Purpose of this blog

Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Friday, December 9, 2011

December 3 - December 9 Poll Results

7941 players voted in the most recent poll on effectiveness of premium vehicles.

Tier 8 medium tank Type 59 has grabbed solid lead with 55% of votes (4393), significantly ahead of tier 8 heavy Lowe with 21% and tier 2 light tank PzKpfw 38H735 (f) aka Hotchkiss with 12%.

All other premiums were left far behind.

As always a new poll is up.


  1. Tier 10 tank destroyers...bring in the Krokodil Front superstructure!

  2. I'm not surprised the Chinese victory in this poll. I have no objection to the tank, but the Match Making. When in the game is a Type 59 I have seen often 5 or more Type 59 on one side, while on the other side we have 2, 1 or none. Battle usually ends in victory for the team in which the Type 59 are in no more than 3 minutes. Lack of balance is a problem. I suggest to improve the balance so that one side did not have the advantage of more than one Type 59 per side.

    Ps. Match Making deserves a separate post like this for a tank upgrade to premium.

  3. Typical...Type 59 is in my opinion OP for its tier, maybe little balancing could help out, but it seems like Wargaming doesn't want to lose real money here, because if they do change Type and make it little weaker (armor, gun, etc.) it would make people think twice before giving 30e for 7.500 gold...

  4. Only 12% of the pollsters know what effective means. That makes me sad.

  5. T-59 is too good to be premium. Unlike T-44 and every other T8 medium it can't be penetrated frontally by 88l58 or 75l70. And being premium there is tons of them and every game so german tier 5/6 mediums (not only) are made obsolete for credit farming.

    Thx wargaming. At least lowe was slow...This is just too much!

  6. Dunno, my T-59 can die just as stupidly as I drive it. If I play smart, it is a beast, but if I play dumb it is easy pickings. Sometimes I wonder if it wasn't gimped when the gun bounces on tier 3's....

  7. Suggestion: Tweak it's MM weight so it can only see tier 7+ tanks

  8. T-59's show up in-game more often than all the other Premium tanks combined. That is one reason they scored so high. In truth, they are an average tier 8 medium tank.

    I'm surprised that the Super 6 only got 2% of the votes. That thing is a steel wall if there is such a thing in this game. The front armor is virtually impenetrable even by tier 9 and some tier 10 tanks. The only way to hurt it is to HE it from the front or get around to its sides or rear. Maybe it got so few votes because it is becoming a rare sight on the battlefield.

    I can tell another reason why everyone thinks that the T-59 is OP. It's because you hate it so much, and you always alienate the T-59 drivers with comments like "wallet warrior". Attitudes like that are usually the catalyst that binds a group of T-59's together and encourages them to wolfpack. If a group of 4 or more T-59's decides to wolfpack, and to seriously commit to the maneuver, they can have a devastating effect on the enemy. Think about it. A group of T-59's is far more likely to wolfpack than a mixed group of mediums.

    So if you want the T-59's to stop working together, stop treating them like they are all in the same category. Keep your mouth shut at the beginning of the match and keep derogatory comments to yourself. After awhile they will lose their sense of camaraderie, and with that their tendency to work together. Then they will seem just like a regular tier 8 medium just like the Lowe now seems like a regular tier 8 heavy.

    And for the record, I own both the T-59 and the Lowe. I have played them both extensively and I have fought countless battles against them in ALL the tier 8 mediums and heavies. I can tell you from experience that there is nothing special or OP about either a T-59 or a Lowe...but that damn Super 6 is insane!!!

    The next time you are driving a tier 9 tank down tank alley in Himmelsdorf and you come face to face with a Super 6, just try to get that tier 10 gun to penetrate the front armor and you will know exactly where I am coming from.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Tier 10 mediums are sorely needed, otherwise CW are dominated by HT10 and SPG8. They are needed for variety reasons and to make the battles more fun.

    They are also quite easy to add - simply:
    1) Add M48 or M60 as MT10 for USA
    2) Move Panther1, Panther2 and E-50 up one level for Germany
    3) Add T-62 as MT10 for USSR

    Tier 9-10 SPGs would ruin the game completely and I think many people would just quit playing it.

    TD10 would be OK, but lesser priority than MT10. I think they should be added for fairness reasons, as otherwise TD fans are not accepted into CW except in rare cases.

  11. Q: 2) Move Panther1, Panther2 and E-50 up one level for Germany

    A: No way. :))))

  12. and what about Suggestion 1 and 3, overlord?

    Overlord, where is my T23???? Please give us a gift for Christmas 2011! Thx.


  13. Wow. Overlord didn't give us one of his typical smartass comments about polls not reflecting reality or some such. He must not be feeling well.

  14. the new poll gets a very strong NONE OF THE ABOVE from me.

  15. agree with Demonicus......also, learn a new tactic guys ---> defend the t59 rush. its not really that tough with a bit of teamwork.

    @ Alex, are u serious? look at the stats sir. And when the v7.0 finally comes out, even the T-44 will be better.

  16. Q will i be able to play on eu after patch 7.0

    reason for t59 being the best the the hull traverseit can quickly angle armour

  17. To be honest I don't like any of the options... Maybe T10 TDs... Tier IX mediums are very effective at random battles atm. They are less used in clan wars for sure, but you can't go and fix them for CW just to find them overpowered in random... Random battle is still main battle mode in this game...
    However, for all my doubts about T10 meds and TDs, I am certain of one thing...
    PLEASE DON'T add any more tiers of SPGs!!! They are game breakers as it is atm and people are grunting about them more and more... I am sick of arty parties that happen to mi in roughly 50% of my games, add T9 arty and I will probably be too frustrated to play any more, and so will many people I know...
    And for Christ sake, limit arty in random battles to 2-3 pieces per team... We, players, beg of you...

  18. Lets dream...
    tier 10 mediums, yeah :)

  19. The wolfpack strategy works with any decent medium. You just see more Type 59s because frankly they make more money for the players. I play mine for one reason: to make money for my other fun tanks. If you want people to play some of the other tanks out there, make them not lose money so easily or be so expensive to repair/resupply all the time. JMO though...

  20. So assume that M48 Patton will most likely be the candidate for the T10 MT for the USA, T54/55 for the USSR and but for the German, I don't know of what will be their T10 MT, AFAIK is until E-50.

  21. @ J.

    YOur #2 request got pwned. Overlord gave it the smackdown :)

  22. @_Bruiser_: I still enjoyed playing T23. The battlefield agility is just as important as firepower and armor in my view. And T23 is a perfect medium tank. But all in all, it depends on play style. Greetz, see you on field!


  23. Due to the poll, does that mean you guys may revisit the possibility of the Type-59 being overpowered?

  24. X tier German med?? Schwarzwolf! Hahahahaha

    I'm not even sure if it was real project, but at least models looks great :)

    And now serious. Higher arty tiers? No way. I think that VII and VIII should be removed from game, so no way to accept higher ones.

    T10 TD? Hmmm, I like TD's very much but after IIWW they were very rare so there will be even more blueprint tanks (or we will have ASU after Ob 704 which can be painful :D ) and in US line it was already pain to make IX tiers. I prefer more reality in this game and IIWW tanks :).

    T10 meds? Good idea.

  25. You probably miss voting option "none of the above".

  26. tier 10 mediums that have REALLY high pen - might keep the heavies from being so dominate.

  27. T10 meds? I can already see it. One indestructible 70KM/h russian med with 10+ killstreak in every match.

  28. LOL!

    Guys, do you REALLY want to say that YOU are SO unskilled?

    DannyT251, you said that Type 59 cannot be penetraded by short 88 from the front. Honestly, if you cannot do this, you are an awful and I mean AWFUL player. Turn off autoaim, learn to aim at weakspots (in T59 it is NOT the lower hull, BTW), or switch to SPG only.

    After buff of T44 Type 59 will become the WEAKEST medium tier VIII, without doubts.

    The ONLY 'problem' with Type 59 is its stacking. But wolfpack of other tier VIII mediums will be MUCH MORE dreadful. Imagine platoon of 4 or 5 Panthers II - they will really blow you to pieces in fractions of seconds.

    Sorry to say it, but its not a problem with Type 59, its a problem with YOU!

  29. @ gorkypl

    Guys who grind V-VII tier tanks never meet so many Panthers II or Pershings than Type. And both these meds are easier to damage by them then Type. This is why people hate Type.

    IMO, Type matchmaking should be changed, they should have it the same as others VIII tier meds.

  30. Overlord, can you comment on this from the Developers' Q&A? The reason there is a desire to see HP is because skilled players realize that HP damage can be equally (or very close) important as kills. When SPG's smash a MAUS down to 8% but a tank kills him, SPG has a 0 in kill column and you see comments like "Noob ARTY! WTF are you doing?!?"

    Allowing us to see only our own defeats the point of adding HP to the battle score card.
    Q: Will it be possible to see enemy damage points?

    A: If you damaged your enemy, after a battle you will be able to see only your points. The damage points of others will remain hidden for you.

  31. To be clear, I am advocating total HP damage be listed in battle, next to kills, or viewable when you press TAB to see tanks list in battle.

  32. gorkypl

    type has very low profile, with unpenetrable turret. only hull can be damaged, but thanks his low profile is problem to shoot it.
    and he is worst m8 med? lol
    panther2 has better gun, but that's all what has better.
    Pershing has paper armor and is slowest meds, his gun isn't too much better too
    T44 before patch has same gun as type, but is slower and more penetrable. agility is the same.
    so where is type59 worst tank? best speed, best agility, best front armor (side and back armor is comparable with others). only gun has Panther2 better, other are almost the same.
    on combination with low profile, small lenght and matchmaking, where can't be at the bottom it really beast and most OP tank in game (not only from premium)

  33. Tier IX-X SPGs would be stupid, for obvious reasons. They would do so much damage that no one would want to see them, and they'd cost so much and have such a long reload time that few would want/could afford to play them.

    Tier X mediums sounds the most fun, but would be too unbalanced. A single tier X med would be not too bad, even though it would be a giant menace to the opposing team. But a group of tier X meds? Ridiculous. Every high tier game would be solely about which team's wolf pack was better.

    So that's why I voted for tier X TDs. They'd be extremely powerful, but would still be limited by their type.

    Overall, though, I think that none of the above should be done. A single T95 is already a terror in the right situation, as is a single T-54 or T92.

  34. I imagine a world where the matchmaker would match a mouse against a t10 medium. But I agree, another tier of mediums would be nice.

  35. @Leisure_Shoot,

    I feel that is a great idea. I feel that would decrease the bitching so to speak about players not getting any kills and that they are not contributing.

    I know that too many times while playing my arty I have been told to do something and to stop being worthless because I have no kills. Yet at the same time I am also bitched at because if I do kill a tank on low health they say I'm stealing their kills...

    Allowing it so that we can see who is really doing their job would allow critisim to be funnled into the right direction. But I can also see them not wanting to show this to the public in case it is a new player that doesn't know where to shoot being shunned by everyone else seeing they are not doing as much as the group feels they should be doing...

    Even if WG does not implement this I would love to see a mod made for this to track who is doing damage. I know many people would love to have this tool at their disposal.

  36. Inane_Dork makes a good point, as well as many others in this post make, in that Tier X Meds sound fun, it might unballance the game and cause greater harm then add more fun.

    I would rather see more ballance and game modes put in then time spent on either of these options.

  37. That idea with showing HP damage during/after a battle sounds really good. I'd like to see that too. Count me in :-)

  38. +1 to show HP damage done on scoreboard :)
    that will show who is good player and who is a killstealer.

    thats is a good idea, not horns...

  39. +1 Damage done meter would be sooo awesome! WG please make it happen. I doubt it should be THAT hard :)

  40. We want tier 10 arty and limit them to minimum 7 artitelly per team!

  41. Tier 10 TDs, hell yes! With Tier XII guns. Tier 10 mediums would be cool too. Though, please don't introduce tier 10 arty! Tier 8 arty can already one-shot just about anything.

  42. New mediums...
    New arty...
    French Tanks...
    British Tanks..
    New US Heavies..
    New TD lines...

    All nice, but new game modes are what's going to keep this game fresh. Randoms + clan battles are all we have and for those who don't do clans... only the same ole same ole.

  43. For the love of crap Overlord, how hard could it be to immediately start up the test for 7.1 after 7.0 rolls out? It's not like you'll be patching any before then anyways...

    Today's confirmation as to the delay of 7.1 is NOT helping my enthusiasm.

    If it would speed things up can we get lots of smaller releases for game modes and tanks while everything else that's actually holding you up gets worked on in the background? PLEASE

  44. I must say that i would like to see 0.7.1 delayed, because ive just started farming T34 and im on T29. Too bad i cant convert my 500k XP, because im broke :)

  45. Trololo, Tier 10 Arty: surely you mean this.

  46. Just use the first MBTs of each nation for tier 10 med and we would be all fine :X

  47. I believe something should be done about the type59. Most of the time it is the team which has more type59 tanks which is the winner.

    And about tier 10 mediums and TDs...I think you could put both into the game. When we get tier 10 heavy tanks, why couldnt we get tier 10 mediums and TDs? But of course some balancing would have to take place, nerfing all tier 9 mediums at least. Tier 8 SPGs are powerful enough in my opinion

  48. T-59 thanks to 200m front turret is beats it ricochet often and low profile hull from front rico also. It also very often is matched against tire 7 tanks and I saw it matched against tire 6 HT few times. At least Lowe is matched against tire 8
    as to KV-5 it has two weak spots if you aim good you can dmg it from front but indeed if you miss its like maus of tire 8 ;)

    as to new poll I would love to see tire X SPG, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_artillery 5min reload once you shoot 1/4 of map is annihilated ;) death to campers

    also +1 to show damage done on scoreboard :)

  49. @Mko

    The Type-59 isn't inherently imbalanced and the only reason a team with more will win is because the Type-59 really only excels at wolfpacking. I.e. teamwork, and as we all know, teamwork in WoT is wtfoverpowered.

    Even then, the Type is still fragile, I would agree with adding another tier to its battle spread, its biggest advantage is its matchmaking weight.

  50. T23's gun was annoyingly weak...but the tank itself was pretty awesome. I just wish they gave the T23 the long 90mm (180mm pen) and be done with it....

    I haven't touched the new M26 Pershing since the Patton release (but have played it on test servers...)

    57% win-rate
    1116 damage/battle
    702 avg exp/battle
    max exp 1900
    max frags 6

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I would have voted,but then I took an arrow to the knee

  53. The tank itself is fine, the problem is the matchmaking... I mean c'mon... It's gun is as strong as the 100mm D10T (aka "idiot gun"), faster and more accurate (...after half an hour aiming), gut it still has 175 average pen and 240 average damage. It's front is 100mm only (sloped, true, but that's still a low value), slow as shit (it's engine is marked as a tier IX one, but 520 horse power is just way too weak), and it's ammorack can be hit easily (while I can't supply "fact numbers", I'm most certain that I get killed with an ammorack hit in my type 59 way more often than in any other tanks I've ever played). Plus it has a commander cupola, for those who whine about it's 200 front turret armor.

    So really, Matchmaking is the problem. 1 Type 59 is annoying for sure, but it's not "inevitable death"... Problem starts when you have 3+ of it in one team while the other one has 0-1-2.

  54. Tier 10 Mediums FTW!!!

    Soviet -> T-55

    USA -> M-47 Patton

    Germany -> Uparmored E-50~

  55. None of the above...

    More tanks, British, German, Russian, American, French, Italian, other nations, etc.

  56. hey overlord is there any thing pland on eu server as a christams gift for us players would be cool like a little bit of gold or a complet day the wins are double exp or o.. pls give me a reply

  57. In new poll lack option "nothing" :)

  58. PraetoriaN you then didn't drove T-44. It gets ammo rack explosion from front shots. Before I put WAR in first 15 battles I got twice one shot from 100% health to 0 from front. Once by VK3601H and once by Panther I. T-44 turret dont ricco at all and has only 120mm. Generally whole tank whenever it gets shot it take it all.

  59. Off-Topic:
    I made you a twitter account overlord: @overlord_said
    every new post or comment by the blog-author will get there (every 5 minutes)

  60. @WP, Johny

    Guys, have you ever driven any of tier VIII meds or are you just reading stats?

    With Panther II I can kill TWO T59's without many troubles - the german tank has far (really far) superior gun, much better armor, much more HP, not even talking about view range, engine and so on.

    Patton has the greatest DPS of them all, and with its gun depression you can do things you wouldn't even imagine in PII, T59 or T44. It's like VK4502A - it doesn't look impressive on paper, but in combat it reveals its hidden nature of a great tank.

    If you are aiming at turret, you just need to learn to play, sorry.
    Hint: with T59 aim just below the turret, there you can penetrate it with tier V gun.

    Advice to ALL stating T59 is OP: please read this article:

  61. @gorkypl
    I know where to aim, but shell not always go where it suppose to. T-59 is flat like pancake so difference between hull and turret is small. If shell slip on other tire 8 MT you most likely get penetration on turret and with t-59 you dont.
    BTW Patton is tire 9

  62. yep, thought about Pershing, wrote Patton, sorry

  63. @ gorkypl

    Where I wrote that Panther II or Pershing are worse then Type? For this tanks Type is not a problem. I was writing about lower tiers which meet much more often Type than any other VIII tier meds due to very favourable matchmaker for Type. This matchmaker is just not fair for people who grind their V-VII tier tanks. And they will always hate you, Type drivers.

    I played with all VIII tier meds, I also played with Type. Due to matchmaker Type is the easiest of them to play, because it usually has weak opponents.

  64. Overlord, please, add to the new poll option "None of the above".
    Because the results may be misleading about what the majority of the players want...

  65. @WP

    You wrote that other meds from tier VIII are easier to damage than Type 59, and I had to disagree :)

    I will repeat - it's all about aiming and knowing weak spots. And it is really useful to learn them as soon as possible - if tier V is not high enough to do this, then which one?

    If I had a tier V tank and I couldn't penetrate T59 five times in a row, I would do alt-tab, google for its weak spots and have the 'problem' solved, instead of whining that T59 is unpenetrable on autoaim (it's not to you WP, rather a general notice).

  66. @ gorkypl

    You are completely wrong. They are easier to damage. Try to hit Type weakspot from 400 m or more. There is huge difference when u just need to aim at tank, or when you have to aim at weakspot.

    Going with your logic I can say that T95 is the same easy to damage as T25 because he has easy to penetrate weakspot ;).

  67. @WP

    Well, the ability to penetrate a tank from 400m or more with gun from a lower tier is not exactly the most useful indicator of its strength, isn't it?

    Especially with mediums, which tend to expose their very vulnerable sides much more often than heavy tanks or TDs.

    BTW, T59 weakspot CAN actually be hit on autoaim, which is not the case with P II (which I consider the best tier VIII currently).

  68. Oh, you are stubborn :). On 100 or 200 m problem is the same.

  69. Sorry gyrkopl, but still is more easiest to penetrate all others meds on t8 than type. You say that shoot weakpoint, if is driver of type clever he ramm you and after that you can fire only to turret, which is't be penetrable even with best panther2 gun. Type penetrate you always time. That's all

  70. Wp: I said it, and it is true. Combat one by one type always win, if it isn't totaly noob. And about pershing ultimate gun (what gorkypl said) I with panther2 can kill elite persing with lose less that 50%HP, so persing haven't ultimate gun at all. Persing is wost T8med tank

  71. tier 10 TD'er and medium tanks is what i'm wanting =D

  72. @Johny the panther 2 can kill a type 59 if he face hugs the panther2....the type 59 turret is not impenetrable you just need to know where to shoot.

  73. Q. Can we get an option to ignore all radio messages ? (Ping, attack, help etc)

  74. Johny, it seems you really need to learn.
    When facehugging I can penetrate T59's cupola 10/10 times.

    That's all.

    @WP - you can find me in game, and when I'm online I can come with T59 and P II. You can join with any tank you have and I bet Panther II will stand much more beating frontally (or exposing sides, or anything else).

  75. Human, if you say it has no weaknesses, can you point out where is it superior to other mediums from its tier?
    Because they DO HAVE weaknesses.

    Guys, its a tier VIII tank, its quite powerfull, but ANY other toer VIII med can eat T59 on breakfast.
    I've just killed 2xT59s with my P II on solo and still had 200HP left, and they were quite good players.

  76. And what guns you would put on those T10 TD's? .)

  77. pz dont kill the game for sure t10 meds tds and spgs will be heavy slower and for spgs 1shot killer plus old players will be force to destroy their equipment and buy those money killers giveing to the game no fun thats my dream for a game looking for awards and dont care for players who love it! ( sorry for my english anyway )

  78. There is a very easy solution to the rage toward the Type 59s (and their inherent teamwork value)... By adding about another 2+ tier 8 premiums, so people who want to farm for credit have a bit more diversity on the premiums, and each match will have 5-6 (diverse) prem tier 8 mediums, rather than 5-6 type 59s. So at least people feel better when they see a grouping rather than a mob of 59s. (And i think this is the main issue, no one care about a mixture of tier 8 mediums, but people get annoyed by a mob of 59s) The matchmaking weight across all the premium mediums will also ensure that there will be a mixture of credit farmers as well.

  79. Honestly, I wish they'd quit with the Tier 8 premiums. They take people away from grinding the mid tiers for money. That's why the matchmaker is so screwed up for mid-tiers these days. Because no one is using mid-tier tanks (normal or premium) for credit grinding since the Tier 8 premiums make a HELL of a lot more credits than even the most lucrative Tier 5. With so many people using tier 8 premiums to grind credits, there's not enough people grinding the mid-tiers for credits. That means the matchmaker doesn't have enough mid-tier tanks to make a good match. Which in turn means you have tier 5 tanks routinely thrown into tier 8 matches.

  80. How about finding a purpose for TD's in clanwars at all?

    Stop introducing 750dmg guns on tanks with a turret.

  81. @ Human
    > Question is what is the weakness of Type 59, which
    > doesn't have other same tier meds?

    Its easy, among tier VIII mediums T59 has:
    - the worst gun (after T44 buff)
    - the worst engine
    - the worst viewrange
    - the worst signal range
    - the smallest amount of HP

    It has some advantages, ofc:
    + good turning speed
    + average armor
    + well-armored turret
    + low profile
    + and it is really FUN to play

    BUT this is still a mediocre tank, nothing OP here, really.

  82. Type59 is durable on the battlefield as it's almost impossible to hit on the move. It doesn't need the best gun when it scouts for its arty. It needs speed and bouncy armor and it's equipped with both.

    Don't pull the Wargaming thing and compare stats like in a card game where the tank with 2KPH faster engine wins. It does not matter whether it goes 56 or 60km/h as long as it doesn't go 30km/h it is fast enough to scout.
    We've been through this with T-54 nut now we have a tank that is one tier lower and shits credits thus won't be abandoned in the future.

  83. The problem is that other Tier VIII Mediums can be easily penetrated from the front, both the hull and turret can be penetrate reliably with Tier VII guns. While the Type 59 has the advantage of been more resilient, and therefore a lot harder to kill in a Tier VI/VII vehicle then say a T-44 or even a Panther II.

    I think most people who drive Tier VI/VII vehicles who encounter Type 59 has alot more trouble against them then the other Tier VIII mediums.

  84. Tier 10 meds would be nice but the problem what will Germans get....

    USA is easy, M60 I guess (although M60 based on M103 and T110 and they are classified as heavy ), USSR tree can get T-64 or something I guess...

    But what to do with German medium, E-50 was imaginary already, will it be Leopard - 1?

  85. OK, I'm stopping the discussion here because I see it is pointless indeed.

    I probably cannot understand most of you, because I have no problems in killing, detracking or doing anything else to T59, either from the front, back, rear or top and while moving.

  86. here was a sound comment;
    "Mini_Bolo said...
    Honestly, I wish they'd quit with the Tier 8 premiums. They take people away from grinding the mid tiers for money. That's why the matchmaker is so screwed up for mid-tiers these days. Because no one is using mid-tier tanks (normal or premium) for credit grinding since the Tier 8 premiums make a HELL of a lot more credits than even the most lucrative Tier 5. With so many people using tier 8 premiums to grind credits, there's not enough people grinding the mid-tiers for credits. That means the matchmaker doesn't have enough mid-tier tanks to make a good match. Which in turn means you have tier 5 tanks routinely thrown into tier 8 matches."

    ain't it the perfect way to explain it!

    for the voting thing... Like to be able to vote "non of 3" !
    If we were to vote for this, might be clear that prob. 85% votes for no extra tier 10 at all

  87. forgot something,...
    becouse there allready tier 8 moneymakers. I sugest just to higher the income of normal urned tanks.

  88. Hello Overlord,

    actually I would realy like to have an answer to my question so I ask it here also.
    When are these tanks for sale?

    - Added the new special action tanks: SU-85I and Pz IV Hydraulic (temporarily available in Store for testing, purchased with Gold).
    - Box version tanks: PzII J, BT-SV and MTLS-G14 (temporarily available in Store for testing, purchased with Gold).

    As was promissed in the announcement "Major changes 6.7 to 7.0"

  89. gorkypl said...

    OK, I'm stopping the discussion here because I see it is pointless indeed.

    yes, thanks.
    but keep your mind about MM. Type mostly play against tier8-. very rarely it play against T9 TD and heavy.
    but against Type can play all tanks from T5. this is a mainly reason for OP.
    and I don't agree with you, that this is a worst t8 med. it has advantage of all each others

  90. I remember two month ago when I show the game to a friend of mine.

    I was ridding my Elite SU85 on El Halluf, and facing a team with 4 T59's.

    I got in position and waited maybe 30 secs to see the first T59 going down the hill to hide down our cliffside. I shot him through the map and tracked it. It got raped by arty a couple of secs after.

    The second one shows up. Again, I fired my 107mm and just blow it up with a single shot in ammo rack.

    My friend was like "uh, crapy chinese tank !"

    The third managed to go through but, without effective support, it got killed quickly.

    This game seems unfair, but it is balanced for me. Some tanks are easy to play but once you master it, even M6 or M3 Grant/lee can be painfull.

    A strict limit of SPG number seems to be the only point to correct. But you don't know the consequences on waiting time when you want to play your GW-Badass or Object-666 ...

  91. Raise the credit income for non premium mid tier mediums so people will play them mre often but increase it enough to let it be an incentive.

  92. There should be an "all of the above" choice in the poll.

  93. Overlord is just seeking ways to break the game even more, calm down everyone!

  94. boobs!

    Hotchkiss would have gotten more votes if MM actually counted it has a tier 2...

  95. So, dear Overlord, do you dev guys learned much from the poll, and finally make the Type59's Matchmaking value to the same as other Tier8 mediums? Because now they always play as top tanks in the game, against Tier 6-7 medium tanks that cannot even scratch them.

  96. Demonicus said...

    Best comment in this topic. T59 is just as good as any other Tier 8 med and certainly not overpowered. It's the teamwork why everyone hates T59's so much. If you see any variety of panthers or t44 or pershings you never see them team up and they always go up solo.

    When there are multiple T59's in a match they nearly always team up or the team actually asks you to team up with other meds.

    Teamwork is what makes the T59 so powerfull, not because its better than any other tier 8 (its not better, thats just your imagination because you hate it so much when you see T59's team up).

    Also i think people get scared of the T59 because it looks like a t54. Guys, because its a low profile tank doesnt mean its impenetrable! I've eaten T59's for lunch with my T20 if you know where to shoot them.

    I really think people are making too much of a fuzz about this tank and i hate to see yet another tank get nerfed because people know how to play it and use more teamwork with it.


    When can we expect the new retail version of WOT, containing the MTLS-1G14?

  98. still no news about 7.0 on the portal.

    when we are going to get the patch?

  99. ere was a sound comment;
    "Mini_Bolo said...
    Honestly, I wish they'd quit with the Tier 8 premiums. They take people away from grinding the mid tiers for money. That's why the matchmaker is so screwed up for mid-tiers these days. Because no one is using mid-tier tanks (normal or premium) for credit grinding since the Tier 8 premiums make a HELL of a lot more credits than even the most lucrative Tier 5. With so many people using tier 8 premiums to grind credits, there's not enough people grinding the mid-tiers for credits. That means the matchmaker doesn't have enough mid-tier tanks to make a good match. Which in turn means you have tier 5 tanks routinely thrown into tier 8 matches."

    ain't it the perfect way to explain it!

    for the voting thing... Like to be able to vote "non of 3" !
    If we were to vote for this, might be clear that prob. 85% votes for no extra tier 10 at all

  100. I will not pay a premium anymore until M103 will come out. I'm very tired about this late!

  101. Annihilism:
    But we don't want to nerf him, we only want to give him same MM as othet T8meds has. That's all

  102. Ovi. We need patch 7.0 on the euro server man. Russians already got theirs. Why, (even in the time of probable anger and disapointment over 7.1 not coming this year) you still keep withholding patches from other servers is way beyond me. Are you people at WG deaf to cries of populations of servers other than RU for faster updates ?

  103. Its the same for all games. First developers updating general servers, in this case russian developers work first with ru servers, then adds multilanguage gui and fixes after reales in russian wot servers. AS L2, firs updates goes to Korean - azian servers and just after 6-8 months comes to EU/NA servers.

  104. It's now December 13th, and still no update on the EU 7.0 patch what so ever.. Another huge dissapointment by WarGaming..

    You Russians need to learn how to do business, because this way, you're loosing the EU/US community.

  105. Still no official response? Someone isnt doin his job right. Right? :D

  106. Overlord,give us a statemen about M103. On forum i read you planned it for 0.7.2 with IS6 and JT premium. Is this true? Then it is another fail from WG and it is not the first.

  107. And where is the statemant for 0.7.0 for us not russian player?

  108. To be honest, i definitely wanna see M103 later. 230K xp to get T34, and i want free premium .)

  109. Boys make something ... Russian plays with 0.7.0 and we nothing ...

  110. @Sead said...
    Overlord,give us a statemen about M103. On forum i read you planned it for 0.7.2 with IS6 and JT premium. Is this true? Then it is another fail from WG and it is not the first.
    I sure hope this is incorrect. :-(

  111. Q: Overlord,give us a statemen about M103. On forum i read you planned it for 0.7.2 with IS6 and JT premium.

    A: M103 won't be added in 7.1. Unfortunately. To speed up the release of 7.1, some content is to be withdrawn.

  112. Q: still no news about 7.0 on the portal.

    when we are going to get the patch?

    A: For EU, it should be Friday, if there are no side issues.

  113. A: M103 won't be added in 7.1. Unfortunately. To speed up the release of 7.1, some content is to be withdrawn.

    And it really had to be the M103 you withdrew? Come on, it's been postoponed every time, for ages it seems :/
    So any ETA when can we expect it?

  114. "Overlord said...
    Q: Overlord,give us a statemen about M103. On forum i read you planned it for 0.7.2 with IS6 and JT premium.

    A: M103 won't be added in 7.1. Unfortunately. To speed up the release of 7.1, some content is to be withdrawn."

    So you just delay the tank that was supposed to be introduced way back... Yeah. Good going WG... Good going.

    Despite delaying M103, the 7.1 still won't make it this year, so what's really the point Ovi beside yet again screwing the US Heavy line tankers ?

  115. Ohh please stop crying about types. they can be killed even if they largely outnumber in the other team. Its all about who drives them. Many of types drivers are skilled tankers who use those to feed they high tier beasts and they know how to handle it.

    In my resent battle 2 days ago we rolled in platton of 3 types and were facing 7 types on the enemy team and we won battle. 6 types kills from enemy team was on our count so stfu about plz and YES it can be penetrated frontaly and even in the turret if YOU KNOW where to aim.

  116. Just checked the forums and your blog Ovi. M103 was supposed to be introduced in 6.5/6.6 . That's two patches ago. So yeah, thx for early Xmas gift, Really appreciated.

  117. the m103 again !?!? noooooooooo :(

    oh men, im waiting this tank since august, and the t34 to become premium too...

    the first time i read about the t34 becoming premium i said: "i cant belive it, a premium tank for free, wargaming i love you"

    too good to be true...

    i am very disappointed, no christmas present for me...

  118. i figured out why are they withdrawing M103 again. They said that they'll give us T34 premium. Now, when 9/10 players will have, they'll say that they cant give it, because too many players grind it out. So, if you'll want it, you'll need to buy it, probably for 50€

  119. Guys, i feel really bad for all of u who will have to grind T34 (to get gun) past 7.0

  120. Grinded the T-34 and the T-30 for nothing. Should have gotten a damm E-100 and IS-7 instead. Always the same thing. I'm not even asking questions anymore because then I get a snobby answer. But this is really messed up. M-103 keeps getting delayed over and over again. I am happy about the graphics on 7.0 but I have really wanted that m103. The t34 and t30 are a joke and no where near the other tier 9s and 10s. At least the E-100 and Maus have armor to protect it while the long reload kicks in. But t-30 and t-34 are made of paper. Merry Xmas to everyone.

  121. Overlord said...
    A: M103 won't be added in 7.1. Unfortunately. To speed up the release of 7.1, some content is to be withdrawn.
    December 13, 2011 6:35 PM

    Overlord, the poll you ran on this blog not so long ago showed something like 42% preference for US/USSR heavy changes, compared to just 14% for French. So I am confused, how this leads to the 1 tank from that category (M103) being dropped from the update? You have said on here as far back as August that M103 is ready. If it is just the process for swapping T34 to premium that is an issue? If so, was it considered to just implement M103, and leave T34 as it is for current owners until the process can be completed, so we at least get the replacement tank vaguely on time?

  122. T34 is a good tank with the best gun. That said, the M103 issue is a joke where Wargaming is laughing of their users. I always defended them but no anymore. That, together with the change in Soviet heavies, was announced half a year ago, and many people spent time and gold speed up grinding and get KV, KV3, IS4, T34 when changes came, always to see it delayed.
    It has a word. FRAUD

  123. ...anyway, it really makes sense from abusiness point of view to continue delaying it so more and more people try to grind it. More idiots like me to be swindled.

  124. I really cant belive it... M103 delayed again??? Are you joking? Im sure that this is just some kind of stupid joke or else I will stop playing as a premium user and stop using premium addons! Till you change that crappy T34 for M103, like you promised few ages ago! You really want to pi*s of as many players as you can...

    PLEASE, anybody who actually read this post and hate how WG sh*tting on its customers,


    Or they will never stop cheating us as it is now!
    Really cant belive it...

  125. wow, you guys just don't want to keep customers do you.

    This M103 thing is Bull and you know it.

    Bye, I'm done spending gold

  126. Wow you lied again, good job OL. Atleast SwToR started today. Guess you have made my decision for me.

  127. THATS THE FINALL STRAW ive had it witcha laying double-crossing bastards
    ITZ TIME TO PROTEST ALL AGREE??? yes they meybe have a monopoly with this type of mmo but they cant screw us over and over again HE, ARTY CRD, GERMAN GUN AND VIEW NERF, NOW THIS...
    If we the players arty lovers or haters, american tankers or russian tankiers dont act they just gonna keep on doing whatever they want whats next? GOLD TO OPEN TANK FROM TIER V WHEN YOURE ON TIER IV ???? boucot i say 1 day i a week no play or stop buying premium something to hit their wallets thats the only way to get to thoes gready cunts...
    oh and so called "overlord" yeah just keep answering the least important questions as usual...
    no more premium account, no more gold ammo, and i wont buy a premium tank as well
    BTW we are paying for beta game A FUCKING BETA GAME ITZ NOT EVEN ALPHA!!!!!!


    Great quote because it is in:
    2. It has !!!!!!
    3. It has no verbs in in
    4. It has an it's that is written ITZ
    5. And B comes before A in the alphabet

    You sir, are a troll =)

  129. Im just so glad im play it for FREE all the time. Its definitely not worth it with such poor support. Il rather save my money for the real developers which noses are clear. :D

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. M103 delayed?Are you fucking dumb or what?Do you really want to loose all that players and their real money?Good job WarGaming,your PR is fucking unbeliveable.Delay the fucking M103 so that more people can get the T34.And you know,they are right.It was announced for 7th month,5 fucking months have passed and now every fucking idiot owns a fucking T34.Its your fucking fault not ours.
    Clean your own fucking mess or sell this game to someone who will maintain it properly.


  132. Mnx said...

    Great quote because it is in:
    2. It has !!!!!!
    3. It has no verbs in in
    4. It has an it's that is written ITZ
    5. And B comes before A in the alphabet

    You sir, are a troll =)

    Great thats all u got from my post? English isnt my native language, dumbshit... u work for WG??? or is this ur second "troll" login "overlord"
    i wrote what i wrote because i had enough of what Wg is doing to the game and its players
    p.s. and seriously "itz" ??? is that how u tell a troll from a feed up user??

  133. Hi Overlord!

    This is my first post on your blog
    (and excuse me for my English)...

    And first, I liked (and maybe I still like) your blog and I thought it's a super work what you do, but in the last time, wargaming.net and you didn't do your work so well...

    So, I want to say you, 2 different things:

    1) With the newest (and with older) Firefox browser the blog have many errors, for example, I couldn't write a post with it.

    2) Why can the Russian player test the next Patch 7.1 and we don't even have 7.0?
    And why didn't you say something to us about it?

    Here, for all who can't speak Russian:

    PS: And why don't we get 100 gold for free, for changing our password, like the Russian players do? -.-

    A WoT-Fan

  134. m103???? what ABOUT THE kv & kv3 CHANGES they were going happen 4-6 Months ago. :P

  135. @MrBonWOLF

    Yes you should be annoyed about those switches, however those switches have never been given a precise patch to be released in. Also the timeline from day one stated the American heavy switch was coming before the Russians switch. The American Heavy release has been given MULTIPLE release dates all of which have been pooped on.

  136. @Malukti
    There is still hope for 7.1 coming this year, because public test of patch 0.7.1, at least in RU segment. And I think public announcement on other servers will appear within few hours, after all, you have 7.0 being installed on main server today and need something to do during maintanance shutdown
    Well, the reason is because patches we have installed , and especially 7.0, are quite raw and buggy when they are implemented on our mainserver. Patch you will have today will already contain several bugfixes that we lacked at the very start of 7.0 on our main server

  137. Any coders reading this blog that can make a hack ?

    All I want is extra option to ignore all quick messages/radio messages. So its not displayed in chat log, no indicators on map, no Ping sound.

  138. It is better to leave things up in the air than to make promises you are unable or unwilling to keep.

    Alas, I was looking forward to having the M103 early since the mentioning of it in your blog for Oct 9th - 16th: http://overlord-wot.blogspot.com/2011/10/new-tanks-in-2011.html

    Well, at least I have Steel Beasts Pro PE to help me get my tank fix. I'll kinda keep an eye out to see if/when the American heavies come out... if they ever do.

  139. Haha, yeah, start cutting stuff from 0.7.1, then delay it anyway !

  140. >>A: M103 won't be added in 7.1. Unfortunately. To speed up the release of 7.1, some content is to be withdrawn.

    again and again, you guys destroying our hopes, this is the third time, how many times that you want to destroy our hope ?

  141. after grinding like an idiot to get t34 in time this 'news' comes.. well, not a single cent from my side from now on, until M103 is here.
    keep going, it's a good way how to loose my interest and giving me more time to spend on other activities :)

  142. is it possible to download the patch while the server is down
    like a torrent or some thing?

  143. Torrent will be available about 2/3 hours before the server becomes live.

  144. @QSWOT
    About your ply
    1. Sound. Easiest part, try link in starting post here http://forum.worldoftanks.ru/index.php?/topic/158197-%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8-%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8-%D0%BF%D0%BE-%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B5-%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B4%D0%B0-%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BC-%D1%81/. It removes ping sound and prebattle countdown ticking. I myself tested it, it works. It is made for RU localisation client, but you can at least try it.
    2. Chat quick messages. As far as I searched, they are inseparable from battle chat, so... There are mods that allow to disable battle chat as a whole, but I haven't found any that allow filtering battle chat/
    3. Minimap notifications. Well, I have absolutely no clue about that

  145. How can a tank finished months ago delay something? ... dissapointment...

    I'f I had a facebook I'll temporarily remove you from "friends" Ovi, but since I don´t, I just feel completely powerless... :oP

  146. Which new high-tier vehicle? None of the above.

    PS, Type 59 is OP.

  147. @ richmi said...

    " How can a tank finished months ago delay something? ... dissapointment..."

    Conversion mechanism (changing one tank with other) is a little complicated and this is why it was now scrapped. Thanks to M103 delay the 0.7.1 with french tanks can come this year. It is already in public tests on russian server, so it can be released in last days of 2011.

    And information for all who would like to attack me now :) I keep stock T34 in garage for quite long (i don't want to play hundreds of battles in IX tier with such weak gun as 105 and almost without hull armor), so I also would like to get M103 fast.

  148. Hi Overlord et al i'm not going to get into the whole Mushroom scenario (Kept in the dark and fed on shit) but surely you can understand why we as EU players are getting all wound up about 0.7.0 when we see that russian players are already playing 0.7.0 AND they also have Test of 0.7.1 live ,personally i dont really mind when the patch comes BUT could we at least be told why we are so late but to be told yup it'll be here this date then nothing then again this date and still nothing ,i really feel that most people would calm down if you could at least tell us sorry we are having drama x.y.z so patch is delayed indefinately .

  149. How T34 will became premium tier 8 ? We will get the stock T34, no mather what researches we have or it will count our what researches we have. I want to know if i play to unlock and mount the top gun :)

    Thanks in advance for the answer.

  150. Okei, I must admit, there was a lot more done in 7.0 patch than I would have thought. Considering all the work that was applied to this patch, as well as patch 7.1 coming out so soon here after, I guess I can let it slide that you're not bringing out the M103 in 7.1. But please, might I ask that you not postpone it any longer than absolutely necessary? Thank you.

  151. @gorkypl, you are again wrong
    = same amount of HP as T-44
    - worst viewrange BUT after T44 buff, before it has same view range as T-44 top turret, still diffrence is only 10m
    + it has highest top speed of all T8 MT (on some maps weaker engine is not an issue if you rush to cover from hill)
    ++ low profile count as two IMHO, you cant shoot it, it can be slightly slower on flat ground its not an issue if it don't get hit
    ++ MM for Type59 favours him, like I said I have screen shots of it matched against tire 6
    - as disadvantage I would add multiple crew/module damage
    So even w/o double pluses you would get more of them than minuses in your comparison
    On side note how you can say you have no problem with t59 with 51% hit ration driving mostly german (sniper gun) tanks

    if you dont know that general order of program developing is alpha>beta>release candidate> release then just dont say anything. If you dont know what you talk about stay silent at lest you wont make fool from yourself

    You know whats funny about 0.7.0... it still have bugs but was pushed to servers as its already month delayed. Bugs will be fixed in 0.7.1 so for another month or so some tanks will be bugged and easier to kill
    As to T34 ohh well not like I didnt expect it seeing as WG postpone thing after thing. Although postponing new physics was good idea ;)

  152. @GULIwer

    I've finished the discussion and I'm not willing to restart it. I've stated that I have absolutely no problems killing T59 and thats probably the reason I couldn't understand your arguments.

    On a side note, my hit ratio is heavily affected by playing artillery and low-tier tanks. If you REALLY want to compare anything, I suggest win ratio as a better indicator:

  153. Your 1102 games on arty and mine 1171 and I have overall 12% better hit ratio. What are you drive on auto-aim ??
    You say Type59 is not OP and you have 64% wins on it. When it will be OP at 90 or 100% ?? And what about things I pointed out in your comparison... ohh right you finished discussion about it.

    As to my win rate, T34 is shit w/o top gun (anyone who drove this will tell you that) and you need lots of lost games (as your team cant count on you to deal with your counterpart in enemy team) against E75 and IS4 to get there. IS7 happens to be less agile than I though it would be ;) guess its not my play style, but it was closest tireX from KV-KV3-IS4 (tanks I discovered and play to get 3 free slots on day)

    I would even dare you to try this tanks you pointed out to me I have low win ratio as on tanks we both drive difference is close to nothing, you win sometimes I win sometimes. From my side journey to E100 and Maus already started. E100 especially caught my eye. Decent speed, very well armour and powerful gun.

  154. Shit, I have written a long reply and pressed 'back' just before sending :/
    Anyway, I'll try to summarize my thoughts...

    1) Yes, indeed we have quite similar WR, but there is still a slight bias towards my side, especially in upper levels: IS-3 && T32 vs KT, IS-4 vs E-75 (Panther II vs T-44 is irrelevant, I know T-44 is shitty blowing ammorack now). Also keep in mind that I have almost 3K battles less than you, and with every thousand battles I'm getting better :)

    2) Average hit ratio is as irrelevant as average XP (this time mine number is higher), and on top tiers I have over 80% HR. Also notice that a sniper tank may have lower hit ratio, because when you have a chance to hit a small tank 500m away, you will shoot, and sometimes you'll miss. When you KNOW you won't hit him, you don't shoot. That's why I have higher HR on Type 59 than on Panther, for example.

    3) Anyway, arguing on our stats is a little childish, don't you think? :)

    4) My win ratio on Type 59 is easy to explain with one word:
    On Type I usually go with two other Types, on Panther II I usually go alone. A platoon of three Panthers II will probably have even stronger impact factor.

    5) E-100 is not as good as it looks on paper. I've played it recently a lot on test server, and its 15cm gun is good for pwning low tier noobs, but for fighting tiers IX and X its too inacurrate with a very low penetration.
    Also 8/10 shoots I've taken in lower hull destroyed my gearbox, and half of them put the tank on fire.

    I've just researched it and will buy it only for Clan Wars, Maus still looks much more appealing to me :)

  155. Ad1. I'm sure you are better player than me ;) but wouldn't agree difference is that big as % show. I'm too impatient. If my team don't make move I just do attack as if they sat on their butts for 5min they will do for next 10 and I'm not just gonna wait till I get slaughtered. Thing is if I got ppl follow me usually its win. Randoms rarely can handle strong forces where they didn't expect them to be. Still different tanks Im wonder how playing strong hull weak turret tank (all tigers) will be oppose to US HT tree.
    Ad2. True, different play style
    Ad3. A bit but hey man after 6 year old just grow ;)
    Ad4. Yeah have to agree on this. Still mm favours T59 so they face weaker forces and in case of platoons (when they clearly will communicate and cooperate) difference is even bigger. As to P2 platoons, think they would have problem as some1 need to scout for them so they can snipe with their straws (7,5 cm KwK 45 L/100 looks just ridiculous ;))
    Ad5. I don't know. I have serious problems with E100 on IS7, front is impenetrable, side sure but 1st you need to get there. Still its better for randoms as it can take a hit and for sure it can give a kick to enemy. For CW will have stashed lots of gold ammo bought during next sale like we had week ago ;) Think I would go insane on Maus, in my clan its only role is to either die/block bridge or sits in base and guard it
