tell

      i hope the aim isnt that fast on those things.

  34. Seriously... just now new game modes are finalizing? Really? After this long? And yet here's another 1-nation limited patch which I don't care one bit about, just like the russian OP tanx patch in which I just got some free slots and that's all I cared about.

    I can't believe you guys didn't learn your lesson about how to speed up your dev process, despite having some money to play with now. Too little content in too long of a time frame. And now things are going to slow down?

    Where's the German TD 2.0 Line that was supposed to be out by now? Still trying how to nerf the new German armor before launch so the Stug E-100 doesn't trounce the glorious 704 that's been at the top of the food chain in stats since basically launch?

    1. "Russian OP Tanx"... seriously? The Russian heavy line just got nerfed into the stone age dude.

    2. LOL no. You have to remember that many of the new Russian "end game" heavies have a low profile, plus mobility, and for some reason a deadly accurate and uber-high-pen gun. They'll scoot right around German tanks, and their guns allow them to pick apart a Maus, E-100, 4502, or even E-75 with ease, even at range now! So no, there was no nerfing of the Russian tanks. They have mobile, hard and reliable hitting tanks with odd bouncing armor just like the US new 103/110, and the French.

      Who didn't get a revision yet to the new road this game took? The Germans. The nation which due to documented proof should have had the best penning and most accurate guns in the game. They're left to rot once again, falling behind all other nations now.

      But as people in the forums say, OL and WG are racist. Not biased, but racist against Germany.

    3. Why is than the Maus the top tier 10 stats wise?
      Why is the E-75 considered the best tier 9?

      German tanks are just fine, except for the E-100 & Tiger, which are still playable if you know how.

    4. They had released two American TD branches, a Russian Heavy branch, Two French Branches and an American Heavy branch. They ought to release a German one, not two french again.

      I agree that the German tanks are falling behind. On top of what you have mentioned, German tanks are so slow arty will get rid of them. They ought to give German more power. I own a JT and it is not doing too good. I always lose a fight with the T95 or IS7. amx 13 90 can take me out with ease. I've been looking forward to the new TD branch but now they say French is first. They ought to sort out their priorities on which to release first.

    5. @Daniel:
      This was true previously a few patches ago, but now so undervalued GE vehicles are (with the arrival of new U.S. M103, T110E5 OP tanks, agile FR sci-fi machine guns, and constantly buffed RU vehicles) only the big bad joke.
      The current direction of the WG approach to a german tech tree is for players who are fans of German tanks is a true disaster. I wonder if they still have a paranoia from GE of war or what.

    6. Tell me about it *eyeroll*. If you choose to play German you basically handicapping yourself.

  35. Cant wait for an other game mode ... So when do you put the mode: garage battle?

    1. This mode is still planned for a more distant future, the aforementioned two will come first.

    2. im sorry to hear that, this is the only game mode im looking forward to :/

    3. I have 10 tanks in my garage. Cant wait for garage battles !

  36. So the new french tanks will arive in 7.4? When will the german TDs come?

    1. IIRC the german and russian TD's were planned for 7.5

    2. New German and Russian TD's were not planned for 7.5. Stop spreading false specific information. German TDs, british tech tree, physics etc is planned to come later this year. It might be 7.6 however :D

    3. German TDs are NOT planned for 7.5. The "tank" content of this update is kept in secret for now.

  37. Overlord when the patch 7.3 is coming to Europe? Russians have him but EU not , why?

    1. It's very effort and time consuming to release updates on live servers. RU server, as the largest one received the patch first, EU and US releases are to come next week.

    2. Yeah. This is very annoying you know ? The bigger server gets 7.3 faster than the smaller ones ... I think that it should be vice versa.

  38. Q: Dear overlord.
    What the hell is this? O.o

    1. It's a in-game event in 0.7.3 that is a reference to this:


    2. In game event in russian servers?

    3. Yeah. There is some more info available in my discussion with Alighierian and Vipez above

  39. Are there any plans of rebalancing the game?

    German tanks are getting UP is there comming a buff on the german guns or armor?

    1. thats true and also the zero % hits are a big problem.
      I had round with my Löwe, 25 Shots (all in backside or side of enemy tanks), 25 hits!!! BUT 18 shots bounced/made zero damage.????
      My team won the round, but i didn`t earn much money!

      And löwe makes much less money then T34!!!

    2. At one time it seemed like the game was RU biased, which it was for months. Then they did some changes, especially starting with the French patch, and I can't say they're "biased" anymore. Instead, I firmly believe they're Racists there. They're racist against Germany if you knew how they handled that country since launch. There's too much proof stacked against them, and the verdict by the jury is guilty.

      Now with these nations all getting their super-pen guns, you know, high pen that they wouldn't give the German "88" because that was unbalanced though there was documented proof how powerful the gun was, Germany is outgunned once again. Their armor was never an advantage, but you had to aim actually at some of the E-Series before. Now, not the case. Just auto-aim, shoot, profit.

      They won't fix Germany any time soon. The German TD line was supposed to be out in Q4 2011, but they set it back purposely until they can figure out how to make them seem strong, but in execution flawed as heck.

    3. ^^ Actually WOT is not a sim. You exposed your point of view once, no need to insist that way. Go troll the official forum please, and let us enjoy the Overlord's news.

    4. Dude that's not entirely true ...from FAQ:
      "World of Tanks is a huge mixture of multiple genres. First of all this is a global-scale MMO action game. Besides, there’s a combination of other genres, which are FPS, RTS, RPG, and the SIMULATOR."


      "Your arsenal includes more than 160 armored vehicles from America, Germany, France and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy." LOL or rather, how sad.

    5. German tanks has the best guns in this game. What the hell you wanna buff ? Armor is good too. I dont know why do you always cry .. It is not about tank ... People said that T32 is shit but I tried id and I killed E-75 and IS-4 alone without any help of team ... It is always about player.

    6. German Tanks are nothing without support!
      And U have to use every kind of cover.
      With Russian and American tanks u are mutch more free to play!
      The only very good german tank is the E50! But when they nerf it (also E75) and the gearbox will go to the front as it is in the Tiger, Kt,... E50 and E75 are also shit!
      I have the E-Series, but I don`t play them anymore (only E50) because it`s incredible frustrating! I made a efficiency M with E-100 (only 1700 EP is needed...) look what the other T10s need for an M! Then u will see German tanks are underpowert!
      I have incredible many bouncers with my 128mm gun (on E75 and also E100) but the amerikan, french and russian tanks have no problems to penetrate me, because the have much more pen.
      Ferdi is the next which I let in garage, every fucking tank can penetrate front armor. In BETA Ferdi was good but now... no camo, no armor middle damage, middle penetration, low speed,..=no chance

  40. and NR 3...

    Since i havent got any answer on this neither on the forum nor on your previously blogpage ill just repost my question:


    Would be nice if you could take your time to answer this question since there are many topics already in the EU forum, even some started by RU players who thought deffs might listen to the EU community.

    So the question is: Will you upgrade Maus and E-100 Armour to give them back their place in future Clanwars? With the all new US and sovjet 400mm pen Gold guns the Maus cant rely on her armor as she could before. And since gold ammo is used in CW by anyone the balance is about to rape german tanks...so what concerns the community will there be an improvement ov german t10 heavys?

    1. Any major changes to the mentioned tanks are not likely to come in the foreseeable future.

    2. According to the server statistic thread your chance of victory is up to 10 % higher if your T10 tank is not an E100 and you have no plans for buffs?

    3. I agree. It's pointless to drive a Maus if everything pens it everywhere in CW...

      I'm glad I don't have to bother with CW because of the fact how broken they are :P

    4. @Overlord

      E-100 is bad no doubt of it, all of you got to do is buff a lower plate (weaker than in e75, there some proofs in forum)and add some pen to 12,8 (maybe put 12,8/61?) but now it's a shame for devs cause it's look like they want take some money from frustrate E-100.

    5. Lower plate of e100 is 10mm thicker than the one of e75, if I remember it right.

    6. @overlord

      With steeper angle so after all mumbo-jumbo like normalisation it's weaker than in E75.
      But you got stats - E100 is the worst T10 even worse than AMX. But nevermind i have already grinded is4 (without paying WG any money :) ) so i'll have my good T10 heavy really soon.

  41. Hi!
    is there any plan for something like map filters? Players choose some maps, that they hate and they never see them in battle.

    1. If I had a filter, I'd put:

      Komarin, Komarin, Komarin and Province.

      All others are OK, but the above two are hell on earth.

    2. It's been announced since the beginning of time (the WoT timeline anyways) that random battles, will remain random, with no filter etc. You can end up in almost any tier range, with any kind of tank (LT,MT,HT,TD,SPG) on any sort of map (open,urban,mixed)

      the new game modes coming with 7.4 or atleast 7.5 -.O
      will maybe have filter options.
      And/&or they figure random battles need a rework, and we get a filter there aswell ;P

    3. The main problem with filters, is that suddenly you got queue timers through the roof.

    4. Yes, it can be new mod. Semi-random battles:-D Many players would appreciate it, including me, because on some maps, its wasted time for me (like province or komarin). And the delay before start battle shouldnt be very long. Blacklist could containt 3-5 map, so it shouldnt be problem.

    5. just the ability to block 1 map (komarin) would be awesome :+)

    6. Overlord, seriously... you are adding two maps per update for a long time now.

      We've reached a point where there are plenty of maps to play on, the problem is that during a playing night I might not even get to play any of the new good maps but instead play horrendous maps like Komarin.

      Why is WG not removing Komarin entirely? there is no shame in it!

    7. @Daniel

      Why remove? Rework once again, make higher hills or restrict to 4-7 tiers (it's fun i can tell you) but don't remove it.
      All maps are good but it;s depends from the tier.

    8. Personally I like Province, I only wish there was a way to ban or limit the appearance of Komarin.

    9. The rework of Komarin is planned. We are doing some experiments with it.

    10. moar buildings, and the ability to cross the water would improve it big time. deleting it, is still the best thing to do tho

  42. Hey Overlord.

    Based on the comments of the community both on the russian forum and eu one about the is4 needing a buff on the front armor, what is the dev point of view on it, if there is one already?


    1. Yes, it's done already. Armour won't be its main advantage, obviously. Stat-wise it performed decently during the tests.

    2. You mean the buff of the cheeks to 160mm, the driver hatch to 200mm and the front armor angle to 61°?

  43. Is the 15x T-34-85 vs 1x W.Tiger for real?
    Im in doubt, but everything about it seems legit... so... anyone????

    1. Yepp

      ""White Tiger" - a German tank phantom. On May 3, 2012 very rarely appears in a random battle against 15 T-34-85. With its outrageous performance, usually wins. Celebrates the creativity of the same name, and K. Shakhnazarov gloomy Teutonic genius, which is to win, "Ivana Kosorukov" could only be a number.

      In fact, Tiger is a Porsche with a skirt and the strength of 15 thousand HP.

      Descendants not made."
      with google translator. It seem an event crediting the "White Tiger" movie in russia.

    2. Insane!

      I want 2x 1300 HP engines on something too! ;P

  44. Ovi.. when will u say us some details about the "Assault and Counter battles" ? Would like to hear how its going to be ;)

    1. For a bit more info see the New Game Modes about two thirds of the way down this article;


  45. Is the premium French arty available to everyone in 7.3?

  46. Any estimates on when the removed German premium tanks at Tier 2 and 4 will be replaced? I am looking forward to the Neubaufahrzeug (NbFz) release; it's definitely the Loltraktor's big brother and would be well received by the playerbase.

  47. How about buffing the French tanks back to pre 7.2 not that their stats have crashed like the Hindenburg?

    WG nerfed them while only the elite players had them and now that the nerf hit hard, the French tanks are having issues with the elites and are terribad for the nubs.

    1. French Autoloaders have no place in WoT, IMO. They're not tanks but mobile gun carriages, and this game already has too much cold war tech in a game where one prominent nation is limited in development to 1945 tech and blueprints.

      No, French "light" tanks should not go back to dealing out the same damage as a heavy tank in the time it takes a heavy tank to reload one time.

    2. The fact that WOT players are asking for new games modes while they can't adapt one gameplay change is really funny. French tanks were a threat only to bad lonewolves without teamplay...
      Whatever T10 frenchs are still good ATM, but i'm glad i got them before the nerf. Now the tech tree is such a pain to grind that i seriously doubt any new player would try it.

    3. I started to play WoT because this game was always presented as a WWII based game and now i must fight against mad sci-fi FR machines (produced from 1950 to 1985) :(

    4. This game was never presented as a WWII limited game, it was from the golden age, pre-WWII up to 1950 (1955).

      The Autoloaders came around 1945-1946...
      So Brian Majors, good job making fun of yourself.

      One thing i find funny about how things are turning out, lately... Is the penetration values of the new top ST-1, IS-8 and IS-4 gun. 1 word: Extreme!

    5. @Killer:
      This is generally accepted false information. In most reviews, video trailers and interviews was (is) WoT presented as a WWII based game. Likewise, in the description of game play on the official site: "... Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world ..." The fact that the time will be the vehicle between the years 30's to the 50's never previously mentioned. This information did not appear until later ... unfortunately.

    6. True that, we never planned wot as a sort if ww2 reinaction. Our timeframe is larger.

    7. Please address the French question Overlord. The WG staff keep avoiding it.

    8. @ Auditor175
      I knew this time frame back in 2010 when I started to play WoT. It was wrote and said many times. You will find it for ecample in FAQ on main page.

  48. For the Obj. 252/IS-6 Please leave its name as the development name Obj. 252 as its easier for tank IDing and battle calls to say 252 instead of IS-6. Personally I like the Obj. names because its different.

    1. its confusing, if they use IS- ppl know its a heavy tank

      but if they use object it could then be a arty, td or a heavy tank o.0

  49. Can you say what battle tier the 88 jtiger will have?

  50. Hi, Overlord.
    Could you tell smth about soviet TD and MT. When we'll see them?

  51. Hi Overlord i have seen on the french tech tree that AMX12t will lead to tier 5 French artillery i already grinded about 40 000 exp but you mentioned that there will be changes to tech trees so mi real question is will amx12t lead to the tier5 SPG or not because i just want to know if i am wasting my time on amx12t?

  52. Hello Overlord, any news about exact date of 7.3 release ? I really don't understand why we still didn't get it when it already run on RU server. Can't wait for it :)

  53. Are there tier 6 & 7 light tanks planned for US/USSR/German nations?

    1. Yes please, I need a M41 Walker Bulldog

    2. First they have to rebalance existing lights to match them wuth french lights - vk28, t50-2, chafee are much better than amx 12

    3. Such tanks are not planned in the foreseeable future.

    4. Plasot, the VK28, T50-2 and Chaffee are weighted and balanced as tier 6 tanks.
      The French competitor is the AMX 13-75

    5. @Desert Rose

      Yes I know im long enough in this game to know it. Point is that they got to rebalance it or make new T5 lights, cause now we got huge inconsequence. But this only proofs that WG know balancing only from hearing (after year they rebalnce KW1 and IS4, T50-2 is still stronger than chaffee and vk28 etc etc)

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. hi can you please put some light on how 7.3 is taking so long for the rest of the world when RU server had it days ago

    1. Today the NA-Server will be updated to 0.7.3, but i don't know when this happens to EU-Server.

    2. How do you know that ? There is no official message on NA server ...

    3. Overlord said to me 4days ago : "It's very effort and time consuming to release updates on live servers. RU server, as the largest one received the patch first, EU and US releases are to come next week."

    4. So its the free game mate if you don't want playing this game is your choice. But i can waiting ... P: *Relax mates!*

      Developers working for players not for himself...

    5. Mate but Overlord didn't say when it will be released :D And Soric said that it will be today .. I want to know how he knows that :D

    6. I want to know it cause EU server was always patched as last one ... So if US server will be patched today then EU server will be patched today too or it will be updated tomorrow :)

    7. thanks for the replys ppl i was abit in the dark with not 1 person getting back to me :)

  56. Overlord: will the Jagdtiger mit 88 be in any especial ( gift shop or 50% sale , etc)?

    1. 50% sale has never been for a tier 8 premium so i wont expect it ever

  57. Overlord, are the new game modes scheduled for 7.4 then?

  58. What about 7.3 ? It is really annoying ...

  59. After 7.2 it seems there was a few bugs introduced. At least me and some friends get CTD's for no apparent reason. I rarely get them, but when I do - I cant log in, it will just keep crashing to desktop until the current game is done. It makes CW totally unacceptable for me, since I can crash out and not get back in. What are you going to do about this?

  60. Hi Overlord,

    Any news on the British tanks, maybe a few screenshot ;)


  61. What happened with you Overlord? The years before, u posted much pics about new tanks and that stuff...remember when u showed us the new american T10...but the last months...no pics about german tds...new french tds/spgs.... C'mon man :(

    1. he is preoccupied with a lot of stuff, he did this forum in his spare time, of which is has less nowadays (also the reason why the blog was unattended to for a while)

    2. http://wot-news.com/main/post/03082012/3

  62. Overlord, have you considered giving us a bit more gold for 0.7.4 test than 15k? I'm worried that without having extra gold on my account I don't have a chance to test both IS-6 and JT 8,8cm. Any possibility that we could get enough gold to buy both of them for testing?

  63. Hi Overlord. Is there a reason why the KV-4 has such cheap research costs? (53k + 21k (for gun and turret) while all other tier 8 heavies cost almost twice)

  64. How about some upgrades to the German line so they aren't totally useless compared to their Russian counterparts.

    That is all.

  65. When can we get a new EU community team? Ours is currently slacking really hard. If there is even an EU community team...no hard evidence can be found.

  66. release matchmaking tables regulary, please

  67. I have a question about new premium tanks JT 8.8 cm and IS-6 - will they be available only if the Gift Shop or both Gift Shop and in-game store. I wonder because in the wiki there is an info that it is a Gift Tank (honestly I would prefer in-game store, i collect gold for it)

  68. I'm abandoning the german line today, and multiple threads in wot forums support this decision.

    is it like working as intended - that too many players play germany - and thats why we buff others nations?

    cause what matters in the end is penetration, penetration and penetration - and currently there is only one top tier german (JT) with those values compared to other nations...

  69. Will the 7.4 patch come like the other tech-tree-extention-patches?
    I mean, will there be tanks that, once bought, will act like, for example, the IS-4 in 7.3 (getting 2 tanks and a free slot in garage)?

  70. Hey there, I'm very excited about the update and such, but I saw a video of new french tree, and I saw that bat chat (Medium tank) will become a tier 8 and lorraine 40t will become tier 9, is it true?

    1. Also, if it is true, will we get a free tank+garage slot if I have lorraine t40? Or wise version?

  71. You guys should add an FCM 36
    Now that would be great! :D

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    1. Fixing a flat tire is one of the most commonbicycle carbon wheelsbicycle repairs. I personally recommend replacing a tube when you get a leak, but that is not always possible. If done properly, a patch will work just fine. Here’s how it’s done.
      Required Tools
      With the wheel removed from your bike, inspect the outer surface of the tire to make sure there are no sharp objects like a thumb-tack or thorn stuck in the tread.
      Remove Tire
      Remove the valve cap and fully deflatecarbon bicycle wheelthe tube by depressing the valve stem with the hooked end of your tire lever. There are two main types of valve stems, a schrader valve and a presta valve. This tutorial is based on a schrader valve, but I will be covering the different valve types in another tutorial.
      Now it’s time to remove your tire, one side at a time. Choose a section of tire that is away from the valve and hook one of the tire levers under the bead, directly in line with one of your spokes. Pry one side of the tire bead over the edge of the rim, and then hook the end of the tire lever to the nearest spoke. Insert another tire lever two spokes away from the first, and a third another two spokes away. Now the middle lever should fall out, and you can continue the process. When the tire is loose enough you can just run a tire lever around the rest of the rim to pull the whole side over.
      After you have removed one side of the tire, the ICAbike01 other side should come off very easily.
      Now remove the tube from the tire, and trycarbon fiber bicycle frameto keep track of where it was positioned in relation to the tire. Inflate the tube to approximately twice its original size. This will expand the hole making it easier to find.
      Listen carefully to the entire circumference of the tube; you should hear a hissing sound that will indicate where the leak is. As a last resort you can submerge the tube in water and watch for bubbles, but you’ll want to avoid doing this as you’ll need the tube to be completely dry in order for the patch glue to work.
      Once you’ve found the leak, take note ofzipp 404whether it is on the inner or outer side of the tube.
      If the hole was on the outer side of the tube, inspect the inner surface of the tire in that spot to make sure the object that caused the puncture is not still stuck in the tire. Double check the entire inner side of the tire by running your fingers along the entire surface, feeling for obstacles along the way.
      If the hole was on the inner side of the tube, inspect your entire rim to make sure there are no sharp burrs in the metal, and that the rim tape is properly protecting t

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